1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,984 [SQUEAKING] 2 00:00:01,984 --> 00:00:03,968 [RUSTLING] 3 00:00:03,968 --> 00:00:11,410 [CLICKING] 4 00:00:11,410 --> 00:00:13,160 FRANK SCHILBACH: Welcome to lecture three. 5 00:00:13,160 --> 00:00:16,010 Today and on Wednesday, we're going 6 00:00:16,010 --> 00:00:20,820 to talk about time preferences and particular theory. 7 00:00:20,820 --> 00:00:23,150 We're going to talk a lot about a lot of applications, 8 00:00:23,150 --> 00:00:26,030 a lot of applications that are sort of close 9 00:00:26,030 --> 00:00:29,390 to your real world, including procrastination of problem 10 00:00:29,390 --> 00:00:33,740 sets, all sorts of other choices such as credit card debt, 11 00:00:33,740 --> 00:00:35,810 and so on, and so forth. 12 00:00:35,810 --> 00:00:37,580 Can you be a little quiet? 13 00:00:37,580 --> 00:00:38,340 Thank you. 14 00:00:38,340 --> 00:00:40,760 Think of the lectures today and on Wednesday 15 00:00:40,760 --> 00:00:43,070 building some framework and some sort of structure 16 00:00:43,070 --> 00:00:44,690 and how to think about these things. 17 00:00:44,690 --> 00:00:47,570 It's a little drier than maybe other lectures, in part 18 00:00:47,570 --> 00:00:50,630 because it's about theory, and about writing down a model, 19 00:00:50,630 --> 00:00:52,580 and trying to think about the world. 20 00:00:52,580 --> 00:00:56,600 Partially we're doing that to sort of try 21 00:00:56,600 --> 00:00:58,730 to explain behaviors that we see in the world, 22 00:00:58,730 --> 00:01:01,080 partially we do that because at the end, 23 00:01:01,080 --> 00:01:02,840 we try to think about welfare and how 24 00:01:02,840 --> 00:01:04,489 to evaluate certain outcomes-- is 25 00:01:04,489 --> 00:01:07,010 that good or bad-- certain policies and things to do, 26 00:01:07,010 --> 00:01:09,830 which later in the course we're going to talk about. 27 00:01:09,830 --> 00:01:11,480 But for that you, need some structure 28 00:01:11,480 --> 00:01:14,060 how to think about some of those things. 29 00:01:14,060 --> 00:01:15,770 At the heart of it, a lot of this 30 00:01:15,770 --> 00:01:19,280 is about procrastination, about choices between the present 31 00:01:19,280 --> 00:01:20,600 and the future. 32 00:01:20,600 --> 00:01:25,140 Your problem set, in part, is also about procrastination. 33 00:01:25,140 --> 00:01:30,560 It will be posted later today, probably late. 34 00:01:30,560 --> 00:01:34,050 Please do let us know if you have any questions. 35 00:01:34,050 --> 00:01:35,413 As I said, please be on time. 36 00:01:35,413 --> 00:01:36,080 Do the readings. 37 00:01:36,080 --> 00:01:38,150 There will be random pop quizzes. 38 00:01:38,150 --> 00:01:40,080 They will be at the beginning of the class, 39 00:01:40,080 --> 00:01:43,430 so you should be on time. 40 00:01:43,430 --> 00:01:45,055 The laptop section is still over there. 41 00:01:45,055 --> 00:01:47,555 If you want to use your laptop, it should be there, ideally, 42 00:01:47,555 --> 00:01:49,310 in the front, in part because you're not 43 00:01:49,310 --> 00:01:51,980 going to bother others. 44 00:01:51,980 --> 00:01:53,930 I saw quite a few people using their phones 45 00:01:53,930 --> 00:01:55,800 in class in previous classes. 46 00:01:55,800 --> 00:01:57,590 Try to not do that. 47 00:01:57,590 --> 00:01:59,120 That's not good for you. 48 00:01:59,120 --> 00:02:02,720 You will not be able to take away much from the class. 49 00:02:02,720 --> 00:02:05,240 Multitasking is very hard for people to do. 50 00:02:05,240 --> 00:02:07,640 Again, I'll show you some evidence on that. 51 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:11,220 As I said, the problem set will be posted shortly. 52 00:02:11,220 --> 00:02:14,270 If you have any questions, please do let us know on Piazza 53 00:02:14,270 --> 00:02:18,570 and help others answer them or answer them for others. 54 00:02:18,570 --> 00:02:20,960 I have office hours, usually Tuesday afternoons. 55 00:02:20,960 --> 00:02:22,025 Please sign up for them. 56 00:02:22,025 --> 00:02:23,150 I'm very happy to meet you. 57 00:02:23,150 --> 00:02:28,490 It's very hard for me to meet people or get to know you 58 00:02:28,490 --> 00:02:29,898 in the large class otherwise. 59 00:02:29,898 --> 00:02:31,190 So please come to office hours. 60 00:02:31,190 --> 00:02:34,400 I'm happy to talk to you about anything 61 00:02:34,400 --> 00:02:36,260 you're interested in, ideally related 62 00:02:36,260 --> 00:02:39,650 to behavioral economics. 63 00:02:39,650 --> 00:02:42,730 So let me give you an overview of this and the next lecture. 64 00:02:42,730 --> 00:02:45,530 We're going to talk first about exponential discounting. 65 00:02:45,530 --> 00:02:47,450 Why are we talking about exponential discount? 66 00:02:47,450 --> 00:02:51,440 This is the workhorse model of classical economics. 67 00:02:51,440 --> 00:02:56,220 This is how economists usually think about choices over time. 68 00:02:56,220 --> 00:02:59,600 Second, we're going to identify some problems with this model, 69 00:02:59,600 --> 00:03:02,030 and try to think about why is this model perhaps not 70 00:03:02,030 --> 00:03:04,160 explaining things well, at least in some settings? 71 00:03:04,160 --> 00:03:05,940 And how could we improve on that? 72 00:03:05,940 --> 00:03:08,480 I'm going to propose an alternative model, which 73 00:03:08,480 --> 00:03:10,970 is the quasi-hyperbolic discounting model. 74 00:03:10,970 --> 00:03:13,160 And then we're going to talk about sophistication 75 00:03:13,160 --> 00:03:16,730 and naivete, which is the idea that if you think 76 00:03:16,730 --> 00:03:22,160 you have different preferences in the present form 77 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:25,248 in the future, then it becomes very important to understand. 78 00:03:25,248 --> 00:03:26,790 Do you actually know what's going on? 79 00:03:26,790 --> 00:03:29,630 Do you know that in the future you might be impatient, 80 00:03:29,630 --> 00:03:32,210 or do you perhaps think that in the future, 81 00:03:32,210 --> 00:03:35,690 I will be very patient, and then perhaps make 82 00:03:35,690 --> 00:03:37,070 some mistakes accordingly? 83 00:03:37,070 --> 00:03:40,190 I'll get to this in more detail. 84 00:03:40,190 --> 00:03:42,980 So it's first important to notice 85 00:03:42,980 --> 00:03:45,650 that any choice, essentially almost any choice you 86 00:03:45,650 --> 00:03:50,450 make, almost always involves some choice over time. 87 00:03:50,450 --> 00:03:53,360 Essentially, some trade-off between the present, 88 00:03:53,360 --> 00:03:55,710 between some cost and benefit that you might occur 89 00:03:55,710 --> 00:03:58,250 in the very short run, and some costs and benefits 90 00:03:58,250 --> 00:04:03,260 that you might enjoy or incur in the future. 91 00:04:03,260 --> 00:04:04,460 What examples do we have? 92 00:04:04,460 --> 00:04:05,960 What choices over time do we face? 93 00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:09,780 Yes. 94 00:04:09,780 --> 00:04:11,241 STUDENT: Savings versus consumption. 95 00:04:11,241 --> 00:04:12,241 FRANK SCHILBACH: Uh-huh. 96 00:04:12,241 --> 00:04:14,832 And how do you decide how much to save? 97 00:04:14,832 --> 00:04:17,040 STUDENT: Depending on your preferences and interests, 98 00:04:17,040 --> 00:04:18,621 right? 99 00:04:18,621 --> 00:04:19,579 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 100 00:04:19,579 --> 00:04:21,510 So you have the choice, for example, 101 00:04:21,510 --> 00:04:24,770 if you think about should I save some money, let's say, 102 00:04:24,770 --> 00:04:27,440 for next semester or next year. 103 00:04:27,440 --> 00:04:31,820 So your choice is either to consume the money now 104 00:04:31,820 --> 00:04:33,440 in various ways-- eat food or whatever 105 00:04:33,440 --> 00:04:36,060 you would like to do with it, spend it on various activities. 106 00:04:36,060 --> 00:04:38,102 So if you save, if you make the decision to save, 107 00:04:38,102 --> 00:04:40,250 you have to give up some money now, 108 00:04:40,250 --> 00:04:42,620 and you get some benefits in the future. 109 00:04:42,620 --> 00:04:46,022 The benefits in the future are determined by the interest 110 00:04:46,022 --> 00:04:46,730 rate, as you say. 111 00:04:46,730 --> 00:04:48,480 If you have a savings account or the like, 112 00:04:48,480 --> 00:04:51,890 you can essentially get some benefits in the future. 113 00:04:51,890 --> 00:04:54,675 And then you have some costs in the present, which 114 00:04:54,675 --> 00:04:56,300 would be essentially not consuming now, 115 00:04:56,300 --> 00:04:58,342 and some benefits in the future, which is getting 116 00:04:58,342 --> 00:04:59,690 that money in the future. 117 00:04:59,690 --> 00:05:03,810 And then you need to somehow decide is that worth doing. 118 00:05:03,810 --> 00:05:05,060 There's some cost and benefit. 119 00:05:05,060 --> 00:05:10,490 We need to aggregate somehow, whether to make that choice. 120 00:05:10,490 --> 00:05:12,290 Any other choices you make over time? 121 00:05:17,980 --> 00:05:18,623 Yes. 122 00:05:18,623 --> 00:05:20,290 STUDENT: Whether to go to college or not 123 00:05:20,290 --> 00:05:22,248 or start working right away and make some money 124 00:05:22,248 --> 00:05:25,772 or delay that income. 125 00:05:25,772 --> 00:05:26,730 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 126 00:05:26,730 --> 00:05:29,098 So I actually have this example here-- going to school. 127 00:05:29,098 --> 00:05:30,390 It has some costs and benefits. 128 00:05:30,390 --> 00:05:34,510 And what are the costs and benefits of doing that? 129 00:05:34,510 --> 00:05:36,486 STUDENT: You sacrifice four years 130 00:05:36,486 --> 00:05:39,421 or whatever right now versus supposedly 131 00:05:39,421 --> 00:05:41,758 a higher income later on. 132 00:05:41,758 --> 00:05:42,800 FRANK SCHILBACH: Exactly. 133 00:05:42,800 --> 00:05:44,390 So you have direct costs of education, 134 00:05:44,390 --> 00:05:46,580 which is tuition in many cases. 135 00:05:46,580 --> 00:05:48,830 Sometimes that's sponsored, but often there's tuition. 136 00:05:48,830 --> 00:05:50,190 It's quite a bit of money. 137 00:05:50,190 --> 00:05:53,030 It's also the opportunity cost, which is often forgone wages. 138 00:05:53,030 --> 00:05:55,440 You could be working otherwise and make more money. 139 00:05:55,440 --> 00:05:57,478 There's the joy of pain of going to school. 140 00:05:57,478 --> 00:05:58,770 Some might think it's positive. 141 00:05:58,770 --> 00:06:00,230 Some might think it's negative. 142 00:06:00,230 --> 00:06:03,060 And then there's future wages, which in many cases, 143 00:06:03,060 --> 00:06:05,150 at least for you guys, tend to be 144 00:06:05,150 --> 00:06:06,840 higher from going to college. 145 00:06:06,840 --> 00:06:09,890 If you do a PhD, that might not be the case. 146 00:06:09,890 --> 00:06:12,020 I'm not sure if the TA's are here, but yes. 147 00:06:12,020 --> 00:06:13,860 I'm sorry for that. 148 00:06:13,860 --> 00:06:16,880 And then you have to decide are you going to school or not. 149 00:06:16,880 --> 00:06:19,460 What do you need to do is you need to determine 150 00:06:19,460 --> 00:06:23,100 the utility, the value of each of these costs and benefits. 151 00:06:23,100 --> 00:06:25,117 And they occur in different points in time. 152 00:06:25,117 --> 00:06:26,450 You need to make some estimates. 153 00:06:26,450 --> 00:06:28,610 And then, of course, there's risk and other issues involved. 154 00:06:28,610 --> 00:06:30,568 You might not have full information, and so on. 155 00:06:30,568 --> 00:06:32,090 But assuming that all away, suppose 156 00:06:32,090 --> 00:06:34,700 you knew all the costs and benefits of going to college. 157 00:06:34,700 --> 00:06:36,710 Then you have to decide, is that worth doing? 158 00:06:36,710 --> 00:06:40,400 So somehow you need to aggregate these costs and benefits 159 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:42,260 over time by putting appropriate weights 160 00:06:42,260 --> 00:06:44,730 on different periods in time, and decide, 161 00:06:44,730 --> 00:06:46,900 should I do this or not. 162 00:06:46,900 --> 00:06:48,020 OK. 163 00:06:48,020 --> 00:06:51,410 Yes, any other similar choices that people make? 164 00:06:58,040 --> 00:06:59,310 Yes. 165 00:06:59,310 --> 00:07:03,032 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 166 00:07:03,032 --> 00:07:03,990 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 167 00:07:03,990 --> 00:07:05,100 For example, you could think about 168 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:06,030 should I do a problem set? 169 00:07:06,030 --> 00:07:07,020 Should I come to class? 170 00:07:07,020 --> 00:07:09,968 Should I study for an exam, and so on. 171 00:07:09,968 --> 00:07:11,760 Often, there's costs and benefits involved. 172 00:07:11,760 --> 00:07:13,770 Often, the costs are immediate. 173 00:07:13,770 --> 00:07:15,270 You have to work on the problem set. 174 00:07:15,270 --> 00:07:16,395 That might not be pleasant. 175 00:07:16,395 --> 00:07:17,700 You have to study for the exam. 176 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:18,990 That might not be pleasant. 177 00:07:18,990 --> 00:07:21,990 You could be doing other things instead that you 178 00:07:21,990 --> 00:07:23,950 can't do because of that. 179 00:07:23,950 --> 00:07:26,430 And then there's going to be rewards in the future, 180 00:07:26,430 --> 00:07:29,760 usually in the terms either through increased knowledge 181 00:07:29,760 --> 00:07:32,010 that might be useful for other things in the future, 182 00:07:32,010 --> 00:07:37,020 or through better grades, or whatever you might be rewarded 183 00:07:37,020 --> 00:07:39,960 from having more knowledge. 184 00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:42,240 And then, again, there might be uncertainty involved 185 00:07:42,240 --> 00:07:45,450 because it could be that you might not fully know what 186 00:07:45,450 --> 00:07:46,800 the costs and benefits are. 187 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:48,300 It could be that it's sort of risky. 188 00:07:48,300 --> 00:07:50,550 You might come to class or not come to class depending 189 00:07:50,550 --> 00:07:54,930 on whether there's a pop quiz or not, so there's risk involved. 190 00:07:54,930 --> 00:07:56,970 But assuming that away, there's essentially 191 00:07:56,970 --> 00:08:01,140 benefits and costs in the present, 192 00:08:01,140 --> 00:08:03,820 and then benefits and costs, potentially, in the future. 193 00:08:03,820 --> 00:08:07,050 And again, somehow you have to aggregate these and weigh them 194 00:08:07,050 --> 00:08:09,560 in various ways. 195 00:08:09,560 --> 00:08:10,395 Any other choices? 196 00:08:16,020 --> 00:08:16,520 Yes. 197 00:08:16,520 --> 00:08:17,270 STUDENT: Exercise. 198 00:08:17,270 --> 00:08:18,978 FRANK SCHILBACH: Exercise, yeah, exactly. 199 00:08:18,978 --> 00:08:20,020 Exercise is a good one. 200 00:08:20,020 --> 00:08:23,540 Again, in the present, you might not enjoy it. 201 00:08:23,540 --> 00:08:25,490 Some people might actually enjoy it a lot. 202 00:08:25,490 --> 00:08:27,073 Somebody would tell me he was addicted 203 00:08:27,073 --> 00:08:29,360 to exercise-- that also happens. 204 00:08:29,360 --> 00:08:32,179 But usually, people, at least in the short run, 205 00:08:32,179 --> 00:08:34,110 tend to not like exercise that much. 206 00:08:34,110 --> 00:08:38,690 But I think it's useful for them to do, in part because they 207 00:08:38,690 --> 00:08:40,940 feel better afterwards, in part because they 208 00:08:40,940 --> 00:08:42,382 have long-run benefits. 209 00:08:42,382 --> 00:08:44,090 Maybe they're in better shape eventually. 210 00:08:44,090 --> 00:08:45,230 Maybe the healthier eventually. 211 00:08:45,230 --> 00:08:47,270 Maybe they'll live longer eventually, and so on, and so 212 00:08:47,270 --> 00:08:47,940 forth. 213 00:08:47,940 --> 00:08:49,040 And again, what you need to do is 214 00:08:49,040 --> 00:08:50,360 you have some costs and benefits. 215 00:08:50,360 --> 00:08:52,700 You have the costs of getting ready, getting out of the door, 216 00:08:52,700 --> 00:08:53,950 and getting yourself to do it. 217 00:08:53,950 --> 00:08:55,340 That often is costly. 218 00:08:55,340 --> 00:08:58,700 There's the cost of exercising itself, which often is costly, 219 00:08:58,700 --> 00:08:59,323 maybe not. 220 00:08:59,323 --> 00:09:01,240 But then the benefits are often in the future, 221 00:09:01,240 --> 00:09:03,095 often really far away in the future. 