1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,640 PROFESSOR 1: --labs based on electronic structure, 2 00:00:02,640 --> 00:00:05,820 and this will cover the next two computational labs. 3 00:00:05,820 --> 00:00:07,860 And on Thursday, we'll start looking 4 00:00:07,860 --> 00:00:09,930 at some of the finite temperature 5 00:00:09,930 --> 00:00:12,150 ideas that are based on the energy models 6 00:00:12,150 --> 00:00:14,910 that we have seen. 7 00:00:14,910 --> 00:00:17,130 This, by the way, is [? Roberto ?] [? Bajo ?] 8 00:00:17,130 --> 00:00:20,610 missing a penalty shot. 9 00:00:20,610 --> 00:00:24,540 So a reminder of what we have seen in the last class. 10 00:00:24,540 --> 00:00:27,360 We have introduced the idea of pseudopotentials. 11 00:00:27,360 --> 00:00:33,180 In order to remove the cost of carrying out calculation that 12 00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:37,710 include the core electrons that are very many, especially 13 00:00:37,710 --> 00:00:41,910 in sort of larger atoms, and that have exceedingly 14 00:00:41,910 --> 00:00:44,650 high oscillations around the nucleus 15 00:00:44,650 --> 00:00:48,030 due to the orthogonality constraint. what we have done 16 00:00:48,030 --> 00:00:53,340 is we have substituted what would be the z over r 17 00:00:53,340 --> 00:00:56,580 Coulomb potential with-- 18 00:00:56,580 --> 00:00:59,760 inside of the core region of the nucleus-- 19 00:00:59,760 --> 00:01:01,110 a pseudopotential. 20 00:01:01,110 --> 00:01:03,300 That is a potential that reproduces 21 00:01:03,300 --> 00:01:08,620 the effect of the nucleus, and of the frozen core electrons. 22 00:01:08,620 --> 00:01:10,890 And as you can see, this pseudopotential 23 00:01:10,890 --> 00:01:14,910 tends to be repulsive close to the origin, basically again, 24 00:01:14,910 --> 00:01:17,940 reproducing this sort of angular momentum push 25 00:01:17,940 --> 00:01:22,140 outwards of the core electrons to the valence electrons. 26 00:01:22,140 --> 00:01:26,110 And in order to make this pseudopotential very accurate, 27 00:01:26,110 --> 00:01:28,470 there has been this idea that has been developed 28 00:01:28,470 --> 00:01:31,320 of norm conserving pseudopotential that 29 00:01:31,320 --> 00:01:36,210 will act differently on the different components 30 00:01:36,210 --> 00:01:39,070 of a valence electron wave function. 31 00:01:39,070 --> 00:01:41,320 So you have an incoming electron, 32 00:01:41,320 --> 00:01:44,430 so you have a sort of ground state valence wave function. 33 00:01:44,430 --> 00:01:45,900 You can decompose it. 34 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:50,160 You can decide how much of it is SP or the component, 35 00:01:50,160 --> 00:01:53,460 and you can act differently on the different slices 36 00:01:53,460 --> 00:01:55,030 of this wave function. 37 00:01:55,030 --> 00:01:59,940 And so with this, basically, we can solve a new problem 38 00:01:59,940 --> 00:02:04,350 in an effective external potential in which the lowest 39 00:02:04,350 --> 00:02:07,260 energy ground state will actually 40 00:02:07,260 --> 00:02:10,919 be identical in energy to the valence eigenstate 41 00:02:10,919 --> 00:02:14,730 of the original so-called all electron on the atom with all 42 00:02:14,730 --> 00:02:15,840 its electrons. 43 00:02:15,840 --> 00:02:19,230 And the wave function for this pseudo-atom 44 00:02:19,230 --> 00:02:23,100 will be identical to the wave function of the real atom 45 00:02:23,100 --> 00:02:25,740 outside of the core radius-- outside, in this case, 46 00:02:25,740 --> 00:02:28,840 three atomic units in this slide. 47 00:02:28,840 --> 00:02:32,100 So this was sort of one of the first important technical 48 00:02:32,100 --> 00:02:34,560 proofs that were introduced in the '70s and '80s 49 00:02:34,560 --> 00:02:37,740 to make this calculation really feasible. 50 00:02:37,740 --> 00:02:39,570 The other sort of idea that I want 51 00:02:39,570 --> 00:02:42,180 to sort of remind you is that whenever 52 00:02:42,180 --> 00:02:44,400 we deal with extended systems-- 53 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:47,280 solids, liquids, and in particular, 54 00:02:47,280 --> 00:02:49,650 when we have periodic boundary condition-- that 55 00:02:49,650 --> 00:02:51,750 is we have our unit cell periodically 56 00:02:51,750 --> 00:02:55,770 repeated in all dimensions-- the eigenstates of our Hamiltonian 57 00:02:55,770 --> 00:03:00,360 take the form of Bloch Theorem, and get classified according 58 00:03:00,360 --> 00:03:02,280 to two quantum numbers. 59 00:03:02,280 --> 00:03:06,090 A discrete number-- the bounding that's number n-- 60 00:03:06,090 --> 00:03:08,730 and the continuous number k. 61 00:03:08,730 --> 00:03:11,790 And the overall eigenstates can be written 62 00:03:11,790 --> 00:03:14,310 as a product of two functions. 63 00:03:14,310 --> 00:03:17,010 One is just a plane wave that has 64 00:03:17,010 --> 00:03:21,300 the periodicity of the so-called crystal momentum K, one 65 00:03:21,300 --> 00:03:23,160 of these quantum numbers. 66 00:03:23,160 --> 00:03:27,420 And the other is the periodic part of this Bloch orbital 67 00:03:27,420 --> 00:03:29,070 written here as u. 68 00:03:29,070 --> 00:03:33,210 And that this is a function with the same periodicity 69 00:03:33,210 --> 00:03:34,560 of your unit cell. 70 00:03:34,560 --> 00:03:37,200 So overall, the orbital itself-- 71 00:03:37,200 --> 00:03:42,630 the [INAUDIBLE] orbital psi can have any periodicity, 72 00:03:42,630 --> 00:03:45,450 but it can always be decomposed into a part 73 00:03:45,450 --> 00:03:52,560 of a well-defined wavelength times a periodic part. 74 00:03:52,560 --> 00:03:54,810 Periodic part is going to be smooth. 75 00:03:54,810 --> 00:03:58,120 Again, we don't have any more core electrons, 76 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:01,020 so close to the nuclei, it will look just 77 00:04:01,020 --> 00:04:04,560 as 1s, 2s, 2p orbitals. 78 00:04:04,560 --> 00:04:07,290 And that periodic part can actually 79 00:04:07,290 --> 00:04:11,910 be expanded in a set of plane waves-- 80 00:04:11,910 --> 00:04:15,750 plane waves that need to satisfy the periodic boundary 81 00:04:15,750 --> 00:04:17,050 condition of our system. 82 00:04:17,050 --> 00:04:20,190 And so we have seen that we can write the functions 83 00:04:20,190 --> 00:04:25,230 e to the iGr, where the G is a linear combination 84 00:04:25,230 --> 00:04:29,160 of primitive reciprocal lattice vectors with integer 85 00:04:29,160 --> 00:04:32,490 coefficients, and all those G vectors 86 00:04:32,490 --> 00:04:36,990 are such that e to the iGr has the same periodicity 87 00:04:36,990 --> 00:04:39,150 of your direct lattice. 88 00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:43,200 And these are the coefficient of the series expansion. 89 00:04:43,200 --> 00:04:45,750 And we sort of can systematically 90 00:04:45,750 --> 00:04:49,260 improve the quality of this basic set expansion 91 00:04:49,260 --> 00:04:52,500 by increasing the number of G vectors 92 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:55,740 that we use, and we can do that systematically 93 00:04:55,740 --> 00:04:59,670 by taking G vectors with longer and longer lengths, 94 00:04:59,670 --> 00:05:03,630 or as we say, with higher and higher energy cutoff, 95 00:05:03,630 --> 00:05:06,090 because higher and higher energy [INAUDIBLE] 96 00:05:06,090 --> 00:05:10,170 longer and longer moduli for the G vectors corresponds 97 00:05:10,170 --> 00:05:14,200 to plane waves with finer and finer periodicity, 98 00:05:14,200 --> 00:05:16,630 so with finer and finer resolution. 99 00:05:16,630 --> 00:05:19,560 So this is a distinct advantage of plane waves. 100 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:23,760 And in addition, this basis sets do not 101 00:05:23,760 --> 00:05:25,750 depend on atomic position. 102 00:05:25,750 --> 00:05:27,690 So when we calculate forces, say, 103 00:05:27,690 --> 00:05:30,930 to do molecular dynamics or a structural relaxation 104 00:05:30,930 --> 00:05:33,090 calculation, we don't need to take into account 105 00:05:33,090 --> 00:05:35,670 the fact that the basis set changes 106 00:05:35,670 --> 00:05:38,790 with the position of the atoms. 107 00:05:38,790 --> 00:05:40,980 Plane waves are not the only choices. 108 00:05:40,980 --> 00:05:42,630 There are a number of other choices 109 00:05:42,630 --> 00:05:44,010 that are very successful. 110 00:05:44,010 --> 00:05:46,020 In particular, a lot of the quantum chemistry 111 00:05:46,020 --> 00:05:49,110 could use a Gaussian basis sets. 112 00:05:49,110 --> 00:05:54,420 So atom-centered orbitals that decay as Gaussians. 113 00:05:54,420 --> 00:05:57,660 This is very convenient to do calculations like the exchange 114 00:05:57,660 --> 00:05:59,130 term in Hartree-Fock. 115 00:05:59,130 --> 00:06:01,390 But of course, you could have just a finite difference 116 00:06:01,390 --> 00:06:02,590 representation. 117 00:06:02,590 --> 00:06:04,950 So you could represent your orbitals 118 00:06:04,950 --> 00:06:07,350 on a grid of points in real space. 119 00:06:07,350 --> 00:06:10,950 That tends to be very efficient to do parallel calculation, 120 00:06:10,950 --> 00:06:14,100 but it's very difficult to do accurate calculation 121 00:06:14,100 --> 00:06:15,780 of the second derivative. 122 00:06:15,780 --> 00:06:18,600 If you remember, when you expand a function in plane waves, 123 00:06:18,600 --> 00:06:21,510 you have an analytic expression for the second derivative 124 00:06:21,510 --> 00:06:24,630 just because the first and second derivative of plane 125 00:06:24,630 --> 00:06:28,170 waves are just ig or minus g squared times the plane wave 126 00:06:28,170 --> 00:06:29,010 itself. 127 00:06:29,010 --> 00:06:30,570 And that's very important. 128 00:06:30,570 --> 00:06:33,630 So that's when sort of real space representation 129 00:06:33,630 --> 00:06:35,460 becomes a little bit trickier. 130 00:06:35,460 --> 00:06:36,945 And then there are a number of sort 131 00:06:36,945 --> 00:06:41,010 of more approximate approaches based 132 00:06:41,010 --> 00:06:44,730 on a number of sort of atomic-like localized orbitals. 133 00:06:44,730 --> 00:06:48,360 Or there are a number of sort of accurate approaches 134 00:06:48,360 --> 00:06:54,080 that are based usually on a combination of a basic set that 135 00:06:54,080 --> 00:06:58,110 has a plane wave-like characteristic in the regions 136 00:06:58,110 --> 00:07:00,510 that are far away from the nuclei, 137 00:07:00,510 --> 00:07:03,810 and then it has atomic like characteristics in the region 138 00:07:03,810 --> 00:07:05,040 inside the nuclei. 139 00:07:05,040 --> 00:07:09,030 And this tends to be the most accurate, but also slightly 140 00:07:09,030 --> 00:07:11,810 more expensive approaches. 141 00:07:11,810 --> 00:07:14,310 This concludes one of the technical points 142 00:07:14,310 --> 00:07:18,420 that you need to be careful in a practical calculation. 143 00:07:18,420 --> 00:07:21,270 The other point that sort of comes over and over 144 00:07:21,270 --> 00:07:25,260 again has to do with Brillouin Zone integration. 145 00:07:25,260 --> 00:07:27,257 Let me give you a first example of a molecule. 146 00:07:27,257 --> 00:07:29,340 So if you are calculating the electronic structure 147 00:07:29,340 --> 00:07:32,730 of a molecule, in the course of your calculation, 148 00:07:32,730 --> 00:07:35,430 you'll need to calculate integrated quantity 149 00:07:35,430 --> 00:07:37,200 like the charge density. 150 00:07:37,200 --> 00:07:39,420 The charge density of a molecule is 151 00:07:39,420 --> 00:07:43,500 going to be the sum of the square moduli of all 152 00:07:43,500 --> 00:07:45,550 the single particle orbitals. 153 00:07:45,550 --> 00:07:49,410 So if you are sort of studying a molecule like just hydrogen 2, 154 00:07:49,410 --> 00:07:52,410 well, you just take the sum of the square moduli 155 00:07:52,410 --> 00:07:53,760 of the first orbital-- 156 00:07:53,760 --> 00:07:56,160 you have more orbital, more complex molecule. 157 00:07:56,160 --> 00:07:59,520 You need to sum over all the orbitals up 158 00:07:59,520 --> 00:08:03,840 to the [INAUDIBLE]---- the highest occupied molecular orbital. 159 00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:06,120 You do a calculation in a solid, you 160 00:08:06,120 --> 00:08:08,580 have to do exactly the same thing. 161 00:08:08,580 --> 00:08:13,920 That is, you need to calculate the charge density by summing 162 00:08:13,920 --> 00:08:17,730 over the occupied states. 163 00:08:17,730 --> 00:08:20,310 Now as I said, what are the quantum numbers 164 00:08:20,310 --> 00:08:24,060 that describe a solid are a [INAUDIBLE] 165 00:08:24,060 --> 00:08:27,060 and a continuous index scale that we 166 00:08:27,060 --> 00:08:28,860 call the quasi-momentum. 167 00:08:28,860 --> 00:08:33,150 And we usually represent, say, the energy of the states 168 00:08:33,150 --> 00:08:35,370 in a solid with a band diagram. 169 00:08:35,370 --> 00:08:37,860 And I've plotted here on the left the band 170 00:08:37,860 --> 00:08:41,190 diagram for silicon. 171 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:43,620 In particular, what we are looking here 172 00:08:43,620 --> 00:08:45,750 is in the Brillouin Zone of silicon 173 00:08:45,750 --> 00:08:48,540 along certain high symmetry direction. 