1 00:00:15,915 --> 00:00:16,849 So why... 2 00:00:16,849 --> 00:00:20,386 So why is the fact that an electron is a wave, 3 00:00:20,386 --> 00:00:22,521 why is that so important? 4 00:00:22,521 --> 00:00:26,792 Well, first of all, because it sets up this detective 5 00:00:26,792 --> 00:00:30,796 story of the electron set up this new theory that's coming, 6 00:00:30,796 --> 00:00:32,731 quantum mechanics, right? 7 00:00:32,731 --> 00:00:35,901 But also, it immediately, just like we started painting with 8 00:00:35,901 --> 00:00:39,238 them, right-- remember that was one of my why this matters-- 9 00:00:39,238 --> 00:00:42,174 we also realized that we could see with them. 10 00:00:42,174 --> 00:00:44,977 We could see with electrons. 11 00:00:44,977 --> 00:00:47,579 Because if electrons are waves, then 12 00:00:47,579 --> 00:00:50,516 I can shine them just like I shine light 13 00:00:50,516 --> 00:00:53,118 and see what it shows me, right? 14 00:00:53,118 --> 00:00:56,021 It can illuminate matter. 15 00:00:56,021 --> 00:01:00,759 So if you look at the frequency here of light, 16 00:01:00,759 --> 00:01:04,964 this is an electromagnetic spectrum-- radio, microwave, 17 00:01:04,964 --> 00:01:08,067 infrared, visible, UV. 18 00:01:08,067 --> 00:01:10,369 Now, here's the thing. 19 00:01:10,369 --> 00:01:14,873 If you want to see something, some feature size, 20 00:01:14,873 --> 00:01:18,577 you're limited by the wavelength of the light. 21 00:01:18,577 --> 00:01:22,581 It can't be bigger than the features you're looking at, 22 00:01:22,581 --> 00:01:24,850 roughlyish, OK? 23 00:01:24,850 --> 00:01:27,252 That's what you'll-- so if you're trying to see something 24 00:01:27,252 --> 00:01:30,055 tiny, but the wavelength of light is really big, 25 00:01:30,055 --> 00:01:30,923 you won't see it. 26 00:01:30,923 --> 00:01:34,827 So we need-- let's say we want to see atoms. 27 00:01:34,827 --> 00:01:39,131 Let's say we want to see atoms, or even more, nuclei. 28 00:01:39,131 --> 00:01:40,032 Look at how tiny. 29 00:01:40,032 --> 00:01:42,668 Those are 10 to the minus n, 10 to the minus 12 meters. 30 00:01:42,668 --> 00:01:44,436 Those are x-rays or gamma rays. 31 00:01:44,436 --> 00:01:47,406 But the problem is, if we shine x-rays on things-- 32 00:01:47,406 --> 00:01:51,243 and we will do that when we look at crystals-- 33 00:01:51,243 --> 00:01:52,845 but if we shine x-rays, it's very hard 34 00:01:52,845 --> 00:01:55,614 to then collect them and make a photographic image, 35 00:01:55,614 --> 00:01:59,418 OK, at least one that gets you that resolution. 36 00:01:59,418 --> 00:02:03,856 And gamma rays are even harder to catch, all right? 37 00:02:03,856 --> 00:02:05,524 But see, here's the thing. 38 00:02:05,524 --> 00:02:10,929 The electrons give you exactly what you need. 39 00:02:10,929 --> 00:02:15,000 Because if we do this math for an electron-- 40 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:17,436 so bring this one back down-- 41 00:02:17,436 --> 00:02:19,371 if we do this math for an electron, 42 00:02:19,371 --> 00:02:20,739 well, I'm going to use-- 43 00:02:20,739 --> 00:02:23,008 oh, I thought I had the middle one. 44 00:02:23,008 --> 00:02:26,545 So if I have an electron-- let's suppose I have an electron that 45 00:02:26,545 --> 00:02:27,046 is-- 46 00:02:30,249 --> 00:02:39,124 electron, I'm going to say I accelerate it over 100 volts. 47 00:02:39,124 --> 00:02:40,692 I'm going to take an electron, and I'm 48 00:02:40,692 --> 00:02:42,094 going to put it over 100 volts. 49 00:02:42,094 --> 00:02:44,530 I'm going to give it some kinetic energy, right? 50 00:02:44,530 --> 00:02:50,102 So it's kinetic energy is then going to equal 100 eV, right? 51 00:02:50,102 --> 00:02:54,206 OK, so now I've got an electron moving with a kinetic energy 52 00:02:54,206 --> 00:02:54,773 that's 100 eV. 53 00:02:54,773 --> 00:02:56,542 Now you can convert this to joules, 54 00:02:56,542 --> 00:03:01,613 and you can set this equal to 1/2 mv squared, right, 55 00:03:01,613 --> 00:03:04,550 mass of the electron times its velocity squared. 