Course Description
The Girls Who Build: Make Your Own Wearables workshop for high school girls is an introduction to computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering through wearable technology. The workshop, developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, consists of two major hands-on projects in manufacturing and wearable electronics. …
The Girls Who Build: Make Your Own Wearables workshop for high school girls is an introduction to computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering through wearable technology. The workshop, developed by MIT Lincoln Laboratory, consists of two major hands-on projects in manufacturing and wearable electronics. These include 3D printing jewelry and laser cutting a purse, as well as programming LEDs to light up when walking. Participants learn the design process, 3D computer modeling, and machine shop tools, in addition to writing code and building a circuit.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Tutorial Videos
Activity Assignments
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights

Girls programmed their own light-up shoes as part of the Girls Who Build workshop. (Photograph courtesy of Jon Barron, MIT Lincoln Laboratory.)