1 00:00:00,135 --> 00:00:01,770 The following content is provided 2 00:00:01,770 --> 00:00:04,059 under a creative commons license. 3 00:00:04,059 --> 00:00:06,330 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,330 --> 00:00:10,720 continue to offer high-quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:13,350 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,350 --> 00:00:16,560 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:17,785 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:27,266 --> 00:00:30,850 ROBERT TOWNSEND: That's the starting point, 9 00:00:30,850 --> 00:00:35,500 but we're going to then move, in the latter half of the class, 10 00:00:35,500 --> 00:00:38,290 to what to make of it, what happens if you find that it's 11 00:00:38,290 --> 00:00:41,110 complete or incomplete, how to think 12 00:00:41,110 --> 00:00:46,980 about policy through the lens of this model, 13 00:00:46,980 --> 00:00:51,310 how to design insurance instruments, what damage they 14 00:00:51,310 --> 00:00:54,790 actually might do, what the distribution of benefits 15 00:00:54,790 --> 00:00:56,320 might be. 16 00:00:56,320 --> 00:00:58,420 There is a recurring theme today, 17 00:00:58,420 --> 00:01:01,750 which wouldn't surprise you, knowing me, which 18 00:01:01,750 --> 00:01:09,050 is theory is guiding the whole discussion, 19 00:01:09,050 --> 00:01:13,730 rather than starting with some randomized control trial 20 00:01:13,730 --> 00:01:16,850 and targeting, but we will get to those control 21 00:01:16,850 --> 00:01:18,410 trials in the discussion. 22 00:01:20,960 --> 00:01:22,150 OK. 23 00:01:22,150 --> 00:01:23,260 So here's the outline. 24 00:01:27,550 --> 00:01:29,500 We'll look at risk and insurance and village 25 00:01:29,500 --> 00:01:32,650 India, move to a benchmark way of measuring 26 00:01:32,650 --> 00:01:36,700 the effectiveness of financial institutions 27 00:01:36,700 --> 00:01:38,070 on the formal side. 28 00:01:38,070 --> 00:01:41,380 We'll then couple that with work on the informal side 29 00:01:41,380 --> 00:01:46,060 and networks and so on. 30 00:01:46,060 --> 00:01:47,080 We'll get to this-- 31 00:01:47,080 --> 00:01:49,540 can well-intended interventions actually 32 00:01:49,540 --> 00:01:53,740 result in well welfare losses? 33 00:01:53,740 --> 00:02:01,300 And then issues of why insurance take up in many circumstances 34 00:02:01,300 --> 00:02:02,710 is actually quite low. 35 00:02:16,320 --> 00:02:18,750 The idea here is that people in village India, 36 00:02:18,750 --> 00:02:20,700 and developing economies more generally, 37 00:02:20,700 --> 00:02:24,900 live in very high-risk environments. 38 00:02:24,900 --> 00:02:27,510 There are ways to cope with this risk-- 39 00:02:27,510 --> 00:02:29,990 ex-ante and ex-post. 40 00:02:29,990 --> 00:02:35,010 Ex-ante, you can diversify your crops, fields, activities, 41 00:02:35,010 --> 00:02:37,950 and occupations. 42 00:02:37,950 --> 00:02:43,905 Ex-post, you can have financial transactions, gifts, loans. 43 00:02:43,905 --> 00:02:46,680 I actually mentioned this the first lecture. 44 00:02:50,670 --> 00:02:53,610 How well are households doing? 45 00:02:53,610 --> 00:02:59,130 So the idea in this paper is forget 46 00:02:59,130 --> 00:03:00,900 enumerating all the mechanisms. 47 00:03:00,900 --> 00:03:03,750 You're likely to miss one anyway and the measurement 48 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:04,920 might be really bad. 49 00:03:04,920 --> 00:03:07,080 Let's just look at the outcomes. 50 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:11,700 The null hypothesis-- If risk sharing were perfect, 51 00:03:11,700 --> 00:03:18,210 what would you expect to see in consumption and income data? 52 00:03:18,210 --> 00:03:23,740 I think this style of work, although nowadays it's 53 00:03:23,740 --> 00:03:27,370 not only accepted, it's highly utilized all over the place, 54 00:03:27,370 --> 00:03:32,710 but initially there was a confusion that perfect means 55 00:03:32,710 --> 00:03:35,590 complete as incomplete markets, and somehow you're 56 00:03:35,590 --> 00:03:39,070 saying you're going to have all these Arrow-Debreu securities 57 00:03:39,070 --> 00:03:41,350 being traded in a village economy, 58 00:03:41,350 --> 00:03:44,560 and no, that's not the idea. 59 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:49,270 Informal institutions can be at work, as well as some spot 60 00:03:49,270 --> 00:03:50,920 market exchanges. 61 00:03:50,920 --> 00:03:52,930 You don't need to take a stand on any of that 62 00:03:52,930 --> 00:03:54,805 if you're just going to look at the outcomes. 63 00:03:58,440 --> 00:04:02,170 So the idea is individual consumption 64 00:04:02,170 --> 00:04:07,210 should actually not depend on individual income, stunningly. 65 00:04:10,030 --> 00:04:14,120 Once you control for aggregate consumption, 66 00:04:14,120 --> 00:04:18,560 it's as if all these households lived in a big risk syndicate, 67 00:04:18,560 --> 00:04:20,839 and they were just pooling all their grain and so 68 00:04:20,839 --> 00:04:24,530 on in one big pile, and then depending on shares, 69 00:04:24,530 --> 00:04:27,380 and some people are more equal than others, 70 00:04:27,380 --> 00:04:31,540 they get a fraction of the grain. 71 00:04:31,540 --> 00:04:35,840 A pile of the grain can go up and down with village aggregate 72 00:04:35,840 --> 00:04:40,910 shocks, but controlling for those shocks, 73 00:04:40,910 --> 00:04:44,390 your contribution has nothing to do with what you take out. 74 00:04:51,610 --> 00:04:54,475 So where to test? 75 00:04:56,917 --> 00:04:58,750 We're going to do these tests at the village 76 00:04:58,750 --> 00:05:04,500 level in this starting point of this lecture, but we'll move. 77 00:05:04,500 --> 00:05:08,790 It could be kinship networks within a village, 78 00:05:08,790 --> 00:05:10,200 family related people. 79 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:12,450 It could be bigger than that. 80 00:05:12,450 --> 00:05:14,680 It could be a cross-village risk sharing. 81 00:05:14,680 --> 00:05:18,480 It could be that being a member of a financial institution, 82 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:23,580 for example, is allowing you to be part of a larger 83 00:05:23,580 --> 00:05:27,580 risk pooling population. 84 00:05:27,580 --> 00:05:30,330 So it's a judgment call about where to apply it. 85 00:05:30,330 --> 00:05:33,930 Fortunately in the work today, I can show you it 86 00:05:33,930 --> 00:05:37,470 being applied at various distinct levels, which 87 00:05:37,470 --> 00:05:42,210 is a theme we'll come back to next Thursday as well. 88 00:05:42,210 --> 00:05:43,700 Why did I choose villages? 89 00:05:43,700 --> 00:05:47,130 I had some idea that everybody knows each other, 90 00:05:47,130 --> 00:05:50,580 and the environment is relatively simple, 91 00:05:50,580 --> 00:05:54,620 and it just seemed like the idealized setting. 92 00:05:54,620 --> 00:05:58,190 Of course, in practice not all villages are alike, 93 00:05:58,190 --> 00:06:00,320 and they're pretty complicated, and you've 94 00:06:00,320 --> 00:06:02,240 got people interacting with one another, 95 00:06:02,240 --> 00:06:04,280 and they don't all love each other. 96 00:06:07,090 --> 00:06:09,520 But that was the motivation to begin with. 97 00:06:12,970 --> 00:06:17,180 By the way, if there's no idiosyncratic risk 98 00:06:17,180 --> 00:06:23,900 there's nothing to test, because the benchmark 99 00:06:23,900 --> 00:06:26,090 says controlling for the aggregate is 100 00:06:26,090 --> 00:06:30,170 the idiosyncratic influencing consumption or not. 101 00:06:30,170 --> 00:06:33,620 And if there's no idiosyncratic, it's all aggregate, 102 00:06:33,620 --> 00:06:37,080 you can't do that test. 103 00:06:37,080 --> 00:06:39,880 This extends, of course, beyond households 104 00:06:39,880 --> 00:06:43,900 within a village to tests across villages and so on. 105 00:06:48,060 --> 00:06:51,500 Now, many people have the idea that villages which 106 00:06:51,500 --> 00:06:55,910 they may never go into are all alike, 107 00:06:55,910 --> 00:06:57,860 and it's all a function of the rainfall, 108 00:06:57,860 --> 00:07:01,460 and it's all aggregate, and that's just not true at all. 109 00:07:01,460 --> 00:07:07,880 And I'll show you the front end of this paper, some statistics. 110 00:07:07,880 --> 00:07:10,130 Although it is true there may be a lot of diversity 111 00:07:10,130 --> 00:07:13,580 in a village, if they all completely diversified 112 00:07:13,580 --> 00:07:17,060 and did not specialize and they all held a common portfolio, 113 00:07:17,060 --> 00:07:19,250 then, again, there would be nothing 114 00:07:19,250 --> 00:07:24,130 to test as if they're doing it all ex-ante and not ex-post, 115 00:07:24,130 --> 00:07:27,700 because the starting point would be the income coming from all 116 00:07:27,700 --> 00:07:29,410 these diversified activities. 117 00:07:33,120 --> 00:07:34,530 But again, they don't do that. 118 00:07:43,250 --> 00:07:46,360 So let's take a look, these so-called ICRISAT villages-- 119 00:07:46,360 --> 00:07:49,090 Institute for Crops Research in the Semi-Arid Tropic-- 120 00:07:49,090 --> 00:07:52,990 at one point that was the source of virtually the only panel 121 00:07:52,990 --> 00:08:00,030 data on developing countries in the world. 122 00:08:00,030 --> 00:08:02,830 And it was gathered monthly, and essentially for 10 years. 123 00:08:02,830 --> 00:08:05,860 They've started it up again, interestingly. 124 00:08:05,860 --> 00:08:07,840 And there are other data sets like that, where 125 00:08:07,840 --> 00:08:11,930 there are gaps of decades. 126 00:08:11,930 --> 00:08:15,670 So it's not true that ICRISAT was the only source 127 00:08:15,670 --> 00:08:17,470 of panel variation. 128 00:08:17,470 --> 00:08:22,210 In Aurepalle, they're growing castor and sorghum. 129 00:08:22,210 --> 00:08:25,120 Each crop is quite risky if you look at the coefficient 130 00:08:25,120 --> 00:08:28,300 of variation. 131 00:08:28,300 --> 00:08:30,100 Those numbers are comparable to something 132 00:08:30,100 --> 00:08:36,159 I did in medieval England, where roughly every 12, 133 00:08:36,159 --> 00:08:40,080 13 years, they would experience a famine. 134 00:08:40,080 --> 00:08:45,630 So these are high-risk environments. 135 00:08:45,630 --> 00:08:50,320 Of course you could diversify across these crops. 136 00:08:50,320 --> 00:08:51,730 That helps. 137 00:08:51,730 --> 00:08:54,520 Depending on the pair of crops that you pick, 138 00:08:54,520 --> 00:08:57,910 the cross-crop correlations could be as low as 0.09 139 00:08:57,910 --> 00:09:00,100 or something much higher. 140 00:09:00,100 --> 00:09:02,110 A low number is a good thing, because you 141 00:09:02,110 --> 00:09:03,700 can spread your risk. 142 00:09:06,510 --> 00:09:09,420 Soil isn't uniform either. 143 00:09:09,420 --> 00:09:11,340 You can look, for a given crop, at how 144 00:09:11,340 --> 00:09:16,990 the coefficient of variation varies from one type of soil 145 00:09:16,990 --> 00:09:18,350 to another. 146 00:09:18,350 --> 00:09:21,580 And again, the cross-soil correlation for a given crop 147 00:09:21,580 --> 00:09:25,780 is 0.37, and relatively low. 148 00:09:25,780 --> 00:09:27,880 Nevertheless, as I said, it's not true 149 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:31,120 that all households hold a diversified basket 150 00:09:31,120 --> 00:09:32,540 of all these things. 151 00:09:32,540 --> 00:09:33,040 Yes. 152 00:09:33,040 --> 00:09:34,498 AUDIENCE: Are there any crops that are negatively 153 00:09:34,498 --> 00:09:35,956 correlated with each other? 154 00:09:39,507 --> 00:09:41,090 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Not in these numbers, 155 00:09:41,090 --> 00:09:43,190 although I certainly wouldn't rule it out. 156 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:50,750 Well, and some of those numbers are point estimates, 157 00:09:50,750 --> 00:09:51,590 relatively low. 158 00:09:51,590 --> 00:09:55,935 And you put the standard error bands, and yeah. 159 00:09:55,935 --> 00:09:56,920 OK. 160 00:09:56,920 --> 00:10:01,480 This is by cruder categories, like labor income, income 161 00:10:01,480 --> 00:10:04,690 from trade and handicrafts, animal husbandry. 162 00:10:04,690 --> 00:10:09,280 And it's stratified, as ICRISAT did, by the amount of land 163 00:10:09,280 --> 00:10:10,240 that they hold-- 164 00:10:10,240 --> 00:10:13,810 none, small, medium, and large landholders. 165 00:10:13,810 --> 00:10:19,120 And these are sort of basically fractions of income 166 00:10:19,120 --> 00:10:21,130 that they get from such things. 167 00:10:21,130 --> 00:10:26,710 Large landholders have the bulk of their income from crops, 168 00:10:26,710 --> 00:10:29,860 and a substantial amount from animal husbandry. 169 00:10:29,860 --> 00:10:33,910 People without land virtually have no crop income. 170 00:10:33,910 --> 00:10:35,830 And the dominant source is from labor. 171 00:10:35,830 --> 00:10:38,930 And there's everything else in between, 172 00:10:38,930 --> 00:10:41,080 as you might anticipate. 173 00:10:41,080 --> 00:10:43,030 There were three villages involved. 174 00:10:43,030 --> 00:10:46,480 That pattern is pretty common. 175 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:49,270 And here, again, by those income sources-- 176 00:10:49,270 --> 00:10:50,860 (EXCITEDLY) hey, a negative number-- 177 00:10:54,790 --> 00:10:58,070 again, in the lower bound of the stair of the confidence 178 00:10:58,070 --> 00:10:58,570 interval. 179 00:11:01,270 --> 00:11:04,180 Well, actually this is-- 180 00:11:04,180 --> 00:11:08,980 even the point estimates went negative. 