174 00:08:48,540 --> 00:08:52,710 I presume these are the high symmetry points, 175 00:08:52,710 --> 00:08:54,720 like gamma would be 0, 0, 0. 176 00:08:54,720 --> 00:08:58,530 [? Alpha ?] would be 1/2, 1/2, 1/2. 177 00:08:58,530 --> 00:08:59,490 Hope this is correct. 178 00:08:59,490 --> 00:09:02,790 This should be x, and it is 1, 0, 0. 179 00:09:02,790 --> 00:09:08,760 So we plot the energies of all the occupied bands of silicon 180 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:12,960 in different directions along the Brillouin Zone. 181 00:09:12,960 --> 00:09:15,570 Silicon has two atoms per unit cell. 182 00:09:15,570 --> 00:09:19,150 Each atom has four valence electrons, 183 00:09:19,150 --> 00:09:24,030 so we have eight valence electrons per unit cell. 184 00:09:24,030 --> 00:09:28,450 It's a system in which there is basically spin degeneracy. 185 00:09:28,450 --> 00:09:32,340 So there is really sort of the same spatial part 186 00:09:32,340 --> 00:09:34,330 for spin up and spin down. 187 00:09:34,330 --> 00:09:37,380 So what we usually say is that we can accommodate 188 00:09:37,380 --> 00:09:40,470 two electrons for each space orbital, 189 00:09:40,470 --> 00:09:44,290 and they will just have different spin quantum number. 190 00:09:44,290 --> 00:09:46,170 So with these eight valence electrons, 191 00:09:46,170 --> 00:09:48,660 we end up with four valence. 192 00:09:48,660 --> 00:09:51,570 And sometimes, because of symmetry, you have degeneracy, 193 00:09:51,570 --> 00:09:53,670 but you see that somewhere like here 194 00:09:53,670 --> 00:09:56,730 at a sort of arbitrary low symmetry point in the Brillouin 195 00:09:56,730 --> 00:10:01,140 Zone, you can clearly see four bands. 196 00:10:01,140 --> 00:10:04,340 So if we want to calculate the charge density of the system, 197 00:10:04,340 --> 00:10:08,840 we need to sum over all the possible occupied states. 198 00:10:08,840 --> 00:10:12,320 That is, we need to sum over all the four bands, 199 00:10:12,320 --> 00:10:13,520 and that's trivial. 200 00:10:13,520 --> 00:10:18,380 But we also need to integrate over all the possible k 201 00:10:18,380 --> 00:10:18,950 vectors. 202 00:10:18,950 --> 00:10:22,880 That is, we need to make an integral in the Brillouin Zone. 203 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:24,425 That is, we need to sort of really 204 00:10:24,425 --> 00:10:28,700 sum over all these possible states. 205 00:10:28,700 --> 00:10:31,460 An integral is obviously an analytical operation. 206 00:10:31,460 --> 00:10:34,100 In practice, on a computer, what we do is just 207 00:10:34,100 --> 00:10:37,310 we discretize that integral, and we take a sum. 208 00:10:37,310 --> 00:10:38,600 So it means that-- 209 00:10:38,600 --> 00:10:41,840 and again, I'll use two dimension as an example. 210 00:10:41,840 --> 00:10:46,700 It means that if this were my Brillouin Zone-- 211 00:10:46,700 --> 00:10:50,120 two-dimensional Brillouin Zone, and my k vector 212 00:10:50,120 --> 00:10:53,870 can be anywhere in this Brillouin Zone, 213 00:10:53,870 --> 00:10:57,350 what I would need to do is an integral overall 214 00:10:57,350 --> 00:10:59,540 the possibilities inside there. 215 00:10:59,540 --> 00:11:01,730 But in practice, what I'll do, I'll 216 00:11:01,730 --> 00:11:04,010 just take a discretization. 217 00:11:04,010 --> 00:11:06,710 And I'll calculate my band structure 218 00:11:06,710 --> 00:11:11,150 at each one of these points, and say a regular aqueous space 219 00:11:11,150 --> 00:11:13,430 dimension of k points. 220 00:11:13,430 --> 00:11:16,220 And that's an expensive operation. 221 00:11:16,220 --> 00:11:20,390 So each calculation at each k point 222 00:11:20,390 --> 00:11:22,790 will require a self-consistent diagonalization 223 00:11:22,790 --> 00:11:24,360 of your problem. 224 00:11:24,360 --> 00:11:27,410 And so really, the cost of your calculation 225 00:11:27,410 --> 00:11:31,350 is linearly scaling in the number of k points. 226 00:11:31,350 --> 00:11:37,280 So in reality, you want to use as few k points as possible. 227 00:11:37,280 --> 00:11:41,690 For a system like a semiconductor or an insulator, 228 00:11:41,690 --> 00:11:43,160 in which if you want-- 229 00:11:43,160 --> 00:11:46,440 the band gap structure is very smooth-- 230 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:51,110 it becomes fairly easy to integrate that smooth bands 231 00:11:51,110 --> 00:11:53,700 with very coarse measures. 232 00:11:53,700 --> 00:11:58,580 So for something like silicon, you might be already very happy 233 00:11:58,580 --> 00:12:01,220 when you start to sample the three-dimensional Brillouin 234 00:12:01,220 --> 00:12:05,570 Zone with a uniform mesh of k points that could have four k 235 00:12:05,570 --> 00:12:06,830 points in each direction-- 236 00:12:06,830 --> 00:12:10,580 4 by 4, by 4, 6 by 6, by 6, 8 by 8, by 8. 237 00:12:10,580 --> 00:12:14,060 And this is sort of the order of magnitude of the k points 238 00:12:14,060 --> 00:12:16,280 that you need to use. 239 00:12:16,280 --> 00:12:21,950 If you were to study for a moment unit cell of silicon, 240 00:12:21,950 --> 00:12:24,320 you might want to study, say, vacancy information 241 00:12:24,320 --> 00:12:27,260 energy like you were doing in your first computational lab. 242 00:12:27,260 --> 00:12:30,720 Then you are not going to use two atom units. 243 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:34,160 You are going to use a larger unit cell. 244 00:12:34,160 --> 00:12:36,630 And without sort of dwelling that much on it, 245 00:12:36,630 --> 00:12:38,330 suppose that, again, in two dimensions, 246 00:12:38,330 --> 00:12:41,780 you double the size of your unit cell. 247 00:12:41,780 --> 00:12:45,680 What's really happening is that the reciprocal lattice vectors 248 00:12:45,680 --> 00:12:47,690 will become one half in length. 249 00:12:47,690 --> 00:12:49,730 So remember this general concept. 250 00:12:49,730 --> 00:12:53,180 When you sort of increase the size of the unit cell, 251 00:12:53,180 --> 00:12:56,210 the reciprocal cell becomes smaller. 252 00:12:56,210 --> 00:12:58,010 Suppose that we have doubled-- 253 00:12:58,010 --> 00:13:01,640 we have gone from two atoms in each-- 254 00:13:01,640 --> 00:13:04,190 two atoms in our unit cell to-- 255 00:13:04,190 --> 00:13:05,990 well, if we are in two dimensions, 256 00:13:05,990 --> 00:13:07,430 eight atoms in the unit cell. 257 00:13:07,430 --> 00:13:10,880 We have doubled in real space-- in reciprocal space. 258 00:13:10,880 --> 00:13:16,700 Our Brillouin Zone becomes 4 times smaller. 259 00:13:16,700 --> 00:13:22,040 And so if we want to keep the same quality of integration, 260 00:13:22,040 --> 00:13:26,030 actually, it means that our k point sampling needs only 261 00:13:26,030 --> 00:13:29,840 to be one fourth the number of points that we had before. 262 00:13:29,840 --> 00:13:33,170 That is we still use the blue points 263 00:13:33,170 --> 00:13:38,450 that are included in this sort of smaller blackish unit cell. 264 00:13:38,450 --> 00:13:43,460 So that also means that, say, if 64 k points is a good number 265 00:13:43,460 --> 00:13:47,000 for a regular set of unit cell of two atoms of silicon, 266 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:49,310 if now you are going to use a, say, 267 00:13:49,310 --> 00:13:52,580 unit cell that has maybe 128 atoms-- 268 00:13:52,580 --> 00:13:55,530 much larger to calculate the vacancy formation energy-- 269 00:13:55,530 --> 00:13:59,930 you really need only one k point to calculate your total energy 270 00:13:59,930 --> 00:14:01,200 with the same accuracy. 271 00:14:01,200 --> 00:14:04,730 So there is this general idea of scaling and folding. 272 00:14:04,730 --> 00:14:07,730 You make your real space calculation larger. 273 00:14:07,730 --> 00:14:10,840 You actually need to use fewer k points. 274 00:14:10,840 --> 00:14:13,340 And if you are familiar with sort of some of the solid state 275 00:14:13,340 --> 00:14:15,860 ideas, that also just means that when 276 00:14:15,860 --> 00:14:18,260 you double the size of your unit cell, 277 00:14:18,260 --> 00:14:21,920 you are really refolding some of this band 278 00:14:21,920 --> 00:14:24,480 structure in a smaller space. 279 00:14:24,480 --> 00:14:29,450 So you actually sum over a number of bands that increases. 280 00:14:29,450 --> 00:14:32,270 The situation is slightly more complex 281 00:14:32,270 --> 00:14:35,060 for something like a metal. 282 00:14:35,060 --> 00:14:37,478 The sort of fundamental difference 283 00:14:37,478 --> 00:14:39,020 when you deal with a metal as opposed 284 00:14:39,020 --> 00:14:41,300 to a semiconductor or an insulator 285 00:14:41,300 --> 00:14:44,900 is that there is something called a Fermi energy. 286 00:14:44,900 --> 00:14:48,680 That is now there isn't any more a gap, 287 00:14:48,680 --> 00:14:51,050 so the total charge density is again 288 00:14:51,050 --> 00:14:56,990 given by sum of the states, sum over all the bands, 289 00:14:56,990 --> 00:15:01,090 and integral over all the k space. 290 00:15:01,090 --> 00:15:04,810 But really, the total charge density-- 291 00:15:04,810 --> 00:15:07,300 so the ultimate integral that would 292 00:15:07,300 --> 00:15:10,180 be the number of electrons depends really 293 00:15:10,180 --> 00:15:12,130 on where we stop. 294 00:15:12,130 --> 00:15:14,830 And there isn't any more sort of natural separation 295 00:15:14,830 --> 00:15:18,080 between empty and occupied states. 296 00:15:18,080 --> 00:15:22,120 So there is going to be in a metal an energy level 297 00:15:22,120 --> 00:15:26,290 that determines what is occupied and what is empty, 298 00:15:26,290 --> 00:15:28,060 and that's the Fermi energy. 299 00:15:28,060 --> 00:15:33,850 So for copper I think has 11 electrons per unit cell 300 00:15:33,850 --> 00:15:37,360 sort of FCC metal with one atom per-- 301 00:15:37,360 --> 00:15:39,460 one atom in each unit cell. 302 00:15:39,460 --> 00:15:43,420 What we really need to do in our electrons calculation 303 00:15:43,420 --> 00:15:46,960 is find what is this energy level. 304 00:15:46,960 --> 00:15:50,380 That is find what is this Fermi energy, such 305 00:15:50,380 --> 00:15:55,150 that the integral over all the state below that level 306 00:15:55,150 --> 00:15:57,910 gives us the right charge density-- in particular, 307 00:15:57,910 --> 00:16:00,520 the right number of electrons. 308 00:16:00,520 --> 00:16:03,010 And this is sort of one of the difficulties that come out 309 00:16:03,010 --> 00:16:05,890 in metals, because now what we are trying to do 310 00:16:05,890 --> 00:16:11,740 is we are trying to integrate the bands below a level-- 311 00:16:11,740 --> 00:16:13,150 below the black line. 312 00:16:13,150 --> 00:16:17,270 And so you really introduce a discontinuity in your integral. 313 00:16:17,270 --> 00:16:19,720 And so to calculate integrals of discontinuous 314 00:16:19,720 --> 00:16:24,010 function usually requires a much finer accuracy 315 00:16:24,010 --> 00:16:25,790 in your k point sampling. 316 00:16:25,790 --> 00:16:30,400 And so the calculation tends to become much more expensive. 317 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:32,080 Nothing else. 318 00:16:32,080 --> 00:16:38,110 So the general solution to this problem besides using a larger 319 00:16:38,110 --> 00:16:41,800 number of k points, and particular accuracy 320 00:16:41,800 --> 00:16:45,670 to this sampling issue is that of introducing what is called 321 00:16:45,670 --> 00:16:48,230 a finite electron temperature. 322 00:16:48,230 --> 00:16:52,480 So what is actually done in sort of every practical calculation 323 00:16:52,480 --> 00:16:56,270 is introduce a small amount of temperature 324 00:16:56,270 --> 00:16:59,840 so that in reality, there's a sharp discontinuity become 325 00:16:59,840 --> 00:17:00,430 smoother. 326 00:17:00,430 --> 00:17:02,410 Because when you have an electron temperature, 327 00:17:02,410 --> 00:17:06,369 states above the Fermi energy can be slightly occupied 328 00:17:06,369 --> 00:17:09,040 with the Fermi [INAUDIBLE] occupation, and states 329 00:17:09,040 --> 00:17:13,240 just below the Fermi energy can be slightly empty. 330 00:17:13,240 --> 00:17:15,339 So to summarize, I mean, we need to be 331 00:17:15,339 --> 00:17:18,910 careful in sort of sampling. 332 00:17:18,910 --> 00:17:21,730 And that's the other sort of fundamental parameter 333 00:17:21,730 --> 00:17:23,109 of your calculation. 334 00:17:23,109 --> 00:17:24,730 If you are dealing with a metal, you 335 00:17:24,730 --> 00:17:27,280 need to be particularly careful, and you 336 00:17:27,280 --> 00:17:30,880 need to use electron temperature techniques. 337 00:17:30,880 --> 00:17:34,900 If you are using sort of-- if you are studying an insulator 338 00:17:34,900 --> 00:17:37,390 a semiconductor, what you usually do 339 00:17:37,390 --> 00:17:41,890 is just use a regular equi-spaced mesh of k points. 340 00:17:41,890 --> 00:17:44,290 And that sort of known in the community 341 00:17:44,290 --> 00:17:45,760 with a technical name. 342 00:17:45,760 --> 00:17:49,370 They are called [INAUDIBLE] for some very good reason. 