6.891 Laboratory 2 Tools
- Knoppix Molevolution CD-rom (PCÕs only so far, sorry): boot from CD (using Bios). Contains: ClustalX, TreeView, PAML, LAMARC, PAUP*, others.
- For dN/dS calculations
- (optional on PC): download DnaSP
- For alignments/format conversion: ClustalX
- Download for Mac
- For PC, use Molix Cd-rom: clustalx
- (or download yourself on PC)
- General ClustalX web page
- For advanced dN/dS analysis using likelihoods, or PAML
- Download for Mac
See instructions/docs.
- For PC, use Molix Cd-rom, codeml
- Or download .exe file for PC
- For Josh PlotkinÕs volatility analysis
- Codon Volatility Computation Server site
- For coalescent animation/tests, see:
Coalescent.dk web page and click on ÒWright-FisherÓ animator or ÒHudsonÓ animator
- For drawing phyogenetic trees after alignment: use TreeView from the Cd-rom: tv
Data sources
- genes.tar.gz (TAR - 11 MB) -Yeast alignments
- chr2.tar.gz (TAR) - all alignments from chromosome 2
- Yeast database at Broad Institute.
- Test data for ÔwarmupÕ sections of the lab: The laboratory will include links to these files. (Kreitman drosophila data; human/primate globin data, etc.)