181 00:11:08,980 --> 00:11:10,990 Sorry, no no. 182 00:11:10,990 --> 00:11:12,040 Yes, yes. 183 00:11:12,040 --> 00:11:15,880 This is hard to read because these items should also 184 00:11:15,880 --> 00:11:18,020 be listed on the rows. 185 00:11:18,020 --> 00:11:21,730 So if you're going down the diagonal, 186 00:11:21,730 --> 00:11:24,820 you're reading the coefficient of variation, 187 00:11:24,820 --> 00:11:27,040 and then above and below the diagonal, 188 00:11:27,040 --> 00:11:33,190 you're reading the correlation of, say, 189 00:11:33,190 --> 00:11:37,975 in this case, livestock income with profit income. 190 00:11:37,975 --> 00:11:40,600 It just throws you off, because it should be written down here. 191 00:11:40,600 --> 00:11:42,763 And then to avoid double counting, 192 00:11:42,763 --> 00:11:44,555 you don't fill in the bottom of the matrix. 193 00:11:50,470 --> 00:11:53,470 So I've shown you this picture before, 194 00:11:53,470 --> 00:12:01,458 the Rocky Mountain picture, arguably the most famous graph 195 00:12:01,458 --> 00:12:02,250 I've ever produced. 196 00:12:04,980 --> 00:12:07,920 This is 10 years of data. 197 00:12:07,920 --> 00:12:10,260 And then the households are lined up-- 198 00:12:10,260 --> 00:12:13,500 which is why I keep showing it-- 199 00:12:13,500 --> 00:12:15,270 the households are lined up roughly 200 00:12:15,270 --> 00:12:17,800 by the size of landholdings. 201 00:12:17,800 --> 00:12:22,800 And you can see the levels kind of going up as they 202 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:26,250 have more and more land. 203 00:12:26,250 --> 00:12:30,270 And there's a 0 here. 204 00:12:30,270 --> 00:12:32,220 And so everything on this diagram 205 00:12:32,220 --> 00:12:37,170 is deviation from the village average at a point in time. 206 00:12:37,170 --> 00:12:39,900 Some people are below and some people are above. 207 00:12:42,750 --> 00:12:45,240 You're seeing that in the cross section, 208 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:48,270 and you're seeing that over time. 209 00:12:48,270 --> 00:12:50,100 The point of the diagram, I've said before, 210 00:12:50,100 --> 00:12:52,800 is that some of the valleys lie behind the peaks. 211 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:56,130 And that means not everyone is experiencing good years 212 00:12:56,130 --> 00:12:59,970 and bad years at the same time. 213 00:12:59,970 --> 00:13:06,420 It's not like undulating waves of grain, as in Kansas. 214 00:13:06,420 --> 00:13:08,760 This is the consumption picture that 215 00:13:08,760 --> 00:13:11,940 is on the same scale as the income picture. 216 00:13:11,940 --> 00:13:14,130 If I wanted to get bigger differences, 217 00:13:14,130 --> 00:13:17,690 I could rescale this graph. 218 00:13:17,690 --> 00:13:19,710 You know, it's all just suppressed down there. 219 00:13:22,740 --> 00:13:26,160 But the statistical work is really 220 00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:29,760 testing to see if there are common fixed effects, 221 00:13:29,760 --> 00:13:34,090 and also whether this diagram somehow, through the lens 222 00:13:34,090 --> 00:13:37,480 of the model, is related to the income diagram previously. 223 00:13:38,835 --> 00:13:40,543 AUDIENCE: Have you observed this in terms 224 00:13:40,543 --> 00:13:42,983 of like greater weights on people? 225 00:13:42,983 --> 00:13:45,150 Because it looks like there's not only risk-sharing, 226 00:13:45,150 --> 00:13:48,000 but also the rich guys are-- 227 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:49,350 if it's the same [INAUDIBLE]. 228 00:13:49,350 --> 00:13:50,175 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah, exactly. 229 00:13:50,175 --> 00:13:51,830 AUDIENCE: They're not just getting the average. 230 00:13:51,830 --> 00:13:53,080 ROBERT TOWNSEND: That's right. 231 00:13:53,080 --> 00:13:55,530 So risk-sharing is sometimes misinterpreted 232 00:13:55,530 --> 00:13:59,170 to mean complete pooling, and everyone has an equal share. 233 00:13:59,170 --> 00:14:00,660 And that's not necessary. 234 00:14:00,660 --> 00:14:03,360 And when we look at the benchmark regression, 235 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:05,050 essentially it has fixed effects. 236 00:14:05,050 --> 00:14:07,860 And those fixed effects are almost exactly 237 00:14:07,860 --> 00:14:11,070 the Pareto weights. 238 00:14:11,070 --> 00:14:12,810 And then we can test and see what 239 00:14:12,810 --> 00:14:14,340 those weights are related to. 240 00:14:20,230 --> 00:14:25,510 So here's the optimization problem. 241 00:14:25,510 --> 00:14:30,010 You just basically-- there is a one-to-one relationship 242 00:14:30,010 --> 00:14:35,230 between all the Pareto-optimal allocations in this economy 243 00:14:35,230 --> 00:14:38,350 and solutions to this programming problem. 244 00:14:42,236 --> 00:14:44,570 And that's asking about the Pareto weights. 245 00:14:44,570 --> 00:14:47,720 Here they are-- lambda sub-k, different 246 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:50,000 for different households, k. 247 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:53,120 The household is the basic unit, although we 248 00:14:53,120 --> 00:14:54,860 will control for the demographics 249 00:14:54,860 --> 00:14:56,700 within the household. 250 00:14:56,700 --> 00:15:00,720 So just to read across this, it's 251 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:04,470 a weighted average, lambda, Pareto-weighted average 252 00:15:04,470 --> 00:15:09,060 of the discounted expected utility of, say, 253 00:15:09,060 --> 00:15:11,610 in this case, household k. 254 00:15:11,610 --> 00:15:15,410 OK, so it's over time, which could be finite or infinite. 255 00:15:15,410 --> 00:15:17,850 It's discounted at a common rate. 256 00:15:17,850 --> 00:15:19,510 I'll come back to that. 257 00:15:19,510 --> 00:15:21,720 It's presumed everyone has equal probability 258 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:23,310 over these states of the world. 259 00:15:26,520 --> 00:15:32,070 And these states of the world are not just 260 00:15:32,070 --> 00:15:36,200 the contemporaneous realization of all the shocks. 261 00:15:36,200 --> 00:15:40,580 It's the entire history, from the initial date out to that, 262 00:15:40,580 --> 00:15:42,350 like the branches of a tree. 263 00:15:45,420 --> 00:15:47,610 And then utility contemporaneously 264 00:15:47,610 --> 00:15:54,550 depends on consumption and these gender/age weights. 265 00:15:54,550 --> 00:16:00,480 So and you just want to-- whatever sums of consumption 266 00:16:00,480 --> 00:16:03,090 is, it's this average and the aggregate. 267 00:16:03,090 --> 00:16:05,460 And then the idea is how to distribute that aggregate 268 00:16:05,460 --> 00:16:07,365 to maximize this subjective function. 269 00:16:09,970 --> 00:16:12,520 You can put labor in here. 270 00:16:12,520 --> 00:16:14,020 We'll have a whole lecture on that. 271 00:16:16,470 --> 00:16:17,470 So what is the solution? 272 00:16:20,140 --> 00:16:24,280 Let's just pick consumption of household k at date t 273 00:16:24,280 --> 00:16:26,800 is entering in here, and it's entering 274 00:16:26,800 --> 00:16:28,030 in this resource constraint. 275 00:16:28,030 --> 00:16:30,850 This supplies, you know, for the whole history of states 276 00:16:30,850 --> 00:16:34,300 up to date, t, for every date, t. 277 00:16:34,300 --> 00:16:37,030 So we're going to get derivative here, 278 00:16:37,030 --> 00:16:38,650 and a Lagrange multiplier here. 279 00:16:38,650 --> 00:16:40,700 This is common resource constraints. 280 00:16:40,700 --> 00:16:43,660 So you pick up a common Lagrange multiplier. 281 00:16:43,660 --> 00:16:44,946 Yes. 282 00:16:44,946 --> 00:16:48,390 AUDIENCE: Does the [? ht ?] include the use of [INAUDIBLE] 283 00:16:48,390 --> 00:16:49,520 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yes. 284 00:16:49,520 --> 00:16:50,020 Yep. 285 00:16:52,790 --> 00:16:57,040 A complete enumeration of everything, and not just crops, 286 00:16:57,040 --> 00:17:00,700 but babies, and deaths, and the whole demographic structure. 287 00:17:08,230 --> 00:17:10,869 So again, taking that derivative, 288 00:17:10,869 --> 00:17:12,400 putting this thing over here, you'd 289 00:17:12,400 --> 00:17:17,260 get a beta-discounted probability, lambda k weighted 290 00:17:17,260 --> 00:17:18,280 marginal utility. 291 00:17:18,280 --> 00:17:20,410 And everyone's margin utility is being 292 00:17:20,410 --> 00:17:23,680 equated to this common Lagrange multiplier. 293 00:17:29,480 --> 00:17:36,020 You know, so if you assumed a particular exponential utility 294 00:17:36,020 --> 00:17:40,190 function, for example, then you can actually 295 00:17:40,190 --> 00:17:42,680 get sort of closed-form analytic solutions 296 00:17:42,680 --> 00:17:44,820 for these first-order conditions. 297 00:17:44,820 --> 00:17:47,240 So this just says, in levels, that the consumption 298 00:17:47,240 --> 00:17:50,180 of household k depends on the Pareto-- 299 00:17:50,180 --> 00:17:53,510 the log Pareto weight of household k. 300 00:17:53,510 --> 00:17:57,080 It has something to do with the demographics and something 301 00:17:57,080 --> 00:18:00,260 to do with this common shadow price of consumption, 302 00:18:00,260 --> 00:18:01,610 if I dare call it that. 303 00:18:06,350 --> 00:18:08,980 So here are the levels that we were just talking about. 304 00:18:14,290 --> 00:18:17,260 This is too small to read, but basically-- 305 00:18:25,090 --> 00:18:27,850 another nice thing about that exponential utility, 306 00:18:27,850 --> 00:18:29,740 if you're willing to make strong assumptions 307 00:18:29,740 --> 00:18:33,190 about the composition of the household, 308 00:18:33,190 --> 00:18:37,520 is it basically would dictate how to weight people. 309 00:18:37,520 --> 00:18:43,890 And little babies don't eat as much as 18-year-old males. 310 00:18:43,890 --> 00:18:50,110 And in turn, consumption is dropping for the elderly. 311 00:18:50,110 --> 00:18:52,260 So we actually had a dietary survey. 312 00:18:52,260 --> 00:18:55,240 And we assumed that strong functional form, 313 00:18:55,240 --> 00:18:56,900 and we made all those corrections. 314 00:18:56,900 --> 00:19:01,560 So you don't actually see people eating. 315 00:19:01,560 --> 00:19:04,320 So you don't see their individual consumptions. 316 00:19:04,320 --> 00:19:09,900 You see the consumption for the whole household, k, 317 00:19:09,900 --> 00:19:12,840 but you put it in per capita terms by dividing 318 00:19:12,840 --> 00:19:17,460 by the age/gender-weighted number of people. 319 00:19:17,460 --> 00:19:20,520 Likewise, this thing over here is 320 00:19:20,520 --> 00:19:26,000 the sum in the whole population of per-capita consumption. 321 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:30,570 And sort of reading out loud, this term 322 00:19:30,570 --> 00:19:35,850 is actually the risk tolerance, the inverse risk aversion, 323 00:19:35,850 --> 00:19:36,825 of household k. 324 00:19:41,580 --> 00:19:42,890 It's actually a j here. 325 00:19:42,890 --> 00:19:44,300 Sorry. 326 00:19:44,300 --> 00:19:46,730 Household j relative to the sum of the risk 327 00:19:46,730 --> 00:19:51,200 tolerances of all the other households. 328 00:19:51,200 --> 00:19:54,880 And I'll come back to this often. 329 00:19:54,880 --> 00:19:59,140 If you assumed homogeneous risk aversion, which is standard, 330 00:19:59,140 --> 00:20:02,660 then this ought to have a coefficient of 1. 331 00:20:02,660 --> 00:20:05,740 So everybody's consumption is co-moving, one to one, 332 00:20:05,740 --> 00:20:09,560 with the per capita average. 333 00:20:09,560 --> 00:20:11,600 If you have different risk aversions, 334 00:20:11,600 --> 00:20:14,060 there is a very nice interpretation here, which 335 00:20:14,060 --> 00:20:16,010 is this is aggregate risk. 336 00:20:16,010 --> 00:20:18,800 This is what's left over after all the other smoothing 337 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:20,900 that they're doing intertemporally, blah, blah, 338 00:20:20,900 --> 00:20:24,470 blah, than what they actually eat. 339 00:20:24,470 --> 00:20:27,320 So this is like the macro risk. 340 00:20:27,320 --> 00:20:32,000 And then the higher this risk tolerance, the more they 341 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:36,740 should be willing to bear that, quote, "helping" 342 00:20:36,740 --> 00:20:39,610 out their village neighbors who might be quite risk-averse. 343 00:20:42,920 --> 00:20:44,480 And we'll come back to that in terms 344 00:20:44,480 --> 00:20:47,290 of measuring risk aversion. 345 00:20:47,290 --> 00:20:50,020 OK, so here's the standard regression equation. 346 00:20:50,020 --> 00:20:54,500 If the level of consumption depends on basically 347 00:20:54,500 --> 00:20:59,350 what is now a constant household-specific term, which 348 00:20:59,350 --> 00:21:02,960 are those Pareto weights, sum-- coefficients, time, 349 00:21:02,960 --> 00:21:06,380 village average consumption-- at date t, 350 00:21:06,380 --> 00:21:08,840 adjustment for demographics, and something else that 351 00:21:08,840 --> 00:21:12,420 ought to be zero, like income. 352 00:21:20,250 --> 00:21:23,490 You're going to have a devil of a time running this. 353 00:21:23,490 --> 00:21:28,160 Even when you run one household at a time ignoring 354 00:21:28,160 --> 00:21:32,360 all the others, even when you use the leave out mean-- 355 00:21:32,360 --> 00:21:35,060 so the household is not included-- 356 00:21:35,060 --> 00:21:36,950 it will turn out, amazingly enough, 357 00:21:36,950 --> 00:21:42,260 that these coefficients, one for each household, when 358 00:21:42,260 --> 00:21:47,860 you average them up, have to take on the value of 1. 