MIT Lesson 23B Kanji: 第23B課の漢字
Warning! There is Japanese text on this page. If it looks like this:$BI4@i instead of this: "
", then read this.
Each large, brush-stroke image below which shows up as a hypertext link (e.g. has a colored box around it) is a link to an animation of the character being painted with a brush.
In the following definitions, on (Chinese-based) readings are represented by katakana; kun (native Japanese-based) readings are represented by hiragana. This is a common dictionary convention, and does not have any bearing on meaning.
- Printed form:
- 系
- Readings:
- ケイ
- Meaning:
- system; lineage
- Usage Examples:
- 日系人
- 東洋系
- イタリア系アメリカ人
- トヨタ系の会社
- Printed form:
- 厚
- Readings:
- コウ
- あつ(い)
- Meaning:
- thick
- Usage Examples:
- 厚い本
- 分厚いコート
- Printed form:
- 役
- Readings:
- ヤク、エキ
- Meaning:
- service
- Usage Examples:
- 役に立つ
- 市役所 (しやくしょ) a city hall
- 役割 (やくわり) role
- Printed form:
- 呼
- Readings:
- コ
- よ(ぶ)
- Meaning:
- call; summon
- Usage Examples:
- 名前を呼ぶ
- 結婚式に友だちを呼ぶ
- Printed form:
- 似
- Readings:
- に(る)
- Meaning:
- resemble; similar; become
- Usage Examples:
- ドレスが似合う
- 意味(いみ)が似ている have a similar meaning
- Printed form:
- 神
- Readings:
- ジン、シン
- かみ
- Meaning:
- God
- Usage Examples:
- 神様 (かみさま)
- 神社 (じんじゃ)
- 神道 (しんとう)
- 神父 (しんぷ) priest
- Printed form:
- 反
- Readings:
- ハン
- Meaning:
- counter; anti_
- Usage Examples:
- 反対する
- 反米 (はんべい) anti-US
- Printed form:
- 対
- Readings:
- タイ
- Meaning:
- opposite; oppose
- Usage Examples:
- 対ヤンキース vs. Yankees
- Printed form:
- 正
- Readings:
- セイ、ショウ
- ただ(しい)
- Meaning:
- right; correct; proper
- Usage Examples:
- 正月(しょうがつ) New Year
- 正しい答え (ただしいこたえ) correct answer
- Printed form:
- 業
- Readings:
- ギョウ
- Meaning:
- work; business; industry
- Usage Examples:
- 農業 (のうぎょう) agriculture
- 職業 (しょくぎょう) occupation
- Printed form:
- 考
- Readings:
- コウ
- かんが(える)
- Meaning:
- think
- Usage Examples:
- 考え方がおかしい
- 考えてもわからない
- Printed form:
- 弱
- Readings:
- ジャク
- よわ(い)
- Meaning:
- weak
- Usage Examples:
- 朝に弱い
- 足が弱い
- Printed form:
- 念
- Readings:
- ネン
- Meaning:
- thoughts; sense
- Usage Examples:
- 念のため
- Printed form:
- 届
- Readings:
- とどけ
- とどけ(る)
- とど(く)
- Meaning:
- deliver; reach
- Usage Examples:
- 荷物を届ける
- 手が届かない
- Printed form:
- 味
- Readings:
- ミ
- あじ
- Meaning:
- taste
- Usage Examples:
- メロンの味がする
- Printed form:
- 庭
- Readings:
- テイ
- にわ
- Meaning:
- garden
- Usage Examples:
- 庭付きの家
- 家庭
- Printed form:
- 場
- Readings:
- ジョウ
- ば
- Meaning:
- place
- Usage Examples:
- ゴルフ場 (じょう) golf course
- 場合 (ばあい)
- 場所 (ばしょ) place