343 00:17:49,370 --> 00:17:51,160 Actually, there are some actually 344 00:17:51,160 --> 00:17:53,230 fairly beautiful symmetry thoughts 345 00:17:53,230 --> 00:17:58,690 on why equi-spaced coarse mesh can work very well. 346 00:17:58,690 --> 00:18:00,700 But in practice, it's nothing else 347 00:18:00,700 --> 00:18:04,690 than choosing the blue points inside of the green Brillouin 348 00:18:04,690 --> 00:18:05,800 zone. 349 00:18:05,800 --> 00:18:09,520 If you are studying a really large system, 350 00:18:09,520 --> 00:18:13,240 you can actually reduce yourself to sampling only one 351 00:18:13,240 --> 00:18:14,410 point in the Brillouin Zone. 352 00:18:14,410 --> 00:18:16,570 Brillouin Zone has become so small 353 00:18:16,570 --> 00:18:20,986 that just taking sort of-- 354 00:18:20,986 --> 00:18:22,090 how do you call it? 355 00:18:22,090 --> 00:18:25,840 A mean-- the theorem of the mean. 356 00:18:25,840 --> 00:18:28,030 That is, you can substitute the integral 357 00:18:28,030 --> 00:18:31,150 with the value of the function at one point. 358 00:18:31,150 --> 00:18:34,160 And usually, you have two choices. 359 00:18:34,160 --> 00:18:36,010 You can just use the gamma point. 360 00:18:36,010 --> 00:18:38,110 This means that 0, 0, 0-- 361 00:18:38,110 --> 00:18:39,880 that has a computational advantage. 362 00:18:39,880 --> 00:18:42,070 When you sample things at the gamma point, 363 00:18:42,070 --> 00:18:45,820 you can choose your functions to be real instead of complex. 364 00:18:45,820 --> 00:18:49,360 And so you have right away your computational cost. 365 00:18:49,360 --> 00:18:53,610 Or you can choose sort of what could be the best single point 366 00:18:53,610 --> 00:18:55,840 for your given symmetry that's sometimes 367 00:18:55,840 --> 00:18:57,890 called the Baldereschi point. 368 00:18:57,890 --> 00:19:00,070 And that can be again sort of useful 369 00:19:00,070 --> 00:19:03,880 if you need to do an accurate calculation in a large scale 370 00:19:03,880 --> 00:19:06,040 system. 371 00:19:06,040 --> 00:19:10,960 Once you have set these two fundamental parameters, 372 00:19:10,960 --> 00:19:13,120 you are really ready to do actually 373 00:19:13,120 --> 00:19:14,980 a practical calculation. 374 00:19:14,980 --> 00:19:18,730 And so as I said, we have a self-consistent Hamiltonian, 375 00:19:18,730 --> 00:19:20,560 and so what you need to do is you 376 00:19:20,560 --> 00:19:24,940 need to iterate your problem until the eigenstates 377 00:19:24,940 --> 00:19:27,670 that you find give you a charge density that 378 00:19:27,670 --> 00:19:29,770 is identical to the charge density 379 00:19:29,770 --> 00:19:31,610 that you have done before. 380 00:19:31,610 --> 00:19:35,240 So in practice, how would your electronic structure code work? 381 00:19:35,240 --> 00:19:40,690 Well, first you would tell your code where the atoms are. 382 00:19:40,690 --> 00:19:43,710 So you need to specify the position of the atom. 383 00:19:43,710 --> 00:19:47,200 Suppose that you are studying silicon, you could sort of-- 384 00:19:47,200 --> 00:19:49,840 since you know actually what is the structure of silicon, 385 00:19:49,840 --> 00:19:52,450 you could already put them in the origin, 386 00:19:52,450 --> 00:19:56,140 and in the position one fourth, one fourth, one fourth. 387 00:19:56,140 --> 00:19:58,760 And then you need to specify in particular 388 00:19:58,760 --> 00:20:01,330 which flavor of non-local pseudopotential 389 00:20:01,330 --> 00:20:02,800 you are going to use. 390 00:20:02,800 --> 00:20:05,440 That is, there will be a library of pseudopotential 391 00:20:05,440 --> 00:20:09,760 that basically represents a silicon atom with all the core 392 00:20:09,760 --> 00:20:11,070 electrons frozen. 393 00:20:11,070 --> 00:20:13,570 And there are sort of a number of technicalities that you'll 394 00:20:13,570 --> 00:20:16,180 see in the lab on which one you should choose, 395 00:20:16,180 --> 00:20:19,420 but they are sort of more or less all the same, at least 396 00:20:19,420 --> 00:20:21,080 from this point of view. 397 00:20:21,080 --> 00:20:23,720 Once the code knows where the atoms are-- 398 00:20:23,720 --> 00:20:27,700 that is, knows the position of the atoms inside the unit cell, 399 00:20:27,700 --> 00:20:29,950 knows what is the shape of the unit cell, 400 00:20:29,950 --> 00:20:31,810 and what is the length of the dotted lattice 401 00:20:31,810 --> 00:20:35,590 vectors, this infinite array of atoms, 402 00:20:35,590 --> 00:20:38,110 the infinite crystalline, or amorphous, 403 00:20:38,110 --> 00:20:41,320 or disordered extended system is set. 404 00:20:41,320 --> 00:20:44,380 And what we really need to do is throw the electron [? seeds ?] 405 00:20:44,380 --> 00:20:48,110 and let the electron find their own ground state. 406 00:20:48,110 --> 00:20:51,830 And so we need to make sure that we have the right basis set 407 00:20:51,830 --> 00:20:52,330 cutoff. 408 00:20:52,330 --> 00:20:53,705 That is, we are going to describe 409 00:20:53,705 --> 00:20:56,710 the orbitals [? anchored. ?] We have the right sampling. 410 00:20:56,710 --> 00:20:59,170 And at this point, we can sort of 411 00:20:59,170 --> 00:21:02,650 start the self-consistent procedure. 412 00:21:02,650 --> 00:21:05,110 And in the sort of simplest form, 413 00:21:05,110 --> 00:21:07,780 well, we first need to figure out what 414 00:21:07,780 --> 00:21:09,880 is our Hamiltonian operator. 415 00:21:09,880 --> 00:21:12,970 The Hamiltonian, remember, depends on the charge density 416 00:21:12,970 --> 00:21:15,730 itself, because some of the terms in the Hamiltonian, 417 00:21:15,730 --> 00:21:18,310 like the Hartree energy, the Hartree potential 418 00:21:18,310 --> 00:21:20,140 of the exchange correlation potential 419 00:21:20,140 --> 00:21:21,620 depends on the density. 420 00:21:21,620 --> 00:21:25,000 So we need to pick an initial guess for a trial charge 421 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:26,080 density. 422 00:21:26,080 --> 00:21:31,360 It could just be a superposition of atomic charge density. 423 00:21:31,360 --> 00:21:33,400 Once we have the charge density, we 424 00:21:33,400 --> 00:21:37,870 can construct the Hamiltonian, the [INAUDIBLE] Hamiltonian. 425 00:21:37,870 --> 00:21:39,640 The kinetic energy operator is-- 426 00:21:39,640 --> 00:21:40,540 we always know it. 427 00:21:40,540 --> 00:21:44,140 But we can construct this Hartree and exchange 428 00:21:44,140 --> 00:21:47,050 correlation terms that depend on the charge density, 429 00:21:47,050 --> 00:21:49,870 and then we'll have the external potential 430 00:21:49,870 --> 00:21:54,640 that is given by this array of non-local pseudopotential. 431 00:21:54,640 --> 00:21:57,580 At this point, we have the Hamiltonian, 432 00:21:57,580 --> 00:22:00,800 and we try to find the lowest energy 433 00:22:00,800 --> 00:22:02,950 eigenstates for Hamiltonian. 434 00:22:02,950 --> 00:22:07,900 In particular, we just need to calculate a number of states 435 00:22:07,900 --> 00:22:11,750 that is equal to the number of occupied orbitals 436 00:22:11,750 --> 00:22:14,080 if we are dealing with a semiconductor, 437 00:22:14,080 --> 00:22:18,820 or it's equal to the number of sort of electrons 438 00:22:18,820 --> 00:22:23,080 plus 20%, 30% in a metal to make sure 439 00:22:23,080 --> 00:22:25,810 that at different points in the Brillouin Zone, 440 00:22:25,810 --> 00:22:28,960 we calculate all the bends that could 441 00:22:28,960 --> 00:22:31,930 be below our Fermi energy. 442 00:22:31,930 --> 00:22:33,350 So we solve this. 443 00:22:33,350 --> 00:22:36,250 And this is really the expensive step-- 444 00:22:36,250 --> 00:22:39,940 and I mean very expensive step in any electronic structure 445 00:22:39,940 --> 00:22:40,900 calculation. 446 00:22:40,900 --> 00:22:44,470 And there are sort of a number of ways 447 00:22:44,470 --> 00:22:48,340 of diagonalizing a matrix, of solving 448 00:22:48,340 --> 00:22:50,200 this eigenstate equation. 449 00:22:50,200 --> 00:22:53,380 In a basic set, it tends to be very large. 450 00:22:53,380 --> 00:22:58,390 When you do sort of a realistic calculation, even for silicon, 451 00:22:58,390 --> 00:23:02,350 you could have hundreds of plane waves, So. 452 00:23:02,350 --> 00:23:04,750 Hundreds of basic set elements. 453 00:23:04,750 --> 00:23:08,080 And large scale calculation like you would doing in research 454 00:23:08,080 --> 00:23:12,400 would contain tens of thousands of plane waves. 455 00:23:12,400 --> 00:23:15,970 And actually, you don't-- 456 00:23:15,970 --> 00:23:19,880 you can't really diagonalize on a regular computer 457 00:23:19,880 --> 00:23:22,180 even a matrix that has [INAUDIBLE].. 458 00:23:22,180 --> 00:23:26,290 If you think a matrix that has a dimension of 1,000 459 00:23:26,290 --> 00:23:30,490 requires one million elements. 460 00:23:30,490 --> 00:23:36,460 And one number-- a complex number requires 16 bytes. 461 00:23:36,460 --> 00:23:40,780 So just a matrix that has 1,000 sides that 462 00:23:40,780 --> 00:23:45,790 will require 16 megabytes to be described, and this number 463 00:23:45,790 --> 00:23:49,070 explodes quadratically very quickly. 464 00:23:49,070 --> 00:23:51,550 So you can construct the full Hamiltonian, 465 00:23:51,550 --> 00:23:53,440 and you don't want to calculate-- 466 00:23:53,440 --> 00:23:56,620 if you have a matrix of dimension 1,000, 467 00:23:56,620 --> 00:23:59,020 it will have 1,000 eigenstates. 468 00:23:59,020 --> 00:24:02,290 But you only care, say, if you are studying silicon, 469 00:24:02,290 --> 00:24:04,930 on the lowest four eigenstates. 470 00:24:04,930 --> 00:24:07,450 So you want to have numerical techniques that 471 00:24:07,450 --> 00:24:10,350 calculate for you only the lowest energy eigenstates. 472 00:24:10,350 --> 00:24:13,840 And there are a number of them that are well-established. 473 00:24:13,840 --> 00:24:17,230 So now you have obtained with one of these techniques 474 00:24:17,230 --> 00:24:21,940 your lowest energy eigenstates, and you sum their square moduli 475 00:24:21,940 --> 00:24:24,160 to obtain the new charge density. 476 00:24:24,160 --> 00:24:26,650 And with this, you go back to the step. 477 00:24:26,650 --> 00:24:29,170 You construct the Hamiltonian operator again, 478 00:24:29,170 --> 00:24:34,420 you diagonalize new density, and iterate. 479 00:24:34,420 --> 00:24:37,570 Of course, naturally, a recipe like this 480 00:24:37,570 --> 00:24:41,140 would most likely never converge. 481 00:24:41,140 --> 00:24:47,380 So one needs to develop a mixing approach-- 482 00:24:47,380 --> 00:24:51,040 mixing approaches that sort make the change in the charge 483 00:24:51,040 --> 00:24:55,000 density at every iterative step smoother 484 00:24:55,000 --> 00:24:56,720 than what I've described. 485 00:24:56,720 --> 00:24:58,510 So if you calculate a new charge density 486 00:24:58,510 --> 00:25:02,560 and you diagonalize it again, your second new charge density 487 00:25:02,560 --> 00:25:04,570 will be even more different from anything 488 00:25:04,570 --> 00:25:06,470 that you have obtained before. 489 00:25:06,470 --> 00:25:08,770 So what you really do is you need 490 00:25:08,770 --> 00:25:13,660 to find some schemes to evolve in a very smooth way 491 00:25:13,660 --> 00:25:14,930 your charge density. 492 00:25:14,930 --> 00:25:17,530 So maybe once you have calculated 493 00:25:17,530 --> 00:25:20,260 the new sum of eigenstates, you don't 494 00:25:20,260 --> 00:25:22,810 take that as huge as density, but you just 495 00:25:22,810 --> 00:25:27,310 update your old charge density with 10% 496 00:25:27,310 --> 00:25:31,210 of what you have calculated now to try to make the iteration 497 00:25:31,210 --> 00:25:33,730 to self-consistent very smooth. 498 00:25:33,730 --> 00:25:36,610 And I have to say a lot of the know-how 499 00:25:36,610 --> 00:25:38,350 in electronic structure calculation 500 00:25:38,350 --> 00:25:41,590 in the '90s has really gone into trying 501 00:25:41,590 --> 00:25:46,090 to find sort of mixing approaches that evolve 502 00:25:46,090 --> 00:25:48,400 our charge density to solve consistency, 503 00:25:48,400 --> 00:25:52,870 and that converge under a large variety of circumstances 504 00:25:52,870 --> 00:25:58,030 for large or complex systems, especially for metals. 505 00:25:58,030 --> 00:26:02,080 So stripped to the bare elements, 506 00:26:02,080 --> 00:26:05,830 an electronic structure code really needs to do two things. 507 00:26:05,830 --> 00:26:10,270 It needs to diagonalize inexpensively 508 00:26:10,270 --> 00:26:14,260 a Hamiltonian that expressed on a plane wave basis 509 00:26:14,260 --> 00:26:16,270 is a very large order. 510 00:26:16,270 --> 00:26:18,472 And I just mentioned the names of some 511 00:26:18,472 --> 00:26:20,680 of the [? algorithm. ?] Things like the [INAUDIBLE],, 512 00:26:20,680 --> 00:26:23,440 and the [INAUDIBLE],, or some of the conjugate gradient 513 00:26:23,440 --> 00:26:25,810 algorithms are all algorithms that 514 00:26:25,810 --> 00:26:30,850 give us reasonable cost the lowest energy eigenstates 515 00:26:30,850 --> 00:26:32,380 of that Hamiltonian. 516 00:26:32,380 --> 00:26:34,930 And then once you have that eigenstates, 517 00:26:34,930 --> 00:26:37,000 you need to calculate charge density, 518 00:26:37,000 --> 00:26:39,190 and you need to have a mixing strategy. 519 00:26:39,190 --> 00:26:43,570 You need to have a strategy to evolve your charge density 520 00:26:43,570 --> 00:26:45,950 towards self-consistency. 521 00:26:45,950 --> 00:26:50,350 And that is also a very tricky approach. 