Quick. Think of the least challenging event you can. Is one of them shooting fish in a barrel? Perhaps not, but somehow this has become the standard metaphor for something that is so easy anyone could do it with no problem. (It is similar to the adage "It's Like Stealing Candy from a Baby.)
Humans are inherently lazy. If we could have everything provided to us with no effort we would love it. Fortunately, we are taught a work ethic as we are growing up and realize that we have to work for most things in life. When something does occasionally come along that gives us something without trying very hard, we usually take it. That is why something that is "like shooting fish in a barrel" is usually looked upon as a good thing.
There is another side of human nature though. We are entertained and become more mature when we have to work through problems to attain our goal. If I were just handed my degree from MIT without having to struggle through the classes to learn important skills, what would be the point? Everyone would know that an MIT degree was worthless-anybody could get one without effort. It is the very fact that I have to work so hard to get the degree that it means something. In this way, if getting an MIT degree were "like shooting fish in a barrel" it would become worthless.
So, saying that something is "like shooting fish in a barrel" does not necessarily convey any meaning about whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. The context must be analyzed. Even then, different people may have different views of whether it is good or bad. Fortunately, adages are not always unambiguous in their meaning! It makes life more interesting and gives me something to talk about...