222 00:09:03,095 --> 00:09:04,970 So if you really were eating healthier, often 223 00:09:04,970 --> 00:09:05,720 the same thing-- 224 00:09:05,720 --> 00:09:09,620 essentially, you might not like eating spinach and vegetables 225 00:09:09,620 --> 00:09:11,120 in the present. 226 00:09:11,120 --> 00:09:13,393 Some people, of course, love that, 227 00:09:13,393 --> 00:09:14,810 but often, then, the benefits come 228 00:09:14,810 --> 00:09:19,465 in the form of improved health many, many years out. 229 00:09:19,465 --> 00:09:20,840 And again, what you need to do is 230 00:09:20,840 --> 00:09:23,240 you need to quantify somehow the costs and benefits 231 00:09:23,240 --> 00:09:24,380 of certain actions. 232 00:09:24,380 --> 00:09:28,280 And then you need to aggregate the costs and benefits somehow, 233 00:09:28,280 --> 00:09:30,200 to be able to make a choice. 234 00:09:30,200 --> 00:09:31,700 Is that a good idea or a bad idea? 235 00:09:31,700 --> 00:09:34,298 Do you want to do this or not? 236 00:09:34,298 --> 00:09:36,590 A number of different examples-- here's another example 237 00:09:36,590 --> 00:09:39,320 of something that's very trivial-- 238 00:09:39,320 --> 00:09:41,180 purchasing an expensive software. 239 00:09:41,180 --> 00:09:42,920 You have to spend some money of doing it. 240 00:09:42,920 --> 00:09:44,850 That usually entails negative utility. 241 00:09:44,850 --> 00:09:46,610 People don't like to give up money. 242 00:09:46,610 --> 00:09:48,440 Second, there's pain and frustration 243 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:49,520 of learning the software. 244 00:09:49,520 --> 00:09:51,530 Again, that's often negative utility. 245 00:09:51,530 --> 00:09:53,390 And then there's mastery, which is 246 00:09:53,390 --> 00:09:56,270 positive utility from knowing or learning the software, 247 00:09:56,270 --> 00:09:57,630 until it becomes obsolete. 248 00:09:57,630 --> 00:10:00,867 So there's a stream of positive utility sometime in the future. 249 00:10:00,867 --> 00:10:03,200 Now, how do you decide whether to purchase the software? 250 00:10:03,200 --> 00:10:05,300 Well, you determine the value of the utility 251 00:10:05,300 --> 00:10:06,600 of costs and benefits somehow. 252 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:09,248 And we're going to talk about in some degree how to do that. 253 00:10:09,248 --> 00:10:10,790 And then once you have that, you need 254 00:10:10,790 --> 00:10:13,340 to weigh the costs and benefits, and try to aggregate, 255 00:10:13,340 --> 00:10:16,310 and try to figure out, is this a good idea or not. 256 00:10:16,310 --> 00:10:18,833 There's another choice, which we're actually 257 00:10:18,833 --> 00:10:20,750 going to talk about when we talk about welfare 258 00:10:20,750 --> 00:10:21,740 and about policies. 259 00:10:21,740 --> 00:10:24,350 Overall, it's deactivating a social media account, in part 260 00:10:24,350 --> 00:10:26,308 because there's a very nice study that actually 261 00:10:26,308 --> 00:10:27,510 studies precisely that. 262 00:10:27,510 --> 00:10:30,140 So if you think about deactivating a social media 263 00:10:30,140 --> 00:10:31,670 account-- 264 00:10:31,670 --> 00:10:35,450 Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever people are using-- 265 00:10:35,450 --> 00:10:38,120 there's different costs and benefits involved. 266 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:40,940 And you can argue about what those are. 267 00:10:40,940 --> 00:10:43,620 Part of that is the direct cost of deactivating the account. 268 00:10:43,620 --> 00:10:45,120 Often, that's a tedious thing to do. 269 00:10:45,120 --> 00:10:46,620 You have to figure out how to do it. 270 00:10:46,620 --> 00:10:48,680 Often, companies try to not make it too easy 271 00:10:48,680 --> 00:10:50,172 for you to actually do that. 272 00:10:50,172 --> 00:10:52,380 You might want to archive some pictures, or whatever, 273 00:10:52,380 --> 00:10:52,880 and so on. 274 00:10:52,880 --> 00:10:54,530 Often, that's a tedious thing to do. 275 00:10:54,530 --> 00:10:56,330 There's often a short-run adjustment cost, 276 00:10:56,330 --> 00:10:58,160 where you want to be in touch with your friends. 277 00:10:58,160 --> 00:11:00,327 Maybe it's harder to find out where the parties are, 278 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:02,390 or whatever, whatever things are. 279 00:11:02,390 --> 00:11:04,520 So often, there's some adjustment cost, likely also 280 00:11:04,520 --> 00:11:05,277 negative. 281 00:11:05,277 --> 00:11:06,860 And then there is some long-run impact 282 00:11:06,860 --> 00:11:08,652 on your social life, on your mental health, 283 00:11:08,652 --> 00:11:10,160 on your happiness, and so on, that 284 00:11:10,160 --> 00:11:12,170 could be positive or negative. 285 00:11:12,170 --> 00:11:14,540 Assuming that perhaps a positive, then again, 286 00:11:14,540 --> 00:11:17,660 you have to think about short-run negative costs 287 00:11:17,660 --> 00:11:18,440 and benefits. 288 00:11:18,440 --> 00:11:20,607 You have to learn about, think about what those are. 289 00:11:20,607 --> 00:11:22,003 Again, they might be uncertain. 290 00:11:22,003 --> 00:11:24,170 But to the extent that you could tell what they are, 291 00:11:24,170 --> 00:11:26,923 then you have costs and benefits at different points in time. 292 00:11:26,923 --> 00:11:28,340 And when you make that choice, you 293 00:11:28,340 --> 00:11:31,160 have to figure out whether that's 294 00:11:31,160 --> 00:11:35,720 worth doing by aggregating them somehow to some point in time 295 00:11:35,720 --> 00:11:38,090 and, saying yes, I'll do it, or not. 296 00:11:38,090 --> 00:11:40,760 And we'll get back to this in, I think, 297 00:11:40,760 --> 00:11:42,990 something like lecture 20 or so, where 298 00:11:42,990 --> 00:11:46,230 there is a study that was encouraging people to, in fact, 299 00:11:46,230 --> 00:11:50,390 precisely do that, and look at happiness and other outcomes, 300 00:11:50,390 --> 00:11:53,810 mental health, and so on, among students. 301 00:11:53,810 --> 00:11:55,995 OK, so what are other important choices over time? 302 00:11:55,995 --> 00:11:58,370 If you think about almost anything that you can think of, 303 00:11:58,370 --> 00:12:02,120 any choice that you make in your life, almost any of these 304 00:12:02,120 --> 00:12:04,400 involve some aspects of time. 305 00:12:04,400 --> 00:12:07,160 So if you think about investing, saving, borrowing, credit card 306 00:12:07,160 --> 00:12:10,220 spending, and so on, that involves choices over time. 307 00:12:10,220 --> 00:12:12,170 If you think about education, often, there's 308 00:12:12,170 --> 00:12:14,485 costs in the present, benefits in the future. 309 00:12:14,485 --> 00:12:16,610 If you think about any sort of health investments-- 310 00:12:16,610 --> 00:12:19,490 eating healthy, taking your medication, 311 00:12:19,490 --> 00:12:23,600 brushing your teeth, exercising, and so on, if you think 312 00:12:23,600 --> 00:12:25,498 about sleeping, often sleep involves 313 00:12:25,498 --> 00:12:27,290 choices between the present and the future. 314 00:12:27,290 --> 00:12:29,730 You think about watching movies at night-- that's fun to do. 315 00:12:29,730 --> 00:12:31,897 But often, that comes out like pain on the following 316 00:12:31,897 --> 00:12:33,830 day in various forms. 317 00:12:33,830 --> 00:12:36,962 Eating patterns as well, dating arguably 318 00:12:36,962 --> 00:12:38,420 involves sort of costs and benefits 319 00:12:38,420 --> 00:12:39,810 in the present and the future. 320 00:12:39,810 --> 00:12:41,060 People make different choices. 321 00:12:41,060 --> 00:12:43,770 Again, there's all sorts of other aspects involved as well, 322 00:12:43,770 --> 00:12:46,110 including risk, information, and so on. 323 00:12:46,110 --> 00:12:48,312 But what I'm pointing out is many choices 324 00:12:48,312 --> 00:12:50,270 that people make have some aspects that involve 325 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:51,530 different points in time. 326 00:12:51,530 --> 00:12:54,680 And you have to figure out how to weigh these utility 327 00:12:54,680 --> 00:12:58,620 streams in some ways accordingly. 328 00:12:58,620 --> 00:13:03,010 Now, here's a broad history of how economists 329 00:13:03,010 --> 00:13:04,010 have thought about this. 330 00:13:04,010 --> 00:13:05,950 And it's interesting to read, in fact. 331 00:13:05,950 --> 00:13:10,400 And this is what the Frederick et al. article talks about. 332 00:13:10,400 --> 00:13:13,250 In fact, economists sort of went full circle in some way. 333 00:13:13,250 --> 00:13:16,040 So it started with a very complicated model 334 00:13:16,040 --> 00:13:19,910 of a production, the amount of labor allocated 335 00:13:19,910 --> 00:13:21,710 to the production of capital that 336 00:13:21,710 --> 00:13:23,990 depends on the effective desire of accumulation, 337 00:13:23,990 --> 00:13:25,700 which is a bit of a mouthful. 338 00:13:25,700 --> 00:13:27,230 But essentially, there was lots of 339 00:13:27,230 --> 00:13:30,200 rich psychological considerations involved 340 00:13:30,200 --> 00:13:33,690 in trying to explain how people make choices over time. 341 00:13:33,690 --> 00:13:36,215 People thought about self-control, self-restraint, 342 00:13:36,215 --> 00:13:38,090 the bequest motive, how much they think about 343 00:13:38,090 --> 00:13:40,460 their children, anticipatory utility-- 344 00:13:40,460 --> 00:13:43,610 people like to save because they like to think they'll be happy 345 00:13:43,610 --> 00:13:44,370 in the future-- 346 00:13:44,370 --> 00:13:45,480 and so on, and so forth. 347 00:13:45,480 --> 00:13:48,500 And it was a very complicated model of intertemporal choice 348 00:13:48,500 --> 00:13:51,200 that people had been thinking about. 349 00:13:51,200 --> 00:13:53,580 At some point, then Bohm-Bawerk, who 350 00:13:53,580 --> 00:13:55,640 was an Austrian economist at some point 351 00:13:55,640 --> 00:13:58,430 realized or proposed that the interest rate, in some sense, 352 00:13:58,430 --> 00:13:59,673 is just a price. 353 00:13:59,673 --> 00:14:02,090 So if you think about doing something or saving some money 354 00:14:02,090 --> 00:14:04,730 from today until next year, it's really 355 00:14:04,730 --> 00:14:08,208 just like choosing between apples and bananas. 356 00:14:08,208 --> 00:14:10,000 When you choose between apples and bananas, 357 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:12,800 there's a relative price, which is the price of apples divided 358 00:14:12,800 --> 00:14:14,480 by the price of bananas. 359 00:14:14,480 --> 00:14:17,810 If you think about choices over time, 360 00:14:17,810 --> 00:14:21,920 if you think about consuming $1 today versus $1 next year, 361 00:14:21,920 --> 00:14:24,080 the interest rate or 1 plus the interest rate 362 00:14:24,080 --> 00:14:26,530 is the relative price of that. 363 00:14:26,530 --> 00:14:29,990 So for any dollar that I now consume, 364 00:14:29,990 --> 00:14:32,490 I could get 1 plus r dollars in the future. 365 00:14:32,490 --> 00:14:34,920 That's just the relative price of consumption 366 00:14:34,920 --> 00:14:36,330 now versus in the future. 367 00:14:36,330 --> 00:14:37,580 So you could think of-- 368 00:14:37,580 --> 00:14:39,680 the same way we think about apples and bananas 369 00:14:39,680 --> 00:14:42,110 and optimizing between those, the same way we 370 00:14:42,110 --> 00:14:46,350 can think about consumption in the present and the future, 371 00:14:46,350 --> 00:14:49,380 which are just sort of like different goods over time. 372 00:14:49,380 --> 00:14:52,550 And so Irving Fisher, then, came up and said, 373 00:14:52,550 --> 00:14:56,330 let's just write down a two-good in difference diagram. 374 00:14:56,330 --> 00:14:59,420 This is exactly the indifference diagram 375 00:14:59,420 --> 00:15:02,690 that you've seen in like 1401 or other introductory Micro 376 00:15:02,690 --> 00:15:04,310 classes. 377 00:15:04,310 --> 00:15:06,680 Still, there were actually many psychological factors 378 00:15:06,680 --> 00:15:10,010 discussed, like personal factors that determine 379 00:15:10,010 --> 00:15:12,140 how much you save, and so on. 380 00:15:12,140 --> 00:15:15,060 But it was progress towards that. 381 00:15:15,060 --> 00:15:16,850 Now, what is the Fisher diagram? 382 00:15:16,850 --> 00:15:18,840 The Fisher diagram looks something like this. 383 00:15:18,840 --> 00:15:21,500 This is what you should be familiar with from, 384 00:15:21,500 --> 00:15:23,300 again, 1401. 385 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:24,210 What do we see here? 386 00:15:24,210 --> 00:15:24,752 What is this? 387 00:15:28,630 --> 00:15:29,590 Yes. 388 00:15:29,590 --> 00:15:32,627 STUDENT: I guess it traces between [INAUDIBLE].. 389 00:15:32,627 --> 00:15:33,960 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right, exactly. 390 00:15:33,960 --> 00:15:37,660 So we have here choices between two goods, call them good 391 00:15:37,660 --> 00:15:38,940 a and good b. 392 00:15:38,940 --> 00:15:42,900 There's a consumption. c a is consumption of good a, 393 00:15:42,900 --> 00:15:44,850 c b is a consumption of good b. 394 00:15:44,850 --> 00:15:47,370 We have a budget set, essentially, 395 00:15:47,370 --> 00:15:51,330 which is determined here by how much your budget's constrained, 396 00:15:51,330 --> 00:15:56,670 which is the triangle line that you see there. 397 00:15:56,670 --> 00:15:58,650 The slope of that budget set is determined 398 00:15:58,650 --> 00:15:59,700 by the relative price. 399 00:15:59,700 --> 00:16:03,818 That's essentially the p a divided by p b. 400 00:16:03,818 --> 00:16:06,360 And then we have what's called an "indifference curve," which 401 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:08,443 essentially is the curve that makes us indifferent 402 00:16:08,443 --> 00:16:11,670 between combinations of two goods. 403 00:16:11,670 --> 00:16:13,488 And we choose the point on the budget line 404 00:16:13,488 --> 00:16:15,030 that's the furthest out, that gets us 405 00:16:15,030 --> 00:16:16,660 in the furthest indifference curve. 406 00:16:16,660 --> 00:16:20,190 So that's 1401 that you should be all familiar with. 407 00:16:20,190 --> 00:16:21,660 In part, that's what was discussed 408 00:16:21,660 --> 00:16:24,185 in recitation on Friday. 409 00:16:24,185 --> 00:16:25,560 Now, Fisher then pointed out when 410 00:16:25,560 --> 00:16:27,280 you think about choices over time, 411 00:16:27,280 --> 00:16:29,710 in fact, that's exactly the same thing. 412 00:16:29,710 --> 00:16:32,640 Think about it two periods, period one and period two. 413 00:16:32,640 --> 00:16:34,470 We have, essentially, a budget line, again, 414 00:16:34,470 --> 00:16:35,400 which is the budget set. 415 00:16:35,400 --> 00:16:37,317 Again, that's what was discussed in recitation 416 00:16:37,317 --> 00:16:38,597 on Thursday and Friday. 417 00:16:38,597 --> 00:16:40,680 The difference here, of course, is then the price. 418 00:16:40,680 --> 00:16:43,560 The relative price is determined by the interest rates. 419 00:16:43,560 --> 00:16:47,850 So 1 plus r is now essentially the relative price, or 1 over 1 420 00:16:47,850 --> 00:16:50,250 plus r, that determines essentially how much we 421 00:16:50,250 --> 00:16:52,410 can maximally consume. 422 00:16:52,410 --> 00:16:54,230 Again, the triangle that you see here 423 00:16:54,230 --> 00:16:56,265 is the potential set that you consume. 424 00:16:56,265 --> 00:16:58,140 And then again, you have a indifference curve 425 00:16:58,140 --> 00:17:00,960 that tells us the sets of points that we 426 00:17:00,960 --> 00:17:03,960 are indifferent between, good one and good two. 427 00:17:03,960 --> 00:17:06,839 And we choose what's furthest out on the indifference curve. 428 00:17:06,839 --> 00:17:08,730 So essentially, we can apply any tools 429 00:17:08,730 --> 00:17:11,910 that we have from 1401 or any Micro class, 430 00:17:11,910 --> 00:17:14,280 from choices between apples and bananas 431 00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:18,983 to choices between period one and period two. 432 00:17:18,983 --> 00:17:20,400 And so what we're sort of ignoring 433 00:17:20,400 --> 00:17:22,200 here is then in period one and period two, 434 00:17:22,200 --> 00:17:23,700 how are we going to spend the money? 435 00:17:23,700 --> 00:17:27,119 So we think of c1 and c2 as consumption bundles. 