1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:01,479 [SQUEAKING] 2 00:00:01,479 --> 00:00:03,944 [RUSTLING] 3 00:00:03,944 --> 00:00:10,370 [CLICKING] 4 00:00:10,370 --> 00:00:12,400 FRANK SCHILBACH: Welcome to Lecture 17. 5 00:00:12,400 --> 00:00:15,050 This lecture talks about state-dependent preferences, 6 00:00:15,050 --> 00:00:17,836 projection and attribution bias. 7 00:00:21,540 --> 00:00:24,400 The plan for today is to talk about preference changes. 8 00:00:24,400 --> 00:00:26,940 So we're going to look at different circumstances 9 00:00:26,940 --> 00:00:30,120 in which people's preferences, predictably 10 00:00:30,120 --> 00:00:33,090 and sometimes unpredictably, change over time. 11 00:00:33,090 --> 00:00:36,900 That is to say, sometimes people are hungry, tired or in pain, 12 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:39,690 and their preferences for certain outcomes 13 00:00:39,690 --> 00:00:42,150 may be determined by that underlying state 14 00:00:42,150 --> 00:00:44,570 of like hunger, for example. 15 00:00:44,570 --> 00:00:47,870 Now, it's pretty clear that people's preferences change 16 00:00:47,870 --> 00:00:50,930 according to those states, as in like when somebody is hungry, 17 00:00:50,930 --> 00:00:52,080 they want different things. 18 00:00:52,080 --> 00:00:53,900 They want to eat different kinds of things 19 00:00:53,900 --> 00:00:57,650 than when they're not hungry and so on. 20 00:00:57,650 --> 00:01:00,590 But people nonetheless have trouble predicting 21 00:01:00,590 --> 00:01:02,180 their preference changes. 22 00:01:02,180 --> 00:01:03,950 That is to say, if somebody is hungry, 23 00:01:03,950 --> 00:01:05,930 they may have a hard time predicting 24 00:01:05,930 --> 00:01:09,420 how it feels when they're not hungry and vice versa. 25 00:01:09,420 --> 00:01:12,570 So notice that this lecture is sort of a continuation 26 00:01:12,570 --> 00:01:16,310 or natural continuation of our lectures on beliefs 27 00:01:16,310 --> 00:01:17,730 from before. 28 00:01:17,730 --> 00:01:19,910 So before, we looked at people trying 29 00:01:19,910 --> 00:01:24,650 to learn about unknown information around them, 30 00:01:24,650 --> 00:01:26,660 and we looked at various deviations 31 00:01:26,660 --> 00:01:29,140 why people are not able to learn. 32 00:01:29,140 --> 00:01:31,570 Now we're going to look at people trying to learn 33 00:01:31,570 --> 00:01:37,440 or failing to learn at times about their own preferences. 34 00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:39,490 And one particular case here is what's 35 00:01:39,490 --> 00:01:42,940 called production bias, which is people's lack of 36 00:01:42,940 --> 00:01:47,750 or inadequate ability to predict their own preferences, 37 00:01:47,750 --> 00:01:49,360 in particular for different states 38 00:01:49,360 --> 00:01:50,620 of the world in the future. 39 00:01:50,620 --> 00:01:52,610 I'm going to be more specific about that, 40 00:01:52,610 --> 00:01:54,610 but mostly, we're going to talk about projection 41 00:01:54,610 --> 00:01:56,770 bias and the paper by Loewenstein et al., which 42 00:01:56,770 --> 00:01:57,970 is in the readings. 43 00:01:57,970 --> 00:02:01,510 We're going to talk very briefly about attribution bias. 44 00:02:01,510 --> 00:02:03,480 That's going to be covered in recitation. 45 00:02:06,190 --> 00:02:10,539 OK, so although not typically emphasized in economics, 46 00:02:10,539 --> 00:02:13,540 the simple and obvious fact is that our preferences 47 00:02:13,540 --> 00:02:15,370 change over time. 48 00:02:15,370 --> 00:02:19,130 There are ways in which our preferences change. 49 00:02:19,130 --> 00:02:22,630 One is short-term temporary fluctuations, 50 00:02:22,630 --> 00:02:25,450 and you can call them sort of state-dependent preferences. 51 00:02:25,450 --> 00:02:26,950 You can call all of what we're going 52 00:02:26,950 --> 00:02:30,070 to talk about state-dependent preferences. 53 00:02:30,070 --> 00:02:35,320 Here, the state is a short-run physiological or psychological 54 00:02:35,320 --> 00:02:39,070 state, for example, hunger, pain or the like, 55 00:02:39,070 --> 00:02:42,960 or a psychological state such as mood. 56 00:02:42,960 --> 00:02:45,860 We're going to talk about all of these in more detail. 57 00:02:45,860 --> 00:02:49,450 Second, there are long-run systematic changes. 58 00:02:49,450 --> 00:02:52,840 These could be due to own choices such as addiction. 59 00:02:52,840 --> 00:02:55,030 So like if somebody has been drinking alcohol 60 00:02:55,030 --> 00:02:57,520 for the last 10 years, their utility 61 00:02:57,520 --> 00:03:00,070 from drinking alcohol or not drinking alcohol 62 00:03:00,070 --> 00:03:03,320 is quite different from somebody who has not been drinking ever. 63 00:03:03,320 --> 00:03:07,420 The same is true for smoking and the like. 64 00:03:07,420 --> 00:03:09,580 Or it could be independent of one's choices, 65 00:03:09,580 --> 00:03:11,350 for example, aging. 66 00:03:11,350 --> 00:03:13,150 So predictably, people's preferences 67 00:03:13,150 --> 00:03:15,430 change over time when they're 20 years old 68 00:03:15,430 --> 00:03:18,320 versus when they're eight years old. 69 00:03:18,320 --> 00:03:19,990 Notice that for addiction, there's 70 00:03:19,990 --> 00:03:23,440 also some short-run temporary fluctuation 71 00:03:23,440 --> 00:03:27,010 such as when people have just smoked a cigarette versus not. 72 00:03:27,010 --> 00:03:28,990 Their preferences for an additional cigarette 73 00:03:28,990 --> 00:03:30,800 might be quite different. 74 00:03:30,800 --> 00:03:33,040 But then there's also long-run systematic changes, 75 00:03:33,040 --> 00:03:34,930 which is like if somebody has been 76 00:03:34,930 --> 00:03:38,320 smoking a lot during the last 10 years versus not. 77 00:03:38,320 --> 00:03:40,780 So smoking or addiction in particular 78 00:03:40,780 --> 00:03:44,170 has both short-term and long-term 79 00:03:44,170 --> 00:03:50,200 temporary and systematic changes in people's preferences. 80 00:03:50,200 --> 00:03:54,460 And then there's adaptation to changes, which happens often 81 00:03:54,460 --> 00:03:57,220 for big changes such as standard of living 82 00:03:57,220 --> 00:03:59,740 or small changes such as mug ownership. 83 00:03:59,740 --> 00:04:00,880 What's an example here? 84 00:04:00,880 --> 00:04:04,240 For example, if people win the lottery, they become happier. 85 00:04:04,240 --> 00:04:07,480 They become actually a lot happier very quickly, but then 86 00:04:07,480 --> 00:04:11,320 that sort of reverts back to like their previous standard 87 00:04:11,320 --> 00:04:12,190 of time. 88 00:04:12,190 --> 00:04:14,500 People, a lottery winner seen like a few days later, 89 00:04:14,500 --> 00:04:17,380 clearly are happier than people who have not won the lottery, 90 00:04:17,380 --> 00:04:22,840 but their increase in happiness decreases over time. 91 00:04:22,840 --> 00:04:24,580 So these are three different types 92 00:04:24,580 --> 00:04:27,240 of sets of preference changes. 93 00:04:27,240 --> 00:04:29,170 You're going to mostly focus in the lecture 94 00:04:29,170 --> 00:04:32,020 today on, number one, short-term, temporary 95 00:04:32,020 --> 00:04:33,520 fluctuations. 96 00:04:33,520 --> 00:04:35,810 Now, what am I talking about here? 97 00:04:35,810 --> 00:04:39,520 So one example here is hunger. 98 00:04:39,520 --> 00:04:43,090 Now, studying hunger is difficult in experiments 99 00:04:43,090 --> 00:04:46,480 because it's unethical to starve people. 100 00:04:46,480 --> 00:04:48,430 And you could, of course, find hungry people 101 00:04:48,430 --> 00:04:49,690 and give them food. 102 00:04:49,690 --> 00:04:52,270 That's in some sense what was done once 103 00:04:52,270 --> 00:04:55,760 in what's called the Minnesota starvation experiment. 104 00:04:55,760 --> 00:04:57,970 This is an experiment that was motivated by the fact 105 00:04:57,970 --> 00:05:01,810 that there was lots of soldiers in the Second World War 106 00:05:01,810 --> 00:05:05,560 from the US and Europe and in many other places, 107 00:05:05,560 --> 00:05:08,440 and these soldiers had been starved 108 00:05:08,440 --> 00:05:10,040 from the war for a long time. 109 00:05:10,040 --> 00:05:12,640 And they came back from the war to come back to the US, 110 00:05:12,640 --> 00:05:14,360 and one simple question was, well, 111 00:05:14,360 --> 00:05:17,440 when you have people who have starved, 112 00:05:17,440 --> 00:05:22,370 have not eaten for a long time or very little for a long time, 113 00:05:22,370 --> 00:05:26,380 how do you best integrate them into society, 114 00:05:26,380 --> 00:05:28,620 or how do you best feed them. 115 00:05:28,620 --> 00:05:30,370 Do you feed them very quickly, like a lot, 116 00:05:30,370 --> 00:05:33,040 or do you sort of gradually increase their food take over 117 00:05:33,040 --> 00:05:33,980 time? 118 00:05:33,980 --> 00:05:35,860 So then the Army did some experiments 119 00:05:35,860 --> 00:05:39,190 with healthy volunteers such as this guy here on the left. 120 00:05:39,190 --> 00:05:43,390 And people were starved, literally starved 121 00:05:43,390 --> 00:05:47,680 by getting very little food for a while, such that, 122 00:05:47,680 --> 00:05:50,600 I think after a few weeks, the guy would look like this. 123 00:05:50,600 --> 00:05:53,830 And then the Army would look at people's behavior over time. 124 00:05:53,830 --> 00:05:56,450 They were mostly interested in like once you have somebody 125 00:05:56,450 --> 00:05:57,950 who has not eaten for quite a while, 126 00:05:57,950 --> 00:05:59,950 once you give them more food, what's 127 00:05:59,950 --> 00:06:03,100 happening to their behavior and what's 128 00:06:03,100 --> 00:06:05,440 the best way of doing that. 129 00:06:05,440 --> 00:06:07,300 Coincidentally, they also reported 130 00:06:07,300 --> 00:06:10,300 what was happening in the first part of the experiment 131 00:06:10,300 --> 00:06:12,830 when people were starved to start with. 132 00:06:12,830 --> 00:06:16,557 And so as expected, people get extremely focused on food 133 00:06:16,557 --> 00:06:17,890 when they don't eat for a while. 134 00:06:17,890 --> 00:06:19,807 They get really, really interested in learning 135 00:06:19,807 --> 00:06:21,700 about what's going on with food and when 136 00:06:21,700 --> 00:06:23,480 they get next food and so on. 137 00:06:23,480 --> 00:06:26,620 But as it happens, it seems to be that their preferences also 138 00:06:26,620 --> 00:06:29,600 change in various other ways. 139 00:06:29,600 --> 00:06:32,050 In particular, people seem to lose interest 140 00:06:32,050 --> 00:06:34,190 in lots of other activities. 141 00:06:34,190 --> 00:06:36,910 It is reported decreased alertness, 142 00:06:36,910 --> 00:06:38,980 lack of self-control, general apathy. 143 00:06:38,980 --> 00:06:41,800 People are just sort of like almost like a different person 144 00:06:41,800 --> 00:06:43,660 when they are almost starved compared 145 00:06:43,660 --> 00:06:47,020 to when they have eaten a lot. 146 00:06:47,020 --> 00:06:50,210 Here's some testimonies from these soldiers. 147 00:06:50,210 --> 00:06:53,050 One of them is, the acquisition of food-related items 148 00:06:53,050 --> 00:06:54,970 was a reasonable extension of their heightened 149 00:06:54,970 --> 00:06:55,720 interest in food. 150 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:59,050 So as we expect, people get really interested in food. 151 00:06:59,050 --> 00:07:00,910 Much less reasonable was the buying 152 00:07:00,910 --> 00:07:05,110 of old books, unnecessary secondhand clothes, knickknacks 153 00:07:05,110 --> 00:07:06,340 and other junk. 154 00:07:06,340 --> 00:07:09,730 Often, after making such purchases, which 155 00:07:09,730 --> 00:07:12,550 could be afforded only with sacrifice, 156 00:07:12,550 --> 00:07:16,870 the man would be puzzled as to why they had bought such more 157 00:07:16,870 --> 00:07:18,640 or less useless articles. 158 00:07:18,640 --> 00:07:20,320 So that's essentially sort of saying 159 00:07:20,320 --> 00:07:22,660 people got really interested in certain purchases. 160 00:07:22,660 --> 00:07:24,880 Their preferences towards those kinds of purchases 161 00:07:24,880 --> 00:07:26,150 seems to have changed. 162 00:07:26,150 --> 00:07:28,150 They seem to have also some preference reversal. 163 00:07:28,150 --> 00:07:29,830 They seem to want to buy some things 164 00:07:29,830 --> 00:07:33,250 and then wonder afterwards why they did so, 165 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:35,870 which all seems to be the consequence of being really, 166 00:07:35,870 --> 00:07:38,170 really hungry. 167 00:07:38,170 --> 00:07:41,260 Then came the day when I lost my will to activity. 168 00:07:41,260 --> 00:07:44,050 I no longer cared to do anything that required energy, 169 00:07:44,050 --> 00:07:45,700 and days began to drag. 170 00:07:45,700 --> 00:07:48,295 That seems to be in some ways like a direct effect 171 00:07:48,295 --> 00:07:50,500 of like having a low caloric intake, 172 00:07:50,500 --> 00:07:53,410 but really, people's preferences towards physical 173 00:07:53,410 --> 00:07:56,950 or any other activity seems to have changed quite a bit due 174 00:07:56,950 --> 00:07:58,630 to hunger. 175 00:07:58,630 --> 00:08:00,670 And another one here-- 176 00:08:00,670 --> 00:08:04,060 there's nothing that can hold my interest for long. 177 00:08:04,060 --> 00:08:05,550 I wait for meal times. 178 00:08:05,550 --> 00:08:07,780 And this is where people's attention seemed to really 179 00:08:07,780 --> 00:08:11,620 be lowered quite a bit, to the extent that you think attention 180 00:08:11,620 --> 00:08:14,360 affects people's preferences and decision making 181 00:08:14,360 --> 00:08:15,400 in various ways. 182 00:08:15,400 --> 00:08:19,980 Again, hunger seems to have this effect on people's choices. 183 00:08:19,980 --> 00:08:22,900 Now, what's a more sort of like a real world 184 00:08:22,900 --> 00:08:24,850 example for you guys? 185 00:08:24,850 --> 00:08:27,820 Well, that's shopping on an empty stomach. 186 00:08:27,820 --> 00:08:30,320 There's sort of a classic study by Nisbett and Kanouse 187 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:34,159 from 1969, but there's sort of other evidence later. 188 00:08:34,159 --> 00:08:37,039 And the folk wisdom is that shopping on an empty stomach 189 00:08:37,039 --> 00:08:42,380 leads people to buy more, and perhaps also more junk food. 190 00:08:42,380 --> 00:08:45,063 Now, how do you study this? 191 00:08:45,063 --> 00:08:46,730 Well, you can think about different ways 192 00:08:46,730 --> 00:08:47,990 in which you might do that. 193 00:08:47,990 --> 00:08:50,330 You could sort of induce people directly 194 00:08:50,330 --> 00:08:54,448 to eat when they're hungry versus not, 195 00:08:54,448 --> 00:08:56,990 and there's various other ways in which you could think about 196 00:08:56,990 --> 00:08:58,820 like setting up experiments. 197 00:08:58,820 --> 00:09:01,070 Now, one very simple way in which 198 00:09:01,070 --> 00:09:05,300 one could study this issue is by just randomly 199 00:09:05,300 --> 00:09:08,540 giving a sample of individuals entering the supermarket 200 00:09:08,540 --> 00:09:09,470 a candy bar. 201 00:09:09,470 --> 00:09:10,700 It could be a candy bar. 202 00:09:10,700 --> 00:09:13,380 It could be also a power bar or just some other food. 203 00:09:13,380 --> 00:09:15,410 And so now, essentially, what you do then is, 204 00:09:15,410 --> 00:09:17,570 you take a bunch of people who go shopping. 205 00:09:17,570 --> 00:09:22,010 And some of them might be hungry and some might not be. 206 00:09:22,010 --> 00:09:24,410 But then the ones that are hungry in particular, 207 00:09:24,410 --> 00:09:27,650 when they eat like a candy bar or any other food, 208 00:09:27,650 --> 00:09:29,380 they become less hungry. 