Hiragana "sa" - "so"

Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Reading: sa

Usage Examples:
さけ (sake) rice wine
さい (sai) rhinoceros

Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Reading: si/shi

Usage Examples:
あし (asi/ashi) leg
すし (susi/sushi) sushi
しか (sika/shika) deer

Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Reading: su

Usage Examples:
(su) vinegar
すいか (suika) water melon

Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Reading: se

Usage Examples:
せき (seki) cough
あせ (ase) sweat

Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Reading: so

Usage Examples:
そこ (soko) there

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