436 00:17:27,119 --> 00:17:28,650 Think about this like how much money 437 00:17:28,650 --> 00:17:31,020 is spent on certain consumption goods in period one 438 00:17:31,020 --> 00:17:34,040 versus period two, ignoring whether you buy apples 439 00:17:34,040 --> 00:17:37,530 or bananas, just how much money do you want to spend in period 440 00:17:37,530 --> 00:17:40,440 one, how much money do you want to spend in period two, 441 00:17:40,440 --> 00:17:42,750 ignoring how exactly are you going to divide it, 442 00:17:42,750 --> 00:17:44,958 assuming that you're going to get this right in terms 443 00:17:44,958 --> 00:17:48,700 of choosing within the period what's best for you. 444 00:17:48,700 --> 00:17:49,710 Any questions on that? 445 00:17:56,590 --> 00:18:00,160 OK, so that gets us to the workhorse model 446 00:18:00,160 --> 00:18:02,480 in economics, which is Samuelson's discounted utility 447 00:18:02,480 --> 00:18:02,980 model. 448 00:18:02,980 --> 00:18:05,090 Paul Samuelson is a very famous economist who 449 00:18:05,090 --> 00:18:07,720 was at MIT for many, many years, one 450 00:18:07,720 --> 00:18:11,410 of the founders, if you want, of modern economics, 451 00:18:11,410 --> 00:18:16,450 and the MIT Economics Department as it is right now. 452 00:18:16,450 --> 00:18:19,405 And what Samuelson proposed was a non-graphical version 453 00:18:19,405 --> 00:18:21,530 of that, where he said, let's write down some math. 454 00:18:21,530 --> 00:18:23,320 Let's write down the representation. 455 00:18:23,320 --> 00:18:27,490 How should we think about utility maximization? 456 00:18:27,490 --> 00:18:30,580 And what essentially he was proposing is to say at time t, 457 00:18:30,580 --> 00:18:34,130 people maximize their discounted utility, which is just 458 00:18:34,130 --> 00:18:37,900 the sum of discounted utility where there is a factor 459 00:18:37,900 --> 00:18:40,570 delta, which determines how much we 460 00:18:40,570 --> 00:18:43,150 care about the present versus the future. 461 00:18:43,150 --> 00:18:46,550 So we have, essentially, these instantaneous utilities, u t, 462 00:18:46,550 --> 00:18:48,760 u t plus 1, u t plus 2, and so on. 463 00:18:48,760 --> 00:18:51,220 This is your utility at each point in time. 464 00:18:51,220 --> 00:18:52,750 Think of time as being discrete. 465 00:18:52,750 --> 00:18:55,150 In a sense, time could be years, time 466 00:18:55,150 --> 00:18:56,500 could be days, and the like. 467 00:18:56,500 --> 00:18:58,300 Think of them perhaps as years for now. 468 00:18:58,300 --> 00:19:01,450 There's your t, your t plus 1, your t plus 2, 469 00:19:01,450 --> 00:19:03,610 your t plus three, and so on. 470 00:19:03,610 --> 00:19:07,750 u t summarizes, in some sense, how you feel in that year 471 00:19:07,750 --> 00:19:09,460 overall in terms of utility. 472 00:19:09,460 --> 00:19:12,760 That's your utility in that particular period. 473 00:19:12,760 --> 00:19:13,740 It could also be daily. 474 00:19:13,740 --> 00:19:15,490 It could be how you feel on a certain day, 475 00:19:15,490 --> 00:19:18,340 could be hourly, and so on. 476 00:19:18,340 --> 00:19:21,460 That's just a matter of definition. 477 00:19:24,010 --> 00:19:28,585 And again, u t is a function of all activities that are going 478 00:19:28,585 --> 00:19:29,710 on in that particular year. 479 00:19:29,710 --> 00:19:32,043 That could be consumption, leisure, all the other things 480 00:19:32,043 --> 00:19:32,830 that are going on. 481 00:19:32,830 --> 00:19:34,247 That's sort of like in some sense, 482 00:19:34,247 --> 00:19:37,000 we abstract away what happens within that particular time 483 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:37,700 period. 484 00:19:37,700 --> 00:19:39,700 We're just summarizing all the things 485 00:19:39,700 --> 00:19:42,610 you're doing in that year yield to a certain utility. 486 00:19:42,610 --> 00:19:46,220 And now the question is, how do we aggregate these utilities? 487 00:19:46,220 --> 00:19:48,130 How do we decide between different options 488 00:19:48,130 --> 00:19:52,635 when the u t's differ across different options? 489 00:19:52,635 --> 00:19:54,010 Now, what's coming in here, then, 490 00:19:54,010 --> 00:19:57,940 is the discount factor delta, which you see above, 491 00:19:57,940 --> 00:20:02,200 which essentially is telling you how much is util 492 00:20:02,200 --> 00:20:06,400 or an amount of utility, a unit of utility, 493 00:20:06,400 --> 00:20:09,430 worth in the future compared to the present. 494 00:20:09,430 --> 00:20:13,720 And so what you see here is a very simple functional form 495 00:20:13,720 --> 00:20:15,010 of doing that. 496 00:20:15,010 --> 00:20:17,410 Everything that's in the future is discounted. 497 00:20:17,410 --> 00:20:20,560 Usually, we think of delta being smaller than 1. 498 00:20:20,560 --> 00:20:23,930 So delta could be something like 0.9, 0.8, or the like. 499 00:20:23,930 --> 00:20:32,182 So if you're in period t, period t plus 1 is discounted by 0.9. 500 00:20:32,182 --> 00:20:33,640 Period two would be then discounted 501 00:20:33,640 --> 00:20:37,360 by 0.9 to the power of 2, and so on, and so forth. 502 00:20:37,360 --> 00:20:39,690 And so delta is essentially a very simple way 503 00:20:39,690 --> 00:20:42,790 of replacing a very complex psychology, how 504 00:20:42,790 --> 00:20:45,610 we think about choices over time, 505 00:20:45,610 --> 00:20:49,750 by saying let's just assume that people over time 506 00:20:49,750 --> 00:20:52,330 have a constant way of discounting the future. 507 00:20:52,330 --> 00:20:56,680 And it's taken on a simple mathematical form 508 00:20:56,680 --> 00:21:00,170 of exponentially doing so. 509 00:21:00,170 --> 00:21:03,640 Any questions on that? 510 00:21:03,640 --> 00:21:05,890 Yes. 511 00:21:05,890 --> 00:21:10,520 STUDENT: Why was Samuelson's model adopted so widely? 512 00:21:13,160 --> 00:21:14,680 I mean, so it said in the reading 513 00:21:14,680 --> 00:21:20,085 that it was very simple and very pretty, but he's very much-- 514 00:21:20,085 --> 00:21:24,540 it seemed like oversimplified a lot of the research that 515 00:21:24,540 --> 00:21:26,520 had been done in the past. 516 00:21:26,520 --> 00:21:29,500 Why were people so quick, I guess? 517 00:21:29,500 --> 00:21:30,401 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yes. 518 00:21:30,401 --> 00:21:31,818 STUDENT: Was it, like, the fashion 519 00:21:31,818 --> 00:21:33,170 to have these [INAUDIBLE]? 520 00:21:33,170 --> 00:21:34,930 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yeah, so I think 521 00:21:34,930 --> 00:21:37,480 one has to think a little bit about where things are coming 522 00:21:37,480 --> 00:21:39,970 from, in the sense that to start with, 523 00:21:39,970 --> 00:21:41,770 nobody had formalized some of these choices 524 00:21:41,770 --> 00:21:42,670 that people were making. 525 00:21:42,670 --> 00:21:44,270 In some sense, Samuelson was, like, OK, 526 00:21:44,270 --> 00:21:45,460 we have to assume something. 527 00:21:45,460 --> 00:21:47,650 So let's assume exponential discounting. 528 00:21:47,650 --> 00:21:49,040 That's a simple thing to do. 529 00:21:49,040 --> 00:21:52,090 So let me just make that assumption as a first pass. 530 00:21:52,090 --> 00:21:54,400 He actually never thought this is the right model, 531 00:21:54,400 --> 00:21:57,100 or this is a normative model how people should behave, 532 00:21:57,100 --> 00:21:57,910 or the like. 533 00:21:57,910 --> 00:21:59,048 That was all coming later. 534 00:21:59,048 --> 00:22:01,090 He was just proposing something that's tractable. 535 00:22:01,090 --> 00:22:04,695 And for tractability, he was proposing that. 536 00:22:04,695 --> 00:22:06,070 Now, it's important to understand 537 00:22:06,070 --> 00:22:07,487 for a lot of behavioral economics, 538 00:22:07,487 --> 00:22:11,050 a lot of neoclassical economics, the traditional economics, 539 00:22:11,050 --> 00:22:12,220 simplicity is good. 540 00:22:12,220 --> 00:22:16,510 So usually, we like to simplify a lot of choices. 541 00:22:16,510 --> 00:22:20,500 And when things are simple, you can, in a tractable way, 542 00:22:20,500 --> 00:22:21,790 analyze things in the world. 543 00:22:21,790 --> 00:22:23,500 And for many problems in the world, 544 00:22:23,500 --> 00:22:25,090 like for example, economic growth, 545 00:22:25,090 --> 00:22:27,590 or like how the economy evolves as a whole, 546 00:22:27,590 --> 00:22:30,722 and so on, some of these, the exponential discounting model 547 00:22:30,722 --> 00:22:32,680 might actually be the right model in some ways. 548 00:22:32,680 --> 00:22:35,920 Or if you think about how managers of firms, 549 00:22:35,920 --> 00:22:37,973 or whatever, et cetera, behave, in some ways 550 00:22:37,973 --> 00:22:39,640 that might be the right-- or the economy 551 00:22:39,640 --> 00:22:42,920 as a whole-- that might be the right model overall. 552 00:22:42,920 --> 00:22:44,920 So in some sense, the answer is kind of like, A, 553 00:22:44,920 --> 00:22:47,770 some choices are actually explained reasonably well 554 00:22:47,770 --> 00:22:49,360 with exponential discounting. 555 00:22:49,360 --> 00:22:53,860 B, it was simple and easy to do, and you had to start somewhere. 556 00:22:53,860 --> 00:22:58,203 And then C, I guess people tend to stick to traditional things. 557 00:22:58,203 --> 00:23:00,370 So in some ways, once you have written down a model, 558 00:23:00,370 --> 00:23:03,460 and people have written papers and invested their career 559 00:23:03,460 --> 00:23:06,460 in it, they tend to defend that, where in fact, maybe that's not 560 00:23:06,460 --> 00:23:09,970 the right thing to do, and become dogmatic about it. 561 00:23:09,970 --> 00:23:12,250 But that's now changing. 562 00:23:12,250 --> 00:23:14,770 And exactly as you say, there's problems with this model, 563 00:23:14,770 --> 00:23:19,240 and we're going to talk about those right now. 564 00:23:19,240 --> 00:23:24,280 Now let me tell you a little bit about some definitions, 565 00:23:24,280 --> 00:23:26,423 just to be clear what we're talking about. 566 00:23:26,423 --> 00:23:28,090 So one is, what's a "discount function," 567 00:23:28,090 --> 00:23:31,430 what's a "discount rate," and what's a "discount factor?" 568 00:23:31,430 --> 00:23:32,680 So these are just definitions. 569 00:23:32,680 --> 00:23:35,350 A discount function essentially is 570 00:23:35,350 --> 00:23:38,530 when you have a stream of future utilities, u t, u t plus 1, 571 00:23:38,530 --> 00:23:40,720 u t plus 2, and so on, and so forth, you 572 00:23:40,720 --> 00:23:42,340 have to write down a function how 573 00:23:42,340 --> 00:23:43,970 to weigh these in the future. 574 00:23:43,970 --> 00:23:46,600 So d of tau, as I'm calling it, is essentially 575 00:23:46,600 --> 00:23:48,100 giving you this discount function 576 00:23:48,100 --> 00:23:50,170 that specifies essentially all the weights 577 00:23:50,170 --> 00:23:56,080 that you're putting on future utilities and future periods. 578 00:23:56,080 --> 00:23:57,580 That could be that functional form. 579 00:23:57,580 --> 00:23:58,330 Could be anything. 580 00:23:58,330 --> 00:24:01,150 That's just a very general definition. 581 00:24:01,150 --> 00:24:03,400 Now, what's the discount rate? 582 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:04,900 It's essentially the rate of decline 583 00:24:04,900 --> 00:24:05,980 of the discount function. 584 00:24:05,980 --> 00:24:08,470 We call that rho and rho of tau, which essentially 585 00:24:08,470 --> 00:24:10,660 is just the derivative with respect to time 586 00:24:10,660 --> 00:24:16,070 divided by the discount function at that point in time. 587 00:24:16,070 --> 00:24:19,810 And the negative of that, because we think usually as 588 00:24:19,810 --> 00:24:24,640 positive as in the discount function tends to decline, 589 00:24:24,640 --> 00:24:27,100 as in stuff that's further away in the future 590 00:24:27,100 --> 00:24:30,940 you put less weight on than stuff that's closer to you 591 00:24:30,940 --> 00:24:32,990 or closer to the present. 592 00:24:32,990 --> 00:24:35,170 And so again, rho of tau specifies 593 00:24:35,170 --> 00:24:39,880 the rate at which value a util declines with delay. 594 00:24:39,880 --> 00:24:42,640 And then finally, what does exponential discounting do? 595 00:24:42,640 --> 00:24:47,080 Exponential discounting specifies a specific functional 596 00:24:47,080 --> 00:24:49,750 form of the discount function. 597 00:24:49,750 --> 00:24:50,600 What does that mean? 598 00:24:50,600 --> 00:24:53,017 Essentially, we just take the discount function, d of tau, 599 00:24:53,017 --> 00:24:55,150 and what Samuelson was doing then was essentially 600 00:24:55,150 --> 00:24:57,710 just proposing a specific functional form, saying, 601 00:24:57,710 --> 00:24:58,870 OK, let's try that one. 602 00:24:58,870 --> 00:25:00,985 That's a simple thing to do. 603 00:25:00,985 --> 00:25:02,110 Why do you choose that one? 604 00:25:02,110 --> 00:25:06,310 Well, it's delta to the power of tau. 605 00:25:06,310 --> 00:25:07,990 The discount factor now is delta. 606 00:25:07,990 --> 00:25:10,563 This is essentially when you think about two periods, 607 00:25:10,563 --> 00:25:12,730 how much weight do you put on each of those periods. 608 00:25:12,730 --> 00:25:14,350 Let me just go back for a second. 609 00:25:14,350 --> 00:25:17,800 Here, when you think about going from u t to u t plus 1, 610 00:25:17,800 --> 00:25:19,180 you just add an additional delta. 611 00:25:19,180 --> 00:25:22,750 And going from u t plus 1 to u t plus 2, you add another delta, 612 00:25:22,750 --> 00:25:23,342 and so on. 613 00:25:23,342 --> 00:25:25,300 That gives you essentially the relative weights 614 00:25:25,300 --> 00:25:27,820 between two adjacent periods. 615 00:25:27,820 --> 00:25:30,670 Now crucially, as you see here in that functional form, 616 00:25:30,670 --> 00:25:31,692 this is constant. 617 00:25:31,692 --> 00:25:34,150 So every time you have a time period, you go to the future, 618 00:25:34,150 --> 00:25:35,470 you add another delta. 619 00:25:35,470 --> 00:25:36,860 And that's an assumption. 620 00:25:36,860 --> 00:25:38,530 So that's a very convenient thing to do. 621 00:25:38,530 --> 00:25:40,300 In part what it tells you, then, is also 622 00:25:40,300 --> 00:25:42,820 that the discount rate is constant over time. 623 00:25:42,820 --> 00:25:44,500 Again, so that you could do some math, 624 00:25:44,500 --> 00:25:47,870 and calculate the discount rate, if you do that, 625 00:25:47,870 --> 00:25:49,690 you'll find out that the discount 626 00:25:49,690 --> 00:25:56,800 rate is minus log delta, which is approximately 1 minus delta. 627 00:25:56,800 --> 00:25:59,740 That is to say, not only is the discount factor constant, 628 00:25:59,740 --> 00:26:02,050 but also the discount rate is constant. 629 00:26:02,050 --> 00:26:05,470 And that's an assumption, again, that's made by Samuelson. 630 00:26:05,470 --> 00:26:06,530 So you can do that math. 631 00:26:06,530 --> 00:26:08,980 We can also do some of that in recitation in case 632 00:26:08,980 --> 00:26:10,210 you have questions. 633 00:26:10,210 --> 00:26:12,165 Now let me give you an example on how 634 00:26:12,165 --> 00:26:13,540 does that help us think about how 635 00:26:13,540 --> 00:26:16,630 people make choices over time. 636 00:26:16,630 --> 00:26:19,700 Student Amy considers writing a term paper today 637 00:26:19,700 --> 00:26:24,440 so as to give herself a free evening in the future. 638 00:26:24,440 --> 00:26:28,660 So this is essentially the idea that the student now, tonight, 639 00:26:28,660 --> 00:26:30,160 has some stuff to do. 640 00:26:30,160 --> 00:26:32,500 There's some opportunity costs right now. 641 00:26:32,500 --> 00:26:34,360 An outside option-- she could watch TV, 642 00:26:34,360 --> 00:26:36,190 she could meet her friends, or whatever, 643 00:26:36,190 --> 00:26:39,550 or she could write her a paper right now. 644 00:26:39,550 --> 00:26:41,530 The paper, if you write the paper right now, 645 00:26:41,530 --> 00:26:44,020 it comes at a utility cost of minus 1, 646 00:26:44,020 --> 00:26:46,345 costs 1 util because the other activities 647 00:26:46,345 --> 00:26:47,470 would be more fun to do it. 648 00:26:47,470 --> 00:26:49,300 She'd rather watch movies. 