209 00:09:29,380 --> 00:09:31,880 And so then we have a treatment tradition that's less hungry 210 00:09:31,880 --> 00:09:33,630 and a control condition who is not getting 211 00:09:33,630 --> 00:09:36,500 any food who is more hungry. 212 00:09:36,500 --> 00:09:40,330 And so then that allows essentially 213 00:09:40,330 --> 00:09:45,550 to look at variation in whether people are currently 214 00:09:45,550 --> 00:09:47,235 hungry while shopping. 215 00:09:47,235 --> 00:09:48,610 Another thing one could do is one 216 00:09:48,610 --> 00:09:51,490 could vary the timing of the last meal before shopping. 217 00:09:51,490 --> 00:09:53,380 There you worry a little bit, if that's not 218 00:09:53,380 --> 00:09:56,250 experimentally induced, that the people who 219 00:09:56,250 --> 00:09:59,440 go shopping right after having a meal versus not 220 00:09:59,440 --> 00:10:02,500 might be quite different in various other ways. 221 00:10:02,500 --> 00:10:04,000 But you could, in principle, also 222 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:06,350 experimentally induce that. 223 00:10:06,350 --> 00:10:09,310 And then you can monitor how much 224 00:10:09,310 --> 00:10:11,240 and what kind of food people buy. 225 00:10:11,240 --> 00:10:13,540 So hungry people tend to buy more. 226 00:10:13,540 --> 00:10:15,440 They just simply buy more food. 227 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:18,820 They also more tellingly buy more junk food. 228 00:10:18,820 --> 00:10:21,670 So their preferences really seem to be different. 229 00:10:21,670 --> 00:10:24,460 To be clear, people tend to buy more, not just sort of like, 230 00:10:24,460 --> 00:10:28,327 say, I'm going to buy a Power Bar or, for example, a banana 231 00:10:28,327 --> 00:10:29,410 because I'm really hungry. 232 00:10:29,410 --> 00:10:31,720 I'm going to bite it right after I leave the store. 233 00:10:31,720 --> 00:10:34,000 But they buy significantly more, more 234 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:37,480 than can be explained by just filling your immediate hunger. 235 00:10:37,480 --> 00:10:40,480 And in particular, they also seem to change the type of food 236 00:10:40,480 --> 00:10:41,560 that they buy. 237 00:10:41,560 --> 00:10:45,630 In particular, in this case here, more junk food. 238 00:10:45,630 --> 00:10:47,640 Here is kind of what this then looks like. 239 00:10:47,640 --> 00:10:50,560 The left guy is full. 240 00:10:50,560 --> 00:10:53,490 He buys lots of lettuce, diet water, and so on. 241 00:10:53,490 --> 00:10:56,130 The guy on the right is hungry. 242 00:10:56,130 --> 00:11:00,420 He buys all sorts of things, a lot more as you can see, 243 00:11:00,420 --> 00:11:02,560 and a lot of also unhealthy food, 244 00:11:02,560 --> 00:11:07,720 including tortilla chips, cheese, sugar water, and so on. 245 00:11:07,720 --> 00:11:10,485 So next time you go shopping, you should sort of introspect 246 00:11:10,485 --> 00:11:13,320 and see what your preferences towards what you buy 247 00:11:13,320 --> 00:11:16,160 have been affected. 248 00:11:16,160 --> 00:11:18,680 Now, another thing you can think about that 249 00:11:18,680 --> 00:11:21,800 affects your preferences or underlying state is your sleep. 250 00:11:21,800 --> 00:11:23,390 When you're tired, the whole world 251 00:11:23,390 --> 00:11:26,520 seems different in various ways. 252 00:11:26,520 --> 00:11:29,540 One example you can think about is self-control. 253 00:11:29,540 --> 00:11:31,490 And sleep deprivation is associated 254 00:11:31,490 --> 00:11:33,470 with lack of self-control. 255 00:11:33,470 --> 00:11:35,120 There's sort of this old literature 256 00:11:35,120 --> 00:11:37,040 that says self-control is a muscle that 257 00:11:37,040 --> 00:11:38,570 replenishes overnight. 258 00:11:38,570 --> 00:11:41,720 There's some issues with this literature. 259 00:11:41,720 --> 00:11:45,410 And there's some experiments that might not necessarily 260 00:11:45,410 --> 00:11:47,870 replicate. 261 00:11:47,870 --> 00:11:51,140 But the idea that lack of self-control 262 00:11:51,140 --> 00:11:54,680 might be a consequence of lack of sleep 263 00:11:54,680 --> 00:11:59,602 seems very plausible in various ways. 264 00:11:59,602 --> 00:12:01,310 Notice that there could also be causality 265 00:12:01,310 --> 00:12:02,268 in the other direction. 266 00:12:02,268 --> 00:12:05,660 Lack of self-control might also be a cause of poor sleep. 267 00:12:05,660 --> 00:12:07,520 Now, there's some evidence that sleep 268 00:12:07,520 --> 00:12:09,800 affects people's preferences. 269 00:12:09,800 --> 00:12:14,450 When people are sleep-deprived, they tend to gain weight. 270 00:12:14,450 --> 00:12:16,900 Tired people engage more in what's called cyberloafing. 271 00:12:16,900 --> 00:12:19,130 They surf more on the internet. 272 00:12:19,130 --> 00:12:21,500 There's also some evidence that lack of sleep 273 00:12:21,500 --> 00:12:23,030 might affect ethical behavior. 274 00:12:23,030 --> 00:12:25,910 People cheat more when they're tired. 275 00:12:25,910 --> 00:12:29,780 And we have some evidence in our experiment in India, 276 00:12:29,780 --> 00:12:31,880 which I'm going to show you in a little bit, 277 00:12:31,880 --> 00:12:34,280 at the end of the semester, that naps increase savings 278 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:37,530 and seem to reduce people's present bias. 279 00:12:37,530 --> 00:12:40,370 So really this is some evidence of sleep affecting 280 00:12:40,370 --> 00:12:43,440 people's time preferences. 281 00:12:43,440 --> 00:12:47,870 Another example is Badger et al. and addiction. 282 00:12:47,870 --> 00:12:51,470 This is a very small study with only 13 subjects. 283 00:12:51,470 --> 00:12:54,170 So you might take all of what's in there with a little bit 284 00:12:54,170 --> 00:12:59,900 of a grain of salt. But I think the underlying message 285 00:12:59,900 --> 00:13:03,210 of the findings are correct. 286 00:13:03,210 --> 00:13:04,460 So what did Badger et al. do? 287 00:13:04,460 --> 00:13:06,020 They elicited people's willingness 288 00:13:06,020 --> 00:13:10,190 to pay for a second dose of the heroin substitute, BUP. 289 00:13:10,190 --> 00:13:12,530 These are heroin addicts that are recovering. 290 00:13:12,530 --> 00:13:15,380 And they tend to have, often, cravings. 291 00:13:15,380 --> 00:13:19,370 And BUP essentially helps people not to relapse 292 00:13:19,370 --> 00:13:21,020 and not to take heroin again. 293 00:13:21,020 --> 00:13:25,700 And so, at regular intervals, they get BUP doses. 294 00:13:25,700 --> 00:13:30,860 Now it will be sort of unethical to withhold people these doses. 295 00:13:30,860 --> 00:13:33,740 But what the experiment is doing-- 296 00:13:33,740 --> 00:13:36,272 and it's still ethically, perhaps, tricky-- 297 00:13:36,272 --> 00:13:38,480 but what they were asking for is people's willingness 298 00:13:38,480 --> 00:13:43,580 to pay for a second dose of BUP, the heroin substitute. 299 00:13:43,580 --> 00:13:45,440 So all individuals in the experiments 300 00:13:45,440 --> 00:13:49,450 regularly receive their single dose of BUP. 301 00:13:49,450 --> 00:13:54,110 And then there's also an additional dose they could get. 302 00:13:54,110 --> 00:13:56,632 And then there was some variation in the experiment. 303 00:13:56,632 --> 00:13:57,590 What was the variation? 304 00:13:57,590 --> 00:14:00,530 There was a variation in the state of deprivation. 305 00:14:00,530 --> 00:14:03,680 So people were either asking all the questions 306 00:14:03,680 --> 00:14:07,730 about our willingness to pay for a second dose of BUP. 307 00:14:07,730 --> 00:14:09,650 Everybody always got the first dose. 308 00:14:09,650 --> 00:14:12,360 But then there was some variation in timing. 309 00:14:12,360 --> 00:14:16,852 For some people, the more deprived condition, 310 00:14:16,852 --> 00:14:18,560 people were asked about their willingness 311 00:14:18,560 --> 00:14:20,750 to pay for a second dose two hours 312 00:14:20,750 --> 00:14:23,570 before the scheduled first dose. 313 00:14:23,570 --> 00:14:26,150 And the less deprived people were asked right 314 00:14:26,150 --> 00:14:28,025 after the scheduled first dose. 315 00:14:28,025 --> 00:14:30,733 Again, everybody's getting a first dose. 316 00:14:30,733 --> 00:14:32,150 And we're asking about willingness 317 00:14:32,150 --> 00:14:34,580 to pay for a second dose. 318 00:14:34,580 --> 00:14:36,560 Some people are asked about this two hours 319 00:14:36,560 --> 00:14:38,753 before the scheduled first dose, when they're really 320 00:14:38,753 --> 00:14:40,670 sort of deprived and craving, when they really 321 00:14:40,670 --> 00:14:42,230 want their first dose. 322 00:14:42,230 --> 00:14:45,710 And others are asked when they're less deprived, right 323 00:14:45,710 --> 00:14:47,960 after the scheduled first dose. 324 00:14:47,960 --> 00:14:50,850 Notice that the second dose is always held constant. 325 00:14:50,850 --> 00:14:52,910 So everybody always gets the first dose. 326 00:14:52,910 --> 00:14:55,380 And the second dose is held constant in the future, 327 00:14:55,380 --> 00:14:57,070 at least in those kinds of questions. 328 00:14:57,070 --> 00:14:59,360 So really the willingness to pay should not 329 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:01,033 depend on your current state. 330 00:15:01,033 --> 00:15:02,450 In the future, you're going to get 331 00:15:02,450 --> 00:15:04,550 a second dose, which is once you have already 332 00:15:04,550 --> 00:15:05,870 gotten the first dose. 333 00:15:05,870 --> 00:15:09,830 So whether you ask me like two hours before or right 334 00:15:09,830 --> 00:15:11,980 after your scheduled dose should have more affect 335 00:15:11,980 --> 00:15:13,940 on your willingness to pay in the future 336 00:15:13,940 --> 00:15:16,970 because that experience is held fixed. 337 00:15:16,970 --> 00:15:19,420 And you're always getting the first dose. 338 00:15:19,420 --> 00:15:23,900 Now, they are also asked [INAUDIBLE],, in addition, 339 00:15:23,900 --> 00:15:26,680 the timing of a potential second dose. 340 00:15:26,680 --> 00:15:29,170 So sometimes the second dose was later on the same day 341 00:15:29,170 --> 00:15:31,880 and sometimes the second dose was during the next week. 342 00:15:34,710 --> 00:15:36,590 Now, what do Badger et al. find? 343 00:15:36,590 --> 00:15:38,750 They find that people's willingness to pay 344 00:15:38,750 --> 00:15:42,020 varies systematically with the state and the delay. 345 00:15:42,020 --> 00:15:43,040 What's the state here? 346 00:15:43,040 --> 00:15:45,050 The state is the state of deprivation, 347 00:15:45,050 --> 00:15:47,660 whether people are more deprived or less deprived. 348 00:15:47,660 --> 00:15:49,100 And then the timing is essentially 349 00:15:49,100 --> 00:15:53,040 either about today versus next week. 350 00:15:53,040 --> 00:15:55,730 Now, the median willingness to pay for the second dose 351 00:15:55,730 --> 00:15:59,090 later today is $50 in the satiated state 352 00:15:59,090 --> 00:16:02,070 and $75 in the deprived state. 353 00:16:02,070 --> 00:16:04,820 And we're going to get back to this how we think about this, 354 00:16:04,820 --> 00:16:06,140 how we can explain this. 355 00:16:06,140 --> 00:16:09,770 But basically the way we explain this is that in the deprived 356 00:16:09,770 --> 00:16:12,770 state, people's willingness to pay 357 00:16:12,770 --> 00:16:16,670 is higher because they really, really want a first dose. 358 00:16:16,670 --> 00:16:19,370 So people's willingness to pay for the first dose 359 00:16:19,370 --> 00:16:21,458 is high in the deprived state and it's 360 00:16:21,458 --> 00:16:23,750 lower in the satiated state because they already have-- 361 00:16:26,420 --> 00:16:29,430 people's willingness to pay for any additional dose 362 00:16:29,430 --> 00:16:32,090 is high in the deprived state because they haven't even 363 00:16:32,090 --> 00:16:33,420 gotten the first dose. 364 00:16:33,420 --> 00:16:36,260 And it's lower in the satiated state. 365 00:16:36,260 --> 00:16:37,940 But what people seem to be doing now, 366 00:16:37,940 --> 00:16:40,070 they seem to have a hard time imagining 367 00:16:40,070 --> 00:16:41,900 their utility in the future. 368 00:16:41,900 --> 00:16:45,920 That is to say, in the future, both people will be satiated. 369 00:16:45,920 --> 00:16:47,835 So what's happening here is that when 370 00:16:47,835 --> 00:16:49,210 people are in the deprived state, 371 00:16:49,210 --> 00:16:50,810 they really, really want BUP. 372 00:16:50,810 --> 00:16:54,450 And they're willing to pay more than when 373 00:16:54,450 --> 00:16:57,530 in the satiated state, again, for the second dose 374 00:16:57,530 --> 00:16:59,550 in the future. 375 00:16:59,550 --> 00:17:02,040 Now, there's also some evidence of willingness 376 00:17:02,040 --> 00:17:04,560 to pay for the second dose next week. 377 00:17:04,560 --> 00:17:06,310 And again, people's willingness to pay-- 378 00:17:06,310 --> 00:17:09,010 and so the previous one was later today. 379 00:17:09,010 --> 00:17:10,440 Now it's for the next week. 380 00:17:10,440 --> 00:17:14,520 People's willingness to pay in the deprived state is $60. 381 00:17:14,520 --> 00:17:17,310 In the satiated state, it's $35. 382 00:17:17,310 --> 00:17:20,220 So again, people's willingness to pay 383 00:17:20,220 --> 00:17:22,440 is higher in the deprived state. 384 00:17:22,440 --> 00:17:24,569 That is to say, when in the deprived state, 385 00:17:24,569 --> 00:17:27,030 really, really, really people want BUP. 386 00:17:27,030 --> 00:17:31,170 And they cannot really imagine that in the next week, 387 00:17:31,170 --> 00:17:36,180 when they're satiated, they will actually want BUP less. 388 00:17:36,180 --> 00:17:42,930 To be clear, in both the first, when the dose is later today 389 00:17:42,930 --> 00:17:45,480 and when the dose is next week, it'll 390 00:17:45,480 --> 00:17:47,520 always be the case that people have already 391 00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:49,200 received the first dose. 392 00:17:49,200 --> 00:17:51,090 And then the question is always about what's 393 00:17:51,090 --> 00:17:53,980 your willingness to pay to receive a second dose. 394 00:17:53,980 --> 00:17:58,090 So when they're in the future, they will always be satiated. 395 00:17:58,090 --> 00:17:59,910 But people in the deprived state seem 396 00:17:59,910 --> 00:18:03,450 to be reacting or seem to be behaving as if, in the future, 397 00:18:03,450 --> 00:18:05,520 they would also be in the deprived state. 398 00:18:05,520 --> 00:18:07,950 But of course people will be in the satiated state. 399 00:18:07,950 --> 00:18:11,100 So people seem to overestimate, when they're in a deprived 400 00:18:11,100 --> 00:18:15,030 state, how much they would like the second dose 401 00:18:15,030 --> 00:18:18,920 in the satiated state in the future. 402 00:18:18,920 --> 00:18:21,020 Now, here's another example by Schelling. 403 00:18:21,020 --> 00:18:24,470 And Schelling is a beautiful writer in economics. 404 00:18:24,470 --> 00:18:27,410 He's one of the best writers that economics has. 405 00:18:27,410 --> 00:18:31,490 Granted, there's lots of bad writing in economics. 406 00:18:31,490 --> 00:18:36,230 But if you want to read some beautiful writing 407 00:18:36,230 --> 00:18:38,810 by an economist, Schelling has a bunch 408 00:18:38,810 --> 00:18:42,725 of different books that are really nice to read 409 00:18:42,725 --> 00:18:45,210 and essays that are really beautiful. 410 00:18:45,210 --> 00:18:51,950 Now in his paper in 1984, he talks briefly 411 00:18:51,950 --> 00:18:53,690 about a controversial question, which 412 00:18:53,690 --> 00:18:56,540 is the use of anesthesia during childbirth. 413 00:18:56,540 --> 00:18:59,270 And why is that controversial? 414 00:18:59,270 --> 00:19:05,150 Well, anesthesia is reducing the mother's pain 415 00:19:05,150 --> 00:19:07,460 during childbirth. 416 00:19:07,460 --> 00:19:09,860 But there's the potential for some side effects. 