522 00:26:50,350 --> 00:26:53,640 There is a sort of completely different approach 523 00:26:53,640 --> 00:27:01,270 to the problem that sees the ground state solution not 524 00:27:01,270 --> 00:27:04,950 as a self-consistent iteration, but 525 00:27:04,950 --> 00:27:09,580 as a nonlinear direct minimization of the functional. 526 00:27:09,580 --> 00:27:12,590 If you remember, we have the energy function-- 527 00:27:12,590 --> 00:27:15,220 or I think it's written here in the next slide. 528 00:27:15,220 --> 00:27:16,150 No, it's not. 529 00:27:16,150 --> 00:27:19,600 We have sort of written the density functional of theory 530 00:27:19,600 --> 00:27:24,280 energy functional, and it is a well-defined expression 531 00:27:24,280 --> 00:27:25,810 of the orbitals only. 532 00:27:25,810 --> 00:27:27,070 It will be in one of the-- 533 00:27:27,070 --> 00:27:30,250 so the following slides will pick it up again. 534 00:27:30,250 --> 00:27:33,250 And so we can also see the problem 535 00:27:33,250 --> 00:27:40,000 as the problem of minimization of that functional in a space 536 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:42,970 that is very large, because the sort of variables that we 537 00:27:42,970 --> 00:27:47,020 really deal with are the coefficients of our plane wave 538 00:27:47,020 --> 00:27:48,100 expansion. 539 00:27:48,100 --> 00:27:50,800 But in principle-- and I'll show you that in a moment-- 540 00:27:50,800 --> 00:27:54,610 we can actually write out a minimization algorithm. 541 00:27:54,610 --> 00:27:58,420 The advantage of this approach, if it's done properly, 542 00:27:58,420 --> 00:28:01,930 it has always a solution. 543 00:28:01,930 --> 00:28:06,730 If you keep minimizing your energy, at the end, 544 00:28:06,730 --> 00:28:10,580 you will get to a global or to a local minimum. 545 00:28:10,580 --> 00:28:14,260 So this approach tends to sort of converge 546 00:28:14,260 --> 00:28:17,740 under every circumstances if done properly, and done 547 00:28:17,740 --> 00:28:20,410 properly is not trivial. 548 00:28:20,410 --> 00:28:23,920 But then sort of the efficiency of the different things 549 00:28:23,920 --> 00:28:27,590 is really system dependent. 550 00:28:27,590 --> 00:28:31,175 And I guess without wanting to bore you with sort of math-- 551 00:28:31,175 --> 00:28:34,130 so just I wanted to remind you again 552 00:28:34,130 --> 00:28:36,020 what happens in our computer. 553 00:28:36,020 --> 00:28:39,830 That is what happens when we say we want to solve 554 00:28:39,830 --> 00:28:42,500 this eigenstate equation. 555 00:28:42,500 --> 00:28:47,570 Supposing let's say we are in a self-consistent diagonalization 556 00:28:47,570 --> 00:28:48,410 approach. 557 00:28:48,410 --> 00:28:52,700 And as always, you have to remember we expand our wave 558 00:28:52,700 --> 00:28:58,310 function in a well-defined set of orbitals-- 559 00:28:58,310 --> 00:28:59,420 that is our basis set. 560 00:28:59,420 --> 00:29:02,180 I represented here them as phi. 561 00:29:02,180 --> 00:29:05,070 And it could be plane waves, it could be atomic orbitals. 562 00:29:05,070 --> 00:29:06,950 We use plane waves all the time. 563 00:29:06,950 --> 00:29:10,340 So really, in our computer, our unknowns 564 00:29:10,340 --> 00:29:14,720 are these coefficients of this basis set expansion. 565 00:29:14,720 --> 00:29:20,150 And so our eigenstate equation, once we multiply on the left 566 00:29:20,150 --> 00:29:26,550 by phi and star, and integrate, is really a matrix problem. 567 00:29:26,550 --> 00:29:30,530 So I've written it here as just the same eigenfunction 568 00:29:30,530 --> 00:29:32,520 equation written over there. 569 00:29:32,520 --> 00:29:37,190 And if we call hmn at the matrix element of the Hamiltonian 570 00:29:37,190 --> 00:29:40,920 between, say, two plane waves of different wavelengths, 571 00:29:40,920 --> 00:29:42,380 this is what our problem means. 572 00:29:42,380 --> 00:29:44,510 It's just a linear algebra problem. 573 00:29:44,510 --> 00:29:47,990 We need to find the eigenvalues for which there 574 00:29:47,990 --> 00:29:50,810 is a possible solution, and the possible solution 575 00:29:50,810 --> 00:29:51,980 will be eigenstates. 576 00:29:51,980 --> 00:29:54,050 And an eigenstate is nothing else 577 00:29:54,050 --> 00:29:56,930 than an appropriate set of coefficients 578 00:29:56,930 --> 00:30:01,190 that satisfy this equation, and those coefficients put back 579 00:30:01,190 --> 00:30:03,830 in here will give us actually what 580 00:30:03,830 --> 00:30:06,935 are the full eigenstates of our problem. 581 00:30:13,780 --> 00:30:16,190 So this was the sort of self-consistent 582 00:30:16,190 --> 00:30:17,140 diagonalization. 583 00:30:17,140 --> 00:30:20,110 As I just said a moment ago, we can also 584 00:30:20,110 --> 00:30:24,220 look at the problem as a nonlinear minimization problem. 585 00:30:24,220 --> 00:30:28,990 Once we have decided on an approximation for our exchange 586 00:30:28,990 --> 00:30:32,500 correlation functional, could be a local density approximation, 587 00:30:32,500 --> 00:30:35,240 could be a generalized gradient approximation. 588 00:30:35,240 --> 00:30:37,450 This is a well-defined quantity in which, 589 00:30:37,450 --> 00:30:40,090 again, the external potential is given 590 00:30:40,090 --> 00:30:43,120 by this array of non-local pseudopotential. 591 00:30:43,120 --> 00:30:46,510 And the Hartree energy is just the functional of the charge 592 00:30:46,510 --> 00:30:47,320 density. 593 00:30:47,320 --> 00:30:49,630 And the charge density itself is thus 594 00:30:49,630 --> 00:30:52,600 the sum of the square modulus of the orbitals. 595 00:30:52,600 --> 00:30:57,280 So in reality, this energy is a function of that psi, 596 00:30:57,280 --> 00:31:02,380 or in other terms, is nothing else than a very complex 597 00:31:02,380 --> 00:31:07,540 function of those c1 to cn coefficients 598 00:31:07,540 --> 00:31:09,320 of each eigenvector. 599 00:31:09,320 --> 00:31:13,780 So this is nothing else than a minimization problem, again, 600 00:31:13,780 --> 00:31:18,160 on a number of variables that can be 1,000 if you are 601 00:31:18,160 --> 00:31:20,110 studying two atoms of silicon. 602 00:31:20,110 --> 00:31:23,060 And it can be in the tens of hundreds of thousands 603 00:31:23,060 --> 00:31:25,640 if you start to do really serious calculations. 604 00:31:25,640 --> 00:31:28,300 So again, it's a fairly complex problem. 605 00:31:28,300 --> 00:31:32,080 A huge number of variables that you need to deal with, 606 00:31:32,080 --> 00:31:37,450 and a nonlinear expression for the energy. 607 00:31:37,450 --> 00:31:41,950 But again, in principle, if we have this explicit expression 608 00:31:41,950 --> 00:31:48,160 for the energy, E of psi, where the psi that we consider 609 00:31:48,160 --> 00:31:51,850 around only the occupied orbitals, what we can do 610 00:31:51,850 --> 00:31:56,350 is nothing else than take the functional derivative 611 00:31:56,350 --> 00:31:57,395 with respect to that psi. 612 00:31:57,395 --> 00:31:59,020 I'll consider them real here just 613 00:31:59,020 --> 00:32:02,200 to avoid sort of complex conjugate numbers. 614 00:32:02,200 --> 00:32:05,350 And at the end, this is nothing else 615 00:32:05,350 --> 00:32:10,990 than calculates the derivative of the energy with respect 616 00:32:10,990 --> 00:32:16,720 to all the coefficients, say, for i that goes 1 up 617 00:32:16,720 --> 00:32:21,740 to the cutoff, all the coefficients of all 618 00:32:21,740 --> 00:32:23,110 the occupied orbitals. 619 00:32:26,920 --> 00:32:29,890 So you see, the larger your system becomes, 620 00:32:29,890 --> 00:32:34,630 the more basis elements you'll need to use. 621 00:32:34,630 --> 00:32:38,350 I mean, if you double the size of your system, 622 00:32:38,350 --> 00:32:40,180 if you look at the math, you'll actually 623 00:32:40,180 --> 00:32:42,460 need the twice the number of plane waves, 624 00:32:42,460 --> 00:32:45,580 as it makes sense, to describe a charge 625 00:32:45,580 --> 00:32:48,350 density or a wave function with the same resolution. 626 00:32:48,350 --> 00:32:50,530 So you double the size of your system. 627 00:32:50,530 --> 00:32:55,000 The number of plane waves to describe a single particle 628 00:32:55,000 --> 00:32:58,630 orbital becomes twice as large, but now you 629 00:32:58,630 --> 00:33:02,440 will also have twice as many occupied orbitals. 630 00:33:02,440 --> 00:33:04,420 So just the number of this coefficient 631 00:33:04,420 --> 00:33:07,100 has become four times as large. 632 00:33:07,100 --> 00:33:09,970 So again, this calculation becomes very expensive 633 00:33:09,970 --> 00:33:10,910 very quickly. 634 00:33:10,910 --> 00:33:12,340 But again, this is well-defined. 635 00:33:12,340 --> 00:33:16,180 I mean, we can just actually write explicitly 636 00:33:16,180 --> 00:33:18,700 the nonlinear function of the previous slide 637 00:33:18,700 --> 00:33:22,190 in terms of the coefficients of the plane waves. 638 00:33:22,190 --> 00:33:26,110 This is actually done in one of the article posted. 639 00:33:26,110 --> 00:33:28,870 There is a review of modern physics by Mike Payne 640 00:33:28,870 --> 00:33:33,580 and coworkers-- among others, John [? Gianopulos ?] at MIT. 641 00:33:33,580 --> 00:33:35,710 And they actually work out the algebra 642 00:33:35,710 --> 00:33:37,360 of all these derivatives. 643 00:33:37,360 --> 00:33:39,430 And then once you have the derivatives, 644 00:33:39,430 --> 00:33:41,350 you have the gradients, and you know 645 00:33:41,350 --> 00:33:45,340 how to move along and go to the minimum following 646 00:33:45,340 --> 00:33:46,510 the gradients. 647 00:33:46,510 --> 00:33:50,530 The only difference with a sort of regular minimization problem 648 00:33:50,530 --> 00:33:53,560 is that this is a constraint problem. 649 00:33:53,560 --> 00:33:57,970 That is what we have because these are really electrons, 650 00:33:57,970 --> 00:34:00,970 and not just sort of arbitrary functions. 651 00:34:00,970 --> 00:34:06,080 The electrons need to be meaningful quantum states, 652 00:34:06,080 --> 00:34:08,929 so they need to be orthonormal. 653 00:34:08,929 --> 00:34:12,880 So this derivatives with respect to the c 654 00:34:12,880 --> 00:34:17,770 need actually to take place on the hyper surface 655 00:34:17,770 --> 00:34:21,100 where these conditions are satisfied. 656 00:34:21,100 --> 00:34:24,310 That is, if you were to evolve the coefficients of the plane 657 00:34:24,310 --> 00:34:26,889 waves, what you would find is that as soon 658 00:34:26,889 --> 00:34:29,530 as you have sort of changed them by a little amount, 659 00:34:29,530 --> 00:34:32,260 your orbitals per se are not going 660 00:34:32,260 --> 00:34:34,520 to be orthonormal anymore. 661 00:34:34,520 --> 00:34:38,560 So this constraint is sort of fundamental, 662 00:34:38,560 --> 00:34:43,389 and this is what ultimately limits sort of-- 663 00:34:43,389 --> 00:34:47,710 or determines the computational costs of our calculation. 664 00:34:47,710 --> 00:34:51,580 Because again, if we double the size of the system, 665 00:34:51,580 --> 00:34:54,909 we'll have twice as many plane waves, 666 00:34:54,909 --> 00:34:58,610 and we'll have twice as many occupied orbitals. 667 00:34:58,610 --> 00:35:00,910 So we have already a cost of fours. 668 00:35:00,910 --> 00:35:03,370 But those occupied orbitals will need 669 00:35:03,370 --> 00:35:06,410 to be orthogonal to each other. 670 00:35:06,410 --> 00:35:09,100 And so the number of these matrix elements 671 00:35:09,100 --> 00:35:12,340 that you need to calculate has become also twice-- 672 00:35:12,340 --> 00:35:15,000 or the number of orbitals in this matrix 673 00:35:15,000 --> 00:35:17,260 have become twice, so the number of matrix elements 674 00:35:17,260 --> 00:35:19,300 has become four times as large. 675 00:35:19,300 --> 00:35:21,790 You see, we double the size of the system, 676 00:35:21,790 --> 00:35:23,920 we'll have twice as many orbitals here, 677 00:35:23,920 --> 00:35:25,780 twice as many orbitals here. 678 00:35:25,780 --> 00:35:28,840 And this integral is going to take place 679 00:35:28,840 --> 00:35:32,030 on a region in space that's twice as large. 680 00:35:32,030 --> 00:35:36,530 So 2 by 2, by 2 gives us a factor of 8, 681 00:35:36,530 --> 00:35:40,090 and so gives us the, ultimately, cubic scaling 682 00:35:40,090 --> 00:35:43,180 of cost of density functional calculation. 683 00:35:43,180 --> 00:35:47,260 You go from two atoms of silicon to four atoms of silicon, 684 00:35:47,260 --> 00:35:51,700 your calculation has become eight times more expensive. 685 00:35:51,700 --> 00:35:55,930 Hartree-Fock in its original formulation scales 686 00:35:55,930 --> 00:35:57,400 as the fourth power. 687 00:35:57,400 --> 00:36:00,880 Other quantum chemistry approach scales as the fifth, sixth, 688 00:36:00,880 --> 00:36:02,330 or seventh power. 689 00:36:02,330 --> 00:36:06,550 So it becomes very easy to sort of reach, really, 690 00:36:06,550 --> 00:36:08,500 the limit of calculation that you 691 00:36:08,500 --> 00:36:11,140 can do on a regular computer or even 692 00:36:11,140 --> 00:36:12,850 on a regular supercomputer. 693 00:36:12,850 --> 00:36:16,330 And there is a lot of effort to develop what are called 694 00:36:16,330 --> 00:36:17,980 linear scaling approaches. 695 00:36:17,980 --> 00:36:21,190 That these electronic structure algorithm that scale linearly 696 00:36:21,190 --> 00:36:22,960 as the size of the system. 697 00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:25,360 And somehow, they are all based on the idea 698 00:36:25,360 --> 00:36:28,840 that sort of physics or quantum mechanics is local. 699 00:36:28,840 --> 00:36:32,320 So if your orbital at the end is ultimately 700 00:36:32,320 --> 00:36:35,510 localized in a certain region of space, 701 00:36:35,510 --> 00:36:38,800 it will be automatically orthogonal to orbitals 702 00:36:38,800 --> 00:36:40,240 that are very far away. 703 00:36:40,240 --> 00:36:42,580 Because if this is localized somewhere here, 704 00:36:42,580 --> 00:36:45,310 and this psi i is localized somewhere there, 705 00:36:45,310 --> 00:36:48,410 their overlap will be 0 by definition, 706 00:36:48,410 --> 00:36:51,550 and so we don't need to worry about orthogonality. 707 00:36:51,550 --> 00:36:54,250 So somehow, locality of physics, locality 708 00:36:54,250 --> 00:36:56,320 of quantum mechanics in principle 709 00:36:56,320 --> 00:37:01,870 tells us that there are linear scaling approaches that 710 00:37:01,870 --> 00:37:04,300 could work, although, none of them 711 00:37:04,300 --> 00:37:08,140 have really made into sort of production electronic structure 712 00:37:08,140 --> 00:37:12,010 at this stage, although there is a lot of ongoing effort 713 00:37:12,010 --> 00:37:14,130 in many groups. 714 00:37:17,360 --> 00:37:20,720 So with this [INAUDIBLE] we conclude also 715 00:37:20,720 --> 00:37:22,760 all the technicalities. 716 00:37:22,760 --> 00:37:24,860 And what we'll do in the rest of the class 717 00:37:24,860 --> 00:37:27,540 will give you a sort of panorama of what 718 00:37:27,540 --> 00:37:31,610 typical applications of density function of theory calculation 719 00:37:31,610 --> 00:37:33,920 are going to do. 720 00:37:33,920 --> 00:37:42,230 And I'll go very quickly over this. 721 00:37:42,230 --> 00:37:45,020 I have here sort of cases in which 722 00:37:45,020 --> 00:37:49,580 we could be interested in structural excitations. 723 00:37:49,580 --> 00:37:55,370 So when you start warming up a system, a molecule, or a solid, 724 00:37:55,370 --> 00:37:59,990 you start exciting the different normal modes of your molecule 725 00:37:59,990 --> 00:38:00,980 or of a solid. 726 00:38:00,980 --> 00:38:04,190 I've shown you some of the possibilities for something 727 00:38:04,190 --> 00:38:07,310 like a carbon nanotube, because that band-- 728 00:38:07,310 --> 00:38:09,110 we have a banding mode up there. 729 00:38:09,110 --> 00:38:11,830 We have a pinching mode, and we have a breathing mode. 730 00:38:11,830 --> 00:38:14,030 And so these are all the possible structural 731 00:38:14,030 --> 00:38:16,010 excitations, and you can actually 732 00:38:16,010 --> 00:38:20,170 calculate this structural excitations using 733 00:38:20,170 --> 00:38:21,660 density functional theory. 734 00:38:21,660 --> 00:38:28,160 And I've given here a comparison between the case of diamond-- 735 00:38:28,160 --> 00:38:31,790 what is calculated with the sort of state of the art 736 00:38:31,790 --> 00:38:33,590 [INAUDIBLE] code like you are going 737 00:38:33,590 --> 00:38:36,800 to see in your laboratory, and what 738 00:38:36,800 --> 00:38:39,230 is measured actually with the neutron 739 00:38:39,230 --> 00:38:40,970 scattering, the red dots. 740 00:38:40,970 --> 00:38:45,140 So you see without really any input parameters. 741 00:38:45,140 --> 00:38:48,110 And once you have really phonon dispersion, 742 00:38:48,110 --> 00:38:51,620 you can calculate all the thermodynamics of solids. 743 00:38:51,620 --> 00:38:55,550 That is really basically based on the statistics 744 00:38:55,550 --> 00:38:59,250 of excitation of this vibrational degrees of freedom. 745 00:38:59,250 --> 00:39:02,480 So you could calculate, say, how your elastic constant 746 00:39:02,480 --> 00:39:05,790 for your bulk models changes with temperature, 747 00:39:05,790 --> 00:39:08,210 and this is the calculated black line, 748 00:39:08,210 --> 00:39:11,240 and you could compare it with experiments. 749 00:39:11,240 --> 00:39:13,370 Or you could take one of your slabs 750 00:39:13,370 --> 00:39:16,910 like you have seen in the first laboratory in which you were 751 00:39:16,910 --> 00:39:20,510 calculating the surface energy, and you could actually 752 00:39:20,510 --> 00:39:21,650 put it in motion. 753 00:39:21,650 --> 00:39:24,410 You could follow at a given time temperature 754 00:39:24,410 --> 00:39:26,540 the dynamics of the atoms. 755 00:39:26,540 --> 00:39:28,970 And you want to have a slab thick enough 756 00:39:28,970 --> 00:39:33,110 so the atoms in the middle really act as bulk atoms. 757 00:39:33,110 --> 00:39:35,180 They don't see the presence of the surface, 758 00:39:35,180 --> 00:39:38,600 and then it becomes very easy to investigate what's 759 00:39:38,600 --> 00:39:40,710 happening on the surface. 760 00:39:40,710 --> 00:39:44,990 And so you can have sort of a snapshot of sort 761 00:39:44,990 --> 00:39:49,820 of how the atoms are moving on the outer layers, what 762 00:39:49,820 --> 00:39:51,890 are the sort of typical displacements 763 00:39:51,890 --> 00:39:53,840 of typical mean square displacements. 764 00:39:53,840 --> 00:39:58,730 Or you can say study how the distance between the layers 765 00:39:58,730 --> 00:40:00,360 evolved with temperature. 766 00:40:00,360 --> 00:40:02,900 So you can look at, say, how, as you increase 767 00:40:02,900 --> 00:40:05,240 the temperature of your slab, the distance 768 00:40:05,240 --> 00:40:07,370 between the surface layer and the second layer 769 00:40:07,370 --> 00:40:08,960 changes with temperature. 770 00:40:08,960 --> 00:40:11,090 And this would be the computation, 771 00:40:11,090 --> 00:40:14,090 and here we have the experimental value. 772 00:40:14,090 --> 00:40:17,660 And there are sort of lots of interesting physics 773 00:40:17,660 --> 00:40:20,840 that takes place, again, if you look 774 00:40:20,840 --> 00:40:23,540 at the distance between the second and third layer, 775 00:40:23,540 --> 00:40:26,630 if the red line above and the system expands there. 776 00:40:26,630 --> 00:40:28,970 And sort of with computation, you can actually 777 00:40:28,970 --> 00:40:33,920 probe your system deeper and deeper, where experiment starts 778 00:40:33,920 --> 00:40:36,530 to become very difficult. It's almost impossible 779 00:40:36,530 --> 00:40:39,590 to look at what the fourth layer in a surface does, 780 00:40:39,590 --> 00:40:43,190 and what the fifth layer of a surface does. 781 00:40:43,190 --> 00:40:45,530 I think in order to keep the balance of the lecture, 782 00:40:45,530 --> 00:40:48,720 I'll actually switch on to Professor [? Sidor's ?] part 783 00:40:48,720 --> 00:40:51,720 so he can show you some of the other application. 784 00:40:51,720 --> 00:40:54,710 And if we have time either in one of the next classes, 785 00:40:54,710 --> 00:40:59,480 I'll show you some of the other applications 786 00:40:59,480 --> 00:41:00,630 that we have mentioned. 787 00:41:00,630 --> 00:41:04,370 So I think I'll pass over the lecture to Professor 788 00:41:04,370 --> 00:41:07,610 [? Sidor. ?] 789 00:41:07,610 --> 00:41:11,180 PROFESSOR 2: So Professor [? Mazari ?] already gave you 790 00:41:11,180 --> 00:41:12,788 some generic applications. 791 00:41:12,788 --> 00:41:14,580 What I want to do for the rest of the class 792 00:41:14,580 --> 00:41:17,360 is actually give you some numbers, 793 00:41:17,360 --> 00:41:22,670 and really look seriously at what the typical accuracies are 794 00:41:22,670 --> 00:41:24,733 that you can expect from what we'll 795 00:41:24,733 --> 00:41:27,150 call density functional theory, but what we mean with that 796 00:41:27,150 --> 00:41:30,860 is sort of standard density function theory 797 00:41:30,860 --> 00:41:33,500 as we kind of explain it to you in the class 798 00:41:33,500 --> 00:41:36,080 in the local density or generalized gradient 799 00:41:36,080 --> 00:41:37,710 approximation. 800 00:41:37,710 --> 00:41:40,370 So these are sort of staples of electronic structure methods 801 00:41:40,370 --> 00:41:40,870 now. 802 00:41:40,870 --> 00:41:44,030 But that doesn't mean that there are, in some cases, not 803 00:41:44,030 --> 00:41:48,020 already better forms out there, but they're often 804 00:41:48,020 --> 00:41:50,780 very much in the research stage, and there wouldn't be things 805 00:41:50,780 --> 00:41:53,660 that you would either easily do on real problems. 806 00:41:53,660 --> 00:41:55,280 You wouldn't get your hands on them, 807 00:41:55,280 --> 00:41:57,663 and you wouldn't necessarily easily learn from them. 808 00:41:57,663 --> 00:41:59,330 So again, what we're going to talk about 809 00:41:59,330 --> 00:42:06,602 is the kind of standard staple of electronic structure. 810 00:42:06,602 --> 00:42:09,060 Before I did that, I want to say a little bit about a topic 811 00:42:09,060 --> 00:42:11,350 we haven't touched about, which is 812 00:42:11,350 --> 00:42:14,730 what's called the spin polarized version of density 813 00:42:14,730 --> 00:42:16,920 functional theory. 814 00:42:16,920 --> 00:42:19,990 If you remember, the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, 815 00:42:19,990 --> 00:42:22,890 everything is, in essence, expressed 816 00:42:22,890 --> 00:42:25,710 in terms of the charge density. 817 00:42:25,710 --> 00:42:27,930 Everything is a function of the charge density. 818 00:42:27,930 --> 00:42:33,780 And the electron spin never explicitly appears in there. 819 00:42:33,780 --> 00:42:35,880 But of course, electrons have spin. 820 00:42:35,880 --> 00:42:38,250 If you don't consider any coupling with the angular 821 00:42:38,250 --> 00:42:40,650 momentum, it's really just up or down 822 00:42:40,650 --> 00:42:46,050 spin, so plus or minus a half [INAUDIBLE].. 823 00:42:46,050 --> 00:42:47,940 And we'll treat here, in the lecture, 824 00:42:47,940 --> 00:42:50,260 spin as a scalar quantity. 825 00:42:50,260 --> 00:42:53,070 So really, spin is just up or down-- 826 00:42:53,070 --> 00:42:55,860 plus 1 or minus 1, or plus a 1/2, or minus a 1/2 827 00:42:55,860 --> 00:42:57,540 in the appropriate units. 828 00:42:57,540 --> 00:43:00,390 And in reality, spin, as soon as it 829 00:43:00,390 --> 00:43:05,010 applies to the angular momentum, becomes a vector quantity. 830 00:43:05,010 --> 00:43:08,190 Also as soon as it couples to a magnetic field 831 00:43:08,190 --> 00:43:10,350 from the environment, it becomes a vector quantity. 832 00:43:10,350 --> 00:43:12,840 And people do that now already, treating 833 00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:17,880 spin as a vector quantity, but most codes that you will use, 834 00:43:17,880 --> 00:43:20,760 spin will simply be treated as a scalar, which 835 00:43:20,760 --> 00:43:24,360 is fine for most purposes. 836 00:43:24,360 --> 00:43:29,360 We tend to refer to them as just up and down spin. 837 00:43:29,360 --> 00:43:33,900 I'll often write that with the either up and down arrow. 838 00:43:33,900 --> 00:43:41,140 Now why do you actually need to treat the electron spin? 839 00:43:41,140 --> 00:43:44,890 Let me just sort of give you a refresher of why 840 00:43:44,890 --> 00:43:46,930 you need to deal with the spin. 841 00:43:46,930 --> 00:43:50,230 Well, the reason is the Pauli Exclusion Principle really. 842 00:43:50,230 --> 00:43:53,410 Is that the Pauli Exclusion Principle tells you that two 843 00:43:53,410 --> 00:43:56,290 electrons cannot be in exactly the same quantum state. 844 00:43:56,290 --> 00:43:57,740 Remember that? 845 00:43:57,740 --> 00:44:03,690 So that means that if you have two up electrons approaching 846 00:44:03,690 --> 00:44:10,650 each other, versus say an up and a down electron, 847 00:44:10,650 --> 00:44:13,050 these will approach each other differently. 848 00:44:13,050 --> 00:44:18,790 Because these two are in the same spin state, 849 00:44:18,790 --> 00:44:21,030 so if you bring them very close together, 850 00:44:21,030 --> 00:44:24,880 they essentially now get the same coordinate as well. 851 00:44:24,880 --> 00:44:27,930 So they almost have the same quantum numbers now, 852 00:44:27,930 --> 00:44:31,180 and the Pauli exclusion principle prevents that. 853 00:44:31,180 --> 00:44:34,410 So the Pauli Exclusion Principle keeps electrons 854 00:44:34,410 --> 00:44:39,390 with parallel spin essentially away from each other. 855 00:44:39,390 --> 00:44:43,170 Whereas if you have electrons with empty parallel spin, 856 00:44:43,170 --> 00:44:44,917 even if these are at the same position, 857 00:44:44,917 --> 00:44:46,500 they don't have the same spin, so they 858 00:44:46,500 --> 00:44:48,400 don't have the same set of quantum numbers, 859 00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:52,020 so the Pauli Exclusion Principle doesn't act on them. 860 00:44:52,020 --> 00:44:53,730 And the Pauli Exclusion Principle 861 00:44:53,730 --> 00:44:57,870 is essentially something that keeps the electrons away 862 00:44:57,870 --> 00:45:01,060 without an explicit term for it in the Hamiltonian. 863 00:45:01,060 --> 00:45:03,820 It's not like-- the coulombic interaction, of course, 864 00:45:03,820 --> 00:45:05,362 keeps electrons away from each other. 