359 00:21:47,860 --> 00:21:53,230 So there are sort of econometric issues 360 00:21:53,230 --> 00:21:57,160 here that you could mistakenly think 361 00:21:57,160 --> 00:21:58,882 that you've got a lot of co-movement, 362 00:21:58,882 --> 00:22:01,090 and it's just going to happen-- you know, why is this 363 00:22:01,090 --> 00:22:02,620 happening, essentially? 364 00:22:02,620 --> 00:22:06,610 Well, it's more obvious if you had the panel in front of us 365 00:22:06,610 --> 00:22:08,440 rather than one household at a time. 366 00:22:08,440 --> 00:22:11,920 You're looking at household consumption on the left, 367 00:22:11,920 --> 00:22:14,980 and the average of household consumption on the right. 368 00:22:14,980 --> 00:22:18,020 Now take the average of the whole thing, 369 00:22:18,020 --> 00:22:20,350 and the averages appearing on the left and the right, 370 00:22:20,350 --> 00:22:22,210 and it ought to take on a value of 1. 371 00:22:22,210 --> 00:22:25,630 So the average tendency of the dependent variable 372 00:22:25,630 --> 00:22:28,570 is kind of like an intercept. 373 00:22:28,570 --> 00:22:30,430 So that's kind of the intuition. 374 00:22:30,430 --> 00:22:34,780 This also comes up in many situations where you 375 00:22:34,780 --> 00:22:36,770 have this confounding problem. 376 00:22:36,770 --> 00:22:37,270 Yes. 377 00:22:37,270 --> 00:22:39,645 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] talked about [? instead of their ?] 378 00:22:39,645 --> 00:22:40,690 [? compatibility? ?] 379 00:22:40,690 --> 00:22:42,357 ROBERT TOWNSEND: No, because we're going 380 00:22:42,357 --> 00:22:44,110 to assume full commitment-- 381 00:22:44,110 --> 00:22:45,408 instead of compatibility? 382 00:22:45,408 --> 00:22:46,450 Did I hear you correctly? 383 00:22:46,450 --> 00:22:47,033 AUDIENCE: Yes. 384 00:22:47,033 --> 00:22:48,550 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah. 385 00:22:48,550 --> 00:22:52,630 We can put in incentive constraints. 386 00:22:52,630 --> 00:22:54,880 And we will later. 387 00:22:54,880 --> 00:22:58,660 So we're going to build on this basic framework, 388 00:22:58,660 --> 00:23:00,700 and get to all the obstacles to trade, 389 00:23:00,700 --> 00:23:03,240 and how to estimate them. 390 00:23:03,240 --> 00:23:07,250 But you may think this thing would be rejected out of hand. 391 00:23:07,250 --> 00:23:10,100 And it is statistically rejected most of the time. 392 00:23:10,100 --> 00:23:13,520 But it turns out to be a very, very useful benchmark. 393 00:23:18,830 --> 00:23:23,300 So this is the time series, one household at a time. 394 00:23:23,300 --> 00:23:25,030 I won't say much about this other 395 00:23:25,030 --> 00:23:27,260 than, does the data have any power. 396 00:23:27,260 --> 00:23:31,070 The problem is, you test one null, like full risk-sharing. 397 00:23:31,070 --> 00:23:33,500 And you can't reject it because the confidence intervals 398 00:23:33,500 --> 00:23:34,310 are so large. 399 00:23:34,310 --> 00:23:37,700 So you want to test other things like its autarky. 400 00:23:37,700 --> 00:23:40,940 And the weight of the evidence is it's not autarky. 401 00:23:40,940 --> 00:23:43,265 We can pretty much soundly reject-- 402 00:23:48,858 --> 00:23:50,400 And risk-sharing is doing quite well. 403 00:23:50,400 --> 00:23:52,300 And this is with a panel. 404 00:23:52,300 --> 00:23:54,920 And again, I'm going to spare you all the details. 405 00:23:54,920 --> 00:23:56,940 But we did it three different ways-- 406 00:23:56,940 --> 00:24:02,790 standard, first difference, Jerry Hausman-- 407 00:24:02,790 --> 00:24:04,050 and estimated. 408 00:24:04,050 --> 00:24:06,510 Now, here we're picking up coefficients 409 00:24:06,510 --> 00:24:09,960 on various sources of income, none of which 410 00:24:09,960 --> 00:24:11,940 should be positive and significant. 411 00:24:11,940 --> 00:24:14,670 But some of them kind of are. 412 00:24:14,670 --> 00:24:17,430 For example, the highest number here 413 00:24:17,430 --> 00:24:21,100 is profits from trade and handicrafts in Aurepalle. 414 00:24:21,100 --> 00:24:24,810 They're climbing palm trees and tapping-- 415 00:24:24,810 --> 00:24:27,270 and then making liquor, toddy. 416 00:24:30,540 --> 00:24:32,280 And it's not insured, evidently. 417 00:24:34,980 --> 00:24:40,860 Labor in general has a high number pretty much 418 00:24:40,860 --> 00:24:42,160 in all the villages. 419 00:24:42,160 --> 00:24:46,680 So now we're kind of easing into the policy thing, which 420 00:24:46,680 --> 00:24:49,080 is, if you wanted a target, wouldn't you 421 00:24:49,080 --> 00:24:51,150 want to run this thing first and see who's 422 00:24:51,150 --> 00:24:54,720 the most vulnerable, and then sort of guide 423 00:24:54,720 --> 00:24:56,460 your interventions. 424 00:24:56,460 --> 00:24:58,990 Based on that, I wasn't thinking along that line, 425 00:24:58,990 --> 00:25:01,530 I was just being honest about where 426 00:25:01,530 --> 00:25:03,300 we're rejecting and so on. 427 00:25:07,790 --> 00:25:13,790 And here, finally, Matt, is where we took this coefficient 428 00:25:13,790 --> 00:25:19,680 and regressed it against other things 429 00:25:19,680 --> 00:25:24,840 like the area operated by the household, the value 430 00:25:24,840 --> 00:25:27,990 of their plow animals, their inheritance, 431 00:25:27,990 --> 00:25:29,250 and so on and so forth. 432 00:25:32,760 --> 00:25:34,530 And I'm not sure what you would expect. 433 00:25:34,530 --> 00:25:38,220 It looks good at first blush, in the sense 434 00:25:38,220 --> 00:25:41,910 that the amount of land and the value of the animals 435 00:25:41,910 --> 00:25:44,172 is correlated with those intercepts. 436 00:25:47,130 --> 00:25:51,240 The problem is things are more turbulent than that 437 00:25:51,240 --> 00:25:52,290 at the village level. 438 00:25:52,290 --> 00:25:55,140 And people do sell, or buy, or acquire land. 439 00:25:55,140 --> 00:25:57,990 And certainly those plow animals aren't just 440 00:25:57,990 --> 00:26:01,650 locked in place year after year after year. 441 00:26:01,650 --> 00:26:05,070 So that's kind of some evidence of some kind 442 00:26:05,070 --> 00:26:10,740 of long-term impact that shows up in terms of the assets 443 00:26:10,740 --> 00:26:12,570 they end up holding. 444 00:26:12,570 --> 00:26:14,460 And that's very much along the lines of, 445 00:26:14,460 --> 00:26:17,820 is there a moral hazard problem or some kind 446 00:26:17,820 --> 00:26:19,140 of incentive constraint? 447 00:26:19,140 --> 00:26:24,300 And how should wealth levels behave if that were the case? 448 00:26:28,170 --> 00:26:31,970 The biggest puzzle in these data, in some sense, 449 00:26:31,970 --> 00:26:38,670 is almost the opposite, which is although we see them 450 00:26:38,670 --> 00:26:48,150 over 10 years, we see the upper-caste, white-robed 451 00:26:48,150 --> 00:26:51,540 brahman-type guys in the village just consistently eating 452 00:26:51,540 --> 00:26:55,270 far less than their income, constantly. 453 00:26:55,270 --> 00:26:58,470 And so is this just a social transfer mechanism, 454 00:26:58,470 --> 00:27:01,680 or are they actually insuring themselves 455 00:27:01,680 --> 00:27:05,760 against future relabeling of-- 456 00:27:05,760 --> 00:27:07,590 castes, by the way do get relabeled, 457 00:27:07,590 --> 00:27:09,070 and histories get recreated. 458 00:27:09,070 --> 00:27:13,730 It it's a much more complicated history than you might-- 459 00:27:13,730 --> 00:27:17,130 at least that's what the anthropologists tell me. 460 00:27:17,130 --> 00:27:25,970 OK, so that's risk and insurance in village India. 461 00:27:30,020 --> 00:27:32,840 So let's take that framework and start knocking off 462 00:27:32,840 --> 00:27:34,180 some policy questions. 463 00:27:34,180 --> 00:27:38,930 So first is about the effectiveness 464 00:27:38,930 --> 00:27:40,310 of financial institutions. 465 00:27:40,310 --> 00:27:45,410 Now, let me just say, the immediate policy implication 466 00:27:45,410 --> 00:27:50,870 coming out of village India was basically, 467 00:27:50,870 --> 00:27:56,200 miraculously, somehow, they're pooling all that risk. 468 00:27:56,200 --> 00:28:00,480 It's not a bunch of fragmented households on their own, 469 00:28:00,480 --> 00:28:01,830 in autarky. 470 00:28:01,830 --> 00:28:04,380 It seems to be more the opposite. 471 00:28:04,380 --> 00:28:08,010 So there was a huge firestorm people 472 00:28:08,010 --> 00:28:11,790 had a hard time accepting that something like that 473 00:28:11,790 --> 00:28:12,420 could happen. 474 00:28:15,450 --> 00:28:18,900 But villages, even if they were amazingly good not, 475 00:28:18,900 --> 00:28:22,440 are not necessarily interacting with each other. 476 00:28:22,440 --> 00:28:24,150 I'll come back to that. 477 00:28:24,150 --> 00:28:27,420 And there may be, as there is in Thailand, transactions 478 00:28:27,420 --> 00:28:29,230 with outside financial institutions. 479 00:28:29,230 --> 00:28:33,990 So the question is, do outside formal financial institutions 480 00:28:33,990 --> 00:28:39,070 help, if not within the village, then across village, 481 00:28:39,070 --> 00:28:41,350 in the mitigation of risk? 482 00:28:48,380 --> 00:28:51,610 So roughly speaking, the treatment group 483 00:28:51,610 --> 00:28:54,640 is a set of households who are customers 484 00:28:54,640 --> 00:28:56,710 of financial institutions. 485 00:28:56,710 --> 00:28:57,760 A little typo there. 486 00:29:00,790 --> 00:29:03,940 And that's measured-- their use of the institution 487 00:29:03,940 --> 00:29:07,450 is actually measured in the data, which is reassuring. 488 00:29:07,450 --> 00:29:13,060 And I'll tell you about the instruments we use momentarily. 489 00:29:13,060 --> 00:29:15,580 So we're going to go back to that consumption equation, 490 00:29:15,580 --> 00:29:21,100 and also derive a corresponding investment equation, 491 00:29:21,100 --> 00:29:27,250 and then see whether being a customer or a member 492 00:29:27,250 --> 00:29:29,260 lowers the vulnerability in the sense 493 00:29:29,260 --> 00:29:31,940 of that coefficient on idiosyncratic risk. 494 00:29:31,940 --> 00:29:32,440 Yes. 495 00:29:32,440 --> 00:29:36,050 AUDIENCE: So when we say those with financial access 496 00:29:36,050 --> 00:29:38,290 are compared to those without, so does 497 00:29:38,290 --> 00:29:40,420 that really mean those with access 498 00:29:40,420 --> 00:29:43,187 to the formal financial sector are compared without-- 499 00:29:43,187 --> 00:29:44,770 ROBERT TOWNSEND: That's what it means. 500 00:29:44,770 --> 00:29:46,600 AUDIENCE: Yeah, because there's money-lending sectors 501 00:29:46,600 --> 00:29:46,820 et cetera. 502 00:29:46,820 --> 00:29:47,500 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Exactly. 503 00:29:47,500 --> 00:29:48,430 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 504 00:29:48,430 --> 00:29:52,350 ROBERT TOWNSEND: So yeah, that's like one topic away. 505 00:29:52,350 --> 00:29:55,270 I'll come right back to that. 506 00:29:55,270 --> 00:29:58,240 But to answer your question, it's 507 00:29:58,240 --> 00:30:01,270 going to turn out that directly connected, 508 00:30:01,270 --> 00:30:05,020 at least in consumption, is helpful, but indirectly 509 00:30:05,020 --> 00:30:07,810 connected, through gifts and loans 510 00:30:07,810 --> 00:30:10,660 to someone in the village, even though you're not, 511 00:30:10,660 --> 00:30:14,230 is as effective in consumption-smoothing. 512 00:30:14,230 --> 00:30:20,350 So that's then consistent with the previous paper, 513 00:30:20,350 --> 00:30:22,875 although it's not quite so clean with investment. 514 00:30:30,620 --> 00:30:32,080 So what are these institutions? 515 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:35,470 Well, by now you probably know the names of them. 516 00:30:35,470 --> 00:30:39,640 They've been coming up in previous lectures. 517 00:30:39,640 --> 00:30:42,660 We find that this bank for agriculture 518 00:30:42,660 --> 00:30:45,460 and agricultural cooperatives is helpful in smoothing 519 00:30:45,460 --> 00:30:46,840 consumption and investment. 520 00:30:46,840 --> 00:30:49,300 It looks, from the transactions data, 521 00:30:49,300 --> 00:30:52,390 is if that has to do with its credit operation. 522 00:30:52,390 --> 00:30:55,180 They're basically embedding credit and insurance 523 00:30:55,180 --> 00:30:57,640 in their loan contracts. 524 00:30:57,640 --> 00:31:01,000 It's not, "you pay back the loan or default." 525 00:31:01,000 --> 00:31:04,900 There's a whole schedule for repayment. 526 00:31:04,900 --> 00:31:09,470 And it's adjusted by aggregate local/regional shocks, 527 00:31:09,470 --> 00:31:10,990 and so on. 528 00:31:10,990 --> 00:31:15,260 It's quite sophisticated. 529 00:31:15,260 --> 00:31:18,260 In the financial crisis, the World Bank 530 00:31:18,260 --> 00:31:22,190 went in there determined to see this stereotype everywhere, 531 00:31:22,190 --> 00:31:26,330 since remember, finance companies and commercial bank 532 00:31:26,330 --> 00:31:29,270 failures triggered the Asia financial crisis. 533 00:31:32,070 --> 00:31:35,870 So they looked at the BAAC history of over arrears, 534 00:31:35,870 --> 00:31:38,300 and concluded that it was another disaster. 535 00:31:38,300 --> 00:31:41,870 But actually they were running an insurance operation. 536 00:31:41,870 --> 00:31:44,140 And that's what shows up in the consumption data. 537 00:31:46,780 --> 00:31:49,240 Commercial banks are helping to smooth somewhat. 538 00:31:49,240 --> 00:31:53,770 It's largely, though, through formal savings accounts. 