56 00:03:04,550 --> 00:03:10,522 And then once you have the velocity, so you get the V. 57 00:03:10,522 --> 00:03:15,794 And then once you have that, you get the momentum, the p, right? 58 00:03:15,794 --> 00:03:19,498 And then once you have that, you get the wavelength, right? 59 00:03:19,498 --> 00:03:22,801 So I can go now from something that's easy to do. 60 00:03:22,801 --> 00:03:27,406 100 volts is a lot, but in a lab safe, not in your dorm. 61 00:03:27,406 --> 00:03:29,608 You could apply 100 volts to an electron, 62 00:03:29,608 --> 00:03:31,677 get it going at this speed. 63 00:03:31,677 --> 00:03:33,812 And once you know the speed, you know the momentum. 64 00:03:33,812 --> 00:03:36,882 And if you know mv, then you know it's wavelength. 65 00:03:36,882 --> 00:03:41,620 In that case from this relationship, 66 00:03:41,620 --> 00:03:46,058 you would get that it's about 0.12 nanometers. 67 00:03:46,058 --> 00:03:47,459 But look at this. 68 00:03:47,459 --> 00:03:50,629 The wavelength of a simply accelerated electron 69 00:03:50,629 --> 00:03:52,898 is right where I need it. 70 00:03:52,898 --> 00:03:54,933 It's right where I need it. 71 00:03:54,933 --> 00:03:57,703 It's an Angstrom, right? 72 00:03:57,703 --> 00:04:02,207 So now, if I take advantage of the wavelengths of the wave 73 00:04:02,207 --> 00:04:06,378 nature of electrons and I shine them on materials, 74 00:04:06,378 --> 00:04:08,547 then I can see materials that way. 75 00:04:08,547 --> 00:04:09,948 And I can see them at that scale. 76 00:04:09,948 --> 00:04:13,452 And we do that all the time, all the time 77 00:04:13,452 --> 00:04:18,089 in many, many different areas of technology and research today. 78 00:04:18,089 --> 00:04:20,826 We use electrons to image. 79 00:04:20,826 --> 00:04:22,728 In fact, the best images you can get 80 00:04:22,728 --> 00:04:25,297 are made with electrons, all right? 81 00:04:25,297 --> 00:04:27,832 Here's an example of using what's 82 00:04:27,832 --> 00:04:29,868 called a scanning electron microscope, all right? 83 00:04:29,868 --> 00:04:33,872 So you see a butterfly, but you want to really see a butterfly, 84 00:04:33,872 --> 00:04:36,141 or we can go even further. 85 00:04:36,141 --> 00:04:38,409 And instead of just drawing pictures 86 00:04:38,409 --> 00:04:40,946 of this these beautiful materials made of carbon-- 87 00:04:40,946 --> 00:04:43,682 those are called nanotubes. 88 00:04:43,682 --> 00:04:44,683 This is called graphene. 89 00:04:44,683 --> 00:04:45,683 Gesundheit. 90 00:04:45,683 --> 00:04:50,756 It's a single sheet of carbon atoms, one atom thick material. 91 00:04:50,756 --> 00:04:53,659 Notice with these materials every single atom 92 00:04:53,659 --> 00:04:54,993 is a surface atom. 93 00:04:54,993 --> 00:04:56,795 That's pretty cool. 94 00:04:56,795 --> 00:04:58,897 They also have lots of other cool properties. 95 00:04:58,897 --> 00:05:02,167 And I'll give you examples throughout other lectures 96 00:05:02,167 --> 00:05:05,170 of how these kinds of materials can be used. 97 00:05:05,170 --> 00:05:06,905 But for now, I'm talking about seeing them. 98 00:05:06,905 --> 00:05:09,241 And this is what happens when you actually 99 00:05:09,241 --> 00:05:10,509 look at them with an electron. 100 00:05:10,509 --> 00:05:11,476 That's a nanotube. 101 00:05:11,476 --> 00:05:14,446 And here is a picture of graphene. 102 00:05:14,446 --> 00:05:16,882 The only reason we can see graphene 103 00:05:16,882 --> 00:05:19,017 is because we have electrons. 104 00:05:19,017 --> 00:05:23,222 And we take advantage of the wave nature of those electrons. 105 00:05:23,222 --> 00:05:24,356 Well, you say, well, OK. 106 00:05:24,356 --> 00:05:26,558 But why does that matter? 107 00:05:26,558 --> 00:05:29,895 Well, that matters tremendously, because one 108 00:05:29,895 --> 00:05:35,300 of the first experiments that really did what Feynman, what 109 00:05:35,300 --> 00:05:37,002 Richard Feynman wanted-- 110 00:05:37,002 --> 00:05:40,272 Richard Feynman predicted the field of nanotechnology 111 00:05:40,272 --> 00:05:41,406 50 years ago. 112 00:05:41,406 --> 00:05:42,941 He gave a famous speech at Caltex 113 00:05:42,941 --> 00:05:45,444 called There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. 