9.01 | Fall 2007 | Undergraduate

Introduction to Neuroscience

Lecture Notes

This page presents selected lecture notes for Parts 2 and 3 of the class. No other notes are available.

Part 2: Neural systems
5 Organization of the vertebrate brain Graybiel
6 Vision 1: the eye (PDF) Seung

Anatomy quiz

Vision 2: thalamus and V1 cortex (PDF)

Vision 3: beyond V1 (PDF) Seung
8 Hearing (PDF) Seung
Olfaction (PDF) Seung
9 Motor system 1 (PDF) Seung
Motor system 2 (PDF) Seung
10 Exam 2  
Part 3: Brain and behavior
11 Chemical control of brain 1 Bear
12 Brain disorders (PDF) (Courtesy of Prof. Li-Huei Tsai. Used with permission.) Tsai
13 Chemical control of brain 2 motivation Bear
Learning and memory 1 (PDF - 1.6 MB) Seung
14 Attention Desimone
Learning and memory 2 (PDF) Seung
15 Emotion (PDF) Seung
Sleep Hobson

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2007
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets