1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,860 2 00:00:06,860 --> 00:00:08,900 PROFESSOR: Welcome back to recitation. 3 00:00:08,900 --> 00:00:11,527 In this video segment, what I'd like us to do is work on 4 00:00:11,527 --> 00:00:13,260 this following problem. 5 00:00:13,260 --> 00:00:18,150 Find d dx of the integral from 0 to x squared, cosine t dt. 6 00:00:18,150 --> 00:00:20,200 I'm going to give you a moment to think about it and then 7 00:00:20,200 --> 00:00:21,960 I'll come back and show you how I do it. 8 00:00:21,960 --> 00:00:30,690 9 00:00:30,690 --> 00:00:31,660 OK, welcome back. 10 00:00:31,660 --> 00:00:34,240 Hopefully you were able to make some headway on this. 11 00:00:34,240 --> 00:00:36,400 Let's look at the problem and see how we 12 00:00:36,400 --> 00:00:37,740 would break it down. 13 00:00:37,740 --> 00:00:39,380 Well we know from the fundamental theorem of 14 00:00:39,380 --> 00:00:42,540 calculus that you saw in the lecture, that if up here 15 00:00:42,540 --> 00:00:44,830 instead of x squared we had an x, then the problem would be 16 00:00:44,830 --> 00:00:45,690 easy to solve. 17 00:00:45,690 --> 00:00:48,170 We'd just use the fundamental theorem of calculus, the 18 00:00:48,170 --> 00:00:50,670 answer would be cosine x. 19 00:00:50,670 --> 00:00:52,880 But of course, we don't have an x, we have an x squared. 20 00:00:52,880 --> 00:00:54,490 That's why I gave you this problem. 21 00:00:54,490 --> 00:00:57,270 And we need to figure out how to solve this problem when 22 00:00:57,270 --> 00:01:00,090 there's a different function up here besides just x. 23 00:01:00,090 --> 00:01:02,440 What we're going to use is we're going to combine the 24 00:01:02,440 --> 00:01:05,470 fundamental theorem of calculus and the chain rule. 25 00:01:05,470 --> 00:01:09,340 So, let's start off with how we would do this if it were 26 00:01:09,340 --> 00:01:11,790 the integral from 0 to x, as I mentioned. 27 00:01:11,790 --> 00:01:18,620 So we'll define capital F of x to be equal to the integral 28 00:01:18,620 --> 00:01:21,300 from 0 to x cosine t dt. 29 00:01:21,300 --> 00:01:24,660 30 00:01:24,660 --> 00:01:31,970 And then we know that f prime of x is equal to cosine x. 31 00:01:31,970 --> 00:01:33,240 Now the problem is, we don't just 32 00:01:33,240 --> 00:01:34,400 have this, as I mentioned. 33 00:01:34,400 --> 00:01:36,580 What we actually have-- 34 00:01:36,580 --> 00:01:38,870 let me write this down-- 35 00:01:38,870 --> 00:01:41,635 we have f of x squared. 36 00:01:41,635 --> 00:01:43,320 Right? 37 00:01:43,320 --> 00:01:47,060 That's what this-- sorry let me highlight what I mean-- 38 00:01:47,060 --> 00:01:52,680 this boxed thing is f of x squared. 39 00:01:52,680 --> 00:01:56,100 So we took f of x and we evaluated it at x squared. 40 00:01:56,100 --> 00:01:57,650 That's what we get in the box. 41 00:01:57,650 --> 00:02:01,500 And so if we want to find d dx of f of x squared, it really 42 00:02:01,500 --> 00:02:02,760 is just the chain rule. 43 00:02:02,760 --> 00:02:04,100 We really want to think of this as a 44 00:02:04,100 --> 00:02:05,670 composition of functions. 45 00:02:05,670 --> 00:02:08,750 The first, the outside function is capital F and the 46 00:02:08,750 --> 00:02:11,140 inside function is x squared. 47 00:02:11,140 --> 00:02:15,220 So just in general, how do we think about the chain rule? 48 00:02:15,220 --> 00:02:17,290 Well remember what we do-- 49 00:02:17,290 --> 00:02:18,980 let me come back here for a second-- 50 00:02:18,980 --> 00:02:21,220 remember what we do is we take the derivative of the outside 51 00:02:21,220 --> 00:02:24,930 function, we evaluate it at the inside function and then 52 00:02:24,930 --> 00:02:26,970 we take the derivative of the inside function and we 53 00:02:26,970 --> 00:02:29,060 multiply those two together. 54 00:02:29,060 --> 00:02:31,940 So all I have to do is figure out, is what is 55 00:02:31,940 --> 00:02:33,160 the following thing? 