539 00:31:53,770 --> 00:31:55,720 Loans are pretty thin in the data. 540 00:32:00,380 --> 00:32:02,920 So what are we going to do? 541 00:32:02,920 --> 00:32:05,680 You've seen this model before. 542 00:32:05,680 --> 00:32:08,720 This is Greenwood and Javanovic. 543 00:32:08,720 --> 00:32:14,570 By the way, we're sort of in the data micro part of the class. 544 00:32:14,570 --> 00:32:17,470 Don't forget about all that macro. 545 00:32:17,470 --> 00:32:20,770 So the Greenwood-Jovanovic model assumes 546 00:32:20,770 --> 00:32:23,620 that the benefit of being in a financial institution 547 00:32:23,620 --> 00:32:28,390 is better information and risk-sharing. 548 00:32:28,390 --> 00:32:31,120 So here we are looking at the data 549 00:32:31,120 --> 00:32:33,730 to see if that's a good assumption or not, 550 00:32:33,730 --> 00:32:36,130 actually institution by institution. 551 00:32:36,130 --> 00:32:41,350 So there is a direct, immediate link 552 00:32:41,350 --> 00:32:45,130 of this micro work with those macro models. 553 00:32:45,130 --> 00:32:47,110 Or even if we reject, then it should 554 00:32:47,110 --> 00:32:51,390 inform what we assume within those macro models. 555 00:32:51,390 --> 00:32:54,100 So remember, in Greenwood and Javanovic, 556 00:32:54,100 --> 00:32:58,390 there was a cost to joining the financial system. 557 00:32:58,390 --> 00:33:02,770 We're going to let this be a household-specific cost. 558 00:33:02,770 --> 00:33:04,720 And basically we're going to want something 559 00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:10,420 like instruments, like distance from the branch, which 560 00:33:10,420 --> 00:33:11,860 varies across households. 561 00:33:17,830 --> 00:33:20,920 Just a little bit on the underlying model, 562 00:33:20,920 --> 00:33:23,620 just to remind you, because you've actually seen it before. 563 00:33:23,620 --> 00:33:28,570 You've got output, which is a function of the current capital 564 00:33:28,570 --> 00:33:36,400 stock, and then the sum of an aggregate idiosyncratic shock, 565 00:33:36,400 --> 00:33:39,970 aggregate at the whatever level, regional/national level, 566 00:33:39,970 --> 00:33:43,620 idiosyncratic at the level of the households. 567 00:33:43,620 --> 00:33:48,150 As I said, we're going to embed investment in this, 568 00:33:48,150 --> 00:33:51,240 adding that to the risk and insurance in village India. 569 00:33:51,240 --> 00:33:54,000 So there's going to be some adjustment costs to adjusting 570 00:33:54,000 --> 00:33:55,620 your capital stock. 571 00:33:55,620 --> 00:33:59,895 This is also buffeted around by IID shocks. 572 00:34:03,400 --> 00:34:05,350 This is new. 573 00:34:05,350 --> 00:34:06,760 This is a preference shock. 574 00:34:06,760 --> 00:34:09,550 We're going to put something in the utility function which 575 00:34:09,550 --> 00:34:10,960 is autocorrelated. 576 00:34:13,770 --> 00:34:16,360 I'm actually bending over backwards 577 00:34:16,360 --> 00:34:19,650 to create a bias here. 578 00:34:19,650 --> 00:34:24,280 What we're going to want to be able to do an instrument is 579 00:34:24,280 --> 00:34:27,639 to say that the instrument has to do with, 580 00:34:27,639 --> 00:34:30,159 does influence the selection of being 581 00:34:30,159 --> 00:34:32,889 a member of a financial institution, 582 00:34:32,889 --> 00:34:38,500 and conditioned on that, does not influence the outcome, 583 00:34:38,500 --> 00:34:39,699 in the future, at least. 584 00:34:39,699 --> 00:34:42,219 But you can imagine, with autocorrelated preference 585 00:34:42,219 --> 00:34:44,500 shocks, that part of the decision 586 00:34:44,500 --> 00:34:46,659 to join the financial institution today 587 00:34:46,659 --> 00:34:50,170 has to do with that urgency or patience. 588 00:34:50,170 --> 00:34:51,940 And if that carries on into the future, 589 00:34:51,940 --> 00:34:54,695 it will also affect the endogenous variables. 590 00:34:54,695 --> 00:34:56,320 So we want to make it hard, and then we 591 00:34:56,320 --> 00:35:02,380 want to get rid of the problem, to show 592 00:35:02,380 --> 00:35:05,140 that we have the ability to get rid of the problem. 593 00:35:05,140 --> 00:35:08,200 You may remember how this works, though. 594 00:35:08,200 --> 00:35:12,400 You create a value function for being a participant 595 00:35:12,400 --> 00:35:14,560 in the financial system. 596 00:35:14,560 --> 00:35:18,650 If you join, you subtract off that fixed cost. 597 00:35:18,650 --> 00:35:24,570 And this is just the array of the other variables. 598 00:35:24,570 --> 00:35:27,150 You're joining after the realization of the adjustment 599 00:35:27,150 --> 00:35:30,570 cost shock, the idiosyncratic and aggregate shock, 600 00:35:30,570 --> 00:35:32,070 and the preference shock. 601 00:35:32,070 --> 00:35:34,260 You could choose not to join. 602 00:35:34,260 --> 00:35:36,330 You'd have another value function. 603 00:35:36,330 --> 00:35:41,300 I think we even used V and W in the earlier lecture. 604 00:35:41,300 --> 00:35:44,490 So but you don't subtract off the cost 605 00:35:44,490 --> 00:35:46,380 from the capital stock. 606 00:35:46,380 --> 00:35:50,370 If you saw the autarky problem, then you've kind of already 607 00:35:50,370 --> 00:35:52,830 seen the solution to the consumption part 608 00:35:52,830 --> 00:35:56,460 of the intermediated problem. 609 00:35:56,460 --> 00:36:02,670 You can just sort of list the equations for p equal 1, 610 00:36:02,670 --> 00:36:04,320 participant. 611 00:36:04,320 --> 00:36:07,170 They've got the V value function. 612 00:36:07,170 --> 00:36:12,390 You've got consumption as a function of your preference 613 00:36:12,390 --> 00:36:14,820 shock, and aggregate consumption, and your Pareto 614 00:36:14,820 --> 00:36:16,710 weight. 615 00:36:16,710 --> 00:36:19,450 By the way, you haven't seen this today, 616 00:36:19,450 --> 00:36:23,160 but investment is also a function of the adjustment 617 00:36:23,160 --> 00:36:29,520 cost, the capital stock, and the same aggregate consumption. 618 00:36:29,520 --> 00:36:32,920 Because it's the same resource constraint. 619 00:36:32,920 --> 00:36:35,340 So the price of consumption today, actually, 620 00:36:35,340 --> 00:36:38,550 versus tomorrow, is not only influencing 621 00:36:38,550 --> 00:36:44,040 consumption, it's influencing investment intertemporally. 622 00:36:47,040 --> 00:36:53,730 And we'll come back to that and repeat it 623 00:36:53,730 --> 00:36:55,750 in the lecture on Thursday. 624 00:36:55,750 --> 00:36:59,280 And this is just the autarky equation. 625 00:36:59,280 --> 00:37:01,410 You don't see aggregate consumption anywhere. 626 00:37:01,410 --> 00:37:03,930 People are on their own, and so on. 627 00:37:03,930 --> 00:37:05,910 There's no way you could see and totally 628 00:37:05,910 --> 00:37:10,410 understand all the individual variables at this level. 629 00:37:10,410 --> 00:37:12,060 I'm going too fast for that. 630 00:37:12,060 --> 00:37:16,940 But I just want you to think about what you see in the data. 631 00:37:16,940 --> 00:37:21,460 You're going to see kind of a weighted average 632 00:37:21,460 --> 00:37:26,350 of these things, weighted by participation. 633 00:37:26,350 --> 00:37:28,990 So actually you're either in this branch 634 00:37:28,990 --> 00:37:31,610 or you're in this one. 635 00:37:31,610 --> 00:37:33,485 And being an instrument for these Ps. 636 00:37:36,220 --> 00:37:39,700 But anyway, it's convenient to write it down this way, 637 00:37:39,700 --> 00:37:44,200 and derive the sort of econometric equations 638 00:37:44,200 --> 00:37:45,850 you're going to take to the data. 639 00:37:51,530 --> 00:37:53,050 I actually take first differences, 640 00:37:53,050 --> 00:37:55,600 but the same principle applies. 641 00:37:55,600 --> 00:38:00,400 These instruments are the history of the person's 642 00:38:00,400 --> 00:38:01,660 institutional use. 643 00:38:01,660 --> 00:38:04,300 Like predetermined variables is an indicator 644 00:38:04,300 --> 00:38:11,500 for their current participation at the village level, 645 00:38:11,500 --> 00:38:14,020 actually, not at the household level. 646 00:38:14,020 --> 00:38:16,822 The time to the district center is the most compelling. 647 00:38:16,822 --> 00:38:19,030 That's like how long does it take to get to the bank. 648 00:38:22,220 --> 00:38:26,080 And then we have some GIS measure of access 649 00:38:26,080 --> 00:38:29,260 in the local area, which is supposed to pick up, like, 650 00:38:29,260 --> 00:38:33,340 their active credit officers in one spot 651 00:38:33,340 --> 00:38:38,005 and some not-so-active credit officers in other areas. 652 00:38:42,720 --> 00:38:53,580 And then the data you know, this was from May of 1997, 653 00:38:53,580 --> 00:39:02,860 in this case, when we wrote this paper, through 2001. 654 00:39:02,860 --> 00:39:06,370 And I already gave you the conclusions basically. 655 00:39:13,062 --> 00:39:17,060 And in fact you're going to see the equations again 656 00:39:17,060 --> 00:39:19,790 when we get to this informal, because it's 657 00:39:19,790 --> 00:39:24,320 very similar-looking no point in repeating. 658 00:39:24,320 --> 00:39:33,650 So this is what I've been doing with Cynthia and [? Whit. ?] 659 00:39:33,650 --> 00:39:37,580 So we have the measured chains of financial transactions, 660 00:39:37,580 --> 00:39:40,565 gifts and loans, from one family to another. 661 00:39:48,380 --> 00:39:50,810 So we've already talked about the fact 662 00:39:50,810 --> 00:39:52,970 that people with indirect connections who 663 00:39:52,970 --> 00:39:55,490 are not directly customers but are 664 00:39:55,490 --> 00:39:57,890 connected through other households 665 00:39:57,890 --> 00:40:00,050 are going to do quite well. 666 00:40:00,050 --> 00:40:02,660 There's a flip side to that, is we've been 667 00:40:02,660 --> 00:40:07,060 measuring the control group. 668 00:40:07,060 --> 00:40:11,100 The control group was an average of people 669 00:40:11,100 --> 00:40:15,030 who were indirect previously, indirectly connected or not 670 00:40:15,030 --> 00:40:16,030 connected at all. 671 00:40:16,030 --> 00:40:18,150 And when we separate that out, we 672 00:40:18,150 --> 00:40:20,340 have the "not connected at all" people. 673 00:40:20,340 --> 00:40:24,430 And it turns out they're actually the most vulnerable. 674 00:40:24,430 --> 00:40:30,300 So their vulnerability was being concealed. 675 00:40:30,300 --> 00:40:35,010 And there's some work in Mexico that is very, very similar 676 00:40:35,010 --> 00:40:35,850 in spirit. 677 00:40:35,850 --> 00:40:37,890 The data is a bit different, so the details 678 00:40:37,890 --> 00:40:43,200 are a bit different, Andgelucci, and Rangel, Rasul, and so on. 679 00:40:48,420 --> 00:40:51,090 Investment's going to be a bit of a different story. 680 00:40:51,090 --> 00:40:53,130 Kin are going to matter, but it's almost 681 00:40:53,130 --> 00:40:54,735 like an out-of-equilibrium story. 682 00:40:59,175 --> 00:41:01,650 Let me come back to that. 683 00:41:01,650 --> 00:41:03,540 I won't dwell on this slide. 684 00:41:03,540 --> 00:41:06,570 It's just showing you that there is a lot of borrowing, 685 00:41:06,570 --> 00:41:09,720 and lending, and gift-giving. 686 00:41:09,720 --> 00:41:15,580 And when it happens, it happens typically, 687 00:41:15,580 --> 00:41:18,440 you know, depending on which line 688 00:41:18,440 --> 00:41:25,550 you're looking at, three to five times during a sample. 689 00:41:25,550 --> 00:41:26,750 And the amounts are large. 690 00:41:26,750 --> 00:41:31,320 The borrowing transaction is like 60% your monthly income. 691 00:41:31,320 --> 00:41:36,340 So you know, take your student stipend and-- 692 00:41:36,340 --> 00:41:38,190 it's a big number. 693 00:41:38,190 --> 00:41:39,610 No, I'm not saying your stipend. 694 00:41:39,610 --> 00:41:40,600 It's a big percent. 695 00:41:40,600 --> 00:41:44,450 AUDIENCE: [CHUCKLES] We would never 696 00:41:44,450 --> 00:41:46,508 make that misunderstanding [INAUDIBLE].. 697 00:41:46,508 --> 00:41:53,320 ROBERT TOWNSEND: [CHUCKLES] So this 698 00:41:53,320 --> 00:41:55,930 is the equation I was alluding to that I didn't show you 699 00:41:55,930 --> 00:41:59,280 on the previous paper with Alem. 700 00:41:59,280 --> 00:42:01,450 But basically, first-differenced, we 701 00:42:01,450 --> 00:42:04,270 have the change in household consumption 702 00:42:04,270 --> 00:42:06,520 in village v at date t. 703 00:42:06,520 --> 00:42:08,990 This is the change in the income of household 704 00:42:08,990 --> 00:42:10,670 i in village v at date t. 705 00:42:10,670 --> 00:42:13,390 This is the vulnerability coefficient 706 00:42:13,390 --> 00:42:18,010 that we're interested in seeing how big or small it is. 707 00:42:18,010 --> 00:42:25,720 And then we start interacting that change in income with 708 00:42:25,720 --> 00:42:32,200 basically a direct member or "indirectly-connected," quote, 709 00:42:32,200 --> 00:42:35,060 member of a financial institution. 710 00:42:38,410 --> 00:42:43,720 And one hopes that this might be not trivial, 711 00:42:43,720 --> 00:42:49,550 but this would be negative and subtract off 712 00:42:49,550 --> 00:42:52,730 for those who are members, and customers, and so on. 713 00:42:52,730 --> 00:42:54,800 K is kinship. 714 00:42:54,800 --> 00:42:56,510 That's also entering-- we're trying 715 00:42:56,510 --> 00:42:58,790 to distinguish sort of having family 716 00:42:58,790 --> 00:43:01,880 in the village as opposed to having measured transactions. 717 00:43:01,880 --> 00:43:02,870 It's a bit heroic. 718 00:43:02,870 --> 00:43:06,470 We don't have instruments for whether you're 719 00:43:06,470 --> 00:43:07,610 in a network or not. 720 00:43:07,610 --> 00:43:13,850 It's a problem for us and for a lot of this literature. 