865 00:45:05,362 --> 00:45:06,737 But the Pauli Exclusion Principle 866 00:45:06,737 --> 00:45:08,520 is essentially something on top of that 867 00:45:08,520 --> 00:45:11,490 that comes from anti-symmeterizing the wave. 868 00:45:11,490 --> 00:45:14,250 You don't see it directly in the form-- 869 00:45:14,250 --> 00:45:16,710 as a term in the form of the Hamiltonian. 870 00:45:16,710 --> 00:45:18,780 And if you remember, consequences of-- 871 00:45:22,730 --> 00:45:24,380 it's going to take forever-- 872 00:45:24,380 --> 00:45:26,390 the Pauli Exclusion Principle is Hund's rule. 873 00:45:26,390 --> 00:45:29,570 That if you remember atomic d level, 874 00:45:29,570 --> 00:45:35,040 say, for example, if you add electrons to, say, 875 00:45:35,040 --> 00:45:39,810 five d levels, you're going to add them with parallel spin 876 00:45:39,810 --> 00:45:43,530 first, because again, then the Pauli Exclusion Principle 877 00:45:43,530 --> 00:45:45,060 is satisfied. 878 00:45:45,060 --> 00:45:50,010 And then you start filling them with the anti-parallel levels. 879 00:45:50,010 --> 00:45:53,580 So this is going to carry over in atoms-- 880 00:45:53,580 --> 00:45:55,830 in solids-- I'm sorry. 881 00:45:55,830 --> 00:45:58,440 Basically, if those five, say-- 882 00:45:58,440 --> 00:46:00,150 let's focus on d levels. 883 00:46:00,150 --> 00:46:02,730 If they remain degenerate-- 884 00:46:02,730 --> 00:46:04,620 so they remain roughly at the same level, 885 00:46:04,620 --> 00:46:07,290 you're going to fill them according to Hund's rule. 886 00:46:07,290 --> 00:46:08,860 And that's what I've shown here. 887 00:46:08,860 --> 00:46:11,550 So in solids, these d levels will 888 00:46:11,550 --> 00:46:14,130 split a little, which is what I've shown here, 889 00:46:14,130 --> 00:46:17,280 but they don't split a lot. 890 00:46:17,280 --> 00:46:21,070 Then you're actually going to fill them with parallel spin. 891 00:46:21,070 --> 00:46:24,600 And so if that's the case, you have a lot 892 00:46:24,600 --> 00:46:27,420 of magnetic moment on your ion. 893 00:46:27,420 --> 00:46:30,170 You have five electron spins here. 894 00:46:30,170 --> 00:46:32,670 You have no down spin, so you have a strong magnetic moment. 895 00:46:32,670 --> 00:46:35,920 And I'll show in a second where that becomes important. 896 00:46:35,920 --> 00:46:37,380 On the other hand, let's say you're 897 00:46:37,380 --> 00:46:41,190 in an environment that splits off two of these, 898 00:46:41,190 --> 00:46:43,350 but so much higher. 899 00:46:43,350 --> 00:46:47,340 At some point, you won't satisfy Hund's rule anymore, 900 00:46:47,340 --> 00:46:49,770 because the energy cost of-- let's say 901 00:46:49,770 --> 00:46:52,930 after you put in these three green electrons, now 902 00:46:52,930 --> 00:46:54,310 you have to add two more. 903 00:46:54,310 --> 00:46:55,930 You have five electrons. 904 00:46:55,930 --> 00:46:57,430 To fill them with parallel spin, you 905 00:46:57,430 --> 00:46:59,930 would have to put them here. 906 00:46:59,930 --> 00:47:02,700 But since those levers are so much higher, 907 00:47:02,700 --> 00:47:06,620 you basically want to pay the exchange penalty-- 908 00:47:06,620 --> 00:47:08,810 they call it the Hund's rule penalty-- 909 00:47:08,810 --> 00:47:10,760 to put them in a lower orbit when you put them 910 00:47:10,760 --> 00:47:12,300 in with anti-parallel. 911 00:47:12,300 --> 00:47:16,880 So in some sense, whether you get a lot of magnetic spin-- 912 00:47:16,880 --> 00:47:18,500 a lot of magnetic moment left over 913 00:47:18,500 --> 00:47:22,400 depends on how much your orbital will split in the end. 914 00:47:22,400 --> 00:47:23,900 But I'm going to show you in the end 915 00:47:23,900 --> 00:47:26,810 that it can actually have significant consequences 916 00:47:26,810 --> 00:47:29,840 on the physical properties of your material. 917 00:47:29,840 --> 00:47:35,320 So in your density functional calculation, 918 00:47:35,320 --> 00:47:38,290 you will carry a magnetic moment locally 919 00:47:38,290 --> 00:47:41,930 when the up density and the down density are not the same. 920 00:47:41,930 --> 00:47:45,100 And so I've sort of already given away here 921 00:47:45,100 --> 00:47:48,220 how this problem is dealt with in density functional theory. 922 00:47:50,750 --> 00:47:54,290 The interesting thing is that if you think about it very hard, 923 00:47:54,290 --> 00:47:56,600 you shouldn't have to deal with spin 924 00:47:56,600 --> 00:47:58,010 in density functional theory. 925 00:48:07,260 --> 00:48:09,510 Somehow, it put me back at my old picture. 926 00:48:17,015 --> 00:48:20,000 In principle, remember where we told you that-- 927 00:48:20,000 --> 00:48:22,160 Professor [? Mazari ?] told you that the energy 928 00:48:22,160 --> 00:48:27,290 and the potential is a function of the charge density? 929 00:48:27,290 --> 00:48:30,380 So the charge itself should actually 930 00:48:30,380 --> 00:48:33,710 also contain the information about electron spin 931 00:48:33,710 --> 00:48:36,140 and magnetic moment, even though it doesn't explicitly 932 00:48:36,140 --> 00:48:38,060 contain that. 933 00:48:38,060 --> 00:48:39,980 But for a given charge density, there 934 00:48:39,980 --> 00:48:42,590 would probably be a certain amount of spin polarization. 935 00:48:42,590 --> 00:48:45,980 So it should all be in that functional, but remember, 936 00:48:45,980 --> 00:48:48,620 that's the functional that we don't know. 937 00:48:48,620 --> 00:48:52,825 And so in practice, that doesn't work very well. 938 00:48:52,825 --> 00:48:54,200 So what we do is we really helped 939 00:48:54,200 --> 00:48:57,387 density functional theory along by treating the up 940 00:48:57,387 --> 00:48:59,743 and the down density separately. 941 00:48:59,743 --> 00:49:01,160 But again, you should keep in mind 942 00:49:01,160 --> 00:49:02,660 that in principle, in the formalism 943 00:49:02,660 --> 00:49:05,430 of density functional theory, you wouldn't have to do that. 944 00:49:05,430 --> 00:49:10,370 So if you do what's called, say, the local spin density 945 00:49:10,370 --> 00:49:13,910 approximation, which is the spin polarized version of the Local 946 00:49:13,910 --> 00:49:17,750 Density Approximation-- and so goes under the name LSD-- 947 00:49:17,750 --> 00:49:21,290 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, or LSDA. 948 00:49:21,290 --> 00:49:24,440 And there's a version of that for the GGA, which nobody-- 949 00:49:24,440 --> 00:49:27,380 often people will just call it LDA or GGA, 950 00:49:27,380 --> 00:49:30,710 but they will call it sometimes spin polarized LDA or GGA. 951 00:49:30,710 --> 00:49:35,590 What you do there is that you have a separate density 952 00:49:35,590 --> 00:49:37,750 for the up electrons and a separate density 953 00:49:37,750 --> 00:49:42,680 for the down electrons, and the two will interact differently. 954 00:49:42,680 --> 00:49:44,470 So the up/up will-- 955 00:49:44,470 --> 00:49:46,950 up will interact differently with up, 956 00:49:46,950 --> 00:49:49,300 with up, then up with down. 957 00:49:49,300 --> 00:49:51,670 And that comes from the way the exchange correlation 958 00:49:51,670 --> 00:49:54,590 potentials are defined. 959 00:49:54,590 --> 00:49:58,600 So I think Professor [? Mazari ?] mentioned 960 00:49:58,600 --> 00:50:01,690 restricted and unrestricted to Hartree-Fock before 961 00:50:01,690 --> 00:50:04,135 very briefly, and this is essentially the same idea. 962 00:50:11,090 --> 00:50:12,890 Sort of one quick tip I want to give you 963 00:50:12,890 --> 00:50:17,150 is that if you have spin polarized materials, 964 00:50:17,150 --> 00:50:20,510 it's often much more useful to look at spin densities 965 00:50:20,510 --> 00:50:22,700 than at charge densities. 966 00:50:22,700 --> 00:50:25,220 One of the really cool things about doing quantum mechanics 967 00:50:25,220 --> 00:50:27,470 is that you can actually look at the charge densities, 968 00:50:27,470 --> 00:50:30,140 and look at the electrons, which most people get 969 00:50:30,140 --> 00:50:32,720 very excited about the first time they do quantum mechanics. 970 00:50:32,720 --> 00:50:35,090 It's kind of cool-- you can look at where the electrons go. 971 00:50:35,090 --> 00:50:36,507 Well, the first thing you learn is 972 00:50:36,507 --> 00:50:39,290 that you don't see much when you look at charge densities. 973 00:50:39,290 --> 00:50:41,720 You typically see big blobs of charge, 974 00:50:41,720 --> 00:50:44,930 and it's very hard to see any fine structure of bonding 975 00:50:44,930 --> 00:50:46,700 in blobs of charge density. 976 00:50:46,700 --> 00:50:48,370 And I wanted to show you an example. 977 00:50:48,370 --> 00:50:49,760 Here's lithium cobalt oxide. 978 00:50:49,760 --> 00:50:51,080 It's a transition metal oxide. 979 00:50:51,080 --> 00:50:54,370 It's a layered material-- layers of oxygen 980 00:50:54,370 --> 00:50:55,660 here-- the red things. 981 00:50:55,660 --> 00:50:58,270 And then layers of cobalt, and layers of lithium. 982 00:50:58,270 --> 00:51:01,180 And if you plot the charges in a plane-- 983 00:51:01,180 --> 00:51:05,415 this is actually a plane in the plane of the figure. 984 00:51:05,415 --> 00:51:06,790 If you look at the charges-- this 985 00:51:06,790 --> 00:51:08,470 is a picture of the charge density. 986 00:51:08,470 --> 00:51:11,200 You see big blobs, and you see the oxygen layers here. 987 00:51:11,200 --> 00:51:13,510 And where the oxygens are 2 minus, 988 00:51:13,510 --> 00:51:16,102 so remember that you're showing only the valence electrons. 989 00:51:16,102 --> 00:51:17,810 So these have a lot of valence electrons, 990 00:51:17,810 --> 00:51:20,530 and so you see a lot of intensity. 991 00:51:20,530 --> 00:51:23,590 Cobalt has somewhat less valence electrons on it, 992 00:51:23,590 --> 00:51:25,360 so you see less intensity here. 993 00:51:25,360 --> 00:51:27,770 And lithium is ionized to lithium plus, 994 00:51:27,770 --> 00:51:29,920 so it has no valence electrons on it, 995 00:51:29,920 --> 00:51:33,160 so you see almost nothing here. 996 00:51:33,160 --> 00:51:36,490 But in essence, this doesn't give you a lot of detail. 997 00:51:36,490 --> 00:51:41,160 If you actually take a material like this, and rather 998 00:51:41,160 --> 00:51:46,120 than plot the charges, you plot the spin polarization density. 999 00:51:46,120 --> 00:51:50,100 So let's say up minus down, or down minus up. 1000 00:51:50,100 --> 00:51:52,830 So it's how much magnetic moment there is locally. 1001 00:51:52,830 --> 00:51:54,428 You get much cleaner pictures. 1002 00:51:54,428 --> 00:51:55,470 This is the same picture. 1003 00:51:55,470 --> 00:51:56,790 It's a slightly different material 1004 00:51:56,790 --> 00:51:57,960 with different ions in it. 1005 00:51:57,960 --> 00:52:00,480 It's with nickel and manganese in it. 1006 00:52:00,480 --> 00:52:02,850 But here's the oxygen. By the way, 1007 00:52:02,850 --> 00:52:04,950 I should have told you red is the neutral color 1008 00:52:04,950 --> 00:52:07,740 in this picture, so it's 0. 1009 00:52:07,740 --> 00:52:10,060 So now you don't see the oxygen at all, 1010 00:52:10,060 --> 00:52:11,910 and the reason is oxygen doesn't have spin. 1011 00:52:11,910 --> 00:52:12,888 It's a filled shell. 1012 00:52:12,888 --> 00:52:15,180 Every time you have filled shells, you don't have spin. 1013 00:52:15,180 --> 00:52:18,390 So looking at spin density often allows you to filter out 1014 00:52:18,390 --> 00:52:21,090 certain ions, and you really-- the transition metals 1015 00:52:21,090 --> 00:52:24,390 tend to have spin on them, and you see that very clearly. 1016 00:52:24,390 --> 00:52:27,300 So it's often a trick that I just wanted to share with you. 1017 00:52:31,490 --> 00:52:34,190 So I want to go in sort of the last half hour-- 1018 00:52:34,190 --> 00:52:39,230 is go through the kind of numerical accuracy, 1019 00:52:39,230 --> 00:52:43,340 and then slowly try to connect that to the physical accuracy 1020 00:52:43,340 --> 00:52:44,840 that you get in properties. 1021 00:52:44,840 --> 00:52:47,780 So if you want to use-- 1022 00:52:47,780 --> 00:52:50,120 have initial methods in density functional theory 1023 00:52:50,120 --> 00:52:52,670 to get to engineering properties, 1024 00:52:52,670 --> 00:52:55,280 a lot of steps you have to make, because in the end, 1025 00:52:55,280 --> 00:52:56,408 we calculate simple things. 1026 00:52:56,408 --> 00:52:58,700 We've got to get charge densities, and band structures, 1027 00:52:58,700 --> 00:52:59,720 and energies. 1028 00:52:59,720 --> 00:53:01,320 And you'll talk later to somebody, 1029 00:53:01,320 --> 00:53:04,550 and they want to know what's the corrosion resistance of this. 1030 00:53:04,550 --> 00:53:08,280 And corrosion resistance is not a quantum operator, 1031 00:53:08,280 --> 00:53:10,010 so you need to take a lot of steps 1032 00:53:10,010 --> 00:53:13,730 to go from the simple, what I would call primitive output, 1033 00:53:13,730 --> 00:53:15,260 to engineering properties. 1034 00:53:15,260 --> 00:53:17,060 But before you even take that step, 1035 00:53:17,060 --> 00:53:19,310 you need to understand the kind of accuracy-- 1036 00:53:19,310 --> 00:53:21,920 how reliable your output is. 1037 00:53:21,920 --> 00:53:25,698 And so I collected a lot of results. 1038 00:53:25,698 --> 00:53:27,740 And I was going to start with the simple things-- 1039 00:53:27,740 --> 00:53:30,238 the energies of the atoms. 