417 00:19:09,860 --> 00:19:13,590 And there's also the potential that people's experience 418 00:19:13,590 --> 00:19:14,850 is different. 419 00:19:14,850 --> 00:19:17,810 And for both those reasons, some people 420 00:19:17,810 --> 00:19:21,650 argue that anesthesia is not warranted 421 00:19:21,650 --> 00:19:25,070 and decide not to do that. 422 00:19:25,070 --> 00:19:28,160 Now, in many cases, people's preferences 423 00:19:28,160 --> 00:19:30,680 change predictably over time. 424 00:19:30,680 --> 00:19:35,300 First, ex ante, before the woman gives birth, 425 00:19:35,300 --> 00:19:38,690 many women prefer not to use anesthesia. 426 00:19:38,690 --> 00:19:41,870 Once they are in excruciating pain, 427 00:19:41,870 --> 00:19:45,140 they request anesthesia from their doctor. 428 00:19:45,140 --> 00:19:48,140 And then, if they actually get the anesthesia from the doctor 429 00:19:48,140 --> 00:19:53,960 ex post, after the child is born, they regret their choice. 430 00:19:53,960 --> 00:19:56,990 They say, I wish I hadn't gotten anesthesia. 431 00:19:56,990 --> 00:20:00,410 Now, that pattern holds even for women 432 00:20:00,410 --> 00:20:03,110 who have given birth before. 433 00:20:03,110 --> 00:20:06,320 And it leads to a bunch of ethical dilemmas 434 00:20:06,320 --> 00:20:08,210 and legal issues. 435 00:20:08,210 --> 00:20:11,660 For example, to which patient is a physician obligated, the one 436 00:20:11,660 --> 00:20:16,010 asking for anesthesia or the one who asked that it be withheld? 437 00:20:16,010 --> 00:20:18,540 The person told the doctor, I really, 438 00:20:18,540 --> 00:20:20,630 really do not want anesthesia. 439 00:20:20,630 --> 00:20:24,267 Even if I ask you later, please do not give me anesthesia. 440 00:20:24,267 --> 00:20:26,600 But then, of course, the person that yells at the doctor 441 00:20:26,600 --> 00:20:28,392 and says, I really, really want anesthesia. 442 00:20:28,392 --> 00:20:30,080 Give me anesthesia right now. 443 00:20:30,080 --> 00:20:33,170 And so there's essentially preference reversals. 444 00:20:33,170 --> 00:20:34,670 People seem to want different things 445 00:20:34,670 --> 00:20:36,530 at different points in time. 446 00:20:36,530 --> 00:20:41,960 And the doctor can only make one of these two people happy. 447 00:20:41,960 --> 00:20:44,240 And so no matter what the doctor does, either 448 00:20:44,240 --> 00:20:48,440 if the person gives the person anesthesia, then person number 449 00:20:48,440 --> 00:20:50,690 2 in my list here above is going to be happy, 450 00:20:50,690 --> 00:20:53,630 but person number 1 and person number 3 are unhappy. 451 00:20:53,630 --> 00:20:56,030 Or the person withholds anesthesia and then person 452 00:20:56,030 --> 00:20:57,050 number 2 is unhappy. 453 00:20:57,050 --> 00:21:01,610 So either way, the doctor cannot satisfy these different selves 454 00:21:01,610 --> 00:21:02,880 over time. 455 00:21:02,880 --> 00:21:04,790 Now, can the physician enter a contract 456 00:21:04,790 --> 00:21:07,240 with a patient ex ante, before? 457 00:21:07,240 --> 00:21:09,770 Is it possible to have a legally binding contract here 458 00:21:09,770 --> 00:21:13,002 when he or she says, I'm not going to give any anesthesia, 459 00:21:13,002 --> 00:21:15,680 and you told me so? 460 00:21:15,680 --> 00:21:19,580 Do we want policies that make such contracts possible? 461 00:21:19,580 --> 00:21:21,590 Is that a desirable thing to do? 462 00:21:21,590 --> 00:21:24,350 Is it a legally required thing to do? 463 00:21:24,350 --> 00:21:27,050 Potentially impossible to require this legally. 464 00:21:27,050 --> 00:21:28,910 I'm not sure. 465 00:21:28,910 --> 00:21:31,490 But the point here really is that there 466 00:21:31,490 --> 00:21:35,570 is some misprediction going on here. 467 00:21:35,570 --> 00:21:39,740 Ex ante, the person says, well, if I'm in pain, I will be fine. 468 00:21:39,740 --> 00:21:41,450 I'm not going to need anesthesia. 469 00:21:41,450 --> 00:21:43,825 But then, of course, when the person is actually in pain, 470 00:21:43,825 --> 00:21:45,170 the person wants anesthesia. 471 00:21:45,170 --> 00:21:49,490 So essentially people seem to mispredict their preferences 472 00:21:49,490 --> 00:21:50,750 when they're in pain. 473 00:21:50,750 --> 00:21:52,880 Then that leads to all sorts of trouble here. 474 00:21:52,880 --> 00:21:54,890 I really recommend to read the paper 475 00:21:54,890 --> 00:21:56,840 by Schelling that's on the course website 476 00:21:56,840 --> 00:22:01,200 if you want to sort think about this a little bit more. 477 00:22:01,200 --> 00:22:04,950 Now, so far, we talked about that preferences 478 00:22:04,950 --> 00:22:09,090 change predictably due to changes in underlying states. 479 00:22:09,090 --> 00:22:12,450 Now, one of those states, it would be like pain, hunger, 480 00:22:12,450 --> 00:22:14,260 sleep, and so on. 481 00:22:14,260 --> 00:22:16,770 Now, there's an additional stylized fact 482 00:22:16,770 --> 00:22:19,500 just that people make systematic mistakes at predicting 483 00:22:19,500 --> 00:22:20,910 preference changes. 484 00:22:20,910 --> 00:22:25,240 So not only is it that your preferences are different when 485 00:22:25,240 --> 00:22:28,060 you're tired versus not, but people are also 486 00:22:28,060 --> 00:22:31,210 systematically mispredicting that preference change. 487 00:22:31,210 --> 00:22:33,070 Now, what is projection bias? 488 00:22:33,070 --> 00:22:36,760 To be clear, it's the fact that people underappreciate changes 489 00:22:36,760 --> 00:22:39,940 in their preferences, projecting their current preferences 490 00:22:39,940 --> 00:22:42,190 onto future preferences. 491 00:22:42,190 --> 00:22:44,260 So projection bias, to be clear, is not just 492 00:22:44,260 --> 00:22:46,960 some random prediction but a prediction 493 00:22:46,960 --> 00:22:49,610 with a systematic direction. 494 00:22:49,610 --> 00:22:52,780 So people seem to understand the direction of preference change 495 00:22:52,780 --> 00:22:54,460 but not the magnitude. 496 00:22:54,460 --> 00:22:56,710 That is to say, when people are hungry and think 497 00:22:56,710 --> 00:22:59,260 about how it's going to feel when they're not hungry 498 00:22:59,260 --> 00:23:02,110 anymore, they kind of understand that eventually they will not 499 00:23:02,110 --> 00:23:04,375 be hungry and that maybe, suppose you're really hungry 500 00:23:04,375 --> 00:23:05,797 and you really want potato chips, 501 00:23:05,797 --> 00:23:07,630 you sort of understand that you don't really 502 00:23:07,630 --> 00:23:10,528 want that many potato chips when you're full. 503 00:23:10,528 --> 00:23:12,070 Nevertheless, when people are hungry, 504 00:23:12,070 --> 00:23:15,610 they buy 10 bags of potato chips as if they were hungry 505 00:23:15,610 --> 00:23:17,530 at least for like half of their life, 506 00:23:17,530 --> 00:23:20,200 even though they're going to be hungry for the next hour or two 507 00:23:20,200 --> 00:23:23,840 because then they're going to go home and go eat and so on. 508 00:23:23,840 --> 00:23:26,920 So people seem to understand the direction 509 00:23:26,920 --> 00:23:31,010 of people's preferences but not the magnitude. 510 00:23:31,010 --> 00:23:39,050 Now the underappreciation of the effects 511 00:23:39,050 --> 00:23:42,110 of hunger on preferences is perhaps 512 00:23:42,110 --> 00:23:47,460 not the most economically important part 513 00:23:47,460 --> 00:23:50,810 of projection bias or the most important application. 514 00:23:50,810 --> 00:23:53,660 But there two reasons to consider this evidence. 515 00:23:53,660 --> 00:23:55,970 But one, it's perhaps the clearest evidence 516 00:23:55,970 --> 00:23:57,440 of projection bias. 517 00:23:57,440 --> 00:23:59,690 Second, people have lots of experience 518 00:23:59,690 --> 00:24:02,640 with changes in their levels of hunger. 519 00:24:02,640 --> 00:24:05,630 So any misprediction isn't due to the lack of opportunity 520 00:24:05,630 --> 00:24:08,630 to learn, really, when you should have probably learned 521 00:24:08,630 --> 00:24:09,800 this over time. 522 00:24:09,800 --> 00:24:11,905 For some other instances-- 523 00:24:11,905 --> 00:24:13,280 this is only, for example, if you 524 00:24:13,280 --> 00:24:16,140 have lots of physical pain, or for childbirth, for example, 525 00:24:16,140 --> 00:24:21,050 you might say, well, that seems to be sometimes 526 00:24:21,050 --> 00:24:22,760 even "one in a lifetime" experience, 527 00:24:22,760 --> 00:24:25,820 where really it's sort of understandable that people 528 00:24:25,820 --> 00:24:29,550 mispredict their preferences when 529 00:24:29,550 --> 00:24:32,030 they are in excruciating pain. 530 00:24:32,030 --> 00:24:33,650 But that's understandable because you 531 00:24:33,650 --> 00:24:35,420 haven't experienced it before. 532 00:24:35,420 --> 00:24:39,800 And even for somebody, a mother who has given birth to a child 533 00:24:39,800 --> 00:24:45,092 before, that mother might just misremember to some degree. 534 00:24:45,092 --> 00:24:46,550 But when it comes to hunger, people 535 00:24:46,550 --> 00:24:49,530 have been hungry so many times, and full, and so on. 536 00:24:49,530 --> 00:24:52,010 So really you had lots and lots of opportunities 537 00:24:52,010 --> 00:24:55,370 to learn what your preferences are when you're hungry 538 00:24:55,370 --> 00:24:56,030 versus not. 539 00:24:56,030 --> 00:24:59,920 So really it shouldn't be about a lack of opportunity to learn. 540 00:24:59,920 --> 00:25:02,300 Now, people buy more on an empty stomach. 541 00:25:02,300 --> 00:25:05,660 That can be interpreted as a manifestation of projection 542 00:25:05,660 --> 00:25:06,260 bias. 543 00:25:06,260 --> 00:25:10,310 Hungry people act as if their future taste for food 544 00:25:10,310 --> 00:25:13,730 will reflect the current hunger at least to some degree, 545 00:25:13,730 --> 00:25:16,260 or more so than it actually does. 546 00:25:16,260 --> 00:25:18,733 But it's not completely clean evidence of projection bias, 547 00:25:18,733 --> 00:25:20,900 because there could be always other things going on. 548 00:25:20,900 --> 00:25:23,960 For example, if you're really hungry, 549 00:25:23,960 --> 00:25:26,195 some things might be more salient to you. 550 00:25:26,195 --> 00:25:28,220 And there you might buy certain things 551 00:25:28,220 --> 00:25:31,290 more because you pay more attention, for example, 552 00:25:31,290 --> 00:25:34,070 to potato chips and really sort of learn how exciting 553 00:25:34,070 --> 00:25:36,000 potato chips are and so on. 554 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:39,020 But let's just go with hunger for now. 555 00:25:39,020 --> 00:25:42,050 There's lots of other evidence of projection bias in addition 556 00:25:42,050 --> 00:25:44,840 to the hunger example. 557 00:25:44,840 --> 00:25:48,670 Now remember the paper that we discussed on food choices 558 00:25:48,670 --> 00:25:50,710 by Read and van Leeuwen. 559 00:25:50,710 --> 00:25:52,630 This is the paper where office workers 560 00:25:52,630 --> 00:25:54,550 are asked to choose between a healthy snack 561 00:25:54,550 --> 00:25:56,440 and an unhealthy snack. 562 00:25:56,440 --> 00:26:01,300 Now, so far, we had looked at this as a piece of evidence 563 00:26:01,300 --> 00:26:03,340 for present bias. 564 00:26:03,340 --> 00:26:05,650 We were looking at when people are choosing 565 00:26:05,650 --> 00:26:07,660 for the present right now versus when 566 00:26:07,660 --> 00:26:09,910 they choose for the future. 567 00:26:09,910 --> 00:26:14,230 Do people make more unhealthy choices 568 00:26:14,230 --> 00:26:15,880 when they choose for the president? 569 00:26:15,880 --> 00:26:17,860 That is to say the stylized fact that we 570 00:26:17,860 --> 00:26:22,700 found was that when people are choosing snacks for the future, 571 00:26:22,700 --> 00:26:25,825 they were quite likely to choose healthy snacks. 572 00:26:25,825 --> 00:26:30,550 You choose salad for the future as your snack in the afternoon. 573 00:26:30,550 --> 00:26:35,020 And then, you ask again, right now or today, 574 00:26:35,020 --> 00:26:38,800 what would you like, people seem to switch their preferences 575 00:26:38,800 --> 00:26:40,480 towards unhealthy snacks. 576 00:26:40,480 --> 00:26:43,480 They'd rather have, like, chocolates. 577 00:26:43,480 --> 00:26:45,460 And so we interpreted that, at the time, 578 00:26:45,460 --> 00:26:47,750 as evidence of present bias. 579 00:26:47,750 --> 00:26:50,860 And surely it seems like that is evidence of present bias. 580 00:26:50,860 --> 00:26:53,830 Now, in addition, now, we're going to consider variation 581 00:26:53,830 --> 00:26:56,060 in the timing of those choices. 582 00:26:56,060 --> 00:26:58,330 So some people were asked when they were hungry, 583 00:26:58,330 --> 00:26:59,920 late in the afternoon. 584 00:26:59,920 --> 00:27:03,820 Others were asked when they were satiated or arguably satiated, 585 00:27:03,820 --> 00:27:06,220 immediately after lunch. 586 00:27:06,220 --> 00:27:08,750 And then the snacks were to be received in one week. 587 00:27:08,750 --> 00:27:10,690 So that's held constant, the timing. 588 00:27:10,690 --> 00:27:12,890 Otherwise the timing is held constant. 589 00:27:12,890 --> 00:27:15,130 So we're always going to look at choices for snacks 590 00:27:15,130 --> 00:27:16,300 to be received in one week. 591 00:27:19,135 --> 00:27:21,370 In some of the cases, the snacks were 592 00:27:21,370 --> 00:27:24,850 to be received when people were hungry or likely hungry, late 593 00:27:24,850 --> 00:27:26,020 in the afternoon. 594 00:27:26,020 --> 00:27:28,250 In some other cases, the snacks we 595 00:27:28,250 --> 00:27:30,430 received when people were satiated, 596 00:27:30,430 --> 00:27:32,910 immediately after lunch. 597 00:27:32,910 --> 00:27:35,200 OK, so there's like four cases here. 598 00:27:35,200 --> 00:27:36,640 There's the timing of choice. 599 00:27:36,640 --> 00:27:40,010 Either people are asked if they're hungry versus not. 600 00:27:40,010 --> 00:27:41,770 And then the timing of the receipt 601 00:27:41,770 --> 00:27:45,340 of their snack, which is when they were hungry versus not. 602 00:27:45,340 --> 00:27:48,250 And the question now is, are hungry people now 603 00:27:48,250 --> 00:27:51,760 good or bad at predicting their preferences when they're 604 00:27:51,760 --> 00:27:56,836 satiated, and are satiated people good or bad 605 00:27:56,836 --> 00:27:59,590 at predicting their preferences when they're hungry, 606 00:27:59,590 --> 00:28:02,910 in the different state? 607 00:28:02,910 --> 00:28:05,300 So we're going to interpret here-- 608 00:28:05,300 --> 00:28:09,420 so here's a table from Read and van Leeuwen, table number 1. 609 00:28:09,420 --> 00:28:12,690 It's a bit of a sort of confusing table 610 00:28:12,690 --> 00:28:14,310 for no good reason. 611 00:28:14,310 --> 00:28:17,560 Let me just walk you very quickly through that table. 612 00:28:17,560 --> 00:28:20,640 So the rows are the current hunger 613 00:28:20,640 --> 00:28:23,220 and the columns are future hunger. 614 00:28:23,220 --> 00:28:25,230 So the first row is when people were 615 00:28:25,230 --> 00:28:27,220 asked when they were hungry. 616 00:28:27,220 --> 00:28:29,760 So this is late in the afternoon. 617 00:28:29,760 --> 00:28:32,610 The second row is people were asked when they were satiated. 618 00:28:32,610 --> 00:28:35,550 That's like right after lunch. 619 00:28:35,550 --> 00:28:37,260 And then the columns are-- 620 00:28:37,260 --> 00:28:41,350 again, remember, all of the choices are for next week. 621 00:28:41,350 --> 00:28:45,570 So the first column is choices for when people were hungry. 622 00:28:45,570 --> 00:28:47,070 That's late in the afternoon. 623 00:28:47,070 --> 00:28:50,220 And the second column is when people were satiated. 624 00:28:50,220 --> 00:28:51,880 That's right after lunch. 625 00:28:51,880 --> 00:28:55,380 Remember, again, all choices are for next week, 626 00:28:55,380 --> 00:28:58,150 so for one week in the future. 