MIT Lesson 22 Kanji: 第22課の漢字
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Each large, brush-stroke
image below which shows up as a hypertext link (e.g. has a colored box
around it) is a link to a 1 Megabyte (or less) QuickTime movie of the
character being painted with a brush.
JP NET is grateful to Prof. Saeko Komori for
permission to use the kanji movies at our site. All movie data is
copyright 1995, 1996 by Saeko Komori.
In the following definitions, on (Chinese-based) readings
are represented by katakana, and by capital romaji letters;
kun (native Japanese-based) readings are represented by
hiragana, and by lower-case romaji letters. This is a common
dictionary convention, and does not have any bearing on meaning.
- Printed form:
- 晴
- Readings:
- は(れる)
- ha
- Meaning:
- clear up
- Mnemonic:
- The sun 日 in the blue 青 sky.
- Usage Examples:
- 晴れる (はれる) clear up
- Printed form:
- 曇
- Readings:
- くも(る)
- kumo
- Meaning:
- get cloudy
- Mnemonic:
- The sun 日 is hiding above clouds 雲.
- Usage Examples:
- 曇る (くもる) get cloudy
- Printed form:
- 風
- Readings:
- かぜ/フウ
- kaze/FUU
- Meaning:
- wind
- Mnemonic:
- A kite with a picture of a strong 強 warrior on it, flying high in
the wind.
- Usage Examples:
- 強い風 (つよいかぜ) strong wind
- 台風 (たいふう) typhoon
- Printed form:
- 窓
- Readings:
- まど
- mado
- Meaning:
- window
- Mnemonic:
- The combination of the roof radical 宀, public 公, and heart 心.
- Usage Examples:
- 窓 (まど) window
- 窓口 (まどぐち) ticket window
- Printed form:
- 公
- Readings:
- コウ
- Meaning:
- public
- Mnemonic:
- An elderly official has drooping eyes 八 and big nose ム.
- Usage Examples:
- 公む員 (こうむいん) government employee
- Printed form:
- 園
- Readings:
- エン
- EN
- Meaning:
- garden
- Mnemonic:
- An enclosed garden far away 遠.
- Usage Examples:
- 公園 (こうえん) park
- 上野公園 (うえのこうえん) Ueno Park
- Printed form:
- 遠
- Readings:
- とお(い)
- too
- Meaning:
- far
- Mnemonic:
- One travels 旅 far on the land 土 with a sack 口.
- Usage Examples:
- 遠い (とおい) far
- Printed form:
- 雪
- Readings:
- ゆき
- yuki
- Meaning:
- snow
- Mnemonic:
- Rain 雨 changes into snow when the temperature drops, and it's time
to rake it ヨ.
- Usage Examples:
- 雪 (ゆき) snow
- Printed form:
- 春
- Readings:
- はる
- haru
- Meaning:
- spring
- Mnemonic:
- The sun gives its warmth to the earch and seeds begin to puh up
their shoots.
- Usage Examples:
- 春 (はる) spring
- 春休み (はるやすみ) spring vacation
- Printed form:
- 夏
- Readings:
- なつ
- natsu
- Meaning:
- summer
- Mnemonic:
- A big head 頁 with a huge decorated mask dancing with bare feet.
- Usage Examples:
- 夏 (なつ) summer
- 夏休み (なつやすみ) summer vacation
- Printed form:
- 秋
- Readings:
- あき
- aki
- Meaning:
- autumn
- Mnemonic:
- A stalk of grain 禾 and fire 火.
- Usage Examples:
- 秋 (あき) autumn
- Printed form:
- 冬
- Readings:
- ふゆ
- fuyu
- Meaning:
- winter
- Mnemonic:
- A picture of a mountain covered with snow.
- Usage Examples:
- 冬 (ふゆ) winter
- 冬休み (ふゆやすみ) winter vacation
- Printed form:
- 練
- Readings:
- レン
- Meaning:
- to knead
- Mnemonic:
- The combination of the thread radical 糸 and the east 東.
- Usage Examples:
- () winter vacation
- Printed form:
- 習
- Readings:
- シュウ
- Meaning:
- practice; learn
- Mnemonic:
- White 白 bird's feather 羽.
- Usage Examples:
- 練習 (れんしゅう) practice
- Printed form:
- 辞
- Readings:
- ジ
- JI
- Meaning:
- word; term
- Mnemonic:
- A critic of bitter 辛 tongue 舌.
- Usage Examples:
- 辞書 (じしょ) dictionary
- 和英辞てん (わえいじてん) Japanese-English dictionary
- Printed form:
- 台
- Readings:
- タイ/ダイ
- Meaning:
- machine(s); board
- Mnemonic:
- Katakana ム and ロ.
- Usage Examples:
- 一台 (いちだい) one vehicle
- 台風 (たいふう) typhoon
- Printed form:
- 才
- Readings:
- サイ
- sai
- Meaning:
- classifier for counting years of human age
- Usage Examples:
- 五才 (ごさい) five years old
- 二十才 (はたち) twenty years old
- Printed form:
- 関
- Readings:
- カン
- Meaning:
- barrier; bolt
- Usage Examples:
- 関係会社(かんけいがいしゃ)associated/affiliated company
- Printed form:
- 係
- Readings:
- ケイ/ かかり
- KEI / kakari
- Meaning:
- connection; involve; concern; affect
- Usage Examples:
- 係の人(かかりのひと)a person in charge
- Printed form:
- 空
- Readings:
- クウ/ そら
- KUU / sora
- Meaning:
- empty; sky; open/be opened
- Usage Examples:
- 空の色 (そらのいろ) color of the sky
- 席が空いている (せきがあいている) seat is empty
- 空席 (くうせき) empty seat
- Printed form:
- 港
- Readings:
- コウ/みなと
- KOO / minato
- Meaning:
- port; harbor
- Usage Examples:
- 成田空港 (なりたくうこう) Narita Airport
- 港が見える公園 (みなとがみえるこうえん)
- park overlooking a harbor
- New Readings:
- 近づく (ちかづく) to approach
- 大水 (おおみず) flood
- 全く (まったく) entirely
- 雨が降る (あめがふる) it rains