1040 00:53:30,238 --> 00:53:32,780 So here's a collection, and it looks like a bunch of numbers, 1041 00:53:32,780 --> 00:53:34,980 but there's a very systematic trend in it. 1042 00:53:34,980 --> 00:53:36,627 So what I show for a bunch of atoms-- 1043 00:53:36,627 --> 00:53:38,960 and these all should have a minus sign in front of them, 1044 00:53:38,960 --> 00:53:42,230 because if you sum up all the electronic states in the atom, 1045 00:53:42,230 --> 00:53:46,218 they're obviously binding, so they should be negative. 1046 00:53:46,218 --> 00:53:48,260 So there's always the experimental line, at least 1047 00:53:48,260 --> 00:53:50,670 for most of them. 1048 00:53:50,670 --> 00:53:54,540 The LDA number, and then the GGA with a fairly recent 1049 00:53:54,540 --> 00:53:57,730 implementation of the exchange correlation function. 1050 00:53:57,730 --> 00:54:01,770 And so if you look carefully at the numbers, 1051 00:54:01,770 --> 00:54:05,260 let's take one here-- let's take carbon for example. 1052 00:54:05,260 --> 00:54:09,330 So experiment is 275688. 1053 00:54:09,330 --> 00:54:11,970 Oops, that wasn't good. 1054 00:54:11,970 --> 00:54:17,130 LDA, the binding energy is somewhat weaker-- 1055 00:54:17,130 --> 00:54:19,380 almost is an electron volt weaker. 1056 00:54:19,380 --> 00:54:24,420 And GGA is slightly closer to the experiment. 1057 00:54:24,420 --> 00:54:26,460 That's typically what you'll see. 1058 00:54:26,460 --> 00:54:28,020 If you look at all the other atoms, 1059 00:54:28,020 --> 00:54:31,890 you'll see a very systematic trend. 1060 00:54:31,890 --> 00:54:38,070 In the LDA, in the atoms, the electrons are not bound enough. 1061 00:54:38,070 --> 00:54:43,838 In the GGA, They are somewhat closer to the experiment. 1062 00:54:46,770 --> 00:54:50,040 It gets more interesting when you look at molecules, 1063 00:54:50,040 --> 00:54:52,870 because now you can talk about a physical binding energy. 1064 00:54:52,870 --> 00:54:56,340 And so the one we look at here is for very simple 1065 00:54:56,340 --> 00:54:58,720 diatomic molecules. 1066 00:54:58,720 --> 00:55:00,010 What's their binding energy? 1067 00:55:00,010 --> 00:55:02,690 So what's their energy to pull them apart? 1068 00:55:02,690 --> 00:55:06,900 So if you think about it, you have a molecule-- 1069 00:55:06,900 --> 00:55:10,980 has an ab. 1070 00:55:10,980 --> 00:55:13,830 This is the vector between them. 1071 00:55:13,830 --> 00:55:16,690 You'll have sort of something that looks like this. 1072 00:55:16,690 --> 00:55:20,100 And so we're looking at what's that well depth here-- 1073 00:55:20,100 --> 00:55:21,050 the binding energy. 1074 00:55:23,670 --> 00:55:28,770 If you look at hydrogen, H2, you have the experimental number 1075 00:55:28,770 --> 00:55:31,410 here, the LDA number. 1076 00:55:31,410 --> 00:55:33,450 You see now that the LDA number-- 1077 00:55:33,450 --> 00:55:35,610 that the binding is too strong. 1078 00:55:35,610 --> 00:55:38,310 The H2 molecule is bound too strongly. 1079 00:55:38,310 --> 00:55:39,240 It's not so bad. 1080 00:55:39,240 --> 00:55:43,620 It's only about 5% in hydrogen. And the GGA, the binding 1081 00:55:43,620 --> 00:55:45,720 is too weak. 1082 00:55:45,720 --> 00:55:49,455 For reference, I've also put uncorrected Hartree-Fock here. 1083 00:55:49,455 --> 00:55:51,330 Professor [? Mazari ?] showed you essentially 1084 00:55:51,330 --> 00:55:54,870 what Hartree-Fock is, which is essentially 1085 00:55:54,870 --> 00:55:58,260 having the Hartree term for the self-consistent Coulomb 1086 00:55:58,260 --> 00:56:00,420 interaction from the other electrons, 1087 00:56:00,420 --> 00:56:03,870 and the exact exchange with no correlation effects. 1088 00:56:06,476 --> 00:56:09,810 This is an interesting one that you will actually often use-- 1089 00:56:09,810 --> 00:56:13,920 O2-- any time you look at oxidation reactions, 1090 00:56:13,920 --> 00:56:14,820 for example. 1091 00:56:14,820 --> 00:56:20,160 Experiment-- oxygen is only about minus 5.2 ev binding. 1092 00:56:20,160 --> 00:56:24,590 LDA binds by a whopping 7 and 1/2. 1093 00:56:24,590 --> 00:56:27,390 So you're more than two electron volts off. 1094 00:56:27,390 --> 00:56:30,080 GGA gets you a little closer in this case. 1095 00:56:34,270 --> 00:56:38,815 Uncorrected Hartree-Fock is off the charts. 1096 00:56:38,815 --> 00:56:40,690 And this is something you'll generically see. 1097 00:56:40,690 --> 00:56:43,185 Uncorrected Hartree-Fock, very few people 1098 00:56:43,185 --> 00:56:44,560 would actually use that any more. 1099 00:56:44,560 --> 00:56:46,990 It's sort of for binding energies way off the charts. 1100 00:56:49,966 --> 00:56:51,545 These things are important. 1101 00:56:51,545 --> 00:56:53,170 If you now-- let's say you want to look 1102 00:56:53,170 --> 00:56:55,460 at an oxidation reaction. 1103 00:56:55,460 --> 00:56:57,050 So that means that at some point, 1104 00:56:57,050 --> 00:57:00,320 you're going to calculate the state of an oxide, 1105 00:57:00,320 --> 00:57:03,380 and compare the chemical potential of the oxygen 1106 00:57:03,380 --> 00:57:07,550 there to that of oxygen gas. 1107 00:57:07,550 --> 00:57:11,215 So of course, you have a big error in the oxygen gas. 1108 00:57:11,215 --> 00:57:12,840 The question is, how much of that error 1109 00:57:12,840 --> 00:57:14,590 carries over to the solid? 1110 00:57:14,590 --> 00:57:16,620 If you make exactly the same error in the solid, 1111 00:57:16,620 --> 00:57:19,280 then the reaction energy is perfect, Because. 1112 00:57:19,280 --> 00:57:21,310 You're going to subtract the two. 1113 00:57:21,310 --> 00:57:23,745 And a lot of practical things you 1114 00:57:23,745 --> 00:57:25,120 do with density functional theory 1115 00:57:25,120 --> 00:57:26,680 depend on error cancellation. 1116 00:57:29,410 --> 00:57:32,020 The thing is that you will have more error cancellation 1117 00:57:32,020 --> 00:57:36,603 as the states that you subtract are more physically similar. 1118 00:57:36,603 --> 00:57:38,020 But the problem is, let's say, you 1119 00:57:38,020 --> 00:57:40,810 look at oxidation of a metal-- aluminum plus oxygen going 1120 00:57:40,810 --> 00:57:43,300 to aluminum oxide. 1121 00:57:43,300 --> 00:57:45,190 The oxygen in aluminum oxide is very 1122 00:57:45,190 --> 00:57:47,660 different from the oxygen in the O2 molecule, 1123 00:57:47,660 --> 00:57:50,800 so not all the error will cancel. 1124 00:57:50,800 --> 00:57:56,047 Let's say it was so bad that you kept 2 ev error. 1125 00:57:56,047 --> 00:58:00,160 So 2 ev error in the molecule is one ev per oxygen 1126 00:58:00,160 --> 00:58:01,770 if you want to think of it that way. 1127 00:58:01,770 --> 00:58:06,540 If you're not careful about it, that's an enormous effect. 1128 00:58:06,540 --> 00:58:09,000 Think about it-- the chemical potential which 1129 00:58:09,000 --> 00:58:11,040 relates directly to the energy goes 1130 00:58:11,040 --> 00:58:15,500 like the logarithm of the partial pressure of oxygen. 1131 00:58:15,500 --> 00:58:19,340 Remember that mu is mu 0 plus rt log p? 1132 00:58:19,340 --> 00:58:21,470 So if now you invert that, that means your-- 1133 00:58:21,470 --> 00:58:24,470 if you wanted to calculate, say, a partial pressure of oxygen 1134 00:58:24,470 --> 00:58:28,210 at which something oxidized, your oxygen pressure 1135 00:58:28,210 --> 00:58:32,280 goes exponentially with the energetics. 1136 00:58:32,280 --> 00:58:35,790 So if you have a 1 ev error at room temperature, 1137 00:58:35,790 --> 00:58:40,620 your error in the oxygen pressure 1138 00:58:40,620 --> 00:58:43,200 is the exponential of one ev over kt, 1139 00:58:43,200 --> 00:58:46,440 which is off the charts. 1140 00:58:46,440 --> 00:58:49,670 So you have to be a little careful with these kinds 1141 00:58:49,670 --> 00:58:51,830 of error calibrations. 1142 00:58:51,830 --> 00:58:54,680 Fortunately, we'll see later when 1143 00:58:54,680 --> 00:58:57,140 we look at reaction between solids, most of the error 1144 00:58:57,140 --> 00:59:00,560 tends to cancel, and we get much, much better accuracy. 1145 00:59:00,560 --> 00:59:03,860 If all our reaction energies were wrong by one ev, 1146 00:59:03,860 --> 00:59:05,150 we wouldn't be here. 1147 00:59:05,150 --> 00:59:07,230 We'd be out of business. 1148 00:59:07,230 --> 00:59:09,740 But you have to keep in mind that you get less error 1149 00:59:09,740 --> 00:59:14,517 cancellation as the states you're comparing are different. 1150 00:59:14,517 --> 00:59:16,850 The more they're different, the less error cancellation. 1151 00:59:16,850 --> 00:59:18,380 That's sort of a rule of thumb. 1152 00:59:18,380 --> 00:59:20,240 And so going from a gas to a solid 1153 00:59:20,240 --> 00:59:21,860 is a significant difference. 1154 00:59:21,860 --> 00:59:23,810 Often, what people do is that if you 1155 00:59:23,810 --> 00:59:26,030 want to get practical results, they'll 1156 00:59:26,030 --> 00:59:28,730 add a correction to this which they fit at one point. 1157 00:59:32,470 --> 00:59:34,360 So these are the small molecules. 1158 00:59:34,360 --> 00:59:35,380 Let's go to the solids. 1159 00:59:38,265 --> 00:59:39,890 Here I don't have the binding energies, 1160 00:59:39,890 --> 00:59:41,350 but I have the lattice parameters. 1161 00:59:41,350 --> 00:59:44,200 But you'll see something that's very 1162 00:59:44,200 --> 00:59:46,697 consistent with the molecules. 1163 00:59:46,697 --> 00:59:48,280 If you look at the lattice parameters, 1164 00:59:48,280 --> 00:59:50,620 you compare, say, the experimental ones 1165 00:59:50,620 --> 00:59:52,360 versus the LDA ones. 1166 00:59:52,360 --> 00:59:55,510 What you'll see is that the LDA ones almost always-- 1167 00:59:55,510 --> 00:59:58,707 and I think always in this case are smaller. 1168 00:59:58,707 --> 01:00:00,790 Actually, yeah, because the difference is actually 1169 01:00:00,790 --> 01:00:02,230 negative. 1170 01:00:02,230 --> 01:00:04,450 The GGA results are always bigger. 1171 01:00:07,160 --> 01:00:10,230 This is rather consistent whatever material you do. 1172 01:00:10,230 --> 01:00:15,640 You will find almost always that the LDA gives you 1173 01:00:15,640 --> 01:00:18,480 lattice parameters that are too small by a factor of a percent, 1174 01:00:18,480 --> 01:00:20,720 sometimes, 2%. 1175 01:00:20,720 --> 01:00:24,560 And so people refer to that as the over-binding of LDA. 1176 01:00:24,560 --> 01:00:26,660 LDA binds somewhat too strongly. 1177 01:00:26,660 --> 01:00:29,220 Remember you saw that in the molecules as well. 1178 01:00:29,220 --> 01:00:31,340 Oxygen had a 7 ev binding energy, 1179 01:00:31,340 --> 01:00:34,270 and it should only have a 5 ev binding energy. 1180 01:00:34,270 --> 01:00:36,020 And so in solids, the way that comes out 1181 01:00:36,020 --> 01:00:38,520 is that your equilibrium lattice parameters are slightly too 1182 01:00:38,520 --> 01:00:40,020 small. 1183 01:00:40,020 --> 01:00:43,140 Actually, I'm not sure that I know of a single result 1184 01:00:43,140 --> 01:00:46,800 where LDA gives a lattice parameter that's too big. 1185 01:00:46,800 --> 01:00:49,957 I've seen that on some occasions in papers, 1186 01:00:49,957 --> 01:00:52,290 but it's almost always an indication that the people did 1187 01:00:52,290 --> 01:00:54,843 the calculation wrong. 1188 01:00:54,843 --> 01:00:56,260 Actually, an LDA lattice parameter 1189 01:00:56,260 --> 01:00:58,840 that agrees with experiment is usually wrong-- 1190 01:00:58,840 --> 01:01:00,390 a wrong calculation. 1191 01:01:00,390 --> 01:01:04,032 GGA is much more unpredictable. 1192 01:01:04,032 --> 01:01:06,490 The ones that I've shown here because they're simple metals 1193 01:01:06,490 --> 01:01:08,650 and semiconductors give you a lattice parameter 1194 01:01:08,650 --> 01:01:10,120 that's too large. 1195 01:01:10,120 --> 01:01:12,190 In GGA, it's actually also possible to get 1196 01:01:12,190 --> 01:01:14,630 a lattice parameter that's too small, although it's rare. 1197 01:01:14,630 --> 01:01:17,260 Most of the time, you're on the higher side, 1198 01:01:17,260 --> 01:01:20,200 but it's less predictable, and that's sort of slightly 1199 01:01:20,200 --> 01:01:21,700 problematic with the GGA. 1200 01:01:21,700 --> 01:01:24,315 In LDA, a good guess of the lattice 1201 01:01:24,315 --> 01:01:26,440 parameters-- you calculate your lattice parameters, 1202 01:01:26,440 --> 01:01:28,120 and you know you're on the low side. 1203 01:01:28,120 --> 01:01:29,560 You always know that the real lattice parameter 1204 01:01:29,560 --> 01:01:30,550 is going to be bigger. 1205 01:01:30,550 --> 01:01:34,660 In GGA, it's slightly more difficult to predict 1206 01:01:34,660 --> 01:01:36,370 on which side you are. 1207 01:01:36,370 --> 01:01:38,890 But in metals, you do tend to be on the high side. 1208 01:01:41,410 --> 01:01:44,140 That actually has consequences for other properties, 1209 01:01:44,140 --> 01:01:46,330 like the bulk modulus. 1210 01:01:46,330 --> 01:01:49,420 If you compare, say, the experimental bulk modulus 1211 01:01:49,420 --> 01:01:53,810 to the LDA one, s you'll find is that in almost all cases-- 1212 01:01:53,810 --> 01:01:55,810 and I think in all cases that I've shown-- well, 1213 01:01:55,810 --> 01:01:58,150 all cases except silicon-- 1214 01:01:58,150 --> 01:02:00,650 the LDA bulk modulus is too large, 1215 01:02:00,650 --> 01:02:02,890 so the material is too stiff that means. 