649 00:26:49,300 --> 00:26:52,780 However, if, instead, she also has some other stuff 650 00:26:52,780 --> 00:26:54,820 to do tonight, so she doesn't really 651 00:26:54,820 --> 00:26:57,310 have a free evening if she doesn't write the paper, 652 00:26:57,310 --> 00:27:00,070 but she just prefers not to write it right now. 653 00:27:00,070 --> 00:27:02,530 Now, if she writes the paper right now, 654 00:27:02,530 --> 00:27:04,210 she will get a free evening sometime 655 00:27:04,210 --> 00:27:06,490 in the future in a few days from now. 656 00:27:06,490 --> 00:27:07,972 And that would be a lot more fun. 657 00:27:07,972 --> 00:27:08,680 She could go out. 658 00:27:08,680 --> 00:27:10,360 She could do whatever other things she likes to do. 659 00:27:10,360 --> 00:27:13,180 She could go to the symphony or whatever she likes doing. 660 00:27:13,180 --> 00:27:16,410 The instantaneous benefit, the utility of getting a free unit, 661 00:27:16,410 --> 00:27:19,810 is 4/3 utils, so it's higher than the cost right now. 662 00:27:19,810 --> 00:27:22,810 But it's in the future, in some future evening. 663 00:27:22,810 --> 00:27:28,060 Suppose Amy's daily discount factor is 0.9. 664 00:27:28,060 --> 00:27:29,498 Now, what does she do? 665 00:27:29,498 --> 00:27:30,790 How do we think about this now? 666 00:27:34,900 --> 00:27:37,135 So the daily discount factor is 0.9. 667 00:27:37,135 --> 00:27:39,385 Is she going to do it if the free evening is tomorrow? 668 00:27:43,250 --> 00:27:46,005 Yes. 669 00:27:46,005 --> 00:27:46,963 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE]. 670 00:27:55,220 --> 00:27:57,281 FRANK SCHILBACH: And that's positive or negative? 671 00:28:00,890 --> 00:28:02,090 It's positive. 672 00:28:02,090 --> 00:28:02,590 Exactly. 673 00:28:02,590 --> 00:28:03,350 But it's exactly right. 674 00:28:03,350 --> 00:28:05,980 So you have to think about she gets the immediate costs right 675 00:28:05,980 --> 00:28:09,550 now, which is minus 1, the benefits of 4/3 on the future. 676 00:28:09,550 --> 00:28:11,830 Since her daily discount factor is 0.9, 677 00:28:11,830 --> 00:28:14,170 she's going to discount that by 0.9. 678 00:28:14,170 --> 00:28:15,550 That's still larger than 1. 679 00:28:15,550 --> 00:28:17,350 So she decides to do that. 680 00:28:17,350 --> 00:28:19,540 That's how she weighs, essentially, 681 00:28:19,540 --> 00:28:21,160 the present and the future. 682 00:28:21,160 --> 00:28:23,650 Now, in two periods, she does the exact same thing. 683 00:28:23,650 --> 00:28:26,480 But two periods are now further away in the future. 684 00:28:26,480 --> 00:28:30,010 So she discounts it by delta to the power of 2. 685 00:28:30,010 --> 00:28:32,320 And that gives her, again, something 686 00:28:32,320 --> 00:28:35,020 that's larger than 0, if I got the math right. 687 00:28:35,020 --> 00:28:39,640 So still she's willing to do it, if the free night 688 00:28:39,640 --> 00:28:41,800 comes two nights from now. 689 00:28:41,800 --> 00:28:44,180 If it's in three periods, however, turns out 690 00:28:44,180 --> 00:28:48,310 then minus 1 plus delta to the power of 3 times 4/3 691 00:28:48,310 --> 00:28:51,700 is, in fact, smaller than 0. 692 00:28:51,700 --> 00:28:53,240 So she will not do it. 693 00:28:53,240 --> 00:28:55,870 So essentially, when she thinks about costs and benefits, 694 00:28:55,870 --> 00:28:58,955 it depends a lot on how far away are the benefits in the future. 695 00:28:58,955 --> 00:29:01,330 The further they're away in the future, the more they get 696 00:29:01,330 --> 00:29:02,872 discounted, and the less likely she's 697 00:29:02,872 --> 00:29:05,890 doing something that will cost her utility now and yield 698 00:29:05,890 --> 00:29:08,210 benefits in the future. 699 00:29:08,210 --> 00:29:10,570 Now, of course that's highly stylized. 700 00:29:10,570 --> 00:29:12,301 Yeah. 701 00:29:12,301 --> 00:29:16,028 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 702 00:29:16,028 --> 00:29:17,070 FRANK SCHILBACH: Correct. 703 00:29:17,070 --> 00:29:17,500 Correct. 704 00:29:17,500 --> 00:29:18,880 So what I'm assuming here, I was not 705 00:29:18,880 --> 00:29:20,713 saying, when is the best time of doing that. 706 00:29:20,713 --> 00:29:23,170 What I was assuming is choice between today 707 00:29:23,170 --> 00:29:24,550 versus in a few days from now. 708 00:29:24,550 --> 00:29:26,290 There was no option of saying today, actually, 709 00:29:26,290 --> 00:29:27,400 I'd rather do it tomorrow. 710 00:29:27,400 --> 00:29:29,230 We'll get to that. 711 00:29:29,230 --> 00:29:32,920 I was just giving you an example of a very simple choice 712 00:29:32,920 --> 00:29:36,160 between today versus sometime in the future, and then 713 00:29:36,160 --> 00:29:38,943 another choice between today versus tomorrow, today 714 00:29:38,943 --> 00:29:40,360 versus in two days from now, today 715 00:29:40,360 --> 00:29:43,210 versus three days from now, assuming that other days are 716 00:29:43,210 --> 00:29:45,160 not an option for now. 717 00:29:45,160 --> 00:29:46,990 We'll get to-- so procrastination, 718 00:29:46,990 --> 00:29:48,680 you need several days. 719 00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:51,607 We'll get to that later. 720 00:29:51,607 --> 00:29:53,940 So again, the bottom line-- one second-- the bottom line 721 00:29:53,940 --> 00:29:56,398 is she will do it if the nice evening comes the next period 722 00:29:56,398 --> 00:29:58,930 or in two periods, but not if it comes later. 723 00:29:58,930 --> 00:29:59,715 Yeah. 724 00:29:59,715 --> 00:30:01,990 STUDENT: Doesn't in all the periods 725 00:30:01,990 --> 00:30:06,144 she gets more utility if she rather gets a free day today 726 00:30:06,144 --> 00:30:12,010 and she switches the options, so she can [INAUDIBLE]?? 727 00:30:12,010 --> 00:30:13,100 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yes. 728 00:30:13,100 --> 00:30:15,550 Yeah, so what I'm assuming here-- and this is, again, 729 00:30:15,550 --> 00:30:17,730 an assumption-- is that the free night cannot-- 730 00:30:17,730 --> 00:30:21,220 so I was saying a little bit, but perhaps not clearly-- 731 00:30:21,220 --> 00:30:22,937 she has something to do tonight anyway, 732 00:30:22,937 --> 00:30:24,520 so she can't really have a free night. 733 00:30:24,520 --> 00:30:27,540 Maybe she needs to call her friends and so on. 734 00:30:27,540 --> 00:30:29,290 So that option is not available right now. 735 00:30:29,290 --> 00:30:30,200 You're exactly right. 736 00:30:30,200 --> 00:30:32,658 If the free night came tonight, she would do that, and then 737 00:30:32,658 --> 00:30:35,650 do the stuff later, because she prefers 738 00:30:35,650 --> 00:30:37,480 the present over the future. 739 00:30:37,480 --> 00:30:40,070 But I was assuming that away for simplicity. 740 00:30:40,070 --> 00:30:43,360 But in general, as it happens, many choices 741 00:30:43,360 --> 00:30:47,260 are often in the form of either current costs 742 00:30:47,260 --> 00:30:49,870 and future benefits, and then you'd 743 00:30:49,870 --> 00:30:53,860 rather defer those things. 744 00:30:53,860 --> 00:30:56,110 You only do that, essentially, if the benefits 745 00:30:56,110 --> 00:30:57,790 are sufficiently high. 746 00:30:57,790 --> 00:31:01,120 Other options are current benefits and future costs, 747 00:31:01,120 --> 00:31:04,900 and then the entire thing is essentially flipped. 748 00:31:04,900 --> 00:31:07,150 So now, the next question, then, you 749 00:31:07,150 --> 00:31:11,140 might have is to say, well, how do we actually estimate delta? 750 00:31:11,140 --> 00:31:15,730 So we see people doing choices, but in some sense 751 00:31:15,730 --> 00:31:17,230 in the real world, we actually don't 752 00:31:17,230 --> 00:31:18,880 know what somebody's delta is. 753 00:31:18,880 --> 00:31:22,030 So how can we actually estimate people's delta over all? 754 00:31:22,030 --> 00:31:24,220 Let's stick with the stylized example. 755 00:31:24,220 --> 00:31:27,640 What do we need to estimate delta in this specific example? 756 00:31:27,640 --> 00:31:30,130 Well, you would need several choices over time, 757 00:31:30,130 --> 00:31:32,230 and then essentially, you need to know 758 00:31:32,230 --> 00:31:34,780 what the costs and benefits of those choices are. 759 00:31:34,780 --> 00:31:37,300 And if you knew that, then you could 760 00:31:37,300 --> 00:31:40,180 learn about what delta is. 761 00:31:40,180 --> 00:31:42,200 Let me just write this down for you. 762 00:31:42,200 --> 00:31:43,810 Suppose we didn't know Amy's delta, 763 00:31:43,810 --> 00:31:47,380 but we knew that u tau's for all periods 764 00:31:47,380 --> 00:31:49,230 for the different options that she has. 765 00:31:49,230 --> 00:31:51,760 So how could we estimate this from the above data? 766 00:31:51,760 --> 00:31:54,590 So we learned, essentially, over here, 767 00:31:54,590 --> 00:31:56,230 suppose we see this behavior overall. 768 00:31:56,230 --> 00:31:59,890 What we get is several inequalities involving delta 769 00:31:59,890 --> 00:32:04,210 and involving u t's or u tau's that people choose 770 00:32:04,210 --> 00:32:05,980 in different points in time. 771 00:32:05,980 --> 00:32:08,170 So once we have these inequalities, 772 00:32:08,170 --> 00:32:11,650 then we can essentially just estimate what is delta. 773 00:32:11,650 --> 00:32:14,812 We just back out what delta is from these choices. 774 00:32:14,812 --> 00:32:15,520 So what do we do? 775 00:32:15,520 --> 00:32:17,770 Well, we can just essentially do the math. 776 00:32:17,770 --> 00:32:18,790 It's very simple. 777 00:32:18,790 --> 00:32:21,460 And what we'll find is, for example, if you 778 00:32:21,460 --> 00:32:24,650 see that the behavior that we just saw, 779 00:32:24,650 --> 00:32:27,760 which was essentially that she does it 780 00:32:27,760 --> 00:32:29,920 when the free night comes one day from now 781 00:32:29,920 --> 00:32:33,610 or two days from now, that gives us two inequalities, 782 00:32:33,610 --> 00:32:36,640 the first two inequalities that are written down, 783 00:32:36,640 --> 00:32:40,180 which is essentially delta must be larger than 3/4, 784 00:32:40,180 --> 00:32:43,630 delta must be larger than 3/4 to the power of 1/2, 785 00:32:43,630 --> 00:32:45,730 which is about 0.87. 786 00:32:45,730 --> 00:32:48,888 And then we have a third choice, where she doesn't do it 787 00:32:48,888 --> 00:32:51,430 if the free night comes three nights from now, which gives us 788 00:32:51,430 --> 00:32:53,140 another inequality, which tells us 789 00:32:53,140 --> 00:32:57,100 delta must be lower than 0.91. 790 00:32:57,100 --> 00:32:59,140 So if you saw those choices, but if you 791 00:32:59,140 --> 00:33:02,110 knew the utility of a person, you could then 792 00:33:02,110 --> 00:33:03,250 back out what delta is. 793 00:33:03,250 --> 00:33:08,780 And delta in this case would be between 0.87 and 0.91. 794 00:33:08,780 --> 00:33:12,780 Does this make sense or any questions about that? 795 00:33:12,780 --> 00:33:14,722 So all I was doing here is to say, 796 00:33:14,722 --> 00:33:16,430 suppose we didn't know delta, but we just 797 00:33:16,430 --> 00:33:18,440 saw the Amy's choices. 798 00:33:18,440 --> 00:33:20,000 What can we learn about her delta 799 00:33:20,000 --> 00:33:24,420 if we knew what the utilities are at each point in time? 800 00:33:24,420 --> 00:33:26,597 And if you do that, from this behavior 801 00:33:26,597 --> 00:33:27,680 we get these inequalities. 802 00:33:27,680 --> 00:33:30,830 And we can then back out what the delta is. 803 00:33:30,830 --> 00:33:32,330 Now in reality, we actually don't 804 00:33:32,330 --> 00:33:34,030 know what the u tau's are. 805 00:33:34,030 --> 00:33:36,440 We don't know what utility is for different options 806 00:33:36,440 --> 00:33:37,020 from people. 807 00:33:37,020 --> 00:33:39,103 So if you see people's behavior, we can't actually 808 00:33:39,103 --> 00:33:42,020 estimate the delta from that. 809 00:33:42,020 --> 00:33:44,330 So what could we do instead, or what kinds of choices 810 00:33:44,330 --> 00:33:46,830 can we make or can we elicit? 811 00:33:54,180 --> 00:33:54,680 Yes. 812 00:33:54,680 --> 00:33:56,222 STUDENT: If you can do it with money, 813 00:33:56,222 --> 00:33:57,741 there are different options. 814 00:33:57,741 --> 00:33:59,582 You have a chance to win [INAUDIBLE].. 815 00:33:59,582 --> 00:34:00,540 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 816 00:34:00,540 --> 00:34:03,230 And what additional assumptions do we need for that? 817 00:34:03,230 --> 00:34:04,230 So that's exactly right. 818 00:34:04,230 --> 00:34:07,770 That's exactly what people have done a lot. 819 00:34:07,770 --> 00:34:10,980 So this is Rick Thaler again, a Nobel Prize winner 820 00:34:10,980 --> 00:34:15,330 who has done exactly that in 1981, 821 00:34:15,330 --> 00:34:18,449 getting people to start with hypothetical monetary choices. 822 00:34:18,449 --> 00:34:21,162 So say suppose-- this is kind of what 823 00:34:21,162 --> 00:34:23,370 I was asking you at the beginning in the first class. 824 00:34:23,370 --> 00:34:25,530 I was asking you different numbers, 825 00:34:25,530 --> 00:34:29,250 but what x makes you indifferent between $15 today 826 00:34:29,250 --> 00:34:34,679 and x dollars in a month, a year, and 10 years from now? 827 00:34:34,679 --> 00:34:36,510 What do we need to assume for that now? 828 00:34:36,510 --> 00:34:40,239 Or what other assumptions do we need? 829 00:34:40,239 --> 00:34:43,917 How do we go from money to your utility? 830 00:34:43,917 --> 00:34:47,718 STUDENT: There's an old study [INAUDIBLE].. 831 00:34:47,718 --> 00:34:48,760 FRANK SCHILBACH: Exactly. 832 00:34:48,760 --> 00:34:51,179 I need to assume something that's quite important. 833 00:34:51,179 --> 00:34:54,820 I need to assume utility is linear in money, 834 00:34:54,820 --> 00:34:58,060 either to say I'm just looking at that specific problem, 835 00:34:58,060 --> 00:35:02,403 u of X equals X. Or slightly more complicated, 836 00:35:02,403 --> 00:35:04,195 but in principle the same, marginal utility 837 00:35:04,195 --> 00:35:06,520 is constant over time. 838 00:35:06,520 --> 00:35:08,923 And that's sort of related. 839 00:35:08,923 --> 00:35:10,340 For our purposes, what we're going 840 00:35:10,340 --> 00:35:13,550 to assume for now is just to say your utility 841 00:35:13,550 --> 00:35:14,590 is linear in money. 842 00:35:14,590 --> 00:35:16,720 You have X equals X. 843 00:35:16,720 --> 00:35:22,420 And then what you can do is if I give you an amount Y-- 844 00:35:22,420 --> 00:35:25,300 Y is $15-- and then I ask you what 845 00:35:25,300 --> 00:35:27,310 makes you indifferent between X dollars in, say, 846 00:35:27,310 --> 00:35:29,710 a month or a year from now? 847 00:35:29,710 --> 00:35:32,200 I'm just going to write down an equation, which essentially 848 00:35:32,200 --> 00:35:35,770 is to say u of Y, which is the utility of getting 849 00:35:35,770 --> 00:35:37,390 the $15 right now-- 850 00:35:37,390 --> 00:35:40,390 is you're indifferent between that because you just told me 851 00:35:40,390 --> 00:35:44,350 so, and u of X, which X is the amount that you just told me. 852 00:35:44,350 --> 00:35:46,270 And now I need to discount that by delta 853 00:35:46,270 --> 00:35:50,020 to the power of t, which is because it's in the future, 854 00:35:50,020 --> 00:35:52,120 you need to discount that. 855 00:35:52,120 --> 00:35:54,100 Once I know that, I know essentially everything 856 00:35:54,100 --> 00:35:56,642 on the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the equation 857 00:35:56,642 --> 00:35:57,620 except for the delta. 858 00:35:57,620 --> 00:36:00,882 I can just back out delta from that. 859 00:36:00,882 --> 00:36:03,340 So what we're going to do is we're going to just use, then, 860 00:36:03,340 --> 00:36:07,270 the linearity assumption of the utility 861 00:36:07,270 --> 00:36:10,690 is linear in money, which is like u of Y equals Y, 862 00:36:10,690 --> 00:36:12,670 and u of X equals X. 863 00:36:12,670 --> 00:36:14,710 We take logs on both sides and rearrange, 864 00:36:14,710 --> 00:36:19,600 and then get rho, which is, again, the discount rate, 865 00:36:19,600 --> 00:36:21,370 equals minus log delta. 866 00:36:21,370 --> 00:36:24,730 And that's log of X divided by Y and divided 867 00:36:24,730 --> 00:36:28,960 by t, which is the time period that I'm asking you about. 868 00:36:28,960 --> 00:36:32,830 That's a simple algebra and rearranging things. 