721 00:43:13,850 --> 00:43:17,330 And then this is controlling for net worth. 722 00:43:17,330 --> 00:43:21,950 I mean, as you've seen from the previous slides, the relatively 723 00:43:21,950 --> 00:43:26,180 poor people, at least in India, were more vulnerable. 724 00:43:26,180 --> 00:43:28,010 So knowing that a priori, we want 725 00:43:28,010 --> 00:43:32,750 to take that effect out and control for it, at least 726 00:43:32,750 --> 00:43:36,070 in this additive way. 727 00:43:36,070 --> 00:43:38,215 This is the investment equation. 728 00:43:41,420 --> 00:43:43,090 It's basically very similar. 729 00:43:43,090 --> 00:43:44,690 I is just investment. 730 00:43:44,690 --> 00:43:47,140 It's actually normalized by the capital stock. 731 00:43:47,140 --> 00:43:50,020 So it's investment per unit capital. 732 00:43:50,020 --> 00:43:52,300 And again, it allows for the direct effect 733 00:43:52,300 --> 00:43:55,150 of the income per unit of capital, 734 00:43:55,150 --> 00:43:59,860 as well as the direct and indirect connections. 735 00:44:03,010 --> 00:44:07,420 I should have highlighted that, in both of these equations, 736 00:44:07,420 --> 00:44:14,180 you've got these time-varying calm and fixed effects. 737 00:44:14,180 --> 00:44:16,700 This is what the theory is telling us to do. 738 00:44:16,700 --> 00:44:19,990 It's not as though consumption doesn't move with income. 739 00:44:19,990 --> 00:44:23,620 Consumption can move with this fixed effect. 740 00:44:23,620 --> 00:44:25,570 I should have also said, previously, 741 00:44:25,570 --> 00:44:28,720 with my mention of the econometric problems 742 00:44:28,720 --> 00:44:30,760 of measuring average consumption and putting it 743 00:44:30,760 --> 00:44:32,740 on the right-hand side, that you can just 744 00:44:32,740 --> 00:44:36,010 replace that with an unobserved fixed effect. 745 00:44:36,010 --> 00:44:39,310 And the theory gives you the interpretation of what it is. 746 00:44:39,310 --> 00:44:44,360 Or you could subtract it all off from the left-hand side. 747 00:44:44,360 --> 00:44:46,930 And when the coefficient is 1, that's 748 00:44:46,930 --> 00:44:48,310 also a reasonable thing to do. 749 00:44:48,310 --> 00:44:51,355 Here we're just putting in these time-varying fixed effects. 750 00:44:59,260 --> 00:45:02,380 So this is the coefficient for those people 751 00:45:02,380 --> 00:45:05,140 without any access, direct or indirect. 752 00:45:07,720 --> 00:45:11,220 This is how much you'd subtract if you look at direct bank-- 753 00:45:11,220 --> 00:45:14,880 yes, these are very similar numbers. 754 00:45:14,880 --> 00:45:18,610 I always get accused of biasing this stuff. 755 00:45:18,610 --> 00:45:21,700 Anyway, so the sum of these things 756 00:45:21,700 --> 00:45:23,920 is significantly different from zero. 757 00:45:23,920 --> 00:45:30,190 And the point is you've achieved the benchmark standard. 758 00:45:30,190 --> 00:45:33,280 But equally interesting is, when you 759 00:45:33,280 --> 00:45:35,680 have the indirect connections, you're subtracting off 760 00:45:35,680 --> 00:45:38,430 virtually the same number. 761 00:45:38,430 --> 00:45:40,050 Kin didn't help in this case. 762 00:45:43,954 --> 00:45:45,906 AUDIENCE: Sorry, is there a way to augment-- 763 00:45:45,906 --> 00:45:47,281 because we have direct connection 764 00:45:47,281 --> 00:45:48,590 and indirect connection. 765 00:45:48,590 --> 00:45:52,027 Would it help me more to have both? 766 00:45:52,027 --> 00:45:53,860 ROBERT TOWNSEND: That's what indirect means. 767 00:45:53,860 --> 00:45:54,240 Sorry. 768 00:45:54,240 --> 00:45:54,580 AUDIENCE: Oh, OK. 769 00:45:54,580 --> 00:45:54,920 All right. 770 00:45:54,920 --> 00:45:55,740 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah, yeah. 771 00:45:55,740 --> 00:45:56,580 It's mislabeled. 772 00:45:56,580 --> 00:45:57,210 It means both. 773 00:45:57,210 --> 00:45:58,210 AUDIENCE: Oh, all right. 774 00:45:58,210 --> 00:46:00,430 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah, good point. 775 00:46:00,430 --> 00:46:03,960 And then this is with investment. 776 00:46:03,960 --> 00:46:05,250 Now, what are the differences? 777 00:46:05,250 --> 00:46:06,630 Well, two, basically. 778 00:46:06,630 --> 00:46:11,190 First of all, whatever we're subtracting off, 779 00:46:11,190 --> 00:46:14,310 it doesn't lower the total to zero. 780 00:46:14,310 --> 00:46:17,520 And if you tested, there's still residual vulnerability. 781 00:46:17,520 --> 00:46:21,900 So with investment, smoothing investment against cash flow, 782 00:46:21,900 --> 00:46:25,350 you are left with some idiosyncratic risk. 783 00:46:25,350 --> 00:46:32,180 Although kin are quite helpful, but measured 784 00:46:32,180 --> 00:46:34,526 transactions are not. 785 00:46:34,526 --> 00:46:36,880 It's a little too early to get into this story. 786 00:46:39,520 --> 00:46:41,710 Cynthia and I are still working on it. 787 00:46:41,710 --> 00:46:45,580 But the idea is something like, just 788 00:46:45,580 --> 00:46:50,080 to anticipate when we get to obstacles to trade, 789 00:46:50,080 --> 00:46:52,900 you can't force someone to be in a risk-sharing group, 790 00:46:52,900 --> 00:46:54,340 but they kind of like being there 791 00:46:54,340 --> 00:46:57,500 because they can smooth their future income. 792 00:46:57,500 --> 00:47:00,310 So you can't force them, but they voluntarily 793 00:47:00,310 --> 00:47:02,440 choose to stay even though, in any period, 794 00:47:02,440 --> 00:47:04,180 they have the option to leave. 795 00:47:04,180 --> 00:47:07,800 It's, like, self-sustaining. 796 00:47:07,800 --> 00:47:14,060 With investment-- and this is above median investment 797 00:47:14,060 --> 00:47:17,680 relative to the capital stock-- 798 00:47:17,680 --> 00:47:19,660 investment is big. 799 00:47:19,660 --> 00:47:24,190 The typical number is like 20% of your physical capital 800 00:47:24,190 --> 00:47:26,140 when it happens. 801 00:47:26,140 --> 00:47:29,340 So it's not little, incremental, teeny-weeny stuff. 802 00:47:29,340 --> 00:47:34,240 OK, now imagine, say, someone comes to me 803 00:47:34,240 --> 00:47:35,920 and asks me for a loan-- 804 00:47:35,920 --> 00:47:40,020 I'm the community head, in case you didn't notice-- 805 00:47:40,020 --> 00:47:45,850 and you're going to put it in your project, 806 00:47:45,850 --> 00:47:47,770 and it's quite a good project. 807 00:47:47,770 --> 00:47:50,500 And then, next period, you got a lot more income 808 00:47:50,500 --> 00:47:54,760 than you used to, now it's much more tempting to renege. 809 00:47:54,760 --> 00:47:57,910 Because you're much better off in autarky than you 810 00:47:57,910 --> 00:48:02,180 would have been if you hadn't gotten the investment done. 811 00:48:02,180 --> 00:48:09,310 And so the theory is, A, that either doesn't happen, or B, 812 00:48:09,310 --> 00:48:13,180 all your relatives come and do their thing. 813 00:48:16,580 --> 00:48:18,580 And that's consistent with these patterns 814 00:48:18,580 --> 00:48:22,000 when we're working on numerical estimates. 815 00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:23,042 Yes. 816 00:48:23,042 --> 00:48:25,600 AUDIENCE: I'm not sure if you can see this from this data, 817 00:48:25,600 --> 00:48:29,910 but if I'm talking indirectly, accessing the financial system, 818 00:48:29,910 --> 00:48:33,120 is that link between us, does that person typically 819 00:48:33,120 --> 00:48:35,410 have assets on stock, perhaps, because they 820 00:48:35,410 --> 00:48:38,478 know people will borrow from them, and they want to do it? 821 00:48:38,478 --> 00:48:40,520 Or are they actually just turning around and then 822 00:48:40,520 --> 00:48:42,680 borrowing the pharmacist, and then 823 00:48:42,680 --> 00:48:44,915 being more like an intermediary for a loan. 824 00:48:44,915 --> 00:48:47,290 ROBERT TOWNSEND: I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. 825 00:48:47,290 --> 00:48:50,770 [? Whit ?] and I have this-- 826 00:48:50,770 --> 00:48:53,830 somebody will take a formal-sector loan. 827 00:48:53,830 --> 00:48:54,850 Then it's due. 828 00:48:54,850 --> 00:48:57,290 And they're not doing too well in that year. 829 00:48:57,290 --> 00:49:00,340 So they will turn around and get an informal short-term loan 830 00:49:00,340 --> 00:49:03,100 from a friend, or relative, or money lender, 831 00:49:03,100 --> 00:49:04,780 pay off the long-term loan, and then 832 00:49:04,780 --> 00:49:06,730 with the proceeds of the long-term loan, they 833 00:49:06,730 --> 00:49:08,240 pay off the short-term loan. 834 00:49:08,240 --> 00:49:10,350 AUDIENCE: And that friend or relative, should I-- 835 00:49:10,350 --> 00:49:12,892 maybe the answer is it's both-- should I think of that person 836 00:49:12,892 --> 00:49:16,521 as having money lying around to be ready to lend 837 00:49:16,521 --> 00:49:21,070 to their friend who needs it, or did they intend to-- 838 00:49:21,070 --> 00:49:22,650 AUDIENCE: They can also take it-- 839 00:49:22,650 --> 00:49:23,975 there could be a lot of shame. 840 00:49:23,975 --> 00:49:26,350 And they could also get it from the financial institution 841 00:49:26,350 --> 00:49:28,160 themself if they're a normal guy. 842 00:49:28,160 --> 00:49:30,660 But there is some people who are acting as money lender, 843 00:49:30,660 --> 00:49:32,860 and they have money ready [INAUDIBLE].. 844 00:49:32,860 --> 00:49:34,298 So it depends on the person. 845 00:49:34,298 --> 00:49:36,340 If it's a relative, mostly they're not that rich. 846 00:49:36,340 --> 00:49:38,362 So they'd probably borrow. 847 00:49:38,362 --> 00:49:39,820 AUDIENCE: I guess I'm just speaking 848 00:49:39,820 --> 00:49:42,540 of one of the things the portfolios and the [INAUDIBLE] 849 00:49:42,540 --> 00:49:45,160 book, is that people will simultaneously borrow and save 850 00:49:45,160 --> 00:49:46,380 at the same time. 851 00:49:46,380 --> 00:49:49,785 And maybe this fits in, if part of the reason 852 00:49:49,785 --> 00:49:52,970 I have that savings is because I might need to lend it out 853 00:49:52,970 --> 00:49:55,050 at short notice to somebody. 854 00:49:55,050 --> 00:49:56,200 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah. 855 00:49:56,200 --> 00:49:58,330 So there are all kinds of financial strategies. 856 00:49:58,330 --> 00:50:01,420 You know, savings and borrowing gets pretty complicated. 857 00:50:01,420 --> 00:50:03,370 Because even if you get a loan, then the way 858 00:50:03,370 --> 00:50:05,110 you get the loan proceeds is someone 859 00:50:05,110 --> 00:50:06,460 opens up a savings account. 860 00:50:06,460 --> 00:50:09,460 You don't necessarily withdraw it right away. 861 00:50:09,460 --> 00:50:12,400 So that's one mechanical reason to get that. 862 00:50:12,400 --> 00:50:15,520 But loans can be long term. 863 00:50:15,520 --> 00:50:17,800 And then you have a liquidity problem. 864 00:50:17,800 --> 00:50:19,330 And you don't call in the loan. 865 00:50:19,330 --> 00:50:25,510 So you might want to keep savings to balance that risk. 866 00:50:25,510 --> 00:50:27,250 I mean, this is like the bread and butter 867 00:50:27,250 --> 00:50:28,953 of a lot of things people do in macro 868 00:50:28,953 --> 00:50:30,370 when they're looking at investment 869 00:50:30,370 --> 00:50:33,140 and trying to sort all that out. 870 00:50:37,280 --> 00:50:37,780 Yep. 871 00:50:37,780 --> 00:50:41,011 AUDIENCE: Why [INAUDIBLE] smallest investment? 872 00:50:44,840 --> 00:50:47,090 ROBERT TOWNSEND: They want to undertake the investment 873 00:50:47,090 --> 00:50:49,340 when they have an opportunity. 874 00:50:49,340 --> 00:50:52,010 And they may not be able to do it, 875 00:50:52,010 --> 00:50:53,720 or they may have to wait to do it 876 00:50:53,720 --> 00:50:56,720 until they have the liquidity. 877 00:50:56,720 --> 00:50:58,000 And that's costly. 878 00:50:58,000 --> 00:51:00,510 AUDIENCE: But [INAUDIBLE] differentiate [INAUDIBLE] 879 00:51:00,510 --> 00:51:02,350 tp avoid two cases. 880 00:51:02,350 --> 00:51:05,930 The first one is that there is insufficient insurance, 881 00:51:05,930 --> 00:51:07,760 so I cannot borrow money from the bank. 882 00:51:07,760 --> 00:51:11,090 The second one is that I [? just ?] [? want ?] to invest 883 00:51:11,090 --> 00:51:15,100 because productivity [INAUDIBLE].. 884 00:51:15,100 --> 00:51:19,460 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah, so we'll get to this structural model 885 00:51:19,460 --> 00:51:25,430 of village funds, which takes a stand on the process that 886 00:51:25,430 --> 00:51:27,110 generate shocks. 887 00:51:27,110 --> 00:51:29,000 And then we have to take the data, and kind 888 00:51:29,000 --> 00:51:31,430 of estimate that process. 889 00:51:31,430 --> 00:51:37,590 And then that model allows the-- 890 00:51:37,590 --> 00:51:39,890 and then you get these investment opportunities 891 00:51:39,890 --> 00:51:44,430 which are like random variables, large, chunky opportunities. 892 00:51:44,430 --> 00:51:49,610 AUDIENCE: Here we assume that we don't have to differentiate 893 00:51:49,610 --> 00:51:51,570 [INAUDIBLE] 894 00:51:51,570 --> 00:51:53,400 ROBERT TOWNSEND: This is reduced form-- 895 00:51:53,400 --> 00:51:56,743 I mean, here, I was talking about a model just then. 896 00:51:56,743 --> 00:51:59,160 But we're not quite ready in the class, because we haven't 897 00:51:59,160 --> 00:52:02,820 really explicitly written down these obstacles, 898 00:52:02,820 --> 00:52:06,200 neither the moral hazard or the limited commitment. 899 00:52:06,200 --> 00:52:09,530 So I was talking you through it like what next. 900 00:52:09,530 --> 00:52:11,870 But actually this is just reduced-form stuff. 901 00:52:11,870 --> 00:52:13,595 It doesn't really tell you. 902 00:52:13,595 --> 00:52:18,380 But we're telling a story which I think is reasonably accurate. 