114 00:05:45,444 --> 00:05:48,146 He's also an amazing teacher, and he taught actually 115 00:05:48,146 --> 00:05:49,248 the double slit experiment. 116 00:05:49,248 --> 00:05:53,284 I highly recommend you Googling that lecture. 117 00:05:53,284 --> 00:05:56,788 And he said that someday, you can put the atom 118 00:05:56,788 --> 00:05:59,224 where you want, all right? 119 00:05:59,224 --> 00:06:03,195 And the first time that was done was in 1989 by IBM. 120 00:06:03,195 --> 00:06:04,429 They had 35 xenon atoms. 121 00:06:04,429 --> 00:06:05,397 They moved them around. 122 00:06:05,397 --> 00:06:07,833 But the point is, you couldn't realize nanotechnology. 123 00:06:07,833 --> 00:06:10,969 You couldn't realize the ability to actually move atoms 124 00:06:10,969 --> 00:06:14,439 if you can't see them, right? 125 00:06:14,439 --> 00:06:17,909 And this, the ability to see what you were doing 126 00:06:17,909 --> 00:06:19,311 changed everything. 127 00:06:19,311 --> 00:06:20,212 It changed everything. 128 00:06:20,212 --> 00:06:22,247 And nature had been doing this. 129 00:06:22,247 --> 00:06:23,348 And I love these examples. 130 00:06:23,348 --> 00:06:26,385 So nature has been doing nanotech for a long time, 131 00:06:26,385 --> 00:06:27,185 all right? 132 00:06:27,185 --> 00:06:29,221 So you have the inner ear of the frog. 133 00:06:29,221 --> 00:06:31,923 It's a cantilever that is sensitive to a few nanometers 134 00:06:31,923 --> 00:06:32,424 of movement. 135 00:06:32,424 --> 00:06:34,126 The frog can actually hear that. 136 00:06:34,126 --> 00:06:35,627 You've got features in the ant's eye. 137 00:06:35,627 --> 00:06:37,329 I love the silk moth. 138 00:06:37,329 --> 00:06:42,834 The male silk moth has a single molecule detection system 139 00:06:42,834 --> 00:06:46,104 onboard that can sense a single molecule pheromone. 140 00:06:46,104 --> 00:06:50,709 It can detect a female silk moth two miles away, two miles away. 141 00:06:50,709 --> 00:06:52,911 We have nothing like that. 142 00:06:52,911 --> 00:06:54,646 We have no technologies like that. 143 00:06:54,646 --> 00:06:57,215 I can't even tell if someone's in the next room. 144 00:06:57,215 --> 00:07:00,252 I have to look at my phone or something. 145 00:07:00,252 --> 00:07:02,821 This is because of nanotechnology, that kind 146 00:07:02,821 --> 00:07:04,923 of detection system, all right? 147 00:07:04,923 --> 00:07:08,293 But it was the ability to see atoms and molecules 148 00:07:08,293 --> 00:07:11,596 with electrons that kind of blew open 149 00:07:11,596 --> 00:07:13,498 this entire field, all right? 150 00:07:13,498 --> 00:07:14,966 And it's made it so that we can now 151 00:07:14,966 --> 00:07:17,302 try at least to rival nature. 152 00:07:17,302 --> 00:07:18,403 Here is one example. 153 00:07:18,403 --> 00:07:21,006 You're not just seeing graphene, but check this out. 154 00:07:21,006 --> 00:07:23,275 You're seeing a single atom of graphene, 155 00:07:23,275 --> 00:07:25,410 and you're seeing what happens under a certain kind 156 00:07:25,410 --> 00:07:27,179 of irradiation. 157 00:07:27,179 --> 00:07:29,114 And you're seeing this hole. 158 00:07:29,114 --> 00:07:30,449 And you're seeing the hole grow. 159 00:07:30,449 --> 00:07:32,751 And that's really important, because something 160 00:07:32,751 --> 00:07:35,220 I care a lot about are membranes, right? 161 00:07:35,220 --> 00:07:36,788 And another one of these matters, I'll 162 00:07:36,788 --> 00:07:37,823 tell you about membranes. 163 00:07:37,823 --> 00:07:41,293 But here, I'm actually making the thinnest possible membrane 164 00:07:41,293 --> 00:07:44,262 that you could make because it's only one atom thick. 165 00:07:44,262 --> 00:07:45,964 And I'm controlling how I make that. 166 00:07:45,964 --> 00:07:48,300 But I would never know what my controls do if I couldn't 167 00:07:48,300 --> 00:07:51,536 see it in real time, all right? 168 00:07:51,536 --> 00:07:53,805 So this is my why this matters. 169 00:07:53,805 --> 00:07:56,508 It's seeing things at this scale.