627 00:28:58,150 --> 00:29:02,830 Now, we can interpret, now, the main diagonal of this table 628 00:29:02,830 --> 00:29:05,710 as reflecting people's true preferences. 629 00:29:05,710 --> 00:29:08,530 That is to say, here's no projection bias. 630 00:29:08,530 --> 00:29:12,280 People are asked, when hungry, to predict what they wanted 631 00:29:12,280 --> 00:29:14,860 or to say what they wanted in the future, when 632 00:29:14,860 --> 00:29:17,980 they were likely going to be hungry as well. 633 00:29:17,980 --> 00:29:23,350 That is to say, 78% of people are choosing an unhealthy snack 634 00:29:23,350 --> 00:29:27,070 for the future when they're hungry-- so 635 00:29:27,070 --> 00:29:30,100 that's in the late afternoon-- for the future case 636 00:29:30,100 --> 00:29:32,680 when they're in the late afternoon. 637 00:29:32,680 --> 00:29:40,160 In contrast, only 26% of people choose the unhealthy snack when 638 00:29:40,160 --> 00:29:43,610 they're satiated-- that is right after lunch-- 639 00:29:43,610 --> 00:29:50,250 for when the snack will be delivered in one week, 640 00:29:50,250 --> 00:29:52,290 right after lunch. 641 00:29:52,290 --> 00:29:54,180 So there's no projection bias here. 642 00:29:54,180 --> 00:29:56,340 Because essentially this underlying state, hunger, 643 00:29:56,340 --> 00:29:57,660 is held constant. 644 00:29:57,660 --> 00:30:00,390 Hungry people predicting for when they're hungry 645 00:30:00,390 --> 00:30:04,740 or asking what they want when they're hungry, 78% of people 646 00:30:04,740 --> 00:30:06,360 think they want unhealthy stuff. 647 00:30:06,360 --> 00:30:10,830 And again, satiated people, 26% of people 648 00:30:10,830 --> 00:30:12,690 say they want unhealthy stuff. 649 00:30:12,690 --> 00:30:17,130 So 74% of people say they want the healthy snack, in contrast, 650 00:30:17,130 --> 00:30:19,960 when they're satiated. 651 00:30:19,960 --> 00:30:21,613 So again, that's what's written here. 652 00:30:21,613 --> 00:30:23,530 Late in the afternoon, when people are hungry, 653 00:30:23,530 --> 00:30:26,050 78% of people choose the unhealthy snack 654 00:30:26,050 --> 00:30:28,300 for the late afternoon when they will be hungry. 655 00:30:28,300 --> 00:30:31,900 Immediately after lunch, when they're satiated, 26% of people 656 00:30:31,900 --> 00:30:34,120 choose the unhealthy snack for immediately 657 00:30:34,120 --> 00:30:38,130 after lunch when they will be satiated. 658 00:30:38,130 --> 00:30:43,620 Now, then what we see here is the entries 659 00:30:43,620 --> 00:30:46,230 that are off the main diagonal. 660 00:30:46,230 --> 00:30:49,860 Those data fit the pattern of projection bias. 661 00:30:49,860 --> 00:30:51,070 Now what do I mean by that? 662 00:30:51,070 --> 00:30:54,090 Let's look first at people who are hungry 663 00:30:54,090 --> 00:30:56,130 but expect to be satiated. 664 00:30:56,130 --> 00:30:59,080 That is the first row here. 665 00:30:59,080 --> 00:31:00,900 Current hunger is hungry. 666 00:31:00,900 --> 00:31:03,520 That's essentially people are asked late in the afternoon. 667 00:31:03,520 --> 00:31:06,030 Or think about this as being likely hungry. 668 00:31:06,030 --> 00:31:10,020 And they're ask about why what do they 669 00:31:10,020 --> 00:31:16,400 want when they're satiated? 670 00:31:16,400 --> 00:31:19,560 That is right after lunch. 671 00:31:19,560 --> 00:31:24,140 Now, remember, when people were satiated, 26% of people 672 00:31:24,140 --> 00:31:26,870 said they wanted an unhealthy snack. 673 00:31:26,870 --> 00:31:29,960 Now, when people are hungry, 42% of people 674 00:31:29,960 --> 00:31:32,180 say they want an unhealthy snack. 675 00:31:32,180 --> 00:31:34,650 So that fraction is higher. 676 00:31:34,650 --> 00:31:38,210 So that is very much consistent with projection bias, 677 00:31:38,210 --> 00:31:44,690 the reason being that, when people are hungry and say what 678 00:31:44,690 --> 00:31:47,390 they want for themselves in the hungry state, 679 00:31:47,390 --> 00:31:50,660 well, 78% of people say they want the unhealthy snack. 680 00:31:50,660 --> 00:31:52,910 If people did not have any projection bias, 681 00:31:52,910 --> 00:31:56,060 they really should be saying 26% if you believe 682 00:31:56,060 --> 00:31:59,010 that satiated people know best what they want 683 00:31:59,010 --> 00:32:00,440 when they will be satiated. 684 00:32:00,440 --> 00:32:03,170 Instead, 42%, a higher fraction of people, 685 00:32:03,170 --> 00:32:08,350 say they want an unhealthy snack when predicting 686 00:32:08,350 --> 00:32:12,950 or when answering while they're hungry for when 687 00:32:12,950 --> 00:32:14,920 they would be satiated. 688 00:32:14,920 --> 00:32:17,710 So people seem to understand the direction in which their tastes 689 00:32:17,710 --> 00:32:20,680 change as they become satiated, but they underestimate 690 00:32:20,680 --> 00:32:23,530 the magnitude of this change. 691 00:32:23,530 --> 00:32:27,130 Similarly, people who are currently satiated but expect 692 00:32:27,130 --> 00:32:31,150 to be hungry underestimate the effect of hunger 693 00:32:31,150 --> 00:32:34,170 on their preferences for unhealthy snacks. 694 00:32:34,170 --> 00:32:45,760 Remember, hungry people, when they choose for next week 695 00:32:45,760 --> 00:32:47,950 when they will be hungry, 78% of people 696 00:32:47,950 --> 00:32:50,800 say they want the unhealthy snack. 697 00:32:50,800 --> 00:32:54,340 Now, in contrast, when they're satiated, 56% of people 698 00:32:54,340 --> 00:32:56,020 choose the unhealthy snack. 699 00:32:56,020 --> 00:32:58,030 So again, that fraction now deviates 700 00:32:58,030 --> 00:33:01,300 from the fraction when people are hungry, 701 00:33:01,300 --> 00:33:04,210 which is, again, consistent with people understand 702 00:33:04,210 --> 00:33:07,240 the direction in which tastes change as they become hungry, 703 00:33:07,240 --> 00:33:09,920 but they underestimate the magnitude of this change. 704 00:33:09,920 --> 00:33:12,430 So satiated people think that when they're in the future, 705 00:33:12,430 --> 00:33:16,750 hungry, they will behave at least a little bit 706 00:33:16,750 --> 00:33:19,180 like as if they were satiated. 707 00:33:19,180 --> 00:33:21,815 And hungry people seem to think that, when they're 708 00:33:21,815 --> 00:33:23,440 satiated in the future, they will still 709 00:33:23,440 --> 00:33:25,450 behave as if they were hungry. 710 00:33:25,450 --> 00:33:29,170 Notice that this misprediction is partial. 711 00:33:29,170 --> 00:33:44,150 So again, both the 42% is in between the 26% 712 00:33:44,150 --> 00:33:54,240 and the 42% is in between the 26% and the 78%. 713 00:33:54,240 --> 00:33:58,800 And again, the 56% is between the 26% and the 78%. 714 00:33:58,800 --> 00:34:02,490 So there's essentially some partial misprediction going on 715 00:34:02,490 --> 00:34:04,080 here. 716 00:34:04,080 --> 00:34:08,949 Now, let me show you a number of other examples of projection 717 00:34:08,949 --> 00:34:09,449 bias. 718 00:34:09,449 --> 00:34:11,616 And then I'm going to write down a little model that 719 00:34:11,616 --> 00:34:15,060 sort of captures this information or the information 720 00:34:15,060 --> 00:34:15,929 that's here. 721 00:34:15,929 --> 00:34:19,995 So another example is catalog orders. 722 00:34:19,995 --> 00:34:21,570 This is Conlin et al. 723 00:34:21,570 --> 00:34:23,850 Imagine there's a cold evening. 724 00:34:23,850 --> 00:34:25,020 It's really cold outside. 725 00:34:25,020 --> 00:34:26,790 Maybe you were just outside and so on, 726 00:34:26,790 --> 00:34:28,790 and then you are online shopping. 727 00:34:28,790 --> 00:34:30,540 Notice that in Conlin et al., really, it's 728 00:34:30,540 --> 00:34:33,239 catalog orders and not online shopping 729 00:34:33,239 --> 00:34:36,719 because online shopping didn't quite exist at the time. 730 00:34:36,719 --> 00:34:42,090 But in any case, imagine you buy, online, a warm jacket. 731 00:34:42,090 --> 00:34:43,830 And again, it's really cold right now. 732 00:34:43,830 --> 00:34:46,139 You really wish you had a warm jacket. 733 00:34:46,139 --> 00:34:50,400 But then, when the warm jacket arrives, 734 00:34:50,400 --> 00:34:53,909 its 30 degrees warmer when that happens. 735 00:34:53,909 --> 00:34:57,630 Now, that could or could not be, potentially, a mistake. 736 00:34:57,630 --> 00:35:02,190 In particular, if it's an unusually cold day, 737 00:35:02,190 --> 00:35:03,852 if people have projection bias, they 738 00:35:03,852 --> 00:35:06,060 might sort of think that, well, right now they really 739 00:35:06,060 --> 00:35:07,620 need a warm jacket. 740 00:35:07,620 --> 00:35:09,630 And they can't even imagine that they might not 741 00:35:09,630 --> 00:35:13,230 need this warm jacket anymore in a few days from when 742 00:35:13,230 --> 00:35:15,270 it actually arrives from the order. 743 00:35:15,270 --> 00:35:17,640 And so the hypothesis is that projection bias 744 00:35:17,640 --> 00:35:21,570 leads to an increase in purchases of cold-weather items 745 00:35:21,570 --> 00:35:23,460 on cold-weather days. 746 00:35:23,460 --> 00:35:25,980 And not only that, but controlling 747 00:35:25,980 --> 00:35:28,470 for receive-day temperature, the likelihood 748 00:35:28,470 --> 00:35:30,540 of returning a cold-weather object 749 00:35:30,540 --> 00:35:33,660 is higher when the day of ordering was cold. 750 00:35:33,660 --> 00:35:37,770 So not only people are buying more cold-weather items 751 00:35:37,770 --> 00:35:39,105 on cold-weather days-- 752 00:35:39,105 --> 00:35:40,230 that seems very reasonable. 753 00:35:40,230 --> 00:35:42,942 Because you might just say, I always wanted a jacket anyway. 754 00:35:42,942 --> 00:35:43,650 It's really cold. 755 00:35:43,650 --> 00:35:46,620 And that just reminds me that I really need one. 756 00:35:46,620 --> 00:35:49,463 Or, for example, it's really rainy and you buy an umbrella. 757 00:35:49,463 --> 00:35:50,880 Because again, you just remembered 758 00:35:50,880 --> 00:35:52,880 that you really needed one or that you forgot it 759 00:35:52,880 --> 00:35:54,900 somewhere and so on. 760 00:35:54,900 --> 00:35:56,790 The telling part here is that the likelihood 761 00:35:56,790 --> 00:36:00,120 of returning the cold-weather object 762 00:36:00,120 --> 00:36:04,410 is higher when the day of ordering was cold. 763 00:36:04,410 --> 00:36:07,050 And that's very much consistent with projection bias. 764 00:36:07,050 --> 00:36:10,260 People, on cold-weather days, act 765 00:36:10,260 --> 00:36:14,100 as if the future were only full of cold-weather days. 766 00:36:14,100 --> 00:36:19,410 And therefore their preferences would be such 767 00:36:19,410 --> 00:36:22,710 that they would always want to put weather items. 768 00:36:22,710 --> 00:36:28,170 Or put differently, people act as if their preferences 769 00:36:28,170 --> 00:36:31,170 for cold-weather items-- they really want a warm jacket-- 770 00:36:31,170 --> 00:36:33,330 would not change even if, in the future, 771 00:36:33,330 --> 00:36:34,920 there will be warm days. 772 00:36:34,920 --> 00:36:37,440 Notice that, in some of this evidence, what's 773 00:36:37,440 --> 00:36:42,840 hard to distinguish is predicting people's preferences 774 00:36:42,840 --> 00:36:46,900 change in the future versus predicting future states. 775 00:36:46,900 --> 00:36:50,580 So if somebody predicted that it's going to be cold forever, 776 00:36:50,580 --> 00:36:52,500 who would act in the exact same way 777 00:36:52,500 --> 00:36:56,700 as if you predicted that your preferences are such that you 778 00:36:56,700 --> 00:36:59,640 always want warm jackets, you're always going to be cold. 779 00:36:59,640 --> 00:37:01,710 Now, projection bias is about the latter. 780 00:37:01,710 --> 00:37:03,450 It's about people's preferences. 781 00:37:03,450 --> 00:37:07,410 But often it's actually hard to separate predictions 782 00:37:07,410 --> 00:37:09,300 of probabilities of how likely it 783 00:37:09,300 --> 00:37:11,340 is that it's going to be cold in the future 784 00:37:11,340 --> 00:37:15,970 from predictions of people's utility. 785 00:37:15,970 --> 00:37:21,850 Another example is car purchases on Sunday versus radio or days 786 00:37:21,850 --> 00:37:23,710 imagine it's a nice, sunny day and you 787 00:37:23,710 --> 00:37:27,910 go car shopping as you do it. 788 00:37:27,910 --> 00:37:33,020 And the car dealer offers you an Audi TT. 789 00:37:33,020 --> 00:37:35,740 You know, "Why, I guess I never thought of the Audi TT." 790 00:37:35,740 --> 00:37:37,120 You go for a test drive. 791 00:37:37,120 --> 00:37:39,043 And the wind rips through your hair. 792 00:37:39,043 --> 00:37:40,210 It's really sunny and great. 793 00:37:40,210 --> 00:37:45,290 And having this car during a sunny day is really amazing. 794 00:37:45,290 --> 00:37:48,370 So you would love to buy a car like this. 795 00:37:48,370 --> 00:37:50,800 Why not? 796 00:37:50,800 --> 00:37:54,670 Imagine, in contrast, car purchases on an icy day. 797 00:37:54,670 --> 00:37:56,950 Imagine you're car shopping around the time of a freak 798 00:37:56,950 --> 00:37:57,555 snowstorm. 799 00:37:57,555 --> 00:37:58,930 You kind of wanted to have a car, 800 00:37:58,930 --> 00:38:02,470 and somehow it's a snowstorm when you go car shopping. 801 00:38:02,470 --> 00:38:07,420 Now, the car dealer says, how about this grand Jeep Grand 802 00:38:07,420 --> 00:38:07,930 Cherokee. 803 00:38:07,930 --> 00:38:11,050 And you might say, well, I guess I never thought 804 00:38:11,050 --> 00:38:12,790 of the Jeep Grand Cherokee. 805 00:38:12,790 --> 00:38:14,620 Why not try it? 806 00:38:14,620 --> 00:38:17,677 You go for a test drive and you gain traction on the black ice 807 00:38:17,677 --> 00:38:19,010 and you jump the curb with ease. 808 00:38:19,010 --> 00:38:20,830 It's just amazing. 809 00:38:20,830 --> 00:38:25,790 Now, you might just say, well, I would love a car like this. 810 00:38:25,790 --> 00:38:28,630 Now, what people seem to be forgetting 811 00:38:28,630 --> 00:38:30,970 in both of these examples is that it might just 812 00:38:30,970 --> 00:38:36,760 happen to be a really bad snow day on that particular day. 813 00:38:36,760 --> 00:38:38,830 Or it might have just been really sunny 814 00:38:38,830 --> 00:38:40,180 on that particular day. 815 00:38:40,180 --> 00:38:42,310 And things like change over time. 816 00:38:42,310 --> 00:38:45,340 And people might not understand that their preferences 817 00:38:45,340 --> 00:38:49,960 for the Audi versus the Jeep might change 818 00:38:49,960 --> 00:38:52,700 with the weather over time. 819 00:38:52,700 --> 00:38:56,320 And that's exactly what Busse et al. are looking at. 820 00:38:56,320 --> 00:38:59,770 They're looking at how does weather impact automobile 821 00:38:59,770 --> 00:39:01,700 purchases. 822 00:39:01,700 --> 00:39:09,070 And in particular the classical prediction 823 00:39:09,070 --> 00:39:11,900 is that the weather, on the day of a car purchase, 824 00:39:11,900 --> 00:39:15,280 should have no influence on the type of car bought. 825 00:39:15,280 --> 00:39:18,790 So now what Busse et al. look at is do idiosyncratic weather 826 00:39:18,790 --> 00:39:22,240 conditions, controlling for time of year and predict car sales 827 00:39:22,240 --> 00:39:25,870 and then, in particular, also returns of those cars. 828 00:39:25,870 --> 00:39:28,000 And they look at two types of cars, 829 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:29,887 in particular convertibles and then 830 00:39:29,887 --> 00:39:31,720 they look at four-wheel drives like the Jeep 831 00:39:31,720 --> 00:39:33,010 that I just showed you. 832 00:39:33,010 --> 00:39:36,700 And the key part here is to look at idiosyncratic weather 833 00:39:36,700 --> 00:39:37,270 conditions. 