Course Description
This advanced video class serves goes into greater depth on the topics covered in 4.351 Introduction to Video. It also will explore the nature and function of narrative in cinema and video through exercises and screenings culminating in a final project. Starting with a brief introduction to the basic principles of …
This advanced video class serves goes into greater depth on the topics covered in 4.351 Introduction to Video. It also will explore the nature and function of narrative in cinema and video through exercises and screenings culminating in a final project. Starting with a brief introduction to the basic principles of classical narrative cinema, we will proceed to explore strategies designed to test the elements of narrative: story trajectory, character development, verisimilitude, time-space continuity, viewer identification, suspension of disbelief, and closure.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Projects with Examples
Media Assignments

The ubiquitous American shopping mall, source of many personal narratives. (Photo ©