903 00:52:18,380 --> 00:52:20,270 But Cynthia and I are writing down a model, 904 00:52:20,270 --> 00:52:22,280 and trying to numerically compute 905 00:52:22,280 --> 00:52:26,630 it to see if it's a reasonable story. 906 00:52:31,600 --> 00:52:34,690 This is what I said in words. 907 00:52:34,690 --> 00:52:36,460 And then this is the Mexican paper. 908 00:52:39,430 --> 00:52:42,580 So it has to do with Progresa. 909 00:52:42,580 --> 00:52:46,010 And they have treatment and control. 910 00:52:46,010 --> 00:52:49,550 And the details are a bit different. 911 00:52:49,550 --> 00:52:53,170 But I think you have these slides. 912 00:52:53,170 --> 00:52:56,450 And there's only like four or five of them. 913 00:52:56,450 --> 00:53:02,670 But I will just say, then, it's not just about Thailand, 914 00:53:02,670 --> 00:53:04,890 and we're not the only one doing this. 915 00:53:04,890 --> 00:53:06,770 Networks is a really hot topic. 916 00:53:06,770 --> 00:53:10,090 Everybody wants to play around with networks. 917 00:53:10,090 --> 00:53:14,760 Esther and [? Arun ?] have pretty good network data 918 00:53:14,760 --> 00:53:15,600 in parts of India. 919 00:53:21,870 --> 00:53:25,950 So one example probably is enough. 920 00:53:25,950 --> 00:53:30,390 Now, I said something about well-intended interventions 921 00:53:30,390 --> 00:53:32,580 causing losses. 922 00:53:32,580 --> 00:53:43,160 This is some joint work We first of all do 923 00:53:43,160 --> 00:53:46,020 estimate heterogeneity and risk preferences. 924 00:53:49,990 --> 00:53:53,240 And then the idea, splicing together these papers, 925 00:53:53,240 --> 00:53:55,340 it's like village India. 926 00:53:55,340 --> 00:53:58,040 So there's aggregate village level risk that's 927 00:53:58,040 --> 00:54:00,920 not necessarily shared very-- 928 00:54:00,920 --> 00:54:04,160 which you have to control for, and it's not "shared," quote, 929 00:54:04,160 --> 00:54:06,650 unquote-- 930 00:54:06,650 --> 00:54:08,810 let me say it again. 931 00:54:08,810 --> 00:54:10,790 You've got all the idiosyncratic stuff 932 00:54:10,790 --> 00:54:12,620 going on within the village. 933 00:54:12,620 --> 00:54:16,580 So it's as if almost complete markets there. 934 00:54:16,580 --> 00:54:22,420 Then you village-level risk, which is aggregate risk. 935 00:54:22,420 --> 00:54:25,660 And then someone comes in ostensibly trying 936 00:54:25,660 --> 00:54:28,390 to insure that aggregate risk. 937 00:54:28,390 --> 00:54:30,730 So you would think, oh great, they're already covered 938 00:54:30,730 --> 00:54:33,070 on the idiosyncratic side. 939 00:54:33,070 --> 00:54:34,960 Now someone else can come in and cover them 940 00:54:34,960 --> 00:54:37,160 on the aggregate side. 941 00:54:37,160 --> 00:54:39,900 Must be a good thing. 942 00:54:39,900 --> 00:54:42,810 And the answer is, well, no, not necessarily. 943 00:54:42,810 --> 00:54:45,720 I've already basically given this away. 944 00:54:45,720 --> 00:54:48,390 Because you have risk-tolerant people 945 00:54:48,390 --> 00:54:51,120 in the village who were willing to underwrite 946 00:54:51,120 --> 00:54:53,410 that aggregate risk. 947 00:54:53,410 --> 00:54:57,280 And it shows up in higher levels of consumption for them, 948 00:54:57,280 --> 00:54:58,900 on average. 949 00:54:58,900 --> 00:55:01,480 It's not as though people wrote a check, 950 00:55:01,480 --> 00:55:02,750 and you got the premium. 951 00:55:02,750 --> 00:55:05,960 But it's showing up, in whatever mechanism 952 00:55:05,960 --> 00:55:11,010 it is, in the give-and-take with informal transactions 953 00:55:11,010 --> 00:55:12,960 and so on. 954 00:55:21,840 --> 00:55:26,040 So to see how we're estimating it 955 00:55:26,040 --> 00:55:32,760 and get some intuition for how we estimate the risk aversion, 956 00:55:32,760 --> 00:55:36,600 if two households had more or less the same coefficient 957 00:55:36,600 --> 00:55:38,610 of risk tolerance, then their consumption 958 00:55:38,610 --> 00:55:41,760 should more or less move together. 959 00:55:41,760 --> 00:55:45,300 But the opposite, if one were very almost risk-neutral, 960 00:55:45,300 --> 00:55:50,580 and the other very risk-averse, then, practically, consumption 961 00:55:50,580 --> 00:55:54,600 is almost smooth for the risk-averse 962 00:55:54,600 --> 00:55:58,290 guy by virtue of the risk-neutral guy 963 00:55:58,290 --> 00:56:00,480 underwriting that risk. 964 00:56:00,480 --> 00:56:05,250 So you can imagine-- and people have done this-- 965 00:56:05,250 --> 00:56:07,860 looking at households pairwise, and just 966 00:56:07,860 --> 00:56:10,470 trying to see how many consumption reversals there 967 00:56:10,470 --> 00:56:11,730 are, and things. 968 00:56:11,730 --> 00:56:12,990 We don't quite do that. 969 00:56:12,990 --> 00:56:15,930 We don't have enough data. 970 00:56:15,930 --> 00:56:18,750 And I'm not sure it's very effective econometrically. 971 00:56:18,750 --> 00:56:24,510 We do take a household, j, take their measure of co-movement, 972 00:56:24,510 --> 00:56:27,480 essentially, compared to the co-movements of all 973 00:56:27,480 --> 00:56:29,200 the other households. 974 00:56:29,200 --> 00:56:32,600 So it's always j, less time, compared 975 00:56:32,600 --> 00:56:33,600 with all the other ones. 976 00:56:33,600 --> 00:56:36,670 Well, it's probably easier to do it with the notation. 977 00:56:36,670 --> 00:56:41,190 So here is that basic first-order condition. 978 00:56:41,190 --> 00:56:44,010 With constant relative risk-aversion, by the way, 979 00:56:44,010 --> 00:56:47,610 it's in logs, not levels. 980 00:56:47,610 --> 00:56:48,930 But it's the same idea. 981 00:56:48,930 --> 00:56:51,240 You've got the Pareto weight. 982 00:56:51,240 --> 00:56:56,340 We're actually going to allow differences in discount rates 983 00:56:56,340 --> 00:56:58,480 across households. 984 00:56:58,480 --> 00:57:01,830 And so that sends sets up a trend, 985 00:57:01,830 --> 00:57:06,740 where some people are going up and some people are going down 986 00:57:06,740 --> 00:57:07,800 long term. 987 00:57:07,800 --> 00:57:09,720 We allow preference shocks-- 988 00:57:09,720 --> 00:57:14,550 actually monthly shocks, because there are holidays and things. 989 00:57:14,550 --> 00:57:17,790 So the idea is to put as many controls in, in some sense, 990 00:57:17,790 --> 00:57:19,680 that the theory would allow. 991 00:57:19,680 --> 00:57:24,660 And then we have this sort of common fixed effect. 992 00:57:24,660 --> 00:57:30,300 And note in particular that actually everything, 993 00:57:30,300 --> 00:57:33,210 but in particular this thing, is normalized 994 00:57:33,210 --> 00:57:41,110 by basically the risk aversion. 995 00:57:41,110 --> 00:57:45,760 If risk aversion is really high, this coefficient is really low, 996 00:57:45,760 --> 00:57:48,850 and so that household's not moving around 997 00:57:48,850 --> 00:57:50,117 with the aggregate. 998 00:57:54,990 --> 00:57:59,730 So basically-- sorry-- almost what we're doing 999 00:57:59,730 --> 00:58:02,430 is taking consumption, regressing it 1000 00:58:02,430 --> 00:58:05,850 against trends, and monthly effects, 1001 00:58:05,850 --> 00:58:10,800 and household fixed effects, and getting a residual. 1002 00:58:10,800 --> 00:58:13,260 The residual is capturing all of this-- 1003 00:58:13,260 --> 00:58:17,660 call it v or eta, and then just sort of see. 1004 00:58:17,660 --> 00:58:21,900 What the correlation is between a household 1005 00:58:21,900 --> 00:58:27,510 i's residual, which is a stand-in for that aggregate 1006 00:58:27,510 --> 00:58:31,560 that's moving consumption, and any other household's i-prime. 1007 00:58:34,130 --> 00:58:36,990 So this is like a moment, basically. 1008 00:58:36,990 --> 00:58:41,150 And we can use method of moments, 1009 00:58:41,150 --> 00:58:44,670 in principle, for all the households, pairwise. 1010 00:58:44,670 --> 00:58:47,850 But we didn't have enough data for that, 1011 00:58:47,850 --> 00:58:50,870 even though we have a lot of households and a lot of months. 1012 00:58:50,870 --> 00:58:53,960 So we just summed that we have household i's risk tolerance-- 1013 00:58:53,960 --> 00:58:57,020 essentially what this thing turns out to be 1014 00:58:57,020 --> 00:59:00,680 is household i's risk tolerance times the sum 1015 00:59:00,680 --> 00:59:06,200 of the risk toleri of the other households in the village. 1016 00:59:06,200 --> 00:59:08,090 But hopefully you're getting some intuition 1017 00:59:08,090 --> 00:59:12,515 for where we're getting the risk aversion measures. 1018 00:59:17,850 --> 00:59:21,590 This, I think, you can ignore today. 1019 00:59:21,590 --> 00:59:25,460 It has to do with whether or not the conventional regressions 1020 00:59:25,460 --> 00:59:31,460 that ignored heterogeneity are biased in some way. 1021 00:59:31,460 --> 00:59:33,590 And early work-- actually Sam's work-- 1022 00:59:33,590 --> 00:59:41,260 suggested that it's even harder to reject full risk-sharing 1023 00:59:41,260 --> 00:59:44,770 if you allow for the heterogeneity. 1024 00:59:44,770 --> 00:59:48,460 Or it could seem that you're rejecting full risk-sharing 1025 00:59:48,460 --> 00:59:51,850 when you assume homogeneity, because you haven't allowed 1026 00:59:51,850 --> 00:59:54,220 this asymmetric adjustment that's 1027 00:59:54,220 --> 00:59:56,530 possible on the part of households, 1028 00:59:56,530 --> 00:59:58,970 depending on their risk tolerance. 1029 00:59:58,970 --> 01:00:03,730 And that's all I want to say, probably even false intuition. 1030 01:00:03,730 --> 01:00:06,250 Because it may not be true in general. 1031 01:00:13,330 --> 01:00:15,910 But then you kind of want to measure welfare gains. 1032 01:00:15,910 --> 01:00:17,830 OK, so how much would a household 1033 01:00:17,830 --> 01:00:22,960 be willing to pay living in a risky situation 1034 01:00:22,960 --> 01:00:25,640 to remove that risk. 1035 01:00:25,640 --> 01:00:29,830 In other words, what fraction of average consumption would 1036 01:00:29,830 --> 01:00:33,220 they be willing to take a hit on and live in a world 1037 01:00:33,220 --> 01:00:36,700 without the risk, as opposed to the world 1038 01:00:36,700 --> 01:00:39,190 that they're currently in. 1039 01:00:39,190 --> 01:00:41,740 Or how much would they be willing to pay for someone 1040 01:00:41,740 --> 01:00:45,310 to come in as an outsider targeting insurance 1041 01:00:45,310 --> 01:00:47,155 against, say, rainfall? 1042 01:00:50,840 --> 01:00:52,340 Lucas did this with business cycles. 1043 01:00:54,980 --> 01:01:00,610 So this number, k, which is the fraction you're 1044 01:01:00,610 --> 01:01:03,460 willing to give up, if positive means that you 1045 01:01:03,460 --> 01:01:07,810 gain from eliminating aggregate risk, but k 1046 01:01:07,810 --> 01:01:09,670 can actually turn out to be negative. 1047 01:01:09,670 --> 01:01:12,020 Here is an expression for it. 1048 01:01:12,020 --> 01:01:16,380 Suffice it to say that it has to do with the risk tolerance. 1049 01:01:16,380 --> 01:01:31,790 And although this slide is a bit tiny, village by village, this 1050 01:01:31,790 --> 01:01:33,690 is 0. 1051 01:01:33,690 --> 01:01:37,520 So basically we're lining up the households 1052 01:01:37,520 --> 01:01:42,510 by their degree of tolerance, from very risk-averse to not 1053 01:01:42,510 --> 01:01:43,860 very. 1054 01:01:43,860 --> 01:01:46,170 And these are downward-sloping lines. 1055 01:01:46,170 --> 01:01:57,040 So basically the higher this risk tolerance, the more likely 1056 01:01:57,040 --> 01:02:02,230 it is that this k or this welfare gain is negative. 1057 01:02:02,230 --> 01:02:03,930 So it's not trivial. 1058 01:02:03,930 --> 01:02:06,730 And by the way, it's not correlated with characteristics 1059 01:02:06,730 --> 01:02:07,590 either. 1060 01:02:07,590 --> 01:02:09,410 You say, oh, it's the rich people. 1061 01:02:09,410 --> 01:02:11,430 No, that's wrong. 1062 01:02:11,430 --> 01:02:16,210 Risk aversion is not correlated with wealth. 1063 01:02:16,210 --> 01:02:21,042 It's as if complete markets, remember? 1064 01:02:21,042 --> 01:02:23,500 AUDIENCE: Could it be due to [INAUDIBLE] within the village 1065 01:02:23,500 --> 01:02:26,900 [INAUDIBLE] institutions. 1066 01:02:26,900 --> 01:02:30,180 So two equally risk-averse people, but one [INAUDIBLE] 1067 01:02:30,180 --> 01:02:32,280 so they [INAUDIBLE]. 1068 01:02:32,280 --> 01:02:35,250 ROBERT TOWNSEND: We actually initially did this just 1069 01:02:35,250 --> 01:02:38,190 on the network households, because I 1070 01:02:38,190 --> 01:02:40,530 was worried about having the non-network households 1071 01:02:40,530 --> 01:02:42,930 in there. 1072 01:02:42,930 --> 01:02:46,020 Although when we actually run the full test now, 1073 01:02:46,020 --> 01:02:48,780 for risk-sharing, taking into account the heterogeneity, 1074 01:02:48,780 --> 01:02:52,410 we don't reject either. 1075 01:02:52,410 --> 01:02:53,700 I don't totally believe it. 1076 01:02:53,700 --> 01:02:56,220 I still think there are relatively poor people who tend 1077 01:02:56,220 --> 01:02:58,200 to be a little more vulnerable. 1078 01:02:58,200 --> 01:03:00,330 But somehow, with all this heterogeneity, 1079 01:03:00,330 --> 01:03:04,560 it's not showing up the way I would have thought. 1080 01:03:04,560 --> 01:03:07,484 It's not soundly rejecting full insurance. 1081 01:03:07,484 --> 01:03:09,276 AUDIENCE: From the data, can you see, then, 1082 01:03:09,276 --> 01:03:13,608 if the risk tolerance is greater amongst-- 1083 01:03:13,608 --> 01:03:16,150 is there a distinction between risk tolerance and [INAUDIBLE] 1084 01:03:16,150 --> 01:03:19,500 network [INAUDIBLE]? 