834 00:39:37,270 --> 00:39:40,150 That is to say, controlling for time of the year. 835 00:39:40,150 --> 00:39:44,890 Suppose it's an unusually warm and unusually cold or icy day. 836 00:39:44,890 --> 00:39:48,850 Does that predict people's car sales or purchases 837 00:39:48,850 --> 00:39:52,460 and particularly also the returns of those cars? 838 00:39:52,460 --> 00:39:56,210 Now, the buying patterns are very much consistent 839 00:39:56,210 --> 00:39:57,500 with projection bias. 840 00:39:57,500 --> 00:40:00,380 People buy more convertibles on good-weather days 841 00:40:00,380 --> 00:40:04,710 and more four-wheel drives on bad-weather days. 842 00:40:04,710 --> 00:40:08,270 And again, that evidence by itself 843 00:40:08,270 --> 00:40:09,740 is not necessarily projection bias. 844 00:40:09,740 --> 00:40:12,230 It could just be a good-weather day and you kind of always 845 00:40:12,230 --> 00:40:14,300 wanted to buy a really nice car, and therefore 846 00:40:14,300 --> 00:40:16,220 you just do it on a good-weather day. 847 00:40:16,220 --> 00:40:20,600 But people are also more likely to return their convertible 848 00:40:20,600 --> 00:40:23,120 if they bought it in the good-weather day. 849 00:40:23,120 --> 00:40:26,000 And they're likely to return their four-wheel drive if they 850 00:40:26,000 --> 00:40:27,620 bought it on a bad-weather day. 851 00:40:27,620 --> 00:40:29,690 And that's very much consistent with evidence 852 00:40:29,690 --> 00:40:30,980 of projection bias. 853 00:40:30,980 --> 00:40:33,920 On a good-weather day, you think your convertible 854 00:40:33,920 --> 00:40:35,600 is going to be amazing forever. 855 00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:36,808 You're going to love driving. 856 00:40:36,808 --> 00:40:38,350 And even if it's going to be raining, 857 00:40:38,350 --> 00:40:39,440 it's going to be amazing. 858 00:40:39,440 --> 00:40:41,440 But of course, if it's raining, that convertible 859 00:40:41,440 --> 00:40:44,337 is really not a car that you want to have. 860 00:40:44,337 --> 00:40:46,670 Or is really cold outside, that's really not a great car 861 00:40:46,670 --> 00:40:47,510 to have. 862 00:40:47,510 --> 00:40:50,750 Similarly, if you have a four-wheel drive 863 00:40:50,750 --> 00:40:52,790 and it's really warm and nice outside, 864 00:40:52,790 --> 00:40:56,360 you'd probably much rather have a lighter car or potentially 865 00:40:56,360 --> 00:40:58,220 even a convertible. 866 00:40:58,220 --> 00:41:00,980 Now, one important question here is now, 867 00:41:00,980 --> 00:41:03,620 in any of the behavioral biases that we 868 00:41:03,620 --> 00:41:07,410 discussed is how does the market react to such behavior. 869 00:41:07,410 --> 00:41:10,340 So one tricky part here is that you want to be kind of careful. 870 00:41:10,340 --> 00:41:11,840 So on one hand, you might say, well, 871 00:41:11,840 --> 00:41:14,128 let's exploit this kind of behavior. 872 00:41:14,128 --> 00:41:15,170 And I think that's right. 873 00:41:15,170 --> 00:41:17,390 You might get people to purchase stuff that they 874 00:41:17,390 --> 00:41:19,190 don't necessarily want. 875 00:41:19,190 --> 00:41:21,710 And surely that's happening in some cases. 876 00:41:21,710 --> 00:41:25,220 But to the extent that people can just return these items, 877 00:41:25,220 --> 00:41:27,225 that's actually not necessarily a great idea. 878 00:41:27,225 --> 00:41:30,392 And particularly if you're a car salesperson 879 00:41:30,392 --> 00:41:32,600 and you sell people stuff and then you just come back 880 00:41:32,600 --> 00:41:34,520 and you have to deal with them, and they're unhappy, 881 00:41:34,520 --> 00:41:35,820 and maybe, then, at the end of the day, 882 00:41:35,820 --> 00:41:38,112 you just return the car and actually don't buy anything 883 00:41:38,112 --> 00:41:40,430 eventually because they're unhappy, 884 00:41:40,430 --> 00:41:42,190 that's really not great for you. 885 00:41:42,190 --> 00:41:45,350 Plus it wastes a lot of time and effort. 886 00:41:45,350 --> 00:41:48,440 On the other hand, sometimes people 887 00:41:48,440 --> 00:41:49,880 might just not return things. 888 00:41:49,880 --> 00:41:51,860 And they might just get stuck with their car 889 00:41:51,860 --> 00:41:53,640 and just leave it at that. 890 00:41:53,640 --> 00:41:56,720 And then it might be a good idea to exploit this behavior, 891 00:41:56,720 --> 00:41:59,640 particularly on a good-weather day, 892 00:41:59,640 --> 00:42:02,810 you might want to try to sell people convertibles. 893 00:42:02,810 --> 00:42:05,540 Another thing you could potentially exploit 894 00:42:05,540 --> 00:42:08,790 is essentially people just have higher willingness to pay. 895 00:42:08,790 --> 00:42:10,460 Suppose somebody really, really wants 896 00:42:10,460 --> 00:42:13,430 to buy a convertible anyway, regardless of the weather. 897 00:42:13,430 --> 00:42:16,220 But on a good-weather day, their willingness to pay 898 00:42:16,220 --> 00:42:17,297 might be higher. 899 00:42:17,297 --> 00:42:19,880 And so you might be able to sell them additional stuff for you 900 00:42:19,880 --> 00:42:23,338 might be able to sell them maybe a nicer version of the car, 901 00:42:23,338 --> 00:42:25,130 which probably they're not going to return. 902 00:42:25,130 --> 00:42:27,630 Because once they have it, they're just going to keep it. 903 00:42:27,630 --> 00:42:35,000 And so you might want to exploit that if you are a company. 904 00:42:37,700 --> 00:42:46,680 There might also be some agency issues within the sales shop, 905 00:42:46,680 --> 00:42:52,080 which is like if the salesperson really wants to sell things 906 00:42:52,080 --> 00:42:54,390 and is incentivized to sell things, 907 00:42:54,390 --> 00:42:57,300 and that's regardless of the returns, 908 00:42:57,300 --> 00:42:59,080 then you might get into situations where, 909 00:42:59,080 --> 00:43:01,650 on sunny days, lots of convertibles are being sold 910 00:43:01,650 --> 00:43:03,190 but they're all being returned. 911 00:43:03,190 --> 00:43:04,860 So if you are a company, you kind of 912 00:43:04,860 --> 00:43:08,580 want to set the incentives right that the car salesman gets only 913 00:43:08,580 --> 00:43:12,210 rewarded for stuff that's not returned because it precisely 914 00:43:12,210 --> 00:43:15,660 gets you things that will not make you happy or profitable 915 00:43:15,660 --> 00:43:17,230 in the long run. 916 00:43:17,230 --> 00:43:20,070 Now, there's another-- so as a customer, 917 00:43:20,070 --> 00:43:22,920 now, how might you take advantage of production bias? 918 00:43:22,920 --> 00:43:27,210 Well, there's an article here that you 919 00:43:27,210 --> 00:43:29,700 can look at that argues that winter is the best 920 00:43:29,700 --> 00:43:31,960 time to buy a convertible. 921 00:43:31,960 --> 00:43:34,930 And so the reason is, of course, convertibles 922 00:43:34,930 --> 00:43:38,530 are often cheaper in winter in part 923 00:43:38,530 --> 00:43:42,935 because the car dealer might have storage costs, the like. 924 00:43:42,935 --> 00:43:44,560 So the convertible is actually cheaper. 925 00:43:44,560 --> 00:43:46,690 Or just because people are taking advantage 926 00:43:46,690 --> 00:43:49,630 of in the summer when they really want convertibles. 927 00:43:49,630 --> 00:43:51,673 Now, you might say, well, let's just buy 928 00:43:51,673 --> 00:43:52,840 a convertible in the winter. 929 00:43:52,840 --> 00:43:54,730 And I think that's, in principle, right 930 00:43:54,730 --> 00:43:56,860 if you have the time to wait until the summer 931 00:43:56,860 --> 00:43:58,733 or have a long time horizon. 932 00:43:58,733 --> 00:44:00,400 Now, you want to be a little bit careful 933 00:44:00,400 --> 00:44:03,670 with exploiting these market conditions 934 00:44:03,670 --> 00:44:08,200 as a classical agent, which is manifested 935 00:44:08,200 --> 00:44:12,760 by some of my colleagues who shall 936 00:44:12,760 --> 00:44:15,820 be unnamed who wanted to buy a convertible sometime 937 00:44:15,820 --> 00:44:16,690 in the summer. 938 00:44:16,690 --> 00:44:18,670 They got really excited about the convertible. 939 00:44:18,670 --> 00:44:21,250 But then they realized, well, winter is actually 940 00:44:21,250 --> 00:44:23,200 the time to buy a convertible because it's 941 00:44:23,200 --> 00:44:24,317 going to be cheaper. 942 00:44:24,317 --> 00:44:25,900 So then they decided, well, let's just 943 00:44:25,900 --> 00:44:29,995 wait until the winter and then buy the convertible then. 944 00:44:29,995 --> 00:44:31,870 Of course, what then unfortunately happened-- 945 00:44:31,870 --> 00:44:32,745 or maybe fortunately. 946 00:44:32,745 --> 00:44:34,420 It depends on the perspective. 947 00:44:34,420 --> 00:44:36,250 Once winter arrived, they actually 948 00:44:36,250 --> 00:44:38,830 didn't want a convertible anymore. 949 00:44:38,830 --> 00:44:41,950 Because a convertible in the winter is really not 950 00:44:41,950 --> 00:44:42,700 a lot of fun. 951 00:44:42,700 --> 00:44:45,610 So projection bias perhaps also kicked in 952 00:44:45,610 --> 00:44:47,680 with my colleagues, where they then perhaps 953 00:44:47,680 --> 00:44:49,480 should have just bought the convertible 954 00:44:49,480 --> 00:44:51,880 and then predicted that, in the summer, they really wanted it. 955 00:44:51,880 --> 00:44:53,047 But instead they did buy it. 956 00:44:53,047 --> 00:44:56,750 Because wants a convertible in the winter? 957 00:44:56,750 --> 00:44:59,320 So when exploiting behavioral biases from others, 958 00:44:59,320 --> 00:45:06,760 you want to be careful that you may be affected by it yourself. 959 00:45:06,760 --> 00:45:08,620 Let me give you one last example, which 960 00:45:08,620 --> 00:45:12,520 is this example by Van Boven and Loewenstein, 961 00:45:12,520 --> 00:45:14,710 which is about thirst. 962 00:45:14,710 --> 00:45:18,458 Here, visitors are asked before or after vigorous 963 00:45:18,458 --> 00:45:20,500 cardiovascular workouts-- so people who are going 964 00:45:20,500 --> 00:45:21,430 to the gym-- 965 00:45:21,430 --> 00:45:23,410 to complete a short survey. 966 00:45:23,410 --> 00:45:24,950 And the survey was as follows. 967 00:45:24,950 --> 00:45:29,200 Imagine that three vacationers in Colorado this past August 968 00:45:29,200 --> 00:45:31,750 embarked on a short 6-mile hike. 969 00:45:31,750 --> 00:45:33,580 As the day wore on, they realized 970 00:45:33,580 --> 00:45:36,490 that they were hopelessly lost. 971 00:45:36,490 --> 00:45:40,000 Worse, because they had packed lightly for a short hike, 972 00:45:40,000 --> 00:45:43,640 they had not carried much in the way of food or water. 973 00:45:43,640 --> 00:45:45,640 And what people were asked, then, about-- and so 974 00:45:45,640 --> 00:45:49,640 they were essentially given this story. 975 00:45:49,640 --> 00:45:56,200 And then they were asked to do the following. 976 00:45:56,200 --> 00:45:58,840 In the space below, please take the perspective of one 977 00:45:58,840 --> 00:46:01,480 of the three hikers and describe your situation-- 978 00:46:01,480 --> 00:46:03,340 how you got into it, how you feel now, 979 00:46:03,340 --> 00:46:07,450 both physically and mentally, and what you are hoping 980 00:46:07,450 --> 00:46:08,740 will happen." 981 00:46:08,740 --> 00:46:12,580 And now what happens and what the evidence of Van Boven 982 00:46:12,580 --> 00:46:16,060 and Loewenstein says is that thirsty subjects have way more 983 00:46:16,060 --> 00:46:18,650 empathy for others' thirst. 984 00:46:18,650 --> 00:46:20,890 So when you look at the different outcomes, 985 00:46:20,890 --> 00:46:23,170 before and after exercising-- 986 00:46:23,170 --> 00:46:27,250 remember, after exercising is when people are thirsty-- 987 00:46:27,250 --> 00:46:32,740 thirst was mentioned before hunger in the assay, 988 00:46:32,740 --> 00:46:34,960 for thirsty people much more. 989 00:46:34,960 --> 00:46:36,160 Thirst was unpleasant. 990 00:46:36,160 --> 00:46:38,260 For hikers, it was mentioned much more. 991 00:46:38,260 --> 00:46:40,780 Hikers would regret not packing water. 992 00:46:40,780 --> 00:46:42,970 Thirst more unpleasant for the self. 993 00:46:42,970 --> 00:46:46,492 Oneself would regret more not packing water. 994 00:46:46,492 --> 00:46:47,950 So all of these items that are sort 995 00:46:47,950 --> 00:46:50,770 of like thirst-related, people, when 996 00:46:50,770 --> 00:46:53,020 they were thirsty after exercising 997 00:46:53,020 --> 00:46:57,760 were way more focused on than not. 998 00:46:57,760 --> 00:47:00,730 So it is as if people have projection bias in the sense 999 00:47:00,730 --> 00:47:05,170 people understand much more that the condition of thirst 1000 00:47:05,170 --> 00:47:08,080 is really bad when they're thirsty 1001 00:47:08,080 --> 00:47:11,680 compared to when they are not. 1002 00:47:11,680 --> 00:47:14,170 OK, so let me take stock of what we discussed. 1003 00:47:14,170 --> 00:47:16,990 So I showed you some evidence of projection bias 1004 00:47:16,990 --> 00:47:21,100 for many short-run changes in preferences, 1005 00:47:21,100 --> 00:47:23,110 and at least for some of them. 1006 00:47:23,110 --> 00:47:26,290 There's hunger, thirst, pain, sleep, weather, addiction. 1007 00:47:26,290 --> 00:47:27,670 There's other evidence as well-- 1008 00:47:27,670 --> 00:47:30,543 arousal, anger, sadness, and so on-- when 1009 00:47:30,543 --> 00:47:31,960 people aren't certain states, they 1010 00:47:31,960 --> 00:47:34,900 have trouble to predict their preferences when they're not 1011 00:47:34,900 --> 00:47:36,820 in that state. 1012 00:47:36,820 --> 00:47:39,280 Now, one key question that I don't 1013 00:47:39,280 --> 00:47:42,790 have a great answer for you is why do people not learn? 1014 00:47:42,790 --> 00:47:45,390 People have had lots of experience 1015 00:47:45,390 --> 00:47:47,140 with a lot of these changes, in particular 1016 00:47:47,140 --> 00:47:50,420 when you think about sleep or hunger or the like. 1017 00:47:50,420 --> 00:47:52,150 But even for addiction, when people just 1018 00:47:52,150 --> 00:47:55,460 have smoked a cigarette versus not, that happens all the time. 1019 00:47:55,460 --> 00:47:57,460 So they really should have learned, over time, 1020 00:47:57,460 --> 00:48:00,700 to predict their preference. 1021 00:48:00,700 --> 00:48:03,330 So the misprediction is really not due to a lack 1022 00:48:03,330 --> 00:48:04,930 of opportunity to learn. 1023 00:48:04,930 --> 00:48:06,930 Yet people really seem to believe, all the time, 1024 00:48:06,930 --> 00:48:10,450 that this time is different, over and over again. 1025 00:48:10,450 --> 00:48:12,810 So I think that's just a very deep cognitive 1026 00:48:12,810 --> 00:48:14,430 bias in some ways in the sense of, 1027 00:48:14,430 --> 00:48:16,830 when people are affected by certain visceral 1028 00:48:16,830 --> 00:48:19,710 or other aspects that affect their preferences, 1029 00:48:19,710 --> 00:48:23,220 it's really hard to imagine how they might feel 1030 00:48:23,220 --> 00:48:27,767 when that visceral influence is not at play anymore 1031 00:48:27,767 --> 00:48:28,350 in the future. 1032 00:48:31,920 --> 00:48:35,720 In addition to people underestimating 1033 00:48:35,720 --> 00:48:37,790 short-run changes in preferences, 1034 00:48:37,790 --> 00:48:41,270 people also underestimate adaptation to long-run changes. 1035 00:48:41,270 --> 00:48:42,980 So Dan Gilbert, if you're interested, 1036 00:48:42,980 --> 00:48:46,610 has very nice work, including a book 1037 00:48:46,610 --> 00:48:48,410 called Stumbling on Happiness. 1038 00:48:48,410 --> 00:48:51,290 And he gives many examples of the underestimation 1039 00:48:51,290 --> 00:48:55,530 of adaptation, which they call immune neglect. 1040 00:48:55,530 --> 00:49:02,760 And so one example is how does a positive or negative tenure 1041 00:49:02,760 --> 00:49:05,130 decision affect well-being? 1042 00:49:05,130 --> 00:49:09,300 And so they ask current assistant professors 1043 00:49:09,300 --> 00:49:11,490 at the University of Texas to forecast. 1044 00:49:11,490 --> 00:49:14,400 And then they ask, as well, former University 1045 00:49:14,400 --> 00:49:17,070 of Texas assistant professors to recall. 