56 00:02:33,160 --> 00:02:40,910 We know d dx, the quantity f of x squared should be equal 57 00:02:40,910 --> 00:02:47,800 to F prime evaluated at x squared times 2x. 58 00:02:47,800 --> 00:02:49,210 That's just what we said earlier, right? 59 00:02:49,210 --> 00:02:53,690 It's the derivative of F evaluated at x squared times 60 00:02:53,690 --> 00:02:55,920 the derivative of x squared. 61 00:02:55,920 --> 00:02:58,180 So now I just have to figure out what this is. 62 00:02:58,180 --> 00:03:00,610 Well let's go back to the other side and see what we 63 00:03:00,610 --> 00:03:02,700 wrote F prime was. 64 00:03:02,700 --> 00:03:08,310 If we come over here, we see F prime at x is just cosine x. 65 00:03:08,310 --> 00:03:13,240 So F prime at x squared is going to be this function 66 00:03:13,240 --> 00:03:15,090 evaluated at x squared. 67 00:03:15,090 --> 00:03:17,730 That's just cosine of x squared. 68 00:03:17,730 --> 00:03:24,830 So we see over here, we just get cosine x squared times 2x. 69 00:03:24,830 --> 00:03:27,550 And because I'm a mathematician, I want to write 70 00:03:27,550 --> 00:03:29,860 the 2x in front before I finish. 71 00:03:29,860 --> 00:03:31,670 Becaues otherwise I get confused. 72 00:03:31,670 --> 00:03:36,100 So the answer here is just 2x times cosine x squared. 73 00:03:36,100 --> 00:03:37,830 Now I want to point out really what we did here. 74 00:03:37,830 --> 00:03:40,370 This is the answer to this particular problem, but we can 75 00:03:40,370 --> 00:03:45,110 now solve problems in general when I put any function up 76 00:03:45,110 --> 00:03:46,595 here, any function of x up here. 77 00:03:46,595 --> 00:03:47,660 Right? 78 00:03:47,660 --> 00:03:50,130 Ultimately, all I did was I used the fundamental theorem 79 00:03:50,130 --> 00:03:52,100 of calculus and the chain rule. 80 00:03:52,100 --> 00:03:54,230 So any function I put up here, I can do 81 00:03:54,230 --> 00:03:56,260 exactly the same process. 82 00:03:56,260 --> 00:03:59,870 I would define f of x to be this type of thing, the way we 83 00:03:59,870 --> 00:04:00,660 would define it for the 84 00:04:00,660 --> 00:04:02,440 fundamental theorem of calculus. 85 00:04:02,440 --> 00:04:04,550 I would know what F prime of x was. 86 00:04:04,550 --> 00:04:08,760 And then I would have to evaluate F at a, at this 87 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:11,190 function up here, whatever I put up there. 88 00:04:11,190 --> 00:04:12,560 So in this case it was x squared. 89 00:04:12,560 --> 00:04:14,200 I could have made it natural log x. 90 00:04:14,200 --> 00:04:17,380 I could've made it some big polynomial or something more 91 00:04:17,380 --> 00:04:17,562 complicated. 92 00:04:17,562 --> 00:04:19,580 Right? 93 00:04:19,580 --> 00:04:22,790 And once I do that, I just follow this same process. 94 00:04:22,790 --> 00:04:24,960 Now, instead of the x squared here I would 95 00:04:24,960 --> 00:04:25,880 have that other function. 96 00:04:25,880 --> 00:04:28,940 So I'd evaluate capital F at whatever function that is 97 00:04:28,940 --> 00:04:31,960 times the derivative of that function. 98 00:04:31,960 --> 00:04:33,540 It's exactly the same process. 99 00:04:33,540 --> 00:04:42,620 So I want to point out that this is a bigger situation 100 00:04:42,620 --> 00:04:44,180 than I had before, or a bigger situation than just this 101 00:04:44,180 --> 00:04:45,220 little problem. 102 00:04:45,220 --> 00:04:46,762 So, just so you understand that. 103 00:04:46,762 --> 00:04:48,570 OK? 104 00:04:48,570 --> 00:04:50,920 So again, I just want to say one more time. 105 00:04:50,920 --> 00:04:53,290 Now you know how to solve problems where you have any 106 00:04:53,290 --> 00:04:55,240 other function of x up here and you want to take the 107 00:04:55,240 --> 00:04:59,120 derivative of this kind of expression of an integral with 108 00:04:59,120 --> 00:05:01,000 another function of x up there. 109 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:03,460 All right, I think I'll stop there. 110 00:05:03,460 --> 00:05:03,703