Video: Writing and pronunciation
Printed form: あ
Reading: a
Usage Examples:
ああ (aa) Oh
あした (asita/ashita) tomorrow
あそこ (asoko) over there
Video: Writing and pronunciation
Printed form: い
Reading: i
Usage Examples:
いと (ito) thread
こい (koi) carp
たいこ (taiko) drum
おいしい (oisii/oishii) delicious
Video: Writing and pronunciation
Printed form: う
Reading: u
Usage Examples:
くうき (kuuki) air
うし (usi/ushi) cow
Video: Writing and pronunciation
Printed form: え
Reading: e
Usage Examples:
え (e) picture
いえ (ie) house
えき (eki) station
Video: Writing and pronunciation
Printed form: お
Reading: o
Usage Examples:
しお (sio/shio) salt
おか (oka) hill
おおさか (oosaka) Osaka (City)
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