1046 00:49:17,070 --> 00:49:20,430 And as a current assistant professor like myself, 1047 00:49:20,430 --> 00:49:23,700 if you forecast, if there's a negative tenure decision, 1048 00:49:23,700 --> 00:49:24,810 life will be terrible. 1049 00:49:24,810 --> 00:49:29,880 And how are we ever going to live after being denied tenure? 1050 00:49:32,400 --> 00:49:37,830 And so when you look at what's actually happening, 1051 00:49:37,830 --> 00:49:41,850 professors seem to be relatively accurate in predicting 1052 00:49:41,850 --> 00:49:44,370 the immediate impact of the tenure decision, 1053 00:49:44,370 --> 00:49:47,460 but they overestimated the long-run impact. 1054 00:49:47,460 --> 00:49:50,160 That is to say, in fact, immediately 1055 00:49:50,160 --> 00:49:52,080 after being denied tenure, people 1056 00:49:52,080 --> 00:49:54,810 are maybe arguably or understandably 1057 00:49:54,810 --> 00:49:56,850 disappointed and unhappy. 1058 00:49:56,850 --> 00:49:59,850 But over time, the long run effect is much less severe. 1059 00:49:59,850 --> 00:50:02,460 People seem to adjust to their circumstances. 1060 00:50:02,460 --> 00:50:04,650 In the medium and long run, people 1061 00:50:04,650 --> 00:50:08,940 are almost as happy as if not as happy 1062 00:50:08,940 --> 00:50:11,220 as if they had gotten tenure. 1063 00:50:11,220 --> 00:50:13,650 So there's actually not much of a long-run effect. 1064 00:50:13,650 --> 00:50:16,270 Yet people seem to mispredict the effect. 1065 00:50:16,270 --> 00:50:18,190 They really seem to think, in the short run, 1066 00:50:18,190 --> 00:50:19,440 the effect will be really bad. 1067 00:50:19,440 --> 00:50:23,020 And that bad effect will last forever. 1068 00:50:23,020 --> 00:50:26,100 So people seem to essentially sort of understand 1069 00:50:26,100 --> 00:50:30,600 there's a psychological immune system to bad events. 1070 00:50:30,600 --> 00:50:34,830 People recover from negative shocks quite well over time. 1071 00:50:34,830 --> 00:50:37,740 But people seem to mispredict this recovery, which 1072 00:50:37,740 --> 00:50:41,010 which again is what's called immune neglect. 1073 00:50:41,010 --> 00:50:43,830 There's similar misprediction for other life events 1074 00:50:43,830 --> 00:50:47,370 such as paraplegia or lottery wins, so for very 1075 00:50:47,370 --> 00:50:49,380 negative and positive events. 1076 00:50:49,380 --> 00:50:52,560 People seem to misunderstand that, again, in the short run, 1077 00:50:52,560 --> 00:50:54,930 there's usually a pretty large decrease 1078 00:50:54,930 --> 00:50:57,810 or increase in people's happiness and life 1079 00:50:57,810 --> 00:50:58,920 satisfaction. 1080 00:50:58,920 --> 00:51:02,610 But people tend to recover from that quite well over time. 1081 00:51:02,610 --> 00:51:04,380 But in their prediction, people seem 1082 00:51:04,380 --> 00:51:06,840 to mispredict that adjustment. 1083 00:51:06,840 --> 00:51:11,580 People seem to think that the bad effects on happiness-- 1084 00:51:11,580 --> 00:51:13,920 or bad or good effects and happiness-- 1085 00:51:13,920 --> 00:51:16,420 would persist forever. 1086 00:51:16,420 --> 00:51:19,080 Let me now show you a simple model of projection bias 1087 00:51:19,080 --> 00:51:20,790 by Loewenstein et al. 1088 00:51:20,790 --> 00:51:23,130 that formalizes some of the intuitions 1089 00:51:23,130 --> 00:51:24,660 that we discussed so far. 1090 00:51:27,550 --> 00:51:29,640 So suppose true utility at time t 1091 00:51:29,640 --> 00:51:32,190 depends on both consumption ct at time t 1092 00:51:32,190 --> 00:51:34,120 and the state st at the time t. 1093 00:51:34,120 --> 00:51:37,850 So it's u of ct st. The state could 1094 00:51:37,850 --> 00:51:40,910 be anything that affects utility from consumption, ranging 1095 00:51:40,910 --> 00:51:42,920 from the level of hunger or addiction, 1096 00:51:42,920 --> 00:51:45,050 whether somebody had just smoked versus not 1097 00:51:45,050 --> 00:51:50,780 or whether somebody has just gotten some BUP dose or not, 1098 00:51:50,780 --> 00:51:54,170 or past consumption, et cetera, whether somebody is tired, 1099 00:51:54,170 --> 00:51:55,710 and so on. 1100 00:51:55,710 --> 00:52:01,190 Now, the prediction at time t of future utility at the time 1101 00:52:01,190 --> 00:52:03,890 tower larger than t from assuming the c tau 1102 00:52:03,890 --> 00:52:08,990 and state as tau is u hat of c tau as tau. 1103 00:52:08,990 --> 00:52:12,200 And that equals 1 minus alpha times u 1104 00:52:12,200 --> 00:52:18,920 of c tau as tau plus alpha times u of c tau st. 1105 00:52:18,920 --> 00:52:20,690 Now, what is this expression? 1106 00:52:20,690 --> 00:52:23,480 Well, if you look at the first part, u of c tau 1107 00:52:23,480 --> 00:52:27,260 s tau, that is the correct future utility 1108 00:52:27,260 --> 00:52:32,480 at time tau from consuming c tau in state tau. 1109 00:52:32,480 --> 00:52:36,650 So if alpha was 0, then this term here would go away, 1110 00:52:36,650 --> 00:52:38,360 this term is just 1. 1111 00:52:38,360 --> 00:52:42,840 So that is essentially a correct prediction. 1112 00:52:42,840 --> 00:52:44,330 So there is no production bias. 1113 00:52:44,330 --> 00:52:46,400 The person has rational expectation 1114 00:52:46,400 --> 00:52:53,480 about their future utility at time tau of utility c 1115 00:52:53,480 --> 00:52:56,180 tau in state s tau. 1116 00:52:56,180 --> 00:52:59,210 Now, if alpha is not zero, then there's 1117 00:52:59,210 --> 00:53:00,810 this additional term here. 1118 00:53:00,810 --> 00:53:04,318 So this is the weighted average of alpha weights 1119 00:53:04,318 --> 00:53:06,110 for this other term here, which we're going 1120 00:53:06,110 --> 00:53:07,193 to talk about in a second. 1121 00:53:07,193 --> 00:53:12,830 And 1 minus alpha, the correct utility of consuming 1122 00:53:12,830 --> 00:53:15,020 c tau in state s tau. 1123 00:53:15,020 --> 00:53:16,770 Now, what is this other term here? 1124 00:53:16,770 --> 00:53:19,640 Well, the person gets c tau correctly, 1125 00:53:19,640 --> 00:53:22,370 so the consumption is right but the state is wrong. 1126 00:53:22,370 --> 00:53:24,200 And what state is the person using 1127 00:53:24,200 --> 00:53:25,910 to predict their future utility? 1128 00:53:25,910 --> 00:53:29,220 Well, it's using st, the current state. 1129 00:53:29,220 --> 00:53:31,550 So the person is essentially using their current state 1130 00:53:31,550 --> 00:53:34,370 to some degree to predict their future utility instead 1131 00:53:34,370 --> 00:53:36,710 of the future state as tau. 1132 00:53:36,710 --> 00:53:39,702 Now, notice that if st and s tau is the same, 1133 00:53:39,702 --> 00:53:40,910 then there's no problem here. 1134 00:53:40,910 --> 00:53:42,660 There's going to be no misprediction. 1135 00:53:42,660 --> 00:53:45,080 So it better be the case that the states st 1136 00:53:45,080 --> 00:53:46,760 and s tau are different. 1137 00:53:46,760 --> 00:53:51,860 For example, a hungry person would mispredict that utility 1138 00:53:51,860 --> 00:53:53,600 from not being hungry. 1139 00:53:53,600 --> 00:53:56,860 So the utility from not being hungry would be this part. 1140 00:53:56,860 --> 00:54:02,390 The person is hungry right now at time t if st equals hungry. 1141 00:54:02,390 --> 00:54:04,928 The person would predict the future utility even 1142 00:54:04,928 --> 00:54:07,220 when they're not hungry, thinking that they will always 1143 00:54:07,220 --> 00:54:09,360 be hungry in the future. 1144 00:54:09,360 --> 00:54:13,390 So alpha in between 0 and 1 is the degree of projection bias. 1145 00:54:17,970 --> 00:54:19,980 So just to give you more detail, the person 1146 00:54:19,980 --> 00:54:22,460 predicts how she'd feel about consuming c 1147 00:54:22,460 --> 00:54:26,010 tau in the future partially at least by how she'd 1148 00:54:26,010 --> 00:54:27,930 feel about consuming it now. 1149 00:54:27,930 --> 00:54:30,240 That's what the parameter alpha is measuring. 1150 00:54:30,240 --> 00:54:32,310 Alpha between 0 and 1-- it could be 0. 1151 00:54:32,310 --> 00:54:33,060 It could be 1-- 1152 00:54:33,060 --> 00:54:35,050 is the degree of projection bias. 1153 00:54:35,050 --> 00:54:37,510 So alpha equals 0 is correct understanding 1154 00:54:37,510 --> 00:54:38,520 of future utility. 1155 00:54:38,520 --> 00:54:40,260 That's essentially no projection bias. 1156 00:54:40,260 --> 00:54:42,180 That's rational expectations. 1157 00:54:42,180 --> 00:54:44,533 Alpha equals 1 is full projection bias. 1158 00:54:44,533 --> 00:54:46,200 That's a person who thinks, essentially, 1159 00:54:46,200 --> 00:54:48,165 their future state will always be 1160 00:54:48,165 --> 00:54:50,040 their current state, which, of course, is not 1161 00:54:50,040 --> 00:54:51,865 necessarily true. 1162 00:54:51,865 --> 00:54:54,240 So now that person will optimize according to a perceived 1163 00:54:54,240 --> 00:54:55,980 future preferences. 1164 00:54:55,980 --> 00:54:59,640 You had c tau, s tau, and I'm going 1165 00:54:59,640 --> 00:55:01,680 to assume for now is an exponential discounter. 1166 00:55:01,680 --> 00:55:04,710 That's, of course, you could relax that easily. 1167 00:55:04,710 --> 00:55:06,210 And, in fact, in some of the problem 1168 00:55:06,210 --> 00:55:08,760 sets from previous years and from this year, 1169 00:55:08,760 --> 00:55:11,760 that will be, in fact, relaxed. 1170 00:55:11,760 --> 00:55:14,580 Now let me give you a very simple example with hunger. 1171 00:55:14,580 --> 00:55:19,830 Again, the problem set this year and past problem sets 1172 00:55:19,830 --> 00:55:21,960 give you quite a few other additional examples 1173 00:55:21,960 --> 00:55:23,220 that you can study. 1174 00:55:23,220 --> 00:55:25,370 So suppose there are two states. 1175 00:55:25,370 --> 00:55:28,505 The state is either hungry or not hungry, H or N. 1176 00:55:28,505 --> 00:55:32,610 And the consumption ct is over burgers and money. 1177 00:55:32,610 --> 00:55:37,680 So u of ct where ct is the number of burgers and money 1178 00:55:37,680 --> 00:55:40,260 that the person has. 1179 00:55:40,260 --> 00:55:44,213 And state H is 5 times the number of burgers 1180 00:55:44,213 --> 00:55:46,380 that the person eats plus the remaining money that's 1181 00:55:46,380 --> 00:55:48,660 left to spend on other things. 1182 00:55:48,660 --> 00:55:51,480 The utility of ct and when the person is not hungry 1183 00:55:51,480 --> 00:55:56,820 is 1 times the number of burgers plus the money that's left. 1184 00:55:56,820 --> 00:55:58,590 Now what does that imply? 1185 00:55:58,590 --> 00:56:01,770 Well, it implies that she's willing to pay $5 for a burger 1186 00:56:01,770 --> 00:56:04,260 when hungry and $1 when full. 1187 00:56:04,260 --> 00:56:05,560 How do we know that? 1188 00:56:05,560 --> 00:56:08,670 Well, we know that because in the first case when 1189 00:56:08,670 --> 00:56:12,990 the person is hungry, each burger gives 5 utils, 1190 00:56:12,990 --> 00:56:14,610 and each dollar gets 1 util. 1191 00:56:14,610 --> 00:56:18,270 So the exchange rate between burgers and utils is 5. 1192 00:56:18,270 --> 00:56:21,540 So the person is going to pay $5 per burger. 1193 00:56:21,540 --> 00:56:23,190 In the second case, the exchange trade 1194 00:56:23,190 --> 00:56:27,360 between utility from burgers and utility from dollars is 1. 1195 00:56:27,360 --> 00:56:31,330 So the person is willing to pay $1 for a burger. 1196 00:56:31,330 --> 00:56:33,670 Now suppose alpha is 3/4. 1197 00:56:33,670 --> 00:56:36,273 Again, remember alpha is the degree of projection bias. 1198 00:56:36,273 --> 00:56:37,690 I'm going to go back and show you. 1199 00:56:37,690 --> 00:56:39,340 Alpha is this parameter here. 1200 00:56:39,340 --> 00:56:41,230 Alpha is the degree of projection bias, 1201 00:56:41,230 --> 00:56:43,550 so the degree of misprediction. 1202 00:56:43,550 --> 00:56:47,920 So suppose in our example here alpha equals 3/4, 1203 00:56:47,920 --> 00:56:51,325 and the person is not hungry right now. 1204 00:56:51,325 --> 00:56:53,200 What is their willingness to pay for a burger 1205 00:56:53,200 --> 00:56:55,000 tonight when she'll be hungry? 1206 00:56:55,000 --> 00:56:57,280 So if the person is not hungry right now, 1207 00:56:57,280 --> 00:57:00,040 her correct utility or willingness 1208 00:57:00,040 --> 00:57:01,900 to pay for a burger is $1. 1209 00:57:01,900 --> 00:57:03,340 We just established that already. 1210 00:57:03,340 --> 00:57:04,360 She's full. 1211 00:57:04,360 --> 00:57:08,470 And the correct utility for willingness to pay for a burger 1212 00:57:08,470 --> 00:57:12,440 tonight when she'll be hungry is $5. 1213 00:57:12,440 --> 00:57:15,630 Now her projection bias is 3/4. 1214 00:57:15,630 --> 00:57:22,280 So essentially she puts 3/4 of a weight on her current state 1215 00:57:22,280 --> 00:57:24,680 and 1/4 on the full state. 1216 00:57:24,680 --> 00:57:28,040 Well, 3/4 times 1 plus 1/4 times 5 1217 00:57:28,040 --> 00:57:31,145 or going essentially 3/4 between a difference of 4 1218 00:57:31,145 --> 00:57:34,130 is essentially 3. 1219 00:57:34,130 --> 00:57:35,810 So the person essentially will think 1220 00:57:35,810 --> 00:57:43,460 that their future willingness to pay is $2 for a burger tonight. 1221 00:57:43,460 --> 00:57:48,470 Or put differently, if she thinks she only wants like-- 1222 00:57:48,470 --> 00:57:51,410 her willingness to pay will only be $2 for a burger tonight, 1223 00:57:51,410 --> 00:57:52,910 if she orders for a burger tonight 1224 00:57:52,910 --> 00:57:55,400 and the burger costs like $3 or $4, 1225 00:57:55,400 --> 00:57:58,860 she will not be willing to do that. 1226 00:57:58,860 --> 00:58:04,220 Now just to be very clear, so the person only essentially-- 1227 00:58:04,220 --> 00:58:07,850 if alpha equals 3/4, the person only 1228 00:58:07,850 --> 00:58:10,580 incorporates 1/4 of the preference change 1229 00:58:10,580 --> 00:58:14,190 from being full versus hungry in the future. 1230 00:58:14,190 --> 00:58:18,845 So that is to say there's a difference of $4 between $1 1231 00:58:18,845 --> 00:58:23,780 and $5, and she only takes into account 1/4 of that $4, which 1232 00:58:23,780 --> 00:58:24,740 is $1. 1233 00:58:24,740 --> 00:58:27,980 So willingness to pay is 1 plus 1 equals 2. 1234 00:58:27,980 --> 00:58:29,780 You can also write this down here 1235 00:58:29,780 --> 00:58:32,930 instead of using the formula from the equation 1236 00:58:32,930 --> 00:58:37,250 from before, which essentially is 3/4, which is, again, 1237 00:58:37,250 --> 00:58:43,310 alpha times utility using the current state, 1238 00:58:43,310 --> 00:58:47,900 and 1/4 using the correct utility, which 1239 00:58:47,900 --> 00:58:48,920 is the future state. 1240 00:58:48,920 --> 00:58:51,140 Once you sort of calculate that, she 1241 00:58:51,140 --> 00:58:54,380 would be willing to pay at most $2 for a burger. 1242 00:58:54,380 --> 00:58:56,360 So potentially she's making a mistake. 1243 00:59:00,050 --> 00:59:06,600 And so again in the problem set you 1244 00:59:06,600 --> 00:59:09,120 will have more examples and questions 1245 00:59:09,120 --> 00:59:12,540 that allows you to practice with this level model. 1246 00:59:12,540 --> 00:59:15,400 Now, why should you care about projection bias? 1247 00:59:15,400 --> 00:59:16,860 I showed you pretty good evidence 1248 00:59:16,860 --> 00:59:21,320 of projection bias in many settings in the sense of saying 1249 00:59:21,320 --> 00:59:24,510 we think projection bias really exists and we think projection 1250 00:59:24,510 --> 00:59:26,410 bias might be quite important. 1251 00:59:26,410 --> 00:59:26,910 Sorry. 1252 00:59:26,910 --> 00:59:30,210 It might be relevant in explaining people's behavior 1253 00:59:30,210 --> 00:59:33,020 in those settings. 1254 00:59:33,020 --> 00:59:35,930 Now, the consequences in those settings 1255 00:59:35,930 --> 00:59:37,790 is relatively unimportant. 1256 00:59:37,790 --> 00:59:41,150 For example, in car purchases if rich people buy convertibles 1257 00:59:41,150 --> 00:59:43,940 and then sort of return their convertibles, 1258 00:59:43,940 --> 00:59:46,040 the loss from that is not particularly large. 