869 00:36:32,830 --> 00:36:35,020 We talked about a little bit in recitation 870 00:36:35,020 --> 00:36:37,017 and in the problem set as well. 871 00:36:37,017 --> 00:36:38,600 But is it clear what we're doing here? 872 00:36:38,600 --> 00:36:40,058 Are there any questions about that? 873 00:36:46,312 --> 00:36:48,020 So just to summarize what I'm doing here, 874 00:36:48,020 --> 00:36:51,520 I'm just asking you between different choices over time. 875 00:36:51,520 --> 00:36:53,710 I'm assuming a utility function of money. 876 00:36:53,710 --> 00:36:55,550 So I'm imposing on you in some way-- 877 00:36:55,550 --> 00:36:57,383 and it might be a good or a bad assumption-- 878 00:36:57,383 --> 00:36:59,410 but I'm essentially assuming how you value money 879 00:36:59,410 --> 00:37:00,880 at different points in time. 880 00:37:00,880 --> 00:37:02,470 And with that assumption, then, I 881 00:37:02,470 --> 00:37:04,900 can back out from your choices over time 882 00:37:04,900 --> 00:37:08,830 how much you discounting utility in the future. 883 00:37:08,830 --> 00:37:12,770 And then the rest is just rearranging and doing 884 00:37:12,770 --> 00:37:13,270 some math. 885 00:37:17,850 --> 00:37:20,380 So now, how do you do that? 886 00:37:20,380 --> 00:37:22,830 Here's an example of how to do that, then, for Y equals 15 887 00:37:22,830 --> 00:37:24,190 and X equals 20. 888 00:37:24,190 --> 00:37:25,920 So if you told me that what makes 889 00:37:25,920 --> 00:37:29,670 you indifferent between $15 now and X in a month, 890 00:37:29,670 --> 00:37:33,150 if you told me $20, I can just write down the equation, 891 00:37:33,150 --> 00:37:36,690 and I get essentially a delta of 0.003. 892 00:37:36,690 --> 00:37:39,240 The reason being that if you are indifferent 893 00:37:39,240 --> 00:37:44,903 between $15 and $20 right now, you're 894 00:37:44,903 --> 00:37:46,320 discounting, essentially, anything 895 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:48,600 that's in the future by 3/4. 896 00:37:48,600 --> 00:37:54,390 Essentially $20 in a month from now or 3/4 as much-- 897 00:37:54,390 --> 00:37:56,868 or the money in the future is 3/4 as much worth for you 898 00:37:56,868 --> 00:37:57,910 than the money right now. 899 00:37:57,910 --> 00:38:00,325 That's the 20 versus 15 in a month from now. 900 00:38:00,325 --> 00:38:01,950 And then I have to do this every month. 901 00:38:01,950 --> 00:38:04,500 So every month, it's 3/4 to the power of 12 902 00:38:04,500 --> 00:38:10,350 will give you something like 0.03 as delta. 903 00:38:10,350 --> 00:38:16,080 So I'm just calculating the yearly discount factor 904 00:38:16,080 --> 00:38:17,680 using your monthly choice. 905 00:38:17,680 --> 00:38:18,471 Yeah. 906 00:38:18,471 --> 00:38:21,202 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE]. 907 00:38:21,202 --> 00:38:22,160 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 908 00:38:22,160 --> 00:38:25,680 So usually, what people do is yearly discount factors. 909 00:38:25,680 --> 00:38:27,380 So usually the delta is yearly. 910 00:38:27,380 --> 00:38:28,640 That's just a convention. 911 00:38:28,640 --> 00:38:31,530 You could also do it monthly, or daily, or whatever. 912 00:38:31,530 --> 00:38:33,710 So what I'm doing is yearly discount factors, 913 00:38:33,710 --> 00:38:40,350 partially because I want to make them comparable across choices. 914 00:38:40,350 --> 00:38:41,870 But you could similarly also just do 915 00:38:41,870 --> 00:38:43,220 the monthly one, or whatever. 916 00:38:43,220 --> 00:38:48,110 And a lot of economic analyses, yearly is the frequency. 917 00:38:48,110 --> 00:38:50,060 When it comes to your problem set questions, 918 00:38:50,060 --> 00:38:53,030 it's going to be daily, because students 919 00:38:53,030 --> 00:38:56,778 tend to think in days, not necessarily in years. 920 00:38:56,778 --> 00:38:58,215 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE]. 921 00:39:03,490 --> 00:39:04,780 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 922 00:39:04,780 --> 00:39:07,690 So in some sense, this is what we're getting here 923 00:39:07,690 --> 00:39:09,160 in some ways in saying-- 924 00:39:09,160 --> 00:39:11,140 here I'm asking you about-- 925 00:39:11,140 --> 00:39:14,030 so you see the choice here, and these are actually real choices 926 00:39:14,030 --> 00:39:15,160 that people have made. 927 00:39:15,160 --> 00:39:20,980 When I ask you now between Y dollars, $15, right now 928 00:39:20,980 --> 00:39:22,870 and X dollars in 10 years from now, 929 00:39:22,870 --> 00:39:24,890 people tend to give different answers. 930 00:39:24,890 --> 00:39:27,010 And one constant finding there is 931 00:39:27,010 --> 00:39:28,810 that people tend to be more patient when 932 00:39:28,810 --> 00:39:31,780 it comes to longer run choices compared to shorter run 933 00:39:31,780 --> 00:39:33,040 choices. 934 00:39:33,040 --> 00:39:35,240 I'm calculating the same discount factor. 935 00:39:35,240 --> 00:39:37,870 And what I just told you earlier is in the exponential 936 00:39:37,870 --> 00:39:40,540 discounting model, the discount factor delta 937 00:39:40,540 --> 00:39:42,700 should be constant over time. 938 00:39:42,700 --> 00:39:45,340 Should be the same whether you decide 939 00:39:45,340 --> 00:39:49,090 between today and tomorrow, between a year from now 940 00:39:49,090 --> 00:39:51,580 and a year and a day from now, or between any time 941 00:39:51,580 --> 00:39:52,540 in the future. 942 00:39:52,540 --> 00:39:55,250 But what we find or tend to find in these kinds of choices 943 00:39:55,250 --> 00:39:57,400 is that people's discount factor is 944 00:39:57,400 --> 00:40:00,820 a lot higher in the future compared to in the present. 945 00:40:00,820 --> 00:40:01,900 I'll get back to that. 946 00:40:01,900 --> 00:40:04,840 So actually, your question is exactly on point. 947 00:40:04,840 --> 00:40:08,320 When eliciting choices between different days versus months 948 00:40:08,320 --> 00:40:12,130 versus years, you get a lot different answers 949 00:40:12,130 --> 00:40:13,300 depending on what you ask. 950 00:40:15,810 --> 00:40:16,410 OK. 951 00:40:16,410 --> 00:40:19,940 So now, we can say-- and this is exactly what you're asking-- 952 00:40:19,940 --> 00:40:20,900 let's see. 953 00:40:20,900 --> 00:40:23,750 When you do this in different settings, what kinds of answers 954 00:40:23,750 --> 00:40:24,950 do you actually get. 955 00:40:24,950 --> 00:40:28,070 And what you see here is here's people's choices of delta 956 00:40:28,070 --> 00:40:31,340 and different types of experiments people have done. 957 00:40:31,340 --> 00:40:33,047 This is different years of publication. 958 00:40:33,047 --> 00:40:34,880 But overall, what do you see is essentially, 959 00:40:34,880 --> 00:40:37,040 these estimates are all over the place. 960 00:40:37,040 --> 00:40:38,720 So you think we know what delta is. 961 00:40:38,720 --> 00:40:42,150 We think it's 0.9, or 0.8, or 0.95, or whatever. 962 00:40:42,150 --> 00:40:44,330 But in fact, when you look at people's choices 963 00:40:44,330 --> 00:40:46,010 in different types of experiments, 964 00:40:46,010 --> 00:40:48,480 these choices tend to be all over the place. 965 00:40:48,480 --> 00:40:50,090 So that's not a good sign for a model, 966 00:40:50,090 --> 00:40:54,650 because you're trying to identify a parameter that 967 00:40:54,650 --> 00:40:55,890 fits many settings. 968 00:40:55,890 --> 00:40:59,300 Well, here, it seems to be that these choices are essentially 969 00:40:59,300 --> 00:41:02,270 all over the place, which tells you already maybe something is 970 00:41:02,270 --> 00:41:05,780 wrong in this model that we should try to fix. 971 00:41:05,780 --> 00:41:09,320 Now, one thing I already said here 972 00:41:09,320 --> 00:41:11,690 is to say, when you look at short-run 973 00:41:11,690 --> 00:41:14,720 versus long-run choices, we tend to find that people are really 974 00:41:14,720 --> 00:41:16,280 impatient in the short run. 975 00:41:16,280 --> 00:41:18,440 However, people are patient in the long run. 976 00:41:21,480 --> 00:41:24,760 There's lots to learn from this experiment in various ways, 977 00:41:24,760 --> 00:41:29,388 in part about strategies to overcome self-control problems. 978 00:41:29,388 --> 00:41:30,930 For example, a lot of kids are trying 979 00:41:30,930 --> 00:41:32,700 to manage their attention, are looking at, 980 00:41:32,700 --> 00:41:34,470 and looking away, and so on. 981 00:41:34,470 --> 00:41:36,060 But mostly, I think the key part you 982 00:41:36,060 --> 00:41:38,940 learn is how painful it can be to resist. 983 00:41:38,940 --> 00:41:42,690 In the short run, there's lots of essentially 984 00:41:42,690 --> 00:41:44,520 short-run discounting or essentially 985 00:41:44,520 --> 00:41:46,560 short-run impatience that we see in the world. 986 00:41:46,560 --> 00:41:49,230 And if you think about it, often it's very hard in the short run 987 00:41:49,230 --> 00:41:49,982 to resist. 988 00:41:49,982 --> 00:41:51,690 Often when you think about in the future, 989 00:41:51,690 --> 00:41:53,628 it's much easier to do so. 990 00:41:53,628 --> 00:41:55,170 When you think about choices that you 991 00:41:55,170 --> 00:41:57,360 might face in your life-- 992 00:41:57,360 --> 00:41:59,190 be it marshmallows or something else-- 993 00:41:59,190 --> 00:42:01,620 would you rather have one marshmallow right now versus 994 00:42:01,620 --> 00:42:03,708 two marshmallows in an hour, you might say, 995 00:42:03,708 --> 00:42:06,000 well, maybe one marshmallow looks actually pretty good. 996 00:42:06,000 --> 00:42:08,220 Let's just take that one marshmallow right now. 997 00:42:08,220 --> 00:42:12,710 And a lot of these kids, I guess, opted for doing so. 998 00:42:12,710 --> 00:42:14,550 When I ask you instead, would you 999 00:42:14,550 --> 00:42:16,680 like to have a marshmallow in a week from now 1000 00:42:16,680 --> 00:42:19,260 versus two marshmallows in a week from now and an hour, 1001 00:42:19,260 --> 00:42:20,520 it almost becomes ridiculous. 1002 00:42:20,520 --> 00:42:22,478 Of course you're going to take two marshmallows 1003 00:42:22,478 --> 00:42:24,870 in a week and an hour from now. 1004 00:42:24,870 --> 00:42:27,000 What does it matter in terms of when exactly you 1005 00:42:27,000 --> 00:42:28,140 get the marshmallow? 1006 00:42:28,140 --> 00:42:31,290 When I ask you the same questions about one marshmallow 1007 00:42:31,290 --> 00:42:34,290 in a year from now versus two marshmallows in a year 1008 00:42:34,290 --> 00:42:37,357 and an hour from now, it becomes very obvious that of course, I 1009 00:42:37,357 --> 00:42:38,940 want the two marshmallows-- unless you 1010 00:42:38,940 --> 00:42:43,480 think in a year from now, you might be on a diet. 1011 00:42:43,480 --> 00:42:45,720 But the exponential discounting model 1012 00:42:45,720 --> 00:42:47,190 has precisely that assumption. 1013 00:42:47,190 --> 00:42:49,890 The assumption is that how much you discount 1014 00:42:49,890 --> 00:42:52,765 an hour in this case does not vary depending 1015 00:42:52,765 --> 00:42:54,390 on whether it's right now, whether it's 1016 00:42:54,390 --> 00:42:56,015 in a week from now, versus whether it's 1017 00:42:56,015 --> 00:42:57,310 in a year from now. 1018 00:42:57,310 --> 00:43:00,090 And the short-run discounting essentially 1019 00:43:00,090 --> 00:43:01,920 tends to violate that assumption, 1020 00:43:01,920 --> 00:43:04,560 in part because it leads to pretty absurd implications, 1021 00:43:04,560 --> 00:43:06,942 as I'm going to show you in a bit. 1022 00:43:06,942 --> 00:43:08,400 So what other evidence in the world 1023 00:43:08,400 --> 00:43:11,960 do we have about short-run impatience, 1024 00:43:11,960 --> 00:43:13,523 other than the marshmallows? 1025 00:43:17,600 --> 00:43:18,450 Yes. 1026 00:43:18,450 --> 00:43:23,182 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] get concentrated. 1027 00:43:23,182 --> 00:43:24,140 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 1028 00:43:24,140 --> 00:43:26,150 There's lots of-- I think among you guys, 1029 00:43:26,150 --> 00:43:30,470 not that many people smoke, but lots of smokers would say, 1030 00:43:30,470 --> 00:43:33,440 oh, I'd love to stop smoking in the future. 1031 00:43:33,440 --> 00:43:35,570 I really want to quit. 1032 00:43:35,570 --> 00:43:39,433 But then they find it very hard to do right now. 1033 00:43:39,433 --> 00:43:40,850 And maybe next time in the future, 1034 00:43:40,850 --> 00:43:42,440 I will quit, and so on, and so forth. 1035 00:43:42,440 --> 00:43:44,630 Lots of people try, and then fail, and so on. 1036 00:43:44,630 --> 00:43:48,320 And in part, it's like the short-run impatience 1037 00:43:48,320 --> 00:43:50,812 or short-run difficulty to do that 1038 00:43:50,812 --> 00:43:53,270 compared to maybe the long-run desires of wanting to do so. 1039 00:43:53,270 --> 00:43:54,770 We'll get back to smoking, actually, 1040 00:43:54,770 --> 00:43:56,480 at some point in the future. 1041 00:43:56,480 --> 00:43:58,820 But that's exactly a great example of that. 1042 00:43:58,820 --> 00:44:01,400 That's also true for other drugs, other addictions, 1043 00:44:01,400 --> 00:44:02,850 and so on. 1044 00:44:02,850 --> 00:44:04,910 Actually, some of the social media, 1045 00:44:04,910 --> 00:44:06,860 or computers, or phones, or whatever, 1046 00:44:06,860 --> 00:44:08,650 you can also think of like that being sort 1047 00:44:08,650 --> 00:44:09,650 of addictive in a sense. 1048 00:44:09,650 --> 00:44:12,120 In the short run, it's very hard to get away from that. 1049 00:44:12,120 --> 00:44:14,550 But in the very long run, it would be nice thing to do. 1050 00:44:14,550 --> 00:44:18,410 Often, then, there's short-run impatience involved. 1051 00:44:18,410 --> 00:44:20,192 Yeah. 1052 00:44:20,192 --> 00:44:23,507 STUDENT: Taking a break now versus [INAUDIBLE].. 1053 00:44:23,507 --> 00:44:25,340 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yeah, so a break now always 1054 00:44:25,340 --> 00:44:26,690 seems like a great idea. 1055 00:44:26,690 --> 00:44:28,310 And then in the future, you're going 1056 00:44:28,310 --> 00:44:30,020 to work really hard and so on. 1057 00:44:30,020 --> 00:44:32,300 And then the future comes, and again, 1058 00:44:32,300 --> 00:44:36,390 taking a break right now seems really appealing. 1059 00:44:36,390 --> 00:44:37,100 Yeah. 1060 00:44:37,100 --> 00:44:38,267 STUDENT: Aggressive driving. 1061 00:44:38,267 --> 00:44:39,933 FRANK SCHILBACH: Oh, that's interesting. 1062 00:44:39,933 --> 00:44:41,187 Can you say more? 1063 00:44:41,187 --> 00:44:43,020 STUDENT: In the short run, you're impatient. 1064 00:44:43,020 --> 00:44:45,320 You're concerned about your [INAUDIBLE] 1065 00:44:45,320 --> 00:44:47,828 so you might try to get to the destination faster. 1066 00:44:47,828 --> 00:44:50,286 Or just in general, people try to get to the destination as 1067 00:44:50,286 --> 00:44:52,732 fast as possible [INAUDIBLE]. 1068 00:44:52,732 --> 00:44:53,690 FRANK SCHILBACH: Right. 1069 00:44:53,690 --> 00:44:56,070 So of course, there's also other factors involved, 1070 00:44:56,070 --> 00:44:57,350 including risk and the like. 1071 00:44:57,350 --> 00:45:00,110 You might think-- you underestimate how risky it is, 1072 00:45:00,110 --> 00:45:02,480 and you might think, oh, I might be overconfident, 1073 00:45:02,480 --> 00:45:04,770 that you're never going to have an accident. 1074 00:45:04,770 --> 00:45:06,982 But exactly as you say, in the short run, essentially 1075 00:45:06,982 --> 00:45:08,690 there's some short-run benefits, which is 1076 00:45:08,690 --> 00:45:10,280 like I could be there faster. 1077 00:45:10,280 --> 00:45:13,670 It's kind of annoying to drive, and so on, and so forth. 1078 00:45:13,670 --> 00:45:16,550 The costs are in the future in some sense, so uncertain. 1079 00:45:16,550 --> 00:45:20,090 You might crash and so on, and you 1080 00:45:20,090 --> 00:45:21,920 might be impatient in the very short run. 1081 00:45:21,920 --> 00:45:22,462 That's right. 1082 00:45:22,462 --> 00:45:24,673 But I think that's a little tricky as an example 1083 00:45:24,673 --> 00:45:26,340 because there's all these other factors. 1084 00:45:26,340 --> 00:45:28,910 I do think, however, that short-run impatience is 1085 00:45:28,910 --> 00:45:31,610 involved in that as well. 1086 00:45:31,610 --> 00:45:32,300 Yes. 1087 00:45:32,300 --> 00:45:34,550 STUDENT: I think credit cards are also a good example. 1088 00:45:34,550 --> 00:45:37,370 Like, you can buy this now with a credit card instead 1089 00:45:37,370 --> 00:45:39,515 of saving to buy the thing. 