Lesson 3 Kanji: 第3課の漢字
Each large, brush-stroke
image below which shows up as a hypertext link (e.g. has a colored box
around it) is a link to a 1 Megabyte (or less) QuickTime movie of the
character being painted with a brush. Look
here for information on configuring your browser appropriately.
JP NET is grateful to Prof. Saeko Komori for
permission to use the kanji movies at our site. All movie data is
copyright 1995, 1996 by Saeko Komori.
In the following definitions, on (Chinese-based) readings
are represented by katakana, and by capital romaji letters;
kun (native Japanese-based) readings are represented by
hiragana, and by lower-case romaji letters. This is a common
dictionary convention, and does not have any bearing on meaning.
- Printed form:
- 一
- Readings:
- イチ/イッ-
- Meaning:
- one
- Mnemonic:
- A single straight holizontal line.
- Usage Examples:
- 一ばん (いちばん) No. 1
- 一セント (いっセント) one cent
- Printed form:
- 二
- Readings:
- ニ
- NI
- Meaning:
- two
- Mnemonic:
- Two horizontal straight lines.
- Usage Examples:
- 二ドル (にドル) two dollars
- Printed form:
- 三
- Readings:
- サン
- Meaning:
- three
- Mnemonic:
- Three straight horizontal lines.
- Usage Examples:
- 三セント (さんセント) three cents
- Printed form:
- 四
- Readings:
- シ/よ-/よん
- SHI/yo-/yon
- Meaning:
- four
- Mnemonic:
- Number 八(eight) inside a box. It is cut in half.
[shi] is a reading when conunting 1, 2, 3...
- Usage Examples:
- 四ドル (よんドル) four dollars
- 四十四円 (よんじゅうよえん) 44 yen
- Printed form:
- 五
- Readings:
- ゴ
- GO
- Meaning:
- five
- Mnemonic:
- Japanese people count numbers by folding fingers from
thumb to little finger. The original character X
(Roman numeral 10) symbolizes fingers crossing each other.
- Usage Examples:
- 二十五セント (にじゅうごセン) 25 cents
- Printed form:
- 六
- Readings:
- ロク
- Meaning:
- six
- Mnemonic:
- A picture of a human with six essential parts:
head, two arms, two legs, and main body(invisible).
- Usage Examples:
- 六十円 (ろくじゅうえん) 60 yen
- Printed form:
- 七
- Readings:
- シチ/なな-
- SHICHI/nana-
- Meaning:
- seven
- Mnemonic:
- 七 appears in 切(to cut with sword). The horizontal
line is cut with a vertical line.
- Usage Examples:
- 七ドル (/しちドル) seven dollars
- 七十七 (/ななじゅうなな) 77
- Printed form:
- 八
- Readings:
- ハチ/ハッ
- HACHI/hat-
- Meaning:
- eight
- Mnemonic:
- The two strokes are almost symmetrical. The number
eight is an easy number to divide.
- Usage Examples:
- 八ドル八セント (/はっセント) 8 dollars and 8 cents
- Printed form:
- 九
- Readings:
- キュウ/ク
- Meaning:
- nine
- Mnemonic:
- A picture of an arm bending and stiffening the
muscle. 九 has the meaning "draw together" to conclude
the counting from 1 to 10.
- Usage Examples:
- 九ドル (きゅうドル) nine dollars
- 十九 (/じゅうく) 19
- Printed form:
- 十
- Readings:
- ジュウ/ジュッ-/ジッ-
- Meaning:
- ten
- Mnemonic:
- A picture of many sticks bundled together with a string.
- Usage Examples:
- 四十セント (/よんじっセント) 40 cents
- Printed form:
- 百
- Readings:
- ヒャク(-ピャク/-ビャク)
- Meaning:
- hundred
- Mnemonic:
- The beginning number 一 and 白 "whilte". Imagine a bowl of rice
containing a hundred of white rice grains.
- Usage Examples:
- 百ドル (ひゃくドル) 100 dollars
- 三百 (さんびゃく) 300
- Printed form:
- 千
- Readings:
- セン(-ゼン)
- Meaning:
- thousand
- Mnemonic:
- The combination of 一(symbol of "number") and イ(person).
What is abundant on earth is people.
- Usage Examples:
- 千ドル (せんドル) 1000 dollars
- 三千六百 (さんぜんろっぴゃく) 3600
- Printed form:
- 万
- Readings:
- マン
- Meaning:
- ten thousand
- Mnemonic:
- The unit of ten thousand. The character came from an image of
swastika, symbolizing "all" and "all possible directions".
- Usage Examples:
- 一万 (いちまん) 10000
- 五百万 (ごひゃくまん) 5000000
- Printed form:
- 円
- Readings:
- エン
- EN
- Meaning:
- yen
- Mnemonic:
- Money machine at a bank.
- Usage Examples:
- 千百円 (せんひゃくえん) 1100 yen
- 一万九千円 (いちまんきゅうせんえん) 19000 yen
- Printed form:
- 何
- Readings:
- なに/なん-
- nani/nan-
- Meaning:
- what; how many
- Mnemonic:
- Two persons イイ carrying a box 口. The sight draws attention
of people and they ask "What is there inside?"
- Usage Examples:
- 何ですか (なんですか) what is it?
- 何ばんですか (なんばんですか) what number is it?