1259 00:59:46,040 --> 00:59:49,940 Maybe there's some redistribution across people. 1260 00:59:49,940 --> 00:59:51,860 Similarly, the catalog orders, people 1261 00:59:51,860 --> 00:59:55,040 might purchase too many things and return them. 1262 00:59:55,040 --> 00:59:58,100 Really, the consequences are not that large, 1263 00:59:58,100 --> 01:00:01,010 and the actions are often reversible. 1264 01:00:01,010 --> 01:00:03,702 So why should we then care about projection bias? 1265 01:00:03,702 --> 01:00:06,035 Well, there's at least two really important applications 1266 01:00:06,035 --> 01:00:09,380 that we're going to talk about for a little bit that really 1267 01:00:09,380 --> 01:00:10,820 could matter quite a lot. 1268 01:00:10,820 --> 01:00:12,470 One is addiction, which is people 1269 01:00:12,470 --> 01:00:15,140 mispredict the utility from becoming 1270 01:00:15,140 --> 01:00:17,310 addicted in the future. 1271 01:00:17,310 --> 01:00:18,818 Second is depression and hope. 1272 01:00:18,818 --> 01:00:20,360 When people are depressed, they might 1273 01:00:20,360 --> 01:00:24,650 mispredict how they feel when they're not depressed anymore. 1274 01:00:24,650 --> 01:00:29,930 Some might argue that marriage and relationships are 1275 01:00:29,930 --> 01:00:32,430 quite important or projection bias might be quite important. 1276 01:00:32,430 --> 01:00:34,130 Particularly when people have fights, 1277 01:00:34,130 --> 01:00:36,350 they might want to get divorced very quickly. 1278 01:00:36,350 --> 01:00:38,630 They might sort of do rash things 1279 01:00:38,630 --> 01:00:40,190 about getting married really quickly 1280 01:00:40,190 --> 01:00:42,550 or try to get a divorce very quickly. 1281 01:00:42,550 --> 01:00:45,040 And, in fact, there are some laws that often prevent that. 1282 01:00:45,040 --> 01:00:47,540 People need to actually have some cool-down period for a few 1283 01:00:47,540 --> 01:00:50,330 days where they have to sort of-- 1284 01:00:50,330 --> 01:00:52,160 if one wants to get married, for example, 1285 01:00:52,160 --> 01:00:54,285 you have to get a license, and it takes a few days, 1286 01:00:54,285 --> 01:00:56,240 and only then you can get married. 1287 01:00:56,240 --> 01:00:59,360 The same is true for a divorce, at least in some places. 1288 01:00:59,360 --> 01:01:03,950 Perhaps that's because people suffer from projection bias 1289 01:01:03,950 --> 01:01:04,520 sometimes. 1290 01:01:04,520 --> 01:01:06,740 And when they're really mad at somebody or something 1291 01:01:06,740 --> 01:01:09,115 really bad happens between them or something really great 1292 01:01:09,115 --> 01:01:10,940 happened between them, they might not 1293 01:01:10,940 --> 01:01:14,780 be able to predict that their preferences and their views 1294 01:01:14,780 --> 01:01:19,543 towards the other person might change over time. 1295 01:01:19,543 --> 01:01:21,710 But let me tell you now a little bit about addiction 1296 01:01:21,710 --> 01:01:24,663 and depression and hope. 1297 01:01:24,663 --> 01:01:26,830 So first addiction, and that's the main applications 1298 01:01:26,830 --> 01:01:28,520 we're going to discuss. 1299 01:01:28,520 --> 01:01:31,460 So projection bias might be important for people's 1300 01:01:31,460 --> 01:01:36,870 initiation when people are starting to take drugs. 1301 01:01:36,870 --> 01:01:38,870 So here let's define the relevant state 1302 01:01:38,870 --> 01:01:40,760 as the person's level of addiction. 1303 01:01:40,760 --> 01:01:43,820 So how much has the person consumed of cigarettes 1304 01:01:43,820 --> 01:01:46,070 in the last month or year? 1305 01:01:46,070 --> 01:01:48,440 In an unaddicted state, cigarettes are really not 1306 01:01:48,440 --> 01:01:50,240 that hard to resist, right? 1307 01:01:50,240 --> 01:01:52,370 If somebody has never smoked before, 1308 01:01:52,370 --> 01:01:54,140 cigarettes are really not that attractive. 1309 01:01:54,140 --> 01:01:56,720 Same is true also for alcohol, for example. 1310 01:01:56,720 --> 01:01:59,075 In an unaddicted-- so in an addicted state, 1311 01:01:59,075 --> 01:02:00,950 however, it's very hard to resist cigarettes. 1312 01:02:00,950 --> 01:02:02,367 If you have smoked a lot recently, 1313 01:02:02,367 --> 01:02:05,450 you really, really would like to smoke on any given day. 1314 01:02:05,450 --> 01:02:08,540 Now, the unaddicted person might sort of 1315 01:02:08,540 --> 01:02:11,330 think that experimenting with cigarettes is fun 1316 01:02:11,330 --> 01:02:12,740 but does not want to get addicted 1317 01:02:12,740 --> 01:02:13,980 for the rest of her life. 1318 01:02:13,980 --> 01:02:15,260 It's sort of fun to do it for a while, 1319 01:02:15,260 --> 01:02:17,177 but really then you want to stop because being 1320 01:02:17,177 --> 01:02:19,850 addicted for the rest of your life is really bad. 1321 01:02:19,850 --> 01:02:23,840 You might get really bad health consequences, for instance. 1322 01:02:23,840 --> 01:02:25,610 And that might give you some false-- 1323 01:02:25,610 --> 01:02:27,710 if you sort of have projection bias, 1324 01:02:27,710 --> 01:02:30,260 you might have some false sense of control. 1325 01:02:30,260 --> 01:02:32,930 If you project your current nonaddictive preferences 1326 01:02:32,930 --> 01:02:36,380 into the future, you might think that you can stop smoking 1327 01:02:36,380 --> 01:02:38,700 or taking drugs if necessary. 1328 01:02:38,700 --> 01:02:41,810 And so then the person might try cigarettes, get addicted, 1329 01:02:41,810 --> 01:02:43,430 and consume much of your life. 1330 01:02:43,430 --> 01:02:46,700 Perhaps she wouldn't do so if she knew she could quit. 1331 01:02:46,700 --> 01:02:49,340 That's essentially to say if you're not addicted right now, 1332 01:02:49,340 --> 01:02:51,140 you might predict that it's going to be 1333 01:02:51,140 --> 01:02:52,650 always easy to stop smoking. 1334 01:02:52,650 --> 01:02:55,550 And, in fact, right now it is really easy 1335 01:02:55,550 --> 01:02:58,370 to stop smoking or resisting. 1336 01:02:58,370 --> 01:03:02,270 But the person might mispredict that this will always 1337 01:03:02,270 --> 01:03:05,870 be the case in the future even once she is addicted 1338 01:03:05,870 --> 01:03:08,360 and once she has smoked a lot because 1339 01:03:08,360 --> 01:03:11,990 for the nonaddicted person, it's really hard to imagine 1340 01:03:11,990 --> 01:03:15,760 that it might be even harder to resist in the future. 1341 01:03:15,760 --> 01:03:20,010 In addition, there are quitting and restarting 1342 01:03:20,010 --> 01:03:22,960 cycles that are very common when it comes to addiction. 1343 01:03:22,960 --> 01:03:24,840 So addicts often express a desire 1344 01:03:24,840 --> 01:03:27,120 to stop using substances permanently 1345 01:03:27,120 --> 01:03:29,010 but are unable to follow through. 1346 01:03:29,010 --> 01:03:31,170 That's not surprising, and we've kind of 1347 01:03:31,170 --> 01:03:32,760 thought about this before. 1348 01:03:32,760 --> 01:03:34,890 And quasi hyperbolic discounting can essentially 1349 01:03:34,890 --> 01:03:36,960 predict that as well. 1350 01:03:39,720 --> 01:03:41,550 Short-term abstention in addiction 1351 01:03:41,550 --> 01:03:45,430 is common while long-term abstention is rare. 1352 01:03:45,430 --> 01:03:48,150 So in 2000, for example, 41% of smokers 1353 01:03:48,150 --> 01:03:53,910 stopped for at least one day trying to quit, but only 4.7% 1354 01:03:53,910 --> 01:03:56,640 successfully abstained for more than three months. 1355 01:03:56,640 --> 01:04:00,250 That doesn't really seem like quasi hyperbolic discounting. 1356 01:04:00,250 --> 01:04:04,200 So you wouldn't go through a pointless short-term pain 1357 01:04:04,200 --> 01:04:06,300 and then not follow through if [INAUDIBLE] 1358 01:04:06,300 --> 01:04:08,070 quasi hyperbolic discounting. 1359 01:04:08,070 --> 01:04:11,760 The reason being in particular that withdrawal symptoms 1360 01:04:11,760 --> 01:04:13,590 tend to be, on average, strongest 1361 01:04:13,590 --> 01:04:15,660 at the start of a quit attempt. 1362 01:04:15,660 --> 01:04:17,520 So hyperbolic discounting would not sort of 1363 01:04:17,520 --> 01:04:24,183 go over this really difficult pain in the short run 1364 01:04:24,183 --> 01:04:26,350 if you don't follow through because it's essentially 1365 01:04:26,350 --> 01:04:27,352 short-run pain. 1366 01:04:30,020 --> 01:04:33,080 And then three, recidivism rates are especially high when 1367 01:04:33,080 --> 01:04:36,470 addicts are exposed to occasional cues related 1368 01:04:36,470 --> 01:04:38,130 to past consumption. 1369 01:04:38,130 --> 01:04:41,480 So treatment programs, in fact, advise recovering addicts 1370 01:04:41,480 --> 01:04:44,360 to move to new locations and to avoid places 1371 01:04:44,360 --> 01:04:49,080 when previous consumption took place. 1372 01:04:49,080 --> 01:04:51,080 So let's sort of go through these one by one 1373 01:04:51,080 --> 01:04:53,330 and try to see whether, particularly in two and three, 1374 01:04:53,330 --> 01:04:58,390 whether we can explain those using projection bias. 1375 01:04:58,390 --> 01:05:01,800 So now let's define the state as the strength of cravings 1376 01:05:01,800 --> 01:05:04,020 at the moment, and suppose this varies randomly 1377 01:05:04,020 --> 01:05:06,090 or with exposure to cues. 1378 01:05:06,090 --> 01:05:09,570 How do you explain the starting a quit attempt? 1379 01:05:09,570 --> 01:05:12,690 Well, suppose an addict is currently consuming regularly. 1380 01:05:12,690 --> 01:05:14,528 She experiences periods of low cravings 1381 01:05:14,528 --> 01:05:15,570 when it's easy to resist. 1382 01:05:15,570 --> 01:05:19,110 That's like when the person has just smoked, cravings are low, 1383 01:05:19,110 --> 01:05:20,610 and it's easy to resist. 1384 01:05:20,610 --> 01:05:22,650 So then the person might think, well, it'll 1385 01:05:22,650 --> 01:05:24,750 always be easy to resist, so she thinks 1386 01:05:24,750 --> 01:05:28,770 it's worth trying to quit and starts the quitting attempt. 1387 01:05:28,770 --> 01:05:30,960 Now, how do we explain then how people 1388 01:05:30,960 --> 01:05:32,550 abandon the quit attempt? 1389 01:05:32,550 --> 01:05:35,100 Well, suppose the addict is currently on a quit attempt. 1390 01:05:35,100 --> 01:05:38,160 Something triggers strong cravings, which might just 1391 01:05:38,160 --> 01:05:40,470 be over time you get cravings or maybe the person 1392 01:05:40,470 --> 01:05:43,410 might just be exposed to some cues. 1393 01:05:43,410 --> 01:05:45,360 So then the person feels it's really hard 1394 01:05:45,360 --> 01:05:48,060 to resist the drugs, and in particular, she 1395 01:05:48,060 --> 01:05:51,625 thinks drugs will always be hard to resist because currently 1396 01:05:51,625 --> 01:05:53,250 she's craving a lot, and you can't even 1397 01:05:53,250 --> 01:05:56,030 imagine that it might be-- 1398 01:05:56,030 --> 01:05:58,270 that that craving might stop over time. 1399 01:05:58,270 --> 01:06:01,020 So she thinks the quit attempt is impossible to carry through, 1400 01:06:01,020 --> 01:06:02,520 and so she abandons it. 1401 01:06:02,520 --> 01:06:05,280 So that way projection bias can both explain 1402 01:06:05,280 --> 01:06:07,410 why the person starts the quit attempt 1403 01:06:07,410 --> 01:06:09,840 but also why the person does not follow through. 1404 01:06:16,578 --> 01:06:17,526 I'm sorry. 1405 01:06:17,526 --> 01:06:19,620 Give me a second. 1406 01:06:19,620 --> 01:06:21,990 How do we think about the recidivism? 1407 01:06:21,990 --> 01:06:25,545 Well, here there's not necessarily 1408 01:06:25,545 --> 01:06:27,180 a projection bias needed. 1409 01:06:27,180 --> 01:06:31,500 But here people might misunderestimate 1410 01:06:31,500 --> 01:06:36,520 how important cues are in affecting people's utility. 1411 01:06:36,520 --> 01:06:38,760 So if it's a case that an addict, for example-- when 1412 01:06:38,760 --> 01:06:40,920 the addict walks by, like, a liquor store 1413 01:06:40,920 --> 01:06:43,890 or when the addict is talking to friends 1414 01:06:43,890 --> 01:06:47,400 who they have been taking drugs in the past and so on, 1415 01:06:47,400 --> 01:06:50,400 that might really increase people's marginal utility 1416 01:06:50,400 --> 01:06:51,730 of using drugs. 1417 01:06:51,730 --> 01:06:53,790 So they might get really, really strong cravings, 1418 01:06:53,790 --> 01:06:56,580 and it might be really, really hard for them to resist. 1419 01:06:56,580 --> 01:07:02,040 Now if you know that as an addict who is recovering, 1420 01:07:02,040 --> 01:07:03,870 who's not taking any drugs currently, 1421 01:07:03,870 --> 01:07:06,090 you should at all cost avoid these cues 1422 01:07:06,090 --> 01:07:08,430 because you know you want to make sure that you're not 1423 01:07:08,430 --> 01:07:10,440 exposed to them. 1424 01:07:10,440 --> 01:07:14,070 But if you have protection bias, you might underestimate 1425 01:07:14,070 --> 01:07:17,400 the importance of those cues in affecting 1426 01:07:17,400 --> 01:07:20,520 your utility or your cravings, and so 1427 01:07:20,520 --> 01:07:22,710 you might sort of walk into a bar thinking like, 1428 01:07:22,710 --> 01:07:24,668 well, I haven't really been smoking or drinking 1429 01:07:24,668 --> 01:07:27,210 for a long time, so I'm sure they will be able to resist. 1430 01:07:27,210 --> 01:07:30,150 But, of course, then once you're exposed to these cues, 1431 01:07:30,150 --> 01:07:32,620 you will not be able to do so, and that misprediction 1432 01:07:32,620 --> 01:07:34,860 might really then cause recidivism. 1433 01:07:34,860 --> 01:07:37,770 So again, in that sense, protection bias 1434 01:07:37,770 --> 01:07:42,760 is also consistent with that kind of recidivism due to cues. 1435 01:07:42,760 --> 01:07:48,478 Now let me talk very briefly only about depression. 1436 01:07:48,478 --> 01:07:50,020 And the reason being that we're going 1437 01:07:50,020 --> 01:07:52,280 to talk about mental health in a future lecture. 1438 01:07:52,280 --> 01:07:54,160 So depressed individuals have the tendency 1439 01:07:54,160 --> 01:07:57,560 to project the depressed feelings not only to the future 1440 01:07:57,560 --> 01:07:59,420 but also to the past. 1441 01:07:59,420 --> 01:08:05,380 And so in particular, the depressed tend to think about-- 1442 01:08:05,380 --> 01:08:08,605 depression is the inability to construct a future. 1443 01:08:08,605 --> 01:08:10,480 And in particular, when someone is depressed, 1444 01:08:10,480 --> 01:08:13,780 the past and future are absorbed entirely by the present, 1445 01:08:13,780 --> 01:08:15,910 and people can neither remember feeling better 1446 01:08:15,910 --> 01:08:19,553 nor imagine that they will feel better in the future. 1447 01:08:19,553 --> 01:08:21,220 So that's to say if the person is really 1448 01:08:21,220 --> 01:08:24,370 feeling terrible right now, they also 1449 01:08:24,370 --> 01:08:26,920 think they always have been feeling terrible in the past, 1450 01:08:26,920 --> 01:08:28,630 and they also think that they will always 1451 01:08:28,630 --> 01:08:30,649 feel terrible in the future. 1452 01:08:30,649 --> 01:08:33,220 So then life might feel particularly hopeful 1453 01:08:33,220 --> 01:08:35,350 if there's no scope for future improvements. 1454 01:08:35,350 --> 01:08:37,700 And if you think your life was always that bad, 1455 01:08:37,700 --> 01:08:39,979 there's really-- 1456 01:08:39,979 --> 01:08:41,979 in some cases, people might think there's really 1457 01:08:41,979 --> 01:08:44,260 not much of a reason to live. 1458 01:08:44,260 --> 01:08:46,420 And that's, of course, an extremely dangerous 1459 01:08:46,420 --> 01:08:54,490 and difficult or consequential, potentially, misprediction 1460 01:08:54,490 --> 01:08:56,200 because, of course, depressed people 1461 01:08:56,200 --> 01:08:59,859 can get better through therapy and through drugs and so on. 1462 01:09:02,380 --> 01:09:05,319 And often there's also remission over time. 1463 01:09:05,319 --> 01:09:09,167 But if people mispredict that, they might, for instance, never 1464 01:09:09,167 --> 01:09:11,500 seek treatment because they think, why would I ever seek 1465 01:09:11,500 --> 01:09:13,840 treatment if I'm always feeling terrible 1466 01:09:13,840 --> 01:09:15,757 for the rest of my life anyway? 