1090 00:45:39,515 --> 00:45:40,390 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yes. 1091 00:45:40,390 --> 00:45:43,640 So a lot of essentially choices of money over time, 1092 00:45:43,640 --> 00:45:47,020 you can see the choices that I was asking you guys in class. 1093 00:45:47,020 --> 00:45:51,430 That essentially shows some short-run impatience as well. 1094 00:45:51,430 --> 00:45:56,050 There's perhaps even more salient payday loans 1095 00:45:56,050 --> 00:45:57,680 that you might be familiar with. 1096 00:45:57,680 --> 00:46:01,570 So payday loans are essentially a very interesting phenomenon, 1097 00:46:01,570 --> 00:46:03,070 where essentially, there are workers 1098 00:46:03,070 --> 00:46:06,070 who get their paycheck by the end of the month 1099 00:46:06,070 --> 00:46:07,720 or the beginning of the month, but then 1100 00:46:07,720 --> 00:46:10,390 on the 20th of the month or sometime earlier, they 1101 00:46:10,390 --> 00:46:12,803 would like to have some money earlier than that. 1102 00:46:12,803 --> 00:46:14,470 So you can essentially just say, give me 1103 00:46:14,470 --> 00:46:16,600 some money at a very high interest rate, 1104 00:46:16,600 --> 00:46:20,470 and once my payday comes, I'm going to pay you back. 1105 00:46:20,470 --> 00:46:22,570 The interest rates are usually enormous. 1106 00:46:22,570 --> 00:46:25,750 Usually it's something like up to 5,000 annualized compound 1107 00:46:25,750 --> 00:46:27,880 interest, which is insane. 1108 00:46:27,880 --> 00:46:29,260 These are huge interest rates. 1109 00:46:29,260 --> 00:46:31,600 It's also an enormous industry in the US. 1110 00:46:31,600 --> 00:46:34,405 It's more stores than McDonalds and Starbucks combined, 1111 00:46:34,405 --> 00:46:36,280 which I'm not sure how many stores there are, 1112 00:46:36,280 --> 00:46:38,740 but I think there's lots of them. 1113 00:46:38,740 --> 00:46:41,410 And people pay huge interest rates, 1114 00:46:41,410 --> 00:46:43,360 and it's a huge industry of doing that. 1115 00:46:43,360 --> 00:46:46,060 What's kind of funny about payday loans, in some ways, 1116 00:46:46,060 --> 00:46:49,810 is actually in some ways, it's an odd thing of the world-- 1117 00:46:49,810 --> 00:46:50,860 that's sort of an aside-- 1118 00:46:50,860 --> 00:46:53,230 as in workers have worked already for 20 days. 1119 00:46:53,230 --> 00:46:55,540 In some sense, the employer owes them money. 1120 00:46:55,540 --> 00:46:58,090 But instead, they're essentially taking loans 1121 00:46:58,090 --> 00:47:00,040 from a salary that's actually, in some sense, 1122 00:47:00,040 --> 00:47:02,290 theirs already anyway in various ways. 1123 00:47:02,290 --> 00:47:03,670 But that's just an aside. 1124 00:47:03,670 --> 00:47:05,480 So that's a huge industry. 1125 00:47:05,480 --> 00:47:06,950 You were saying something similar, 1126 00:47:06,950 --> 00:47:08,140 which is credit card debt. 1127 00:47:08,140 --> 00:47:10,420 Usually there, the annual interest rate 1128 00:47:10,420 --> 00:47:11,560 is lower than that. 1129 00:47:11,560 --> 00:47:15,648 It's something like 20% in many cases, sometimes also higher. 1130 00:47:15,648 --> 00:47:17,440 There's lots of credit card debt in the US. 1131 00:47:17,440 --> 00:47:19,315 And you can think of this as like essentially 1132 00:47:19,315 --> 00:47:20,980 signs of short-run impatience. 1133 00:47:20,980 --> 00:47:26,500 What you see is people wanting to spend money now 1134 00:47:26,500 --> 00:47:27,460 on various things. 1135 00:47:27,460 --> 00:47:29,020 And they get the gains of doing that. 1136 00:47:29,020 --> 00:47:31,480 The cost of that comes sometime in the future when you actually 1137 00:47:31,480 --> 00:47:32,350 have to pay it back. 1138 00:47:34,990 --> 00:47:37,790 Finally, there's also some evidence of payday effects. 1139 00:47:37,790 --> 00:47:41,210 These are often involved in things like people, 1140 00:47:41,210 --> 00:47:44,410 for example, who get food stamps or any other monthly 1141 00:47:44,410 --> 00:47:47,110 or other cash transfers-- that people 1142 00:47:47,110 --> 00:47:50,380 get either food stamps or money at some point 1143 00:47:50,380 --> 00:47:53,050 conditional/unconditional cash transfers 1144 00:47:53,050 --> 00:47:54,490 at the beginning of the month. 1145 00:47:54,490 --> 00:47:56,933 And then usually, there's these cycles in consumption 1146 00:47:56,933 --> 00:47:59,350 or also expenditures, where at the beginning of the month, 1147 00:47:59,350 --> 00:48:01,930 people live large and have lots of money. 1148 00:48:01,930 --> 00:48:07,030 Same is also true for graduate students on their stipends. 1149 00:48:07,030 --> 00:48:12,010 The first weeks or months after getting your paychecks 1150 00:48:12,010 --> 00:48:13,280 often is really great. 1151 00:48:13,280 --> 00:48:16,353 And then it sort of declines over the course of that cycle. 1152 00:48:16,353 --> 00:48:17,770 The same is also true, by the way, 1153 00:48:17,770 --> 00:48:21,160 for farmers and harvest cycles in India and other places. 1154 00:48:21,160 --> 00:48:23,230 And then usually towards the end of the cycle, 1155 00:48:23,230 --> 00:48:25,750 people either are hungry, or have low caloric intake, 1156 00:48:25,750 --> 00:48:27,880 or are just not very happy. 1157 00:48:27,880 --> 00:48:30,130 That's a very common phenomenon. 1158 00:48:30,130 --> 00:48:33,683 And at the heart of that, there is some short-run impatience, 1159 00:48:33,683 --> 00:48:35,600 in the sense of at the beginning of the month, 1160 00:48:35,600 --> 00:48:37,267 you're really impatient, want to consume 1161 00:48:37,267 --> 00:48:40,720 some stuff, and discount what's in the end of the cycle, what's 1162 00:48:40,720 --> 00:48:43,420 further away, where the costs are coming, then, 1163 00:48:43,420 --> 00:48:46,480 in terms of not having enough resources or money 1164 00:48:46,480 --> 00:48:48,730 available anymore. 1165 00:48:48,730 --> 00:48:52,300 Here's some examples of payday loans. 1166 00:48:52,300 --> 00:48:54,580 I was wondering what this woman-- 1167 00:48:54,580 --> 00:48:56,230 this is from wonga.com. 1168 00:48:56,230 --> 00:48:59,187 Apparently, they are advertising with grandmothers, 1169 00:48:59,187 --> 00:49:01,270 because you wonder what this woman is doing there. 1170 00:49:01,270 --> 00:49:04,540 But what you see here on the right-hand side is essentially, 1171 00:49:04,540 --> 00:49:08,041 the interest rates are something in the 1,000%. 1172 00:49:08,041 --> 00:49:10,790 These are the annualized interest rates. 1173 00:49:10,790 --> 00:49:12,280 These are enormous interest rates. 1174 00:49:12,280 --> 00:49:16,180 Usually people take many loans of that. 1175 00:49:16,180 --> 00:49:17,560 They also take repeated loans. 1176 00:49:17,560 --> 00:49:20,380 So it's not just as an emergency where people take a loan, 1177 00:49:20,380 --> 00:49:23,020 but people tend to roll over these loans over and over 1178 00:49:23,020 --> 00:49:25,540 again, and actually pay lots and lots of money 1179 00:49:25,540 --> 00:49:26,950 to these companies. 1180 00:49:26,950 --> 00:49:30,370 There's often very high credit card APRs, 1181 00:49:30,370 --> 00:49:33,790 which 20%, 25%, and so on are very common. 1182 00:49:33,790 --> 00:49:36,160 Again, lots of people have lots of credit card debt. 1183 00:49:36,160 --> 00:49:38,590 And often, it's again, not just to deal with shocks. 1184 00:49:38,590 --> 00:49:39,760 You might say, well, if you have a health 1185 00:49:39,760 --> 00:49:41,530 shock or some other shock in the family, 1186 00:49:41,530 --> 00:49:44,960 if people get perhaps unemployed for a short period of time, 1187 00:49:44,960 --> 00:49:48,130 maybe that makes sense to deal with that shock. 1188 00:49:48,130 --> 00:49:51,160 But often, people tend to roll over 1189 00:49:51,160 --> 00:49:53,380 this interest for many, many cycles, 1190 00:49:53,380 --> 00:49:56,920 and keep paying these really high interest rates. 1191 00:49:56,920 --> 00:49:59,770 Now, in some sense, that's just empirical evidence. 1192 00:49:59,770 --> 00:50:02,030 That's just a fact that these things exist. 1193 00:50:02,030 --> 00:50:04,360 However, when you think that through, 1194 00:50:04,360 --> 00:50:08,210 you get very absurd implications of this short-run impatience. 1195 00:50:08,210 --> 00:50:10,630 So what I showed you now is several pieces of evidence 1196 00:50:10,630 --> 00:50:12,640 of short-run impatience. 1197 00:50:12,640 --> 00:50:14,980 Now taking the exponential discounting model 1198 00:50:14,980 --> 00:50:16,960 very seriously, we're going to think about some 1199 00:50:16,960 --> 00:50:18,730 of these implications of what does 1200 00:50:18,730 --> 00:50:22,720 the exponential discounting model say and imply from that. 1201 00:50:22,720 --> 00:50:25,450 And one way to think about this is the money 1202 00:50:25,450 --> 00:50:26,770 now versus later choices. 1203 00:50:26,770 --> 00:50:31,060 As I told you before, when you look at number one here, 1204 00:50:31,060 --> 00:50:32,560 I was asking you about what makes 1205 00:50:32,560 --> 00:50:35,890 you indifferent between $100 now and $X in two weeks. 1206 00:50:35,890 --> 00:50:41,047 And the median student was saying something $120, $115. 1207 00:50:41,047 --> 00:50:42,880 And you can think about what does that imply 1208 00:50:42,880 --> 00:50:44,470 for the yearly delta. 1209 00:50:44,470 --> 00:50:48,520 Well, it implies for the yearly delta that it's about 5/6. 1210 00:50:48,520 --> 00:50:50,260 So you're indifferent between $100 1211 00:50:50,260 --> 00:50:52,700 now versus $120 in the future. 1212 00:50:52,700 --> 00:50:56,590 So that must mean the future is 5/6 as much worth 1213 00:50:56,590 --> 00:50:59,710 as the present is for you right now. 1214 00:50:59,710 --> 00:51:02,830 Now, that's fine. 1215 00:51:02,830 --> 00:51:05,270 Excuse me, that was the two weeks 1216 00:51:05,270 --> 00:51:09,760 that was I was asking you about, $100 now versus X 1217 00:51:09,760 --> 00:51:11,190 dollars in 2 weeks from now. 1218 00:51:11,190 --> 00:51:13,487 So the two-week delta is 5/6. 1219 00:51:13,487 --> 00:51:15,070 Now you can think about what does that 1220 00:51:15,070 --> 00:51:18,310 mean for your four-week delta. 1221 00:51:18,310 --> 00:51:20,050 Well, it's 5/6 to the power of 2. 1222 00:51:23,080 --> 00:51:25,930 So that's essentially you're indifferent between $100 now 1223 00:51:25,930 --> 00:51:28,600 and $144 in four weeks from now. 1224 00:51:28,600 --> 00:51:31,000 You're also indifferent between $100 now 1225 00:51:31,000 --> 00:51:34,000 and $11,400 in a year from now. 1226 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:36,130 And you're also indifferent between $100 now 1227 00:51:36,130 --> 00:51:38,020 and I don't even know what that number is, 1228 00:51:38,020 --> 00:51:40,310 but a very, very large number. 1229 00:51:40,310 --> 00:51:42,490 So if you think the discount factor is delta, 1230 00:51:42,490 --> 00:51:44,740 and you just roll that forward, you 1231 00:51:44,740 --> 00:51:46,510 get essentially absurd implications, 1232 00:51:46,510 --> 00:51:50,080 the reason being that we assume the discount factor 1233 00:51:50,080 --> 00:51:50,807 is constant. 1234 00:51:50,807 --> 00:51:52,390 And so that, then, essentially, if you 1235 00:51:52,390 --> 00:51:56,440 are reasonably impatient between the present and any time 1236 00:51:56,440 --> 00:51:58,715 in the near future, like two or four weeks from now, 1237 00:51:58,715 --> 00:52:00,340 that must imply that you really, really 1238 00:52:00,340 --> 00:52:02,048 don't care about what's happening in five 1239 00:52:02,048 --> 00:52:04,820 years from now, and so on. 1240 00:52:04,820 --> 00:52:07,210 Now, that's completely unrealistic. 1241 00:52:07,210 --> 00:52:09,512 The discount factor for two-week delays in the future 1242 00:52:09,512 --> 00:52:11,470 must be, in some ways, higher than the discount 1243 00:52:11,470 --> 00:52:13,220 factor for two-week delays in the present. 1244 00:52:13,220 --> 00:52:15,803 And that's essentially what the quasi-hyperbolic, or the model 1245 00:52:15,803 --> 00:52:17,830 I'm going to propose to you in the next class, 1246 00:52:17,830 --> 00:52:20,540 is going to try and explain. 1247 00:52:20,540 --> 00:52:21,850 So why is that unrealistic? 1248 00:52:21,850 --> 00:52:23,830 Well, we know for many situations in the world, 1249 00:52:23,830 --> 00:52:25,810 people care a lot about the future. 1250 00:52:25,810 --> 00:52:27,130 People save for retirement. 1251 00:52:27,130 --> 00:52:28,540 People invest in education. 1252 00:52:28,540 --> 00:52:29,830 People exercise, often. 1253 00:52:29,830 --> 00:52:31,000 People do problem sets. 1254 00:52:31,000 --> 00:52:32,260 People brush their teeth. 1255 00:52:32,260 --> 00:52:33,760 People eat healthy, and so on. 1256 00:52:33,760 --> 00:52:35,420 People invest a lot in the future, 1257 00:52:35,420 --> 00:52:38,620 in stuff that happens four or five, six, seven, 10 1258 00:52:38,620 --> 00:52:39,740 years from now. 1259 00:52:39,740 --> 00:52:42,460 So they care a lot about the future in some ways. 1260 00:52:42,460 --> 00:52:44,750 Yet we find the short-run impatience. 1261 00:52:44,750 --> 00:52:49,930 So now we need to find some model that can bridge this gap. 1262 00:52:49,930 --> 00:52:52,780 And so another way to put this is 1263 00:52:52,780 --> 00:52:55,960 when you look at the evidence that we have in terms 1264 00:52:55,960 --> 00:52:58,780 of my time horizon, when you look at discount 1265 00:52:58,780 --> 00:53:02,350 factors conducted in studies such as the one 1266 00:53:02,350 --> 00:53:07,330 that I just showed you, or using real-world decisions, what you 1267 00:53:07,330 --> 00:53:10,060 see usually is that the discount factor in the very short run 1268 00:53:10,060 --> 00:53:12,880 tends to be very small. 1269 00:53:12,880 --> 00:53:15,755 This is what you see on the left-hand side of the graph. 1270 00:53:15,755 --> 00:53:17,380 When you look at further in the future, 1271 00:53:17,380 --> 00:53:19,540 the discount factor tends to be higher. 1272 00:53:19,540 --> 00:53:22,330 Or another way to put this is the estimated delta increases 1273 00:53:22,330 --> 00:53:23,980 by time horizon. 1274 00:53:23,980 --> 00:53:27,430 Again, that's a violation of the exponential discounting model. 1275 00:53:30,250 --> 00:53:32,000 So that's the first piece of evidence. 1276 00:53:32,000 --> 00:53:33,730 The second one is preference reversal, 1277 00:53:33,730 --> 00:53:35,370 dynamic inconsistency. 1278 00:53:35,370 --> 00:53:37,120 What I mean by that is dynamic consistency 1279 00:53:37,120 --> 00:53:39,370 is essentially the property that when 1280 00:53:39,370 --> 00:53:42,850 you make a choice for the future between two future periods, 1281 00:53:42,850 --> 00:53:45,790 and when the future then comes absent new information 1282 00:53:45,790 --> 00:53:47,800 or any other things that have happened, 1283 00:53:47,800 --> 00:53:49,785 you will stick to that choice. 1284 00:53:49,785 --> 00:53:51,160 A formal decision or a definition 1285 00:53:51,160 --> 00:53:52,750 here is, the action a person thinks 1286 00:53:52,750 --> 00:53:55,150 she should take in the future always 1287 00:53:55,150 --> 00:53:57,310 coincides with the action that she actually prefers 1288 00:53:57,310 --> 00:53:59,620 to take once the time comes. 1289 00:53:59,620 --> 00:54:02,320 So if I make a plan to exercise tomorrow, 1290 00:54:02,320 --> 00:54:04,590 or if I make a plan to eat salad tomorrow, 1291 00:54:04,590 --> 00:54:05,840 I'm going to actually do that. 1292 00:54:05,840 --> 00:54:08,080 I'm not going to be, actually watching movies 1293 00:54:08,080 --> 00:54:11,170 seems like a good idea, or the potato chips instead 1294 00:54:11,170 --> 00:54:12,550 look better. 1295 00:54:12,550 --> 00:54:14,080 I have perfect foresight in what I'm 1296 00:54:14,080 --> 00:54:15,560 going to plan for the future. 1297 00:54:15,560 --> 00:54:16,960 I know my future preferences. 1298 00:54:16,960 --> 00:54:19,510 And my future preferences for what I want for the future 1299 00:54:19,510 --> 00:54:24,650 coincide with what I actually want in the future, as well. 1300 00:54:24,650 --> 00:54:28,390 And so put differently, there's no intrapersonal conflicts. 1301 00:54:28,390 --> 00:54:31,180 That is to say what I want for the future is also 1302 00:54:31,180 --> 00:54:35,810 what my future self wants for itself. 