1085 01:03:19,500 --> 01:03:22,940 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Oh, I'm not sure we 1086 01:03:22,940 --> 01:03:26,390 have enough non-network households to do it. 1087 01:03:26,390 --> 01:03:28,640 But the counter to that is that we certainly 1088 01:03:28,640 --> 01:03:31,860 had enough in network with Cynthia to find something. 1089 01:03:31,860 --> 01:03:33,700 So it's probably worth trying. 1090 01:03:33,700 --> 01:03:35,700 I haven't done it yet. 1091 01:03:35,700 --> 01:03:38,990 Yeah, the worry here is that we've left something out. 1092 01:03:38,990 --> 01:03:42,260 The model is just making a lot of strong assumptions 1093 01:03:42,260 --> 01:03:45,140 that there's no alternatives. 1094 01:03:45,140 --> 01:03:46,640 To try to say it in words, we're not 1095 01:03:46,640 --> 01:03:48,680 looking at some indirect utility function. 1096 01:03:48,680 --> 01:03:51,490 We're looking at the direct utility function. 1097 01:03:51,490 --> 01:03:54,815 And indirect might be there if they have other ways of coping. 1098 01:03:57,710 --> 01:04:00,410 When we get to labor supply, we will 1099 01:04:00,410 --> 01:04:03,650 be quite explicit about supplying labor 1100 01:04:03,650 --> 01:04:06,880 as a way to cope with risk, and then revisit these equations. 1101 01:04:15,990 --> 01:04:21,310 So people have-- 1102 01:04:21,310 --> 01:04:26,200 I have, too-- offered insurance products like rainfall 1103 01:04:26,200 --> 01:04:28,840 insurance in India. 1104 01:04:28,840 --> 01:04:32,220 We haven't quite done it yet in Thailand. 1105 01:04:32,220 --> 01:04:36,550 And I'll tell you why we have misgivings about it, 1106 01:04:36,550 --> 01:04:37,690 and some of the puzzles. 1107 01:04:37,690 --> 01:04:42,480 But basically with less of an exception in Ghana and Chris 1108 01:04:42,480 --> 01:04:45,940 Udry, with Dean, most experiments 1109 01:04:45,940 --> 01:04:48,370 in the world, the take-up of these insurance products 1110 01:04:48,370 --> 01:04:49,450 is pretty low. 1111 01:04:49,450 --> 01:04:53,800 Or in our case, in India, people will insure one plot, 1112 01:04:53,800 --> 01:04:56,890 and not insure the other plots that they own. 1113 01:04:56,890 --> 01:05:01,270 So you know, it's not totally terrible. 1114 01:05:01,270 --> 01:05:03,160 There is some price elasticity. 1115 01:05:03,160 --> 01:05:05,680 But there are puzzles. 1116 01:05:05,680 --> 01:05:08,710 I mean, if people are so poor and so vulnerable, 1117 01:05:08,710 --> 01:05:10,330 then why aren't taking it up more? 1118 01:05:10,330 --> 01:05:15,150 Now, one answer you may have already seen. 1119 01:05:15,150 --> 01:05:18,850 They don't really need it. 1120 01:05:18,850 --> 01:05:20,858 Because even if they're somewhat vulnerable, 1121 01:05:20,858 --> 01:05:22,900 there are people in the village willing to assume 1122 01:05:22,900 --> 01:05:23,930 some of that risk. 1123 01:05:23,930 --> 01:05:27,250 And even if it isn't perfect, at the end of the day, given 1124 01:05:27,250 --> 01:05:30,220 the way the policies are priced, maybe you're 1125 01:05:30,220 --> 01:05:32,470 just not going to see that take-up. 1126 01:05:32,470 --> 01:05:35,320 Unfortunately-- and people aren't either taking 1127 01:05:35,320 --> 01:05:40,480 the time to get baseline data or don't bother with it at all. 1128 01:05:40,480 --> 01:05:44,470 They just go in there with an RCT. 1129 01:05:44,470 --> 01:05:46,490 Well, we did. 1130 01:05:46,490 --> 01:05:47,060 Yeah. 1131 01:05:47,060 --> 01:05:50,246 AUDIENCE: So is that just rainfall insurance? 1132 01:05:50,246 --> 01:05:51,670 Or any kinds of insurance? 1133 01:05:51,670 --> 01:05:53,860 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Could be anything. 1134 01:05:53,860 --> 01:05:55,930 I'm going to focus on rainfall as just a way 1135 01:05:55,930 --> 01:05:57,280 to give it a label. 1136 01:05:57,280 --> 01:06:00,380 Could be any kind of weather risk. 1137 01:06:00,380 --> 01:06:03,880 It could actually be price risk. 1138 01:06:03,880 --> 01:06:07,510 Case-Shiller index in the US is about price risk. 1139 01:06:07,510 --> 01:06:09,640 It wasn't just to measure housing prices 1140 01:06:09,640 --> 01:06:12,460 to get his name in The Wall Street Journal every month. 1141 01:06:12,460 --> 01:06:17,230 It was originally designed because Bob Shiller had spent 1142 01:06:17,230 --> 01:06:21,880 years creating a risk instrument which he was trying 1143 01:06:21,880 --> 01:06:24,790 to promote on Wall Street. 1144 01:06:24,790 --> 01:06:26,510 So yeah, so it could be-- 1145 01:06:26,510 --> 01:06:28,450 and in urban areas, maybe it is more 1146 01:06:28,450 --> 01:06:34,090 likely to be vulnerability to price rather than rainfall. 1147 01:06:34,090 --> 01:06:37,420 So rainfall here is kind of like, partly, a metaphor 1148 01:06:37,420 --> 01:06:38,770 for the problem in general. 1149 01:06:38,770 --> 01:06:41,680 But I'll come back with a vengeance 1150 01:06:41,680 --> 01:06:45,196 to look at rainfall in these Thai villages. 1151 01:06:45,196 --> 01:06:48,650 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] even summer and winter, 1152 01:06:48,650 --> 01:06:52,783 they say that rain affects [INAUDIBLE].. 1153 01:06:52,783 --> 01:06:53,700 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah. 1154 01:06:53,700 --> 01:06:57,660 People don't come and buy when it's raining, and so on. 1155 01:06:57,660 --> 01:07:01,650 But you came up with a situation where it was actually good. 1156 01:07:01,650 --> 01:07:03,150 Just trying to remember what it was. 1157 01:07:03,150 --> 01:07:04,530 AUDIENCE: I think we said, umbrellas. 1158 01:07:04,530 --> 01:07:06,322 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah, something like that. 1159 01:07:10,580 --> 01:07:17,690 OK, so here's the vengeance paper with Kamilya. 1160 01:07:17,690 --> 01:07:19,850 So this is all about rain. 1161 01:07:19,850 --> 01:07:29,270 So we want to see the effect of rain on rice production. 1162 01:07:29,270 --> 01:07:31,940 Now again, the typical thing that you'll 1163 01:07:31,940 --> 01:07:33,440 see in the development literature 1164 01:07:33,440 --> 01:07:36,470 is rainfall is the risk. 1165 01:07:36,470 --> 01:07:39,560 Let's just sort of instrument the relevant variable 1166 01:07:39,560 --> 01:07:43,340 by rainfall, and then start looking at migration 1167 01:07:43,340 --> 01:07:44,918 and all kinds of stuff. 1168 01:07:44,918 --> 01:07:46,460 So here, the idea is, let's just look 1169 01:07:46,460 --> 01:07:50,110 at rainfall in the village, start instrumenting income 1170 01:07:50,110 --> 01:07:53,900 or rice production by rainfall, and then look 1171 01:07:53,900 --> 01:07:58,790 at the vulnerability of consumption 1172 01:07:58,790 --> 01:08:04,470 to instrumented income, which people do, a lot. 1173 01:08:04,470 --> 01:08:08,800 Now, it's going to turn out that things 1174 01:08:08,800 --> 01:08:11,500 are more complicated than that within the village. 1175 01:08:11,500 --> 01:08:12,670 The soil is different. 1176 01:08:12,670 --> 01:08:15,220 The hydrology and water flow are different. 1177 01:08:15,220 --> 01:08:20,069 They actually plant at different times. 1178 01:08:20,069 --> 01:08:25,050 So a common rainfall shock, even if it is actually common, 1179 01:08:25,050 --> 01:08:28,770 and shows up and all the rain gauges which we have, 1180 01:08:28,770 --> 01:08:31,740 it's still the case that it has differential impact 1181 01:08:31,740 --> 01:08:36,990 on the households, especially depending on when they plant, 1182 01:08:36,990 --> 01:08:42,350 which is in turn a function of soil and so on. 1183 01:08:42,350 --> 01:08:44,859 So what are Kamilya and I doing? 1184 01:08:44,859 --> 01:08:48,069 We're going to estimate a three-stage production 1185 01:08:48,069 --> 01:08:54,550 function which takes into account the sequential nature. 1186 01:08:54,550 --> 01:08:55,990 There's planting, for sure. 1187 01:08:55,990 --> 01:08:59,680 And then you have sort of the germination period, 1188 01:08:59,680 --> 01:09:01,810 and the planting of the rice, and so on, 1189 01:09:01,810 --> 01:09:03,729 with maybe some fertilizing and so on. 1190 01:09:03,729 --> 01:09:05,925 Then you've got sort of midseason, 1191 01:09:05,925 --> 01:09:07,300 and all the stuff you need to do. 1192 01:09:07,300 --> 01:09:10,615 And then you finally approach and include harvest. 1193 01:09:14,040 --> 01:09:20,960 You know, I'm going to jump, and just show you the notation. 1194 01:09:20,960 --> 01:09:29,920 So here basically is stage I, with predecessor stages I 1195 01:09:29,920 --> 01:09:30,609 minus 1. 1196 01:09:33,550 --> 01:09:36,250 It's going to be looking forward to future stages 1197 01:09:36,250 --> 01:09:38,870 if you're not at the last one. 1198 01:09:38,870 --> 01:09:43,160 So if you're at the last one, this would be the harvest. 1199 01:09:43,160 --> 01:09:45,560 That's the easiest thing to think about. 1200 01:09:45,560 --> 01:09:47,569 If you're in the next-to-last one, 1201 01:09:47,569 --> 01:09:51,020 the output is basically the condition 1202 01:09:51,020 --> 01:09:54,410 of the crop prior to harvest. 1203 01:09:54,410 --> 01:09:58,040 And what influences that? 1204 01:09:58,040 --> 01:10:00,120 Well, if you've got land, labor, capital, 1205 01:10:00,120 --> 01:10:04,850 and so on, as Cobb-Douglas type inputs in the production 1206 01:10:04,850 --> 01:10:08,300 function-- 1207 01:10:08,300 --> 01:10:14,370 but you've also got the state of the crop plot 1208 01:10:14,370 --> 01:10:18,790 that you inherited from the previous stage. 1209 01:10:18,790 --> 01:10:21,130 And then all of this gets hit, at the end of the period, 1210 01:10:21,130 --> 01:10:24,565 with more shocks, including rain, and so on, 1211 01:10:24,565 --> 01:10:27,210 and temperature. 1212 01:10:27,210 --> 01:10:30,870 So this is not a Cobb-Douglas. 1213 01:10:30,870 --> 01:10:36,510 It's a CES that allows some substitutability 1214 01:10:36,510 --> 01:10:40,080 to be estimated between the current state 1215 01:10:40,080 --> 01:10:43,930 and contemporaneous inputs. 1216 01:10:47,800 --> 01:10:50,890 It may not be as extreme as Leontief. 1217 01:10:50,890 --> 01:10:54,070 So you're kind of doomed by the state of the crop plot 1218 01:10:54,070 --> 01:10:56,620 at this time, based on everything 1219 01:10:56,620 --> 01:10:58,990 that happened in the past. 1220 01:10:58,990 --> 01:11:01,660 And then you just have to adjust inputs in proportion. 1221 01:11:01,660 --> 01:11:04,240 Doesn't have to be that bad, but it turns out 1222 01:11:04,240 --> 01:11:06,263 not to be like Cobb-Douglas. 1223 01:11:06,263 --> 01:11:07,930 If you want to think about Cobb-Douglas, 1224 01:11:07,930 --> 01:11:10,410 there's a whole lot of substitutability-- 1225 01:11:10,410 --> 01:11:12,055 labor today, labor tomorrow. 1226 01:11:12,055 --> 01:11:13,750 Oh, it's not that much of a difference. 1227 01:11:13,750 --> 01:11:17,230 Why don't we wait and figure out what the rainfall is first, 1228 01:11:17,230 --> 01:11:20,820 and then adjust the inputs later? 1229 01:11:20,820 --> 01:11:24,465 So this allows us to estimate the ability to adjust. 1230 01:11:27,350 --> 01:11:29,660 And essentially the reason you can't 1231 01:11:29,660 --> 01:11:33,200 use rain, aggregated up over the whole season, 1232 01:11:33,200 --> 01:11:35,840 is because of this imperfect substitutability 1233 01:11:35,840 --> 01:11:36,710 across the stages. 1234 01:11:39,410 --> 01:11:40,078 Yep. 1235 01:11:40,078 --> 01:11:43,420 AUDIENCE: It says that it introduces-- 1236 01:11:43,420 --> 01:11:46,000 [INAUDIBLE] that [INAUDIBLE] induces 1237 01:11:46,000 --> 01:11:48,462 people to plant at different times, for example. 1238 01:11:48,462 --> 01:11:50,170 ROBERT TOWNSEND: No, that's not in there. 1239 01:11:50,170 --> 01:11:53,650 There's a separate equation that has to do-- like a probit, 1240 01:11:53,650 --> 01:11:57,310 basically, which determines planting times as we see it 1241 01:11:57,310 --> 01:11:58,000 in the data. 1242 01:12:05,970 --> 01:12:16,870 So we can look at the effect of rainfall on rice production. 1243 01:12:16,870 --> 01:12:20,520 And we can actually do something with climate change. 1244 01:12:20,520 --> 01:12:23,430 Let me show you this thing. 1245 01:12:23,430 --> 01:12:32,020 So this black thing here is the distribution 1246 01:12:32,020 --> 01:12:35,290 of actual yields across households-- 1247 01:12:40,680 --> 01:12:42,710 and actually it's households and time. 1248 01:12:45,540 --> 01:12:55,340 This peak thing is just using a weather index. 1249 01:12:55,340 --> 01:12:57,860 So you regress yields-- 1250 01:12:57,860 --> 01:13:02,750 same data, our data, onto temperature and rainfall, 1251 01:13:02,750 --> 01:13:04,760 and a whole suite of them, a big, long vector. 1252 01:13:04,760 --> 01:13:07,420 It doesn't have to be, narrowly, rainfall. 1253 01:13:07,420 --> 01:13:10,510 Try to be as realistic as possible. 1254 01:13:10,510 --> 01:13:12,250 And then you run a regression. 1255 01:13:12,250 --> 01:13:15,370 And then you get basically the predicted through the lens 1256 01:13:15,370 --> 01:13:20,570 of that weather index model. 1257 01:13:20,570 --> 01:13:22,040 And it's close. 1258 01:13:22,040 --> 01:13:23,370 It's very, very peaked. 1259 01:13:26,450 --> 01:13:28,250 Well, sorry, that's the first thing. 1260 01:13:28,250 --> 01:13:31,350 Then this thing is using the full model-- 1261 01:13:31,350 --> 01:13:34,610 sorry, using the model, but only the observed rainfall variable, 1262 01:13:34,610 --> 01:13:37,760 and setting everything else at their sample average-- common 1263 01:13:37,760 --> 01:13:42,110 soil, common fertilizer. 