1467 01:09:15,757 --> 01:09:17,590 We're going to get back to that a little bit 1468 01:09:17,590 --> 01:09:20,899 when talking about mental health. 1469 01:09:20,899 --> 01:09:28,024 Now, one thing that we have not really talked about 1470 01:09:28,024 --> 01:09:29,899 is how to think about these different biases. 1471 01:09:29,899 --> 01:09:31,910 In particular, what's the difference 1472 01:09:31,910 --> 01:09:34,700 between projection bias and naive quasi-hyperbolic 1473 01:09:34,700 --> 01:09:36,029 discounting? 1474 01:09:36,029 --> 01:09:38,660 So both naivety and quasi-hyperbolic discounting 1475 01:09:38,660 --> 01:09:41,609 and projection bias entail a misprediction. 1476 01:09:41,609 --> 01:09:44,840 So as an example, take a smoker who wants to quit. 1477 01:09:44,840 --> 01:09:47,630 The naive quasi-hyperbolic discounter 1478 01:09:47,630 --> 01:09:50,120 overestimates their future patience. 1479 01:09:50,120 --> 01:09:53,240 So that person will sign up for a commitment contract 1480 01:09:53,240 --> 01:09:56,540 to stop smoking and might fail due to the overestimation 1481 01:09:56,540 --> 01:09:58,460 of usefulness of commitment devices. 1482 01:09:58,460 --> 01:10:02,030 That person thinks that commitments-- 1483 01:10:02,030 --> 01:10:05,060 the person understands that she has some-- 1484 01:10:05,060 --> 01:10:07,683 suppose that's a partially naive person, which we need. 1485 01:10:07,683 --> 01:10:09,350 Otherwise the person would never sign up 1486 01:10:09,350 --> 01:10:10,700 for a commitment contract. 1487 01:10:10,700 --> 01:10:13,220 Suppose the person is partially naive. 1488 01:10:13,220 --> 01:10:15,590 The person will sign up for that commitment contract 1489 01:10:15,590 --> 01:10:18,560 thinking that's going to help them stop smoking, 1490 01:10:18,560 --> 01:10:20,300 but the person is going to underestimate 1491 01:10:20,300 --> 01:10:22,550 how bad their self-control problems are. 1492 01:10:22,550 --> 01:10:24,470 So then the person might fail because they 1493 01:10:24,470 --> 01:10:27,012 think their commitment device is really, really helpful when, 1494 01:10:27,012 --> 01:10:29,450 in fact, it's not strong enough. 1495 01:10:29,450 --> 01:10:33,540 Now for projection bias, the person 1496 01:10:33,540 --> 01:10:35,220 might underestimate the influence 1497 01:10:35,220 --> 01:10:37,653 of altered future states. 1498 01:10:37,653 --> 01:10:40,070 So the person might also sign up for a commitment contract 1499 01:10:40,070 --> 01:10:42,300 to stop smoking and then might feel 1500 01:10:42,300 --> 01:10:45,420 guilty due to the underestimation of the changes 1501 01:10:45,420 --> 01:10:46,890 in future cravings. 1502 01:10:46,890 --> 01:10:49,673 That is to say if you are currently not craving, 1503 01:10:49,673 --> 01:10:51,090 you might sign up for a commitment 1504 01:10:51,090 --> 01:10:56,100 contract that would help you to continue not using drugs. 1505 01:10:56,100 --> 01:10:59,130 And you might underestimate, however, 1506 01:10:59,130 --> 01:11:01,500 how bad the cravings will be in the future 1507 01:11:01,500 --> 01:11:03,640 once you see certain cues or the like. 1508 01:11:03,640 --> 01:11:06,360 So again, you might choose a commitment contract 1509 01:11:06,360 --> 01:11:09,060 that is not strong enough because you mispredict 1510 01:11:09,060 --> 01:11:10,410 your future preferences. 1511 01:11:10,410 --> 01:11:12,630 In this case, not because it's in the future, 1512 01:11:12,630 --> 01:11:15,690 not because you mispredicting beta like in case number one 1513 01:11:15,690 --> 01:11:17,640 but rather because you mispredict 1514 01:11:17,640 --> 01:11:23,333 how strongly future states will affect your preferences. 1515 01:11:23,333 --> 01:11:25,500 You can also think about another example, anesthesia 1516 01:11:25,500 --> 01:11:26,550 during childbirth. 1517 01:11:26,550 --> 01:11:31,470 You can get similar sort of patterns. 1518 01:11:31,470 --> 01:11:35,010 Both naive quasi-hyperbolic discounting and projection bias 1519 01:11:35,010 --> 01:11:37,875 might be able to explain people's choices there. 1520 01:11:37,875 --> 01:11:40,830 In particular, both of them would potentially 1521 01:11:40,830 --> 01:11:44,120 predict preference reversals. 1522 01:11:44,120 --> 01:11:48,810 Now, how can we tell projection bias and naivety regarding beta 1523 01:11:48,810 --> 01:11:50,090 apart? 1524 01:11:50,090 --> 01:11:52,610 Well, the key part here is that projection bias 1525 01:11:52,610 --> 01:11:55,140 is a state-dependent misprediction. 1526 01:11:55,140 --> 01:11:57,530 So people are more likely to predict future temptation 1527 01:11:57,530 --> 01:11:59,270 to overeat when hungry. 1528 01:11:59,270 --> 01:12:01,010 They're more likely to predict smoking 1529 01:12:01,010 --> 01:12:03,350 when you haven't had a cigarette for a while. 1530 01:12:03,350 --> 01:12:06,110 So when people are-- when the state in the future 1531 01:12:06,110 --> 01:12:07,940 is different from the current state, 1532 01:12:07,940 --> 01:12:11,040 people might mispredict their preferences. 1533 01:12:11,040 --> 01:12:15,320 So now a present bias, in fact, has 1534 01:12:15,320 --> 01:12:17,750 nothing to do with the state, essentially just about 1535 01:12:17,750 --> 01:12:20,630 the future versus the present. 1536 01:12:20,630 --> 01:12:22,180 So now what do we need? 1537 01:12:22,180 --> 01:12:25,640 What kind of variation do we need to disentangle the two 1538 01:12:25,640 --> 01:12:26,630 explanations? 1539 01:12:26,630 --> 01:12:28,670 Well, you need variation in timing 1540 01:12:28,670 --> 01:12:31,580 and in particular variation in states. 1541 01:12:31,580 --> 01:12:34,433 So present bias would say it doesn't really 1542 01:12:34,433 --> 01:12:35,600 matter what state you're in. 1543 01:12:35,600 --> 01:12:38,110 It doesn't matter whether you're hungry or not right now. 1544 01:12:38,110 --> 01:12:39,860 There's always going to be a misprediction 1545 01:12:39,860 --> 01:12:42,510 between the present and the future. 1546 01:12:42,510 --> 01:12:46,030 And projection bias would very much say the states matter. 1547 01:12:46,030 --> 01:12:49,180 It's a state-dependent misprediction. 1548 01:12:49,180 --> 01:12:54,390 So if you wanted to look at people's predictions 1549 01:12:54,390 --> 01:12:58,470 for the future, present bias or naivete regarding present bias 1550 01:12:58,470 --> 01:13:00,780 would say it doesn't matter whether you have smoked 1551 01:13:00,780 --> 01:13:03,030 or whether you're hungry right now for your prediction 1552 01:13:03,030 --> 01:13:04,050 for the future. 1553 01:13:04,050 --> 01:13:07,770 Projection bias would say it does matter quite a bit. 1554 01:13:07,770 --> 01:13:10,830 But then a tricky question is when should you, 1555 01:13:10,830 --> 01:13:13,470 in fact, offer people commitment devices? 1556 01:13:13,470 --> 01:13:16,410 Well, you should probably offer people commitment devices 1557 01:13:16,410 --> 01:13:18,720 if you want them to choose correct-- 1558 01:13:24,310 --> 01:13:26,760 if you want people to make correct choices. 1559 01:13:26,760 --> 01:13:30,090 You probably want to offer people 1560 01:13:30,090 --> 01:13:32,070 commitment devices at times when they're, 1561 01:13:32,070 --> 01:13:34,000 in fact, in the same state. 1562 01:13:34,000 --> 01:13:36,200 So when somebody already has cravings, 1563 01:13:36,200 --> 01:13:37,950 you want to offer them a commitment device 1564 01:13:37,950 --> 01:13:39,533 because that person really understands 1565 01:13:39,533 --> 01:13:41,490 how it will feel in the future. 1566 01:13:41,490 --> 01:13:44,280 If, instead, you offer somebody a commitment device when 1567 01:13:44,280 --> 01:13:46,260 they don't have cravings, they might 1568 01:13:46,260 --> 01:13:48,810 choose that commitment device, which I guess is good. 1569 01:13:48,810 --> 01:13:51,600 But then they might fail because they mispredict 1570 01:13:51,600 --> 01:13:53,580 how strong of a commitment device 1571 01:13:53,580 --> 01:13:55,140 they might need in the future. 1572 01:13:58,270 --> 01:14:00,167 OK, so let me then briefly summarize. 1573 01:14:00,167 --> 01:14:01,250 So what did we talk about? 1574 01:14:01,250 --> 01:14:03,370 So we talked about state-dependent preferences. 1575 01:14:03,370 --> 01:14:05,200 So preferences vary systematically 1576 01:14:05,200 --> 01:14:08,560 with the underlying states-- for example, hunger. 1577 01:14:08,560 --> 01:14:10,570 Food is tastier when you're hungry. 1578 01:14:10,570 --> 01:14:14,740 Going on dates is less enjoyable while being sick. 1579 01:14:14,740 --> 01:14:17,520 Classes are best when you're rested. 1580 01:14:17,520 --> 01:14:20,842 Now, people know that people's preferences 1581 01:14:20,842 --> 01:14:21,800 vary with their states. 1582 01:14:21,800 --> 01:14:22,675 They understand that. 1583 01:14:22,675 --> 01:14:25,750 If you ask hungry people about are your preferences different 1584 01:14:25,750 --> 01:14:27,820 when you're hungry versus not, most people 1585 01:14:27,820 --> 01:14:30,070 would probably say they want different types of kinds 1586 01:14:30,070 --> 01:14:32,140 of food and the like and they behave differently 1587 01:14:32,140 --> 01:14:34,240 when they're hungry. 1588 01:14:34,240 --> 01:14:38,990 However, there are biases in state-dependent decision 1589 01:14:38,990 --> 01:14:39,490 making. 1590 01:14:39,490 --> 01:14:42,130 In particular, both intuition and psychology 1591 01:14:42,130 --> 01:14:43,960 suggests that we fail to appreciate 1592 01:14:43,960 --> 01:14:46,120 the extent to which our preferences change 1593 01:14:46,120 --> 01:14:47,950 with the underlying states. 1594 01:14:47,950 --> 01:14:50,740 Projection bias is a specific psychological error 1595 01:14:50,740 --> 01:14:51,850 of this type. 1596 01:14:51,850 --> 01:14:55,150 People overestimate the extent to which future tastes resemble 1597 01:14:55,150 --> 01:14:57,880 their current tastes, and they underestimate the influence 1598 01:14:57,880 --> 01:14:59,860 that the state has on their utility, 1599 01:14:59,860 --> 01:15:02,590 and that can lead to systematic misprediction. 1600 01:15:02,590 --> 01:15:05,170 I showed you quite a few applications. 1601 01:15:05,170 --> 01:15:07,360 In particular, addiction and depression 1602 01:15:07,360 --> 01:15:10,390 might be the most consequential applications 1603 01:15:10,390 --> 01:15:12,960 of projection bias. 1604 01:15:12,960 --> 01:15:15,833 Now there's one more bias that I told you 1605 01:15:15,833 --> 01:15:18,000 I'm going to talk about very briefly-- again, that's 1606 01:15:18,000 --> 01:15:20,310 going to be discussed in detail in recitation-- which 1607 01:15:20,310 --> 01:15:22,800 is called attribution bias. 1608 01:15:22,800 --> 01:15:26,310 Now attribution bias in some sense is very similar, 1609 01:15:26,310 --> 01:15:28,500 but it's backward looking. 1610 01:15:28,500 --> 01:15:31,920 So what projection bias is the misprediction of the influence 1611 01:15:31,920 --> 01:15:33,400 of future states. 1612 01:15:33,400 --> 01:15:36,008 So when you think about the future, are you going to be-- 1613 01:15:36,008 --> 01:15:37,800 how are you going to enjoy a meal depending 1614 01:15:37,800 --> 01:15:41,610 on when you're hungry versus not or burgers versus salad? 1615 01:15:41,610 --> 01:15:46,440 How is your future preferences shaped by future states? 1616 01:15:46,440 --> 01:15:49,710 Attribution bias is instead backward looking. 1617 01:15:49,710 --> 01:15:54,130 It's the misprediction of the influence of past states. 1618 01:15:54,130 --> 01:15:56,460 So that's to say-- and I'm going to sort of define that 1619 01:15:56,460 --> 01:15:57,480 briefly-- 1620 01:15:57,480 --> 01:15:59,190 when judging the value of a good, 1621 01:15:59,190 --> 01:16:02,550 people are overly influenced by the state in which they 1622 01:16:02,550 --> 01:16:05,523 previously consumed it. 1623 01:16:05,523 --> 01:16:06,940 Now let me give you some examples. 1624 01:16:06,940 --> 01:16:10,590 And again, then you'll talk about this more in recitation. 1625 01:16:10,590 --> 01:16:13,170 People are more likely to return to a restaurant when 1626 01:16:13,170 --> 01:16:14,328 first trying when hungry. 1627 01:16:14,328 --> 01:16:16,620 So if you go to a restaurant when you're really, really 1628 01:16:16,620 --> 01:16:19,562 hungry, you'll think the food is amazing 1629 01:16:19,562 --> 01:16:22,020 while, in fact, it might just be that you're really, really 1630 01:16:22,020 --> 01:16:22,510 hungry. 1631 01:16:22,510 --> 01:16:24,385 So when you then come back to the restaurant, 1632 01:16:24,385 --> 01:16:28,200 you might be surprised that, in fact, it's not that great. 1633 01:16:28,200 --> 01:16:32,610 People are also more likely to negatively rate a movie when 1634 01:16:32,610 --> 01:16:33,870 they've seen it while tired. 1635 01:16:33,870 --> 01:16:34,890 Well, why is that? 1636 01:16:34,890 --> 01:16:37,017 Because the experience is just not that great, 1637 01:16:37,017 --> 01:16:39,600 and then you sort of think the movie is really not that great. 1638 01:16:39,600 --> 01:16:41,740 But, really, it's just you were tired. 1639 01:16:41,740 --> 01:16:44,550 People are also less likely to recommend a zoo to a friend 1640 01:16:44,550 --> 01:16:47,220 if it rained during the last visit. 1641 01:16:47,220 --> 01:16:50,310 Well, it's just the experience of that zoo is not that great. 1642 01:16:50,310 --> 01:16:53,590 Of course, some days it rains and some days it doesn't. 1643 01:16:53,590 --> 01:16:56,040 So you're not going to tell usually your friend to only go 1644 01:16:56,040 --> 01:16:57,220 there when it's sunny. 1645 01:16:57,220 --> 01:17:00,610 People are saying the zoo was just not that much fun. 1646 01:17:00,610 --> 01:17:03,040 And perhaps more relevant for you, 1647 01:17:03,040 --> 01:17:04,320 people are more likely to-- 1648 01:17:04,320 --> 01:17:07,890 or may be more likely to recommend a class that they 1649 01:17:07,890 --> 01:17:10,440 took while well rested. 1650 01:17:10,440 --> 01:17:15,600 So a few years ago I was teaching 1413 at 9:00 AM, 1651 01:17:15,600 --> 01:17:19,560 and I got lots of complaints from students about the class 1652 01:17:19,560 --> 01:17:21,000 being way too early. 1653 01:17:21,000 --> 01:17:25,470 And I was telling them or trying to tell them that the class is 1654 01:17:25,470 --> 01:17:27,450 really lots of fun. 1655 01:17:27,450 --> 01:17:31,690 You may or may not be able to appreciate that if you really 1656 01:17:31,690 --> 01:17:32,490 are tired. 1657 01:17:32,490 --> 01:17:36,330 So attribution bias might sort make you think that-- 1658 01:17:36,330 --> 01:17:40,140 might attribute some negative or positive experience 1659 01:17:40,140 --> 01:17:44,430 to the actual underlying quality of the issue 1660 01:17:44,430 --> 01:17:48,030 or the good that's being offered as opposed to, as you should, 1661 01:17:48,030 --> 01:17:49,650 to the underlying state. 1662 01:17:49,650 --> 01:17:54,000 Again, you're going to talk more about this in recitation. 1663 01:17:54,000 --> 01:17:55,290 Now what's next? 1664 01:17:55,290 --> 01:17:58,660 Remember, there is no class on Monday, April 20. 1665 01:17:58,660 --> 01:18:00,720 On Wednesday, April 22, we're going 1666 01:18:00,720 --> 01:18:03,390 to talk about gender, discrimination, and identity. 1667 01:18:03,390 --> 01:18:06,710 Please read Heather Sarson's paper, section one, 1668 01:18:06,710 --> 01:18:08,680 just the introduction. 1669 01:18:08,680 --> 01:18:11,270 Thank you very much.