1303 00:54:35,810 --> 00:54:39,970 And so that's closely connected to the assumption 1304 00:54:39,970 --> 00:54:43,180 of exponential discounting-- that is to say exponential 1305 00:54:43,180 --> 00:54:46,660 discounting has the assumption that how much I care between 1306 00:54:46,660 --> 00:54:49,270 the present and the future is always-- 1307 00:54:49,270 --> 00:54:51,280 the weight is always determined by delta, 1308 00:54:51,280 --> 00:54:53,510 and that delta doesn't change over time. 1309 00:54:53,510 --> 00:54:55,240 So when I think now about what I want 1310 00:54:55,240 --> 00:54:57,400 in the future, between a year from now 1311 00:54:57,400 --> 00:54:59,110 and two years from now, the difference 1312 00:54:59,110 --> 00:55:01,900 between those or the discounting will always be delta. 1313 00:55:01,900 --> 00:55:04,390 Once the future comes, the difference 1314 00:55:04,390 --> 00:55:06,973 between a year from then and-- 1315 00:55:06,973 --> 00:55:08,890 at the time, then, it will be like the present 1316 00:55:08,890 --> 00:55:10,598 and a year from now-- will also be delta. 1317 00:55:10,598 --> 00:55:12,800 So there's no difference there. 1318 00:55:12,800 --> 00:55:15,370 So what's the formal argument of the exponential discounting 1319 00:55:15,370 --> 00:55:16,120 model? 1320 00:55:16,120 --> 00:55:18,010 Well, it is essentially if at time 0, 1321 00:55:18,010 --> 00:55:19,983 I prefer an action A over an action B, 1322 00:55:19,983 --> 00:55:21,400 suppose there's different actions. 1323 00:55:21,400 --> 00:55:23,410 There's action A and action B that I 1324 00:55:23,410 --> 00:55:26,680 can do starting in period one. 1325 00:55:26,680 --> 00:55:30,040 Well, if I prefer action A over action B, on the left-hand side 1326 00:55:30,040 --> 00:55:32,290 there's the utilities associated with that. 1327 00:55:32,290 --> 00:55:36,670 There's u0 plus delta times u1 A of action 1328 00:55:36,670 --> 00:55:41,050 A plus delta squared of u2 of action A, and so on. 1329 00:55:41,050 --> 00:55:43,150 If I prefer that over action B, well, it 1330 00:55:43,150 --> 00:55:45,100 must be that I prefer the stream of utility 1331 00:55:45,100 --> 00:55:47,590 on the left-hand side to the stream of utility 1332 00:55:47,590 --> 00:55:49,780 on the right-hand side. 1333 00:55:49,780 --> 00:55:53,140 But now that implies if I take away the u0, because they're 1334 00:55:53,140 --> 00:55:55,030 the same on both sides, because I'm 1335 00:55:55,030 --> 00:55:59,210 making choices for the future, and then divide by delta, what 1336 00:55:59,210 --> 00:56:05,740 I get is essentially, again, an equality that at time 1, again, 1337 00:56:05,740 --> 00:56:11,600 I still prefer option A over option B. That is to say, 1338 00:56:11,600 --> 00:56:13,720 if I prefer option A over option B 1339 00:56:13,720 --> 00:56:15,910 at time 0, that implies essentially 1340 00:56:15,910 --> 00:56:20,395 that I also prefer option A over option B at time 1. 1341 00:56:20,395 --> 00:56:22,270 So that essentially is another way to say it, 1342 00:56:22,270 --> 00:56:25,030 is that the exponential discounting factor 1343 00:56:25,030 --> 00:56:28,610 implies time and consistency. 1344 00:56:28,610 --> 00:56:29,750 Any questions about that? 1345 00:56:41,630 --> 00:56:43,962 So what examples do we have that violate this property? 1346 00:56:43,962 --> 00:56:46,420 We already talked about this a bit in the previous classes, 1347 00:56:46,420 --> 00:56:49,162 but just remind ourselves. 1348 00:56:54,090 --> 00:56:55,930 Yes. 1349 00:56:55,930 --> 00:56:57,640 STUDENT: The betting on how much weight 1350 00:56:57,640 --> 00:56:59,280 you lose when you're on a diet. 1351 00:56:59,280 --> 00:57:04,988 You make sure that you'll want to change your behavior. 1352 00:57:04,988 --> 00:57:06,030 FRANK SCHILBACH: Exactly. 1353 00:57:06,030 --> 00:57:08,880 So dieting in general seems a great example of saying, 1354 00:57:08,880 --> 00:57:11,010 I really would like to lose some weight, 1355 00:57:11,010 --> 00:57:12,870 or have some target weight, or some target 1356 00:57:12,870 --> 00:57:14,910 exercising, or a certain behavior of eating 1357 00:57:14,910 --> 00:57:16,900 and exercising or combined. 1358 00:57:16,900 --> 00:57:18,900 And I really would like to do that. 1359 00:57:18,900 --> 00:57:20,940 For now-- I mean, I think about the future. 1360 00:57:20,940 --> 00:57:23,118 Often at New Year's or certain points 1361 00:57:23,118 --> 00:57:24,660 of the year, our birthdays and so on, 1362 00:57:24,660 --> 00:57:26,460 people think, OK, I'm going to do this. 1363 00:57:26,460 --> 00:57:27,870 I have great plans and so on. 1364 00:57:27,870 --> 00:57:29,880 They have certain preferences for the future. 1365 00:57:29,880 --> 00:57:32,340 But then the future comes a week or a month from then. 1366 00:57:32,340 --> 00:57:35,310 People don't follow through. 1367 00:57:35,310 --> 00:57:35,850 Exactly. 1368 00:57:35,850 --> 00:57:37,590 That's essentially a clear example 1369 00:57:37,590 --> 00:57:40,050 of a preference reversal, which is essentially 1370 00:57:40,050 --> 00:57:42,540 another way of saying preferences 1371 00:57:42,540 --> 00:57:44,220 are dynamically inconsistent. 1372 00:57:49,310 --> 00:57:50,585 Any other example? 1373 00:58:13,970 --> 00:58:15,316 Yes. 1374 00:58:15,316 --> 00:58:17,534 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] say we should 1375 00:58:17,534 --> 00:58:19,753 do something, kind of like this is, like, 1376 00:58:19,753 --> 00:58:22,218 what we want our future to be. 1377 00:58:22,218 --> 00:58:24,808 [INAUDIBLE] 1378 00:58:24,808 --> 00:58:25,850 FRANK SCHILBACH: Exactly. 1379 00:58:25,850 --> 00:58:28,627 So that's true for, did you say exercising? 1380 00:58:28,627 --> 00:58:29,210 STUDENT: Yeah. 1381 00:58:29,210 --> 00:58:32,480 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yeah, for exercising, exactly. 1382 00:58:32,480 --> 00:58:35,660 I'll show you some examples of people, for example, signing up 1383 00:58:35,660 --> 00:58:37,770 for gyms that pay yearly membership fees, 1384 00:58:37,770 --> 00:58:40,250 and so on, that tend to be very expensive. 1385 00:58:40,250 --> 00:58:41,750 The idea often is then they think 1386 00:58:41,750 --> 00:58:46,910 about they will go to the gym weekly, or daily, or whatever. 1387 00:58:46,910 --> 00:58:49,850 And then under that assumption for your preferences 1388 00:58:49,850 --> 00:58:52,650 for the future, then it makes a lot of sense. 1389 00:58:52,650 --> 00:58:55,298 But then if you then not actually go, 1390 00:58:55,298 --> 00:58:56,840 or if your preferences are different, 1391 00:58:56,840 --> 00:58:59,240 then it turns out to be different in the future, that's 1392 00:58:59,240 --> 00:59:01,070 a pretty bad idea. 1393 00:59:01,070 --> 00:59:03,130 Yes, you were saying. 1394 00:59:03,130 --> 00:59:06,093 STUDENT: So consider apples or bananas. 1395 00:59:06,093 --> 00:59:08,873 If I'm choosing [INAUDIBLE]. 1396 00:59:17,420 --> 00:59:19,430 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yeah, to be clear, 1397 00:59:19,430 --> 00:59:22,610 if you just start eating apples because you 1398 00:59:22,610 --> 00:59:24,658 had too many bananas in the past, that's 1399 00:59:24,658 --> 00:59:25,950 not what we were talking about. 1400 00:59:25,950 --> 00:59:29,900 So it's not about people's past choices 1401 00:59:29,900 --> 00:59:32,900 affecting future choices through some form of habit formation, 1402 00:59:32,900 --> 00:59:35,450 or people getting bored, or tired, or the like. 1403 00:59:35,450 --> 00:59:38,150 But it's about if I today choose today I want bananas, 1404 00:59:38,150 --> 00:59:42,380 tomorrow I want apples, and then tomorrow I'm actually saying, 1405 00:59:42,380 --> 00:59:45,950 actually, I don't like apples, I really like bananas, 1406 00:59:45,950 --> 00:59:47,262 then that would be a violation. 1407 00:59:47,262 --> 00:59:49,220 But it needs to be something that's essentially 1408 00:59:49,220 --> 00:59:54,440 either new information or some new options or so on that 1409 00:59:54,440 --> 00:59:56,637 become available. 1410 00:59:56,637 --> 00:59:58,220 In the example that you're mentioning, 1411 00:59:58,220 --> 00:59:59,360 there was none of that. 1412 00:59:59,360 --> 01:00:02,600 So that's not quite what we're talking about. 1413 01:00:02,600 --> 01:00:05,700 More common is-- and there's a paper that does this, in fact, 1414 01:00:05,700 --> 01:00:08,720 with Dutch employees by Read and van Leeuwen that essentially 1415 01:00:08,720 --> 01:00:10,630 asked people about next week first. 1416 01:00:10,630 --> 01:00:12,350 So it asked them about-- this is actually 1417 01:00:12,350 --> 01:00:15,618 an actual company, where workers were asked, after lunch, 1418 01:00:15,618 --> 01:00:16,910 would you like to have a snack? 1419 01:00:16,910 --> 01:00:18,950 And what snack would you like to have? 1420 01:00:18,950 --> 01:00:21,690 Would you like to have apples or chocolate? 1421 01:00:21,690 --> 01:00:24,930 When you're asked to do that today for next week, 1422 01:00:24,930 --> 01:00:27,940 74% chose fruit or apples, essentially. 1423 01:00:27,940 --> 01:00:31,020 So lots of people tend to want to be virtuous in the future, 1424 01:00:31,020 --> 01:00:32,580 eat healthily, and so on. 1425 01:00:32,580 --> 01:00:34,330 When you ask them then the same question-- 1426 01:00:34,330 --> 01:00:36,930 so then in the actual experiment, what 1427 01:00:36,930 --> 01:00:39,840 they did is then they went back to the workers, and said, 1428 01:00:39,840 --> 01:00:41,080 oh, I forgot your choice. 1429 01:00:41,080 --> 01:00:43,420 Why don't you choose again. 1430 01:00:43,420 --> 01:00:44,190 Let us know. 1431 01:00:44,190 --> 01:00:46,530 That was a little bit cheating, but then essentially, 1432 01:00:46,530 --> 01:00:52,620 70% of people, when it comes for the same day, choose chocolate. 1433 01:00:52,620 --> 01:00:54,870 And here's none of that, in the sense 1434 01:00:54,870 --> 01:00:56,970 of there's no habit formation, there's 1435 01:00:56,970 --> 01:00:59,233 no people ate too many apples and now they 1436 01:00:59,233 --> 01:01:00,150 really want chocolate. 1437 01:01:00,150 --> 01:01:01,680 That was only one choice. 1438 01:01:01,680 --> 01:01:03,510 And so now, when I make some choices 1439 01:01:03,510 --> 01:01:05,340 for the future and the future comes, 1440 01:01:05,340 --> 01:01:09,310 I should stick to that choice. 1441 01:01:09,310 --> 01:01:11,450 Similarly, there's movie choices. 1442 01:01:11,450 --> 01:01:13,210 It used to be-- 1443 01:01:13,210 --> 01:01:15,490 you guys are probably too young for this-- 1444 01:01:15,490 --> 01:01:19,647 Netflix used to send you movies to your home. 1445 01:01:19,647 --> 01:01:21,730 But often what lots of people had was this issue-- 1446 01:01:21,730 --> 01:01:25,180 they had great plans of watching highbrow, or high culture, 1447 01:01:25,180 --> 01:01:31,005 and often sad or deep movies in the future. 1448 01:01:31,005 --> 01:01:32,380 There's really things they wanted 1449 01:01:32,380 --> 01:01:34,480 to watch, be it The Piano or Schindler's List 1450 01:01:34,480 --> 01:01:37,280 and so on, which by some category 1451 01:01:37,280 --> 01:01:38,560 we might call highbrow. 1452 01:01:38,560 --> 01:01:40,690 But instead, when the present comes, 1453 01:01:40,690 --> 01:01:44,230 people often like to watch essentially lowbrow movies 1454 01:01:44,230 --> 01:01:46,870 like comedies, and so on and so forth, 1455 01:01:46,870 --> 01:01:50,080 for example, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Speed, and so on, 1456 01:01:50,080 --> 01:01:51,538 so action movies or the like. 1457 01:01:51,538 --> 01:01:53,080 And then what would happen in Netflix 1458 01:01:53,080 --> 01:01:55,930 often is you would get all these movies that you'd really 1459 01:01:55,930 --> 01:01:59,710 love to watch in the future, but never in the present, 1460 01:01:59,710 --> 01:02:01,720 then get stuck with them. 1461 01:02:01,720 --> 01:02:03,970 And there's, in fact, an example or a paper 1462 01:02:03,970 --> 01:02:06,530 who does this, which essentially elicits people's preferences 1463 01:02:06,530 --> 01:02:08,530 for what they would like to watch in the present 1464 01:02:08,530 --> 01:02:09,880 versus in the future. 1465 01:02:09,880 --> 01:02:11,350 And what you see, essentially, is 1466 01:02:11,350 --> 01:02:14,140 people tend to systematically pick 1467 01:02:14,140 --> 01:02:16,270 for the present, for tonight, people 1468 01:02:16,270 --> 01:02:19,360 tend to watch or want to watch lowbrow movies. 1469 01:02:19,360 --> 01:02:22,990 Action, rom com, or whatever sounds really good for tonight. 1470 01:02:22,990 --> 01:02:25,610 When you think about what would you like to watch next week, 1471 01:02:25,610 --> 01:02:28,660 people tend to pick highbrow movies instead. 1472 01:02:32,690 --> 01:02:37,040 And there's lots of examples of that kind. 1473 01:02:37,040 --> 01:02:39,350 And so just to summarize, these preference reversals, 1474 01:02:39,350 --> 01:02:41,870 again, these are not really possible in the exponential 1475 01:02:41,870 --> 01:02:43,070 discounting model. 1476 01:02:43,070 --> 01:02:44,070 That should not occur. 1477 01:02:44,070 --> 01:02:46,643 That's by assumption not possible in that model, 1478 01:02:46,643 --> 01:02:48,560 as I just showed you before, yet we see plenty 1479 01:02:48,560 --> 01:02:51,120 of examples in the real world. 1480 01:02:51,120 --> 01:02:54,110 Now, the third piece of evidence is demand for commitment. 1481 01:02:54,110 --> 01:02:56,670 That's really closely related to that. 1482 01:02:56,670 --> 01:02:59,000 So one example here is demand for commitment 1483 01:02:59,000 --> 01:03:02,960 is essentially when you know that your future preferences 1484 01:03:02,960 --> 01:03:05,360 will be different from your present preferences, 1485 01:03:05,360 --> 01:03:07,740 you might engage in commitment devices. 1486 01:03:07,740 --> 01:03:08,900 What does that mean? 1487 01:03:08,900 --> 01:03:11,957 You might want to change the prices of your options 1488 01:03:11,957 --> 01:03:12,540 in the future. 1489 01:03:12,540 --> 01:03:14,415 And particularly, you might want to take away 1490 01:03:14,415 --> 01:03:16,760 some options in the future. 1491 01:03:16,760 --> 01:03:20,420 One example is Ulysses and the Sirens. 1492 01:03:20,420 --> 01:03:23,300 Who knows that story or can tell me what it is? 1493 01:03:23,300 --> 01:03:24,149 Yes. 1494 01:03:24,149 --> 01:03:28,061 STUDENT: So basically, there are these Sirens, 1495 01:03:28,061 --> 01:03:35,396 and they're singing and [INAUDIBLE].. 1496 01:03:35,396 --> 01:03:45,070 But [INAUDIBLE] but it's hard to tear yourself from [INAUDIBLE].. 1497 01:03:45,070 --> 01:03:49,552 So he had [INAUDIBLE] tied to the ship 1498 01:03:49,552 --> 01:03:51,490 so that he wouldn't be able to. 1499 01:03:51,490 --> 01:03:52,760 FRANK SCHILBACH: Yes, exactly. 1500 01:03:52,760 --> 01:03:53,510 So here's Ulysses. 1501 01:03:53,510 --> 01:03:57,070 I think he was on his way back from his long journey. 1502 01:03:59,950 --> 01:04:03,070 He knew that the Sirens were going to come. 1503 01:04:03,070 --> 01:04:05,500 He knew that his preferences would change in the future-- 1504 01:04:05,500 --> 01:04:07,190 that he would not be able to resist 1505 01:04:07,190 --> 01:04:10,120 their power or their songs. 1506 01:04:10,120 --> 01:04:12,880 And so what he did is he asked his crew 1507 01:04:12,880 --> 01:04:15,070 to bind him to the mast so he would not 1508 01:04:15,070 --> 01:04:18,672 be able to leave the ship, even if he wanted to in the future. 1509 01:04:18,672 --> 01:04:21,130 And that's demand for commitment because he was taking away 1510 01:04:21,130 --> 01:04:24,100 some options in the future, with a goal 1511 01:04:24,100 --> 01:04:27,040 to change his future behavior, knowing that his preferences 1512 01:04:27,040 --> 01:04:29,800 would change in the future. 1513 01:04:29,800 --> 01:04:32,290 If you wonder why the guys who are rowing 1514 01:04:32,290 --> 01:04:33,430 are not leaving the ship. 1515 01:04:33,430 --> 01:04:35,320 They had wax in their ears. 1516 01:04:35,320 --> 01:04:38,090 I don't know why Ulysses couldn't use the wax either, 1517 01:04:38,090 --> 01:04:41,080 but anyway-- 1518 01:04:41,080 --> 01:04:43,060 So that's one example of a commitment device. 1519 01:04:43,060 --> 01:04:45,310 There's another one, which is sort of financial advice 1520 01:04:45,310 --> 01:04:47,890 that people often get, which is the following-- 1521 01:04:47,890 --> 01:04:51,100 cut up your credit card and store the cards. 1522 01:04:51,100 --> 01:04:55,360 If possible, get rid of all your credit cards 1523 01:04:55,360 --> 01:04:57,040 or put temptation out of reach. 