1264 01:13:42,110 --> 01:13:47,120 And then the big jump down here toward the data 1265 01:13:47,120 --> 01:13:50,600 is when you start to allow the variation that the model has 1266 01:13:50,600 --> 01:13:56,850 in it, certainly soil variation, and eventually full variation. 1267 01:13:56,850 --> 01:14:01,580 So we're not one to one with the actual distribution, 1268 01:14:01,580 --> 01:14:03,980 but we've made a substantial improvement 1269 01:14:03,980 --> 01:14:06,440 from simple weather indices. 1270 01:14:12,310 --> 01:14:15,910 So people talk about basis risk. 1271 01:14:15,910 --> 01:14:18,400 And what they mean typically is the reason 1272 01:14:18,400 --> 01:14:20,500 there's not take-up of a rainfall insurance 1273 01:14:20,500 --> 01:14:24,340 product is because the rain gauge is way out there, 1274 01:14:24,340 --> 01:14:29,620 so distant that the correlation of the rainfall at the gauge 1275 01:14:29,620 --> 01:14:33,880 with the correlation of the rainfall in the village is low. 1276 01:14:33,880 --> 01:14:37,450 In fact, the Bank for Agriculture introduced-- 1277 01:14:37,450 --> 01:14:40,150 I guess it's now three years ago-- 1278 01:14:40,150 --> 01:14:43,460 an index product. 1279 01:14:43,460 --> 01:14:46,270 And they already restricted it to be something 1280 01:14:46,270 --> 01:14:48,580 like 20, 25 kilometers. 1281 01:14:48,580 --> 01:14:51,010 And the take-up was terrible. 1282 01:14:51,010 --> 01:14:54,340 So then they said, oh, we know, it's basis risk. 1283 01:14:54,340 --> 01:14:57,460 So then they went down to something like 15, 1284 01:14:57,460 --> 01:14:59,860 lowered the radius. 1285 01:14:59,860 --> 01:15:01,760 And take-up was still pretty bad. 1286 01:15:01,760 --> 01:15:04,177 And I think they're going to have to withdraw the product. 1287 01:15:06,580 --> 01:15:09,780 So this is a kind of basis risk. 1288 01:15:09,780 --> 01:15:12,270 What we're saying is, even though we're 1289 01:15:12,270 --> 01:15:14,580 sitting on top of the rainfall gauge, 1290 01:15:14,580 --> 01:15:17,100 within the village, the way that that rainfall 1291 01:15:17,100 --> 01:15:22,710 is impacting these farmers is different across the farmers. 1292 01:15:22,710 --> 01:15:27,630 So we're busy sort of thinking about designing, still, 1293 01:15:27,630 --> 01:15:31,230 a rainfall product, but trying to take into account 1294 01:15:31,230 --> 01:15:32,320 this heterogeneity. 1295 01:15:32,320 --> 01:15:32,820 Yes. 1296 01:15:32,820 --> 01:15:35,112 AUDIENCE: Maybe this is kind of what you're getting at, 1297 01:15:35,112 --> 01:15:38,540 [INAUDIBLE] how flexible is the sort of payout structure given? 1298 01:15:38,540 --> 01:15:40,623 I'm just trying to-- because it seems like there's 1299 01:15:40,623 --> 01:15:42,340 kind of like, a [INAUDIBLE] 1300 01:15:42,340 --> 01:15:46,210 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah, so let me show you Kapphan's-- 1301 01:15:48,850 --> 01:15:50,500 her dissertation. 1302 01:15:58,710 --> 01:16:01,467 So here's her idea, which is basically-- 1303 01:16:01,467 --> 01:16:03,050 and this is typical of the literature. 1304 01:16:03,050 --> 01:16:05,090 She did better than most. 1305 01:16:05,090 --> 01:16:09,530 You have a utility function over consumption. 1306 01:16:09,530 --> 01:16:12,830 Consumption would be autarky income. 1307 01:16:12,830 --> 01:16:14,210 But you have a payout-- 1308 01:16:14,210 --> 01:16:16,640 could be positive or negative. 1309 01:16:16,640 --> 01:16:20,720 And that's a function of this weather index, z. 1310 01:16:20,720 --> 01:16:23,210 So this is supposed to be smoothing. 1311 01:16:23,210 --> 01:16:26,600 And this is an optimal design problem. 1312 01:16:26,600 --> 01:16:29,472 It's output conditioned on the weather index, 1313 01:16:29,472 --> 01:16:31,430 and then the distribution of the weather index. 1314 01:16:31,430 --> 01:16:33,305 By the way, where is she getting all of this? 1315 01:16:33,305 --> 01:16:35,480 She's doing it in the lab. 1316 01:16:35,480 --> 01:16:38,690 She's basically simulated millet production 1317 01:16:38,690 --> 01:16:40,460 in Switzerland or something. 1318 01:16:40,460 --> 01:16:44,540 But she's not out looking at the actual crops. 1319 01:16:44,540 --> 01:16:46,605 AUDIENCE: Is that [INAUDIBLE] soil? 1320 01:16:46,605 --> 01:16:47,480 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Hmm? 1321 01:16:47,480 --> 01:16:50,040 AUDIENCE: Is it [INAUDIBLE] soil? 1322 01:16:50,040 --> 01:16:51,800 ROBERT TOWNSEND: I don't remember exactly. 1323 01:16:51,800 --> 01:16:53,960 But that is a big problem in practice 1324 01:16:53,960 --> 01:16:57,140 when you take these sort of lab-type experiments. 1325 01:16:57,140 --> 01:17:00,670 I forgot to say, we actually use a crop grow model as well. 1326 01:17:00,670 --> 01:17:02,660 It's called DSSAT. 1327 01:17:02,660 --> 01:17:08,060 And we carefully feed in soil depth and soil into that model 1328 01:17:08,060 --> 01:17:09,380 I just showed you. 1329 01:17:09,380 --> 01:17:12,590 But to address your question, sort 1330 01:17:12,590 --> 01:17:15,960 of optimized over this thing, this is the policy design. 1331 01:17:15,960 --> 01:17:18,380 This is the optimal contract design problem. 1332 01:17:18,380 --> 01:17:19,660 How cool. 1333 01:17:19,660 --> 01:17:21,970 I mean, it really is cool. 1334 01:17:21,970 --> 01:17:28,110 And you know, you can see, in her simulated data, 1335 01:17:28,110 --> 01:17:30,360 the distribution of yields for any index. 1336 01:17:33,790 --> 01:17:36,960 And then here's the optimized payout, 1337 01:17:36,960 --> 01:17:42,270 which is basically positive, definitely non-linear. 1338 01:17:42,270 --> 01:17:45,220 And basically it's like [WHOOSHING NOISE].. 1339 01:17:45,220 --> 01:17:48,630 And many of the products that people already came up with 1340 01:17:48,630 --> 01:17:54,630 are like these kind of linear, flat schedules. 1341 01:17:54,630 --> 01:17:57,900 This has more wiggles, and it's more non-linear than that. 1342 01:17:57,900 --> 01:17:59,650 But this is all negative territory. 1343 01:17:59,650 --> 01:18:02,470 This is basically ex-post premia down here. 1344 01:18:02,470 --> 01:18:03,270 Yes. 1345 01:18:03,270 --> 01:18:05,590 AUDIENCE: So these [INAUDIBLE] models, 1346 01:18:05,590 --> 01:18:08,390 do they try to account for price changes that also result 1347 01:18:08,390 --> 01:18:10,360 from aggregate weather shocks? 1348 01:18:10,360 --> 01:18:10,860 [INAUDIBLE] 1349 01:18:10,860 --> 01:18:10,980 ROBERT TOWNSEND: No. 1350 01:18:10,980 --> 01:18:13,322 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] everybody [INAUDIBLE].. 1351 01:18:13,322 --> 01:18:15,530 Because that could push it in the opposite direction. 1352 01:18:15,530 --> 01:18:18,590 AUDIENCE: Yes, absolutely. 1353 01:18:18,590 --> 01:18:21,160 And I couldn't agree more. 1354 01:18:21,160 --> 01:18:23,660 Now, at some level, you've got to either use data 1355 01:18:23,660 --> 01:18:26,840 to decide how price is moving-- 1356 01:18:26,840 --> 01:18:28,690 that's a good starting point-- 1357 01:18:28,690 --> 01:18:33,230 and/or incorporate in your model like we saw with the macro 1358 01:18:33,230 --> 01:18:34,880 development models, the movements 1359 01:18:34,880 --> 01:18:39,270 of wages and interest rates and so on with interventions. 1360 01:18:39,270 --> 01:18:44,280 So you don't have to do just one thing, 1361 01:18:44,280 --> 01:18:47,400 but you're right-- you need to take it into account. 1362 01:18:47,400 --> 01:18:50,592 In Thailand, rice is the dominant crop. 1363 01:18:50,592 --> 01:18:52,800 It's pretty hard to argue that like the price of rice 1364 01:18:52,800 --> 01:18:54,960 in the village is a function of village or even 1365 01:18:54,960 --> 01:18:56,475 necessarily regional rainfall. 1366 01:19:00,595 --> 01:19:02,762 AUDIENCE: It would have to be a pretty big aggregate 1367 01:19:02,762 --> 01:19:03,873 [INAUDIBLE] price. 1368 01:19:03,873 --> 01:19:04,790 ROBERT TOWNSEND: Yeah. 1369 01:19:09,530 --> 01:19:16,730 So we want to do something like that, that optimal design, 1370 01:19:16,730 --> 01:19:18,500 to take into account what we've learned 1371 01:19:18,500 --> 01:19:22,190 about within-village insurance, and their heterogeneity, 1372 01:19:22,190 --> 01:19:24,230 and so on. 1373 01:19:24,230 --> 01:19:27,770 Just two comments-- first of all, 1374 01:19:27,770 --> 01:19:30,310 is it true that within-village stuff is great 1375 01:19:30,310 --> 01:19:33,830 and across-village stuff is not? 1376 01:19:33,830 --> 01:19:36,470 Well, in Thailand it's not obvious at all. 1377 01:19:36,470 --> 01:19:38,180 And in Hong's helped with this. 1378 01:19:38,180 --> 01:19:40,250 We updated some earlier results. 1379 01:19:40,250 --> 01:19:43,190 But basically this section of the slides, 1380 01:19:43,190 --> 01:19:45,770 which I won't attempt to go over, 1381 01:19:45,770 --> 01:19:49,920 is how to test not only within villages but across villages. 1382 01:19:49,920 --> 01:19:55,040 And then you can aggregate it up, villages, and test 1383 01:19:55,040 --> 01:19:57,480 one county versus another. 1384 01:19:57,480 --> 01:20:01,940 So you have you have layered sort of degrees of aggregation. 1385 01:20:01,940 --> 01:20:07,610 And you can use [INAUDIBLE] method-- she did it in Kenya-- 1386 01:20:07,610 --> 01:20:11,120 to see how good the insurance is across the villages. 1387 01:20:11,120 --> 01:20:15,260 And in Thailand it's hard to say that it's worse than what's 1388 01:20:15,260 --> 01:20:17,660 going on within the village. 1389 01:20:17,660 --> 01:20:21,260 So it's just massive remittances. 1390 01:20:21,260 --> 01:20:25,160 There's just huge financial flows coming in, 1391 01:20:25,160 --> 01:20:28,400 which we pick up in the transactions data. 1392 01:20:28,400 --> 01:20:37,520 So I still have misgivings about pushing too hard on this. 1393 01:20:37,520 --> 01:20:39,690 I'm sort of torn. 1394 01:20:39,690 --> 01:20:43,350 I'm torn by the attractiveness of designing the intervention 1395 01:20:43,350 --> 01:20:46,680 based on the data, and yet worried that they really don't 1396 01:20:46,680 --> 01:20:48,900 need this rainfall product. 1397 01:20:48,900 --> 01:20:55,910 And the other thing I want to just point to so you can-- 1398 01:20:55,910 --> 01:20:58,790 sorry, Hong, all your great stuff here-- 1399 01:21:02,720 --> 01:21:06,440 is to say that Chris Udry, with Dean and co-authors, 1400 01:21:06,440 --> 01:21:12,800 have been doing stuff in Ghana, and they 1401 01:21:12,800 --> 01:21:14,180 have various treatments. 1402 01:21:14,180 --> 01:21:16,940 They have rainfall insurance. 1403 01:21:16,940 --> 01:21:19,210 They have credit. 1404 01:21:19,210 --> 01:21:20,270 They have both. 1405 01:21:20,270 --> 01:21:21,610 They have one and the other. 1406 01:21:21,610 --> 01:21:23,530 They have controls. 1407 01:21:23,530 --> 01:21:26,110 And then you see stuff. 1408 01:21:26,110 --> 01:21:28,300 Like you see sometimes that credit 1409 01:21:28,300 --> 01:21:30,760 seems to increase investment. 1410 01:21:30,760 --> 01:21:36,610 But you also see that the combination of insurance 1411 01:21:36,610 --> 01:21:42,300 and credit is actually not helping, although insurance 1412 01:21:42,300 --> 01:21:44,640 alone actually can help. 1413 01:21:44,640 --> 01:21:49,380 So they wrote down a model, a simple two-period model, 1414 01:21:49,380 --> 01:21:52,380 which is clear about the optimization problem. 1415 01:21:52,380 --> 01:21:54,120 And it's similar in spirit to what 1416 01:21:54,120 --> 01:21:56,100 we're talking about today, which is what's 1417 01:21:56,100 --> 01:21:59,160 the shadow price of current consumption, what's the shadow 1418 01:21:59,160 --> 01:22:01,170 price of future consumption. 1419 01:22:01,170 --> 01:22:03,540 If there is full insurance-- which they assume 1420 01:22:03,540 --> 01:22:04,722 in the village-- 1421 01:22:04,722 --> 01:22:06,180 and there are no aggregate shocks-- 1422 01:22:06,180 --> 01:22:08,360 which they assume in the model-- 1423 01:22:08,360 --> 01:22:13,590 then basically you can get counterintuitive effects going 1424 01:22:13,590 --> 01:22:17,670 on when you offer insurance. 1425 01:22:17,670 --> 01:22:19,530 Because insurance moves tomorrow, it 1426 01:22:19,530 --> 01:22:22,080 makes tomorrow kind of less valuable in some sense. 1427 01:22:22,080 --> 01:22:25,410 It actually seems to undercut investment today. 1428 01:22:25,410 --> 01:22:31,020 And these other papers are again treatments, RCTs and so on. 1429 01:22:33,840 --> 01:22:38,570 It's easy to get lost in the details of these things, 1430 01:22:38,570 --> 01:22:41,510 and get caught up with the language of take-up, 1431 01:22:41,510 --> 01:22:46,010 and behavioral responses, and some very real things that 1432 01:22:46,010 --> 01:22:47,480 are out there. 1433 01:22:47,480 --> 01:22:51,290 But it's important not to get lost, 1434 01:22:51,290 --> 01:22:54,290 and to remember the basic sort of framework 1435 01:22:54,290 --> 01:22:57,530 that you're taking in if you choose 1436 01:22:57,530 --> 01:23:03,010 to design one of these randomized control trials. 1437 01:23:03,010 --> 01:23:05,030 Or let me put it another way. 1438 01:23:05,030 --> 01:23:09,380 If Udry had not been thinking about those kinds of models, 1439 01:23:09,380 --> 01:23:12,440 he would be left with some very strange puzzles that 1440 01:23:12,440 --> 01:23:14,670 does beg for an interpretation. 1441 01:23:14,670 --> 01:23:16,280 But even better yet, when you have 1442 01:23:16,280 --> 01:23:19,610 the model and the structure, ideally, with enough data, 1443 01:23:19,610 --> 01:23:21,740 you can actually design interventions 1444 01:23:21,740 --> 01:23:25,730 which are informative about key parameters in the model 1445 01:23:25,730 --> 01:23:30,520 and your guesses about basic obstacles.