1524 01:04:57,040 --> 01:04:59,230 If you really can't do without a credit card, 1525 01:04:59,230 --> 01:05:00,340 limit yourself to one. 1526 01:05:00,340 --> 01:05:03,080 Put it in a tub of water, and stick it in the freezer. 1527 01:05:03,080 --> 01:05:05,380 And so the idea here is if you really 1528 01:05:05,380 --> 01:05:09,640 have self-control problems, well, 1529 01:05:09,640 --> 01:05:11,920 when you want to buy something really quickly, 1530 01:05:11,920 --> 01:05:13,660 when temptation sort of takes over, 1531 01:05:13,660 --> 01:05:16,418 you have to limit your options in some ways. 1532 01:05:16,418 --> 01:05:18,460 So in some sense, have you some cool down period. 1533 01:05:18,460 --> 01:05:21,498 It takes a while to get your credit card out of the freezer. 1534 01:05:21,498 --> 01:05:22,040 I don't know. 1535 01:05:22,040 --> 01:05:23,635 I asked my wife about is this a thing? 1536 01:05:23,635 --> 01:05:25,510 And she was saying, well, haven't you watched 1537 01:05:25,510 --> 01:05:27,070 "Confessions of a Shopaholic?" 1538 01:05:27,070 --> 01:05:28,150 I have not. 1539 01:05:28,150 --> 01:05:30,130 If you want to watch that video, you 1540 01:05:30,130 --> 01:05:33,490 see, in fact, apparently that is, in fact, a thing. 1541 01:05:33,490 --> 01:05:36,920 But the idea of having some cool down period, 1542 01:05:36,920 --> 01:05:39,770 which essentially is to deal with essentially 1543 01:05:39,770 --> 01:05:42,430 short-run impatience, comes in many settings 1544 01:05:42,430 --> 01:05:43,390 and many variations. 1545 01:05:43,390 --> 01:05:45,940 In fact, for example, if you'd like to get married, 1546 01:05:45,940 --> 01:05:48,610 often you have to go to some office 1547 01:05:48,610 --> 01:05:51,023 and declare that you would like to get married, and then 1548 01:05:51,023 --> 01:05:52,690 wait for another three days or something 1549 01:05:52,690 --> 01:05:54,370 until you actually get married. 1550 01:05:54,370 --> 01:05:58,450 Often, the idea is people sometimes come to their senses 1551 01:05:58,450 --> 01:06:00,640 and it takes a few days. 1552 01:06:06,250 --> 01:06:08,410 So what do these examples show? 1553 01:06:08,410 --> 01:06:10,450 Well, they show that people have a tendency 1554 01:06:10,450 --> 01:06:12,010 for immediate gratification. 1555 01:06:12,010 --> 01:06:17,530 And they tend to discount quite heavily 1556 01:06:17,530 --> 01:06:19,665 in short-term decisions. 1557 01:06:19,665 --> 01:06:21,790 Now, what does the demand for commitment then show? 1558 01:06:21,790 --> 01:06:26,230 It's we, in fact, tend to disapprove of this tendency 1559 01:06:26,230 --> 01:06:27,460 beforehand. 1560 01:06:27,460 --> 01:06:29,210 That is to say we know that in the future, 1561 01:06:29,210 --> 01:06:30,400 we might be impatient. 1562 01:06:30,400 --> 01:06:31,730 We don't like that. 1563 01:06:31,730 --> 01:06:34,030 And because of that, we bind ourselves to the mast, 1564 01:06:34,030 --> 01:06:38,950 or we freeze our credit cards, or some people, at least, do. 1565 01:06:41,630 --> 01:06:43,090 And so all of these decision makers 1566 01:06:43,090 --> 01:06:44,507 are time inconsistent in the sense 1567 01:06:44,507 --> 01:06:48,945 that when they make certain choices for the future, what 1568 01:06:48,945 --> 01:06:51,320 they will want to choose in the future will be different. 1569 01:06:51,320 --> 01:06:54,040 And knowing that, they will restrict their options. 1570 01:06:54,040 --> 01:06:59,830 That is to say, different selves want different things. 1571 01:06:59,830 --> 01:07:03,030 So then what's the heart of the issue? 1572 01:07:03,030 --> 01:07:04,780 Well, the heart of the issue is that there 1573 01:07:04,780 --> 01:07:07,533 are conflicts rooted between short and long-run patience. 1574 01:07:07,533 --> 01:07:09,700 What we want in the short run is different from what 1575 01:07:09,700 --> 01:07:10,868 we want in the long run. 1576 01:07:10,868 --> 01:07:12,910 That is to say when we think ahead of the future, 1577 01:07:12,910 --> 01:07:14,050 we tend to be very patient. 1578 01:07:14,050 --> 01:07:17,810 There's all sorts of good things we want to do in the future. 1579 01:07:17,810 --> 01:07:19,420 When the time actually comes, when 1580 01:07:19,420 --> 01:07:22,728 we think about the present, we tend to be impatient. 1581 01:07:22,728 --> 01:07:24,520 Now the issue with exponential discounting, 1582 01:07:24,520 --> 01:07:27,400 then, is the exponential discounting model 1583 01:07:27,400 --> 01:07:29,980 has only one parameter which captures 1584 01:07:29,980 --> 01:07:32,260 essentially discounting. 1585 01:07:32,260 --> 01:07:33,700 But it can sort of-- 1586 01:07:33,700 --> 01:07:35,710 by assumption, the discounting needs 1587 01:07:35,710 --> 01:07:38,080 to be the same across all time horizons. 1588 01:07:38,080 --> 01:07:41,350 That is to say, it can only match one of those two things, 1589 01:07:41,350 --> 01:07:42,520 but not both. 1590 01:07:42,520 --> 01:07:45,820 It can only match either your short-run discounting, but then 1591 01:07:45,820 --> 01:07:47,610 the long-run discounting is off, or you 1592 01:07:47,610 --> 01:07:49,360 can try to match the long-run discounting, 1593 01:07:49,360 --> 01:07:51,220 but then the short-run discounting is off. 1594 01:07:51,220 --> 01:07:54,670 So what that tells us, we need two parameters 1595 01:07:54,670 --> 01:07:57,640 to deal with that. 1596 01:07:57,640 --> 01:07:59,440 So what we want, and I'll talk about this 1597 01:07:59,440 --> 01:08:02,570 a lot more in the next class or in the next few minutes. 1598 01:08:02,570 --> 01:08:04,510 And then in the next class, we want a model 1599 01:08:04,510 --> 01:08:07,480 that has greater patience for trade-offs in the future 1600 01:08:07,480 --> 01:08:09,700 than for trade-offs in the present. 1601 01:08:09,700 --> 01:08:12,130 And then we want another model. 1602 01:08:12,130 --> 01:08:14,860 So one is we want different levels of patience 1603 01:08:14,860 --> 01:08:17,020 over different time horizons, and we 1604 01:08:17,020 --> 01:08:19,240 want a model that explains or helps us 1605 01:08:19,240 --> 01:08:21,819 explain dynamic inconsistency. 1606 01:08:21,819 --> 01:08:23,430 So what is that model? 1607 01:08:23,430 --> 01:08:26,937 So I just showed you before the exponential discounting model. 1608 01:08:26,937 --> 01:08:28,479 That's just what I showed you before, 1609 01:08:28,479 --> 01:08:30,970 but that's exactly the same, where essentially, 1610 01:08:30,970 --> 01:08:35,470 your discounted or lifetime utility is essentially 1611 01:08:35,470 --> 01:08:37,779 what's given here, where we have delta. 1612 01:08:37,779 --> 01:08:39,100 It's between 0 and 1. 1613 01:08:39,100 --> 01:08:41,229 And delta is a short-term discount factor 1614 01:08:41,229 --> 01:08:43,479 and it's a long-run discount factor. 1615 01:08:43,479 --> 01:08:47,109 If I'm trying to decide between t and t plus 1, 1616 01:08:47,109 --> 01:08:49,300 the difference between that is essentially delta. 1617 01:08:49,300 --> 01:08:51,939 And if I decide between t plus 3 and t plus 4, 1618 01:08:51,939 --> 01:08:55,569 it's also delta that regulates this factor. 1619 01:08:55,569 --> 01:08:57,880 Now, what does the quasi-hyperbolic discounting 1620 01:08:57,880 --> 01:08:58,510 model do? 1621 01:08:58,510 --> 01:09:00,399 It has another parameter. 1622 01:09:00,399 --> 01:09:02,800 And this parameter is called beta. 1623 01:09:02,800 --> 01:09:06,970 And beta governs, essentially, short-run discounting, 1624 01:09:06,970 --> 01:09:09,640 while delta is the long-run discount factor. 1625 01:09:09,640 --> 01:09:11,290 What is that telling us? 1626 01:09:11,290 --> 01:09:15,170 Essentially, beta discounts anything that's in the future. 1627 01:09:15,170 --> 01:09:17,380 So essentially, if you look at the equation now, 1628 01:09:17,380 --> 01:09:20,050 anything that's in the future, that's not period t, 1629 01:09:20,050 --> 01:09:22,520 is discounted by beta. 1630 01:09:22,520 --> 01:09:24,350 And then within any future periods, 1631 01:09:24,350 --> 01:09:26,562 we have another discount factor that's essentially 1632 01:09:26,562 --> 01:09:27,770 the long-run discount factor. 1633 01:09:27,770 --> 01:09:29,149 That's delta. 1634 01:09:29,149 --> 01:09:30,680 Now, why does that help us? 1635 01:09:30,680 --> 01:09:32,600 It helps us because now we can essentially 1636 01:09:32,600 --> 01:09:34,870 separate short-run and long-run discounting. 1637 01:09:34,870 --> 01:09:37,850 You can say short-run discounting is governed by beta 1638 01:09:37,850 --> 01:09:41,120 and long-run discounting is governed by delta. 1639 01:09:41,120 --> 01:09:42,770 And now we can match a lot of facts 1640 01:09:42,770 --> 01:09:47,510 that we couldn't match earlier. 1641 01:09:47,510 --> 01:09:48,950 Any questions on that? 1642 01:09:53,140 --> 01:09:53,760 Yeah. 1643 01:09:53,760 --> 01:09:57,890 STUDENT: Yeah, I was wondering if the evidence [INAUDIBLE] 1644 01:09:57,890 --> 01:09:59,384 was comparable to this. 1645 01:09:59,384 --> 01:10:01,874 Because if you have a beta that really discounts 1646 01:10:01,874 --> 01:10:06,854 any future consumption, would the commitment device 1647 01:10:06,854 --> 01:10:08,348 [INAUDIBLE]. 1648 01:10:08,348 --> 01:10:10,340 Because many [INAUDIBLE]. 1649 01:10:14,867 --> 01:10:17,200 FRANK SCHILBACH: So you're asking two separate questions 1650 01:10:17,200 --> 01:10:17,700 here. 1651 01:10:17,700 --> 01:10:20,140 So one question is, can we explain, 1652 01:10:20,140 --> 01:10:21,763 in theory, commitment devices? 1653 01:10:21,763 --> 01:10:23,680 Can we explain essentially-- can we write down 1654 01:10:23,680 --> 01:10:25,870 a theory that says you should be at least 1655 01:10:25,870 --> 01:10:28,570 under some assumptions, under some parameters, 1656 01:10:28,570 --> 01:10:30,620 willing to engage in commitment devices 1657 01:10:30,620 --> 01:10:31,990 to demand for commitment? 1658 01:10:31,990 --> 01:10:35,380 The answer is yes, depending a little bit on your naivete 1659 01:10:35,380 --> 01:10:37,430 and sophistication, which we're going to get to. 1660 01:10:37,430 --> 01:10:38,860 But so you in principle, at least, 1661 01:10:38,860 --> 01:10:42,940 can in theory write down a version of this model that 1662 01:10:42,940 --> 01:10:45,283 predicts demand for commitment. 1663 01:10:45,283 --> 01:10:46,700 You're asking a separate question, 1664 01:10:46,700 --> 01:10:50,305 which is are these commitment devices actually going to help? 1665 01:10:50,305 --> 01:10:52,930 So A, are some people are going to make use of these commitment 1666 01:10:52,930 --> 01:10:54,730 devices, and B, are they going to help? 1667 01:10:54,730 --> 01:10:56,200 The answer is maybe. 1668 01:10:56,200 --> 01:10:58,660 In many situations, in fact, no. 1669 01:10:58,660 --> 01:11:01,330 The reason being often people then-- 1670 01:11:01,330 --> 01:11:03,940 they might demand commitment but then not follow through 1671 01:11:03,940 --> 01:11:06,340 in various ways, which can be then explained 1672 01:11:06,340 --> 01:11:08,260 by people are sort of overconfident 1673 01:11:08,260 --> 01:11:10,560 when it comes to their self-control problems. 1674 01:11:10,560 --> 01:11:12,410 We're going to talk about this next time. 1675 01:11:12,410 --> 01:11:15,830 So the idea here is that people might understand that they 1676 01:11:15,830 --> 01:11:16,955 have self-control problems. 1677 01:11:16,955 --> 01:11:18,497 They might demand commitment devices. 1678 01:11:18,497 --> 01:11:21,190 They might say, I'd like to have a commitment device to help me, 1679 01:11:21,190 --> 01:11:23,857 but they might underestimate how bad their self-control problems 1680 01:11:23,857 --> 01:11:24,880 actually are. 1681 01:11:24,880 --> 01:11:26,800 So then they demand a commitment device 1682 01:11:26,800 --> 01:11:29,470 that's actually kind of helpful but not quite enough, 1683 01:11:29,470 --> 01:11:30,982 that's not powerful enough. 1684 01:11:30,982 --> 01:11:32,440 They demand that commitment device, 1685 01:11:32,440 --> 01:11:34,868 but then they actually fail and do 1686 01:11:34,868 --> 01:11:36,910 the thing they want to do anyway, and essentially 1687 01:11:36,910 --> 01:11:39,743 have to pay money, or other things like that. 1688 01:11:39,743 --> 01:11:40,660 We'll talk about that. 1689 01:11:40,660 --> 01:11:42,910 But that's not a theoretical problem. 1690 01:11:42,910 --> 01:11:46,570 That's an empirical problem, in the sense of in principle, 1691 01:11:46,570 --> 01:11:48,340 commitment devices should help. 1692 01:11:48,340 --> 01:11:52,120 They might not be able to do so in practice. 1693 01:11:52,120 --> 01:11:53,800 Let me tell you a little bit more 1694 01:11:53,800 --> 01:11:55,540 about specifics of the model. 1695 01:11:55,540 --> 01:11:57,790 And then we're going to talk about this in more detail 1696 01:11:57,790 --> 01:11:59,630 next time. 1697 01:11:59,630 --> 01:12:02,260 So usually, we tend to assume that beta is lower 1698 01:12:02,260 --> 01:12:05,470 than 1 and delta is close to 1. 1699 01:12:05,470 --> 01:12:10,330 So for example, we think beta is 2/3, or 3/4, or the like, 1700 01:12:10,330 --> 01:12:12,070 and delta equals 1. 1701 01:12:12,070 --> 01:12:15,860 So then your discounted utility becomes something like this. 1702 01:12:15,860 --> 01:12:17,590 So relative to the current period, 1703 01:12:17,590 --> 01:12:19,855 all future periods are worth much less. 1704 01:12:19,855 --> 01:12:21,730 So everything in the future, essentially, you 1705 01:12:21,730 --> 01:12:23,410 discount by 2/3. 1706 01:12:23,410 --> 01:12:25,210 And then within any future periods, 1707 01:12:25,210 --> 01:12:27,350 you don't discount very much anymore. 1708 01:12:27,350 --> 01:12:31,740 Usually, we think delta is 0.99, 0.95, or the like. 1709 01:12:31,740 --> 01:12:34,210 So there's some discounting in the future. 1710 01:12:34,210 --> 01:12:37,390 You care more about stuff that's one year from now compared 1711 01:12:37,390 --> 01:12:39,800 to 10 years from now or 30 years from now, 1712 01:12:39,800 --> 01:12:41,350 but not that much differently. 1713 01:12:41,350 --> 01:12:43,690 You care a lot about whether stuff is in the present 1714 01:12:43,690 --> 01:12:46,960 versus in two weeks from now or in a year from now. 1715 01:12:52,570 --> 01:12:57,370 And so then similarly, if beta equals 1/2 and delta equals 1, 1716 01:12:57,370 --> 01:12:59,630 then again, your discount function-- 1717 01:12:59,630 --> 01:13:02,140 this is the d of tau that I was writing down earlier-- 1718 01:13:02,140 --> 01:13:04,420 is essentially you care about the present 1, 1719 01:13:04,420 --> 01:13:07,540 and then everything in the future is 1/2. 1720 01:13:07,540 --> 01:13:09,880 So again, relative to the present, 1721 01:13:09,880 --> 01:13:13,750 all future periods are worth less, weighed 1/2. 1722 01:13:13,750 --> 01:13:17,620 And then all discounting takes place between the present 1723 01:13:17,620 --> 01:13:20,740 and the immediate future. 1724 01:13:20,740 --> 01:13:22,570 So then again, what we can explain now 1725 01:13:22,570 --> 01:13:25,090 is essentially short run impatience. 1726 01:13:25,090 --> 01:13:27,225 I'm essentially impatient between the present 1727 01:13:27,225 --> 01:13:27,850 and the future. 1728 01:13:27,850 --> 01:13:30,100 Anything that's in the future is essentially far away 1729 01:13:30,100 --> 01:13:34,120 or gets the weight of, in this case, 1/2 or 2/3 or the like. 1730 01:13:34,120 --> 01:13:36,580 I can also explain long-run patience, 1731 01:13:36,580 --> 01:13:39,852 because essentially across the years in the future, 1732 01:13:39,852 --> 01:13:41,560 there's no discounting happening anymore. 1733 01:13:41,560 --> 01:13:45,010 People tend to be relatively patient. 1734 01:13:45,010 --> 01:13:47,200 And so then, decisions, of course, 1735 01:13:47,200 --> 01:13:51,880 are very sensitive to the timing of costs and benefits. 1736 01:13:51,880 --> 01:13:54,500 We're going to talk about that next time. 1737 01:13:54,500 --> 01:13:58,840 So as I said in the email I sent you, readings until Wednesday 1738 01:13:58,840 --> 01:14:01,270 are the [INAUDIBLE] paper. 1739 01:14:01,270 --> 01:14:03,820 We're going to discuss or finish the same set of slides 1740 01:14:03,820 --> 01:14:05,157 that I've given you now. 1741 01:14:05,157 --> 01:14:06,740 Let me know if you have any questions. 1742 01:14:06,740 --> 01:14:08,400 Thank you.