1216 01:02:02,890 --> 01:02:06,880 And that kind of goes together with the over-binding. 1217 01:02:06,880 --> 01:02:09,760 Remember, the bonding energy is too high, 1218 01:02:09,760 --> 01:02:11,698 the lattice parameter is too small. 1219 01:02:11,698 --> 01:02:13,990 All that is kind of in agreement with the material also 1220 01:02:13,990 --> 01:02:15,040 being too stiff. 1221 01:02:15,040 --> 01:02:18,220 As you compress the material, it gets stiffer. 1222 01:02:18,220 --> 01:02:20,800 GGA, most of the time, if you see from deviations, 1223 01:02:20,800 --> 01:02:23,110 has to be on the other side. 1224 01:02:23,110 --> 01:02:25,120 It tends to be too soft. 1225 01:02:25,120 --> 01:02:29,350 And bulk modulus effects that will 1226 01:02:29,350 --> 01:02:34,150 transfer, for example, also into vibrational frequencies. 1227 01:02:34,150 --> 01:02:37,360 In material, when you're too hard, too stiff, 1228 01:02:37,360 --> 01:02:39,070 you'll have higher vibrational frequency. 1229 01:02:39,070 --> 01:02:40,870 When you're too soft, you'll have 1230 01:02:40,870 --> 01:02:42,580 lower vibrational frequencies. 1231 01:02:45,650 --> 01:02:46,795 Here's the same for oxides. 1232 01:02:46,795 --> 01:02:48,170 You're not exactly learning a lot 1233 01:02:48,170 --> 01:02:51,050 new by looking at them, except that in oxides, the errors just 1234 01:02:51,050 --> 01:02:52,175 tend to be slightly larger. 1235 01:02:58,090 --> 01:03:02,080 So here's the summary for geometry prediction. 1236 01:03:02,080 --> 01:03:05,170 You almost always-- and I would probably say always-- 1237 01:03:05,170 --> 01:03:07,090 under-predict with LDA. 1238 01:03:07,090 --> 01:03:10,540 Less systematic errors with GGA. 1239 01:03:10,540 --> 01:03:13,450 For normal materials like semiconductors and metals, 1240 01:03:13,450 --> 01:03:17,950 often, your errors are confined to order 1% to 2%. 1241 01:03:17,950 --> 01:03:20,180 In transition metal oxides-- and if I have a chance, 1242 01:03:20,180 --> 01:03:21,722 I'll say a little bit more about that 1243 01:03:21,722 --> 01:03:25,450 later because they have electronic structures where 1244 01:03:25,450 --> 01:03:30,680 the LDA and GGA approximations are particularly harsh on. 1245 01:03:30,680 --> 01:03:32,750 You tend to have somewhat bigger errors. 1246 01:03:32,750 --> 01:03:36,340 But I may say a little more about that if we get to it. 1247 01:03:36,340 --> 01:03:40,570 So I want to say something about predicting structure, 1248 01:03:40,570 --> 01:03:44,300 and about the energy scale that's required. 1249 01:03:44,300 --> 01:03:46,300 So this is often something you want to do. 1250 01:03:46,300 --> 01:03:50,050 You want to know if I put my energy in this arrangement, 1251 01:03:50,050 --> 01:03:52,398 is that lower in energy than some other arrangement, 1252 01:03:52,398 --> 01:03:54,940 so I can kind of predict what the most stable arrangement is. 1253 01:03:54,940 --> 01:03:56,898 So that could be [INAUDIBLE] crystal structure, 1254 01:03:56,898 --> 01:03:59,750 but it's the same for if you look, say, at a surface. 1255 01:03:59,750 --> 01:04:02,140 So I wanted to give you a feeling for the scale 1256 01:04:02,140 --> 01:04:04,340 of energetic differences. 1257 01:04:04,340 --> 01:04:08,260 So for vanadium, I've listed the atomic energy here 1258 01:04:08,260 --> 01:04:09,700 in [INAUDIBLE]. 1259 01:04:09,700 --> 01:04:12,025 This is the energy of all its electrons, 1260 01:04:12,025 --> 01:04:15,820 so not just the valence electrons actually. 1261 01:04:15,820 --> 01:04:19,120 The energy for FCC vanadium-- so remember, 1262 01:04:19,120 --> 01:04:25,160 the first line is the atom, not in a solid. 1263 01:04:25,160 --> 01:04:31,550 The second line is the FCC iron, and the third one is BCC iron. 1264 01:04:31,550 --> 01:04:32,850 So look at the differences. 1265 01:04:32,850 --> 01:04:34,790 First of all, if you go from the atom 1266 01:04:34,790 --> 01:04:39,552 to the solid, your first four digits don't even change. 1267 01:04:39,552 --> 01:04:41,010 And again, that's a reflection of-- 1268 01:04:41,010 --> 01:04:44,140 well, a lot of your deep core states don't change. 1269 01:04:44,140 --> 01:04:45,870 But you would see something similar even 1270 01:04:45,870 --> 01:04:47,995 with a pseudopotential approximation where you only 1271 01:04:47,995 --> 01:04:49,990 deal with the valence electrons. 1272 01:04:49,990 --> 01:04:59,090 So the cohesive energy is only 0.03% of the total energy. 1273 01:04:59,090 --> 01:05:01,610 So if you're calculating-- the reason I'm saying this-- 1274 01:05:01,610 --> 01:05:04,250 if you're calculating the cohesive energy by first 1275 01:05:04,250 --> 01:05:07,160 calculating the total energy of a solid, 1276 01:05:07,160 --> 01:05:08,780 and then calculating atomic energy, 1277 01:05:08,780 --> 01:05:10,977 you'd better do these things damn accurate, 1278 01:05:10,977 --> 01:05:12,560 because you're going to subtract them, 1279 01:05:12,560 --> 01:05:15,170 and most of what you subtract is the same. 1280 01:05:15,170 --> 01:05:18,140 So to get any significance in your result, 1281 01:05:18,140 --> 01:05:22,540 you need to have high numerical accuracy. 1282 01:05:22,540 --> 01:05:24,670 And that's not a big problem with a lot of code, 1283 01:05:24,670 --> 01:05:27,560 but I want you to keep that in mind. 1284 01:05:27,560 --> 01:05:30,040 But few people care about the cohesive energy. 1285 01:05:30,040 --> 01:05:35,770 Let's say you want to know whether vanadium is FCC or BCC. 1286 01:05:35,770 --> 01:05:38,110 So you could calculate it as BCC. 1287 01:05:38,110 --> 01:05:43,750 Now the FCC/BCC difference is only 0.001% 1288 01:05:43,750 --> 01:05:45,640 of the total energy. 1289 01:05:45,640 --> 01:05:48,530 And these are not complicated structures. 1290 01:05:48,530 --> 01:05:51,760 So in many cases, we're going to work with energy differences 1291 01:05:51,760 --> 01:05:53,170 that are fractions of-- 1292 01:05:53,170 --> 01:05:56,590 so that are 10 to the minus 6, 10 to the minus 7 1293 01:05:56,590 --> 01:05:58,318 times the total energy. 1294 01:05:58,318 --> 01:05:59,860 So it's sort of telling you something 1295 01:05:59,860 --> 01:06:04,660 about how much numerical accuracy you need. 1296 01:06:04,660 --> 01:06:06,820 If you want to look at mixing energies-- 1297 01:06:06,820 --> 01:06:09,310 let's say I mix vanadium with something else-- 1298 01:06:09,310 --> 01:06:10,960 platinum-- and you want to know what's 1299 01:06:10,960 --> 01:06:14,620 the mixing enthalpy, because that sets the whole temperature 1300 01:06:14,620 --> 01:06:18,460 scale for mixing, the whole phase diagram topology. 1301 01:06:18,460 --> 01:06:19,810 That tends to be a fraction-- 1302 01:06:19,810 --> 01:06:24,140 10 to minus 6, 10 to the minus 7 of the total energy. 1303 01:06:24,140 --> 01:06:28,030 So my former advisor used to compare this to-- let's say 1304 01:06:28,030 --> 01:06:31,480 you want to know the weight of a captain that 1305 01:06:31,480 --> 01:06:33,490 sails a big supertanker. 1306 01:06:33,490 --> 01:06:35,680 It's like weighing the tanker with the captain 1307 01:06:35,680 --> 01:06:38,210 and without the captain, and looking at the difference, 1308 01:06:38,210 --> 01:06:40,510 and that's the weight of the captain. 1309 01:06:40,510 --> 01:06:44,750 You're almost at a kind of relative scale like that here. 1310 01:06:44,750 --> 01:06:47,710 So the [? cute ?] thing really is 1311 01:06:47,710 --> 01:06:49,990 that all these approximations we make 1312 01:06:49,990 --> 01:06:55,120 to density functional theory are obviously not this accurate. 1313 01:06:55,120 --> 01:06:58,840 The total energy is not accurate up to a fraction of 10 1314 01:06:58,840 --> 01:07:00,370 to the minus 6. 1315 01:07:00,370 --> 01:07:03,400 The only reason we're here and we can get physical behavior 1316 01:07:03,400 --> 01:07:06,430 right is because a lot of the error 1317 01:07:06,430 --> 01:07:08,200 the density functional theory makes in LDA 1318 01:07:08,200 --> 01:07:09,980 and GGA is systematic. 1319 01:07:09,980 --> 01:07:12,070 And so a lot of it cancels away when 1320 01:07:12,070 --> 01:07:14,290 you take energy differences. 1321 01:07:14,290 --> 01:07:18,790 When I do FCC and BCC vanadium, yes, I may have an error of 10 1322 01:07:18,790 --> 01:07:21,640 to minus 4 in the energy, but most of it 1323 01:07:21,640 --> 01:07:24,680 cancels away when I take the energy difference. 1324 01:07:24,680 --> 01:07:26,343 And that's why we're lucky. 1325 01:07:26,343 --> 01:07:27,760 But you have to keep that in mind, 1326 01:07:27,760 --> 01:07:30,070 because again, the less cancellation you have, 1327 01:07:30,070 --> 01:07:40,410 the bigger your error on the result. 1328 01:07:40,410 --> 01:07:44,640 So again, let me show you how well or how badly it does. 1329 01:07:44,640 --> 01:07:46,950 So I did a very simple thing. 1330 01:07:46,950 --> 01:07:50,460 I looked at how well does it predict, say, 1331 01:07:50,460 --> 01:07:53,010 the structure of the elements. 1332 01:07:53,010 --> 01:07:57,430 This is done in GGA, a standard [? Trudel ?] potential method. 1333 01:07:57,430 --> 01:08:00,315 So this comes out-- you may have to look at your hand 1334 01:08:00,315 --> 01:08:04,290 out because this is extremely fuzzy on the screen. 1335 01:08:04,290 --> 01:08:07,860 In red, I did metals that are experimentally 1336 01:08:07,860 --> 01:08:12,330 FCC, and green I did metals that are experimentally BCC. 1337 01:08:12,330 --> 01:08:15,510 Now what I show you is the calculated energy 1338 01:08:15,510 --> 01:08:18,630 difference between FCC and BCC, and it's actually 1339 01:08:18,630 --> 01:08:25,880 the first line below every element kind of like this. 1340 01:08:25,880 --> 01:08:29,920 And so when that's positive, the BCC energy is higher than FCC, 1341 01:08:29,920 --> 01:08:30,670 so it's going to-- 1342 01:08:30,670 --> 01:08:32,859 FCC is preferred over BCC. 1343 01:08:32,859 --> 01:08:40,120 If it's negative like here, then BCC is preferred over FCC. 1344 01:08:40,120 --> 01:08:42,220 And so if you look-- so the color is 1345 01:08:42,220 --> 01:08:45,910 the experimental result, the number is calculated. 1346 01:08:45,910 --> 01:08:49,830 So if you look at them carefully, they're all correct. 1347 01:08:49,830 --> 01:08:51,569 It's negative when we have green, 1348 01:08:51,569 --> 01:08:57,569 it's positive when we have red. 1349 01:08:57,569 --> 01:09:00,420 You can do a more subtle comparison. 1350 01:09:00,420 --> 01:09:02,399 Look at the difference between HCP-- 1351 01:09:02,399 --> 01:09:04,537 Hexagonal Close Pack-- and FCC. 1352 01:09:04,537 --> 01:09:06,120 And the reason that that's more subtle 1353 01:09:06,120 --> 01:09:09,450 is HCP FCC are much more alike. 1354 01:09:09,450 --> 01:09:10,428 They're all close pack. 1355 01:09:10,428 --> 01:09:11,970 It's just the difference in stacking. 1356 01:09:11,970 --> 01:09:15,870 ab, ab, versus abc, abc. 1357 01:09:15,870 --> 01:09:18,030 And so again, you'll see that they're all correct. 1358 01:09:20,640 --> 01:09:22,500 The red ones are the FCC ones. 1359 01:09:22,500 --> 01:09:24,870 They're the ones where that first line is positive. 1360 01:09:24,870 --> 01:09:29,069 By the way, that number is in kilojoules per mole here. 1361 01:09:29,069 --> 01:09:32,790 The yellow ones, that number is negative. 1362 01:09:32,790 --> 01:09:40,840 So we get the structure of the elements essentially correct. 1363 01:09:40,840 --> 01:09:43,720 There are notable exceptions. 1364 01:09:43,720 --> 01:09:45,520 In LDA, iron is wrong. 1365 01:09:45,520 --> 01:09:50,850 Iron is FCC in LDA, not BCC, but in GGA, that's corrected. 1366 01:09:50,850 --> 01:09:53,020 And then there are the weirdos. 1367 01:09:53,020 --> 01:09:56,780 If you go deep down in the periodic table, 1368 01:09:56,780 --> 01:10:01,120 especially f electron metals have-- 1369 01:10:01,120 --> 01:10:04,480 the f states are extremely localized even in metals, 1370 01:10:04,480 --> 01:10:07,540 and so electron correlation becomes very important here. 1371 01:10:07,540 --> 01:10:09,290 And I may say a little more about that. 1372 01:10:09,290 --> 01:10:12,820 And so there you'll start to see failures LDA and GGA. 1373 01:10:12,820 --> 01:10:15,730 An important one is plutonium. 1374 01:10:15,730 --> 01:10:18,650 Plutonium is kind of important for obvious reasons, 1375 01:10:18,650 --> 01:10:22,090 especially if you work at national labs these days. 1376 01:10:22,090 --> 01:10:26,770 And so people are building more sophisticated methods 1377 01:10:26,770 --> 01:10:30,550 to deal with materials such as plutonium. 1378 01:10:30,550 --> 01:10:33,357 Typically, when you work with f electron metals, sometimes, 1379 01:10:33,357 --> 01:10:35,440 you'll get the answer right, sometimes, you won't. 1380 01:10:35,440 --> 01:10:38,005 But you should be a little more careful. 1381 01:10:42,590 --> 01:10:43,910 Let me skip this. 1382 01:10:43,910 --> 01:10:45,650 You can get the-- 1383 01:10:45,650 --> 01:10:52,010 most of the time, you'll get the structure of compounds right. 1384 01:10:52,010 --> 01:10:54,530 If you go to transition metal oxides-- 1385 01:10:54,530 --> 01:10:56,390 so I sort of went from metallic elements 1386 01:10:56,390 --> 01:10:58,460 now to transition metal oxides-- 1387 01:10:58,460 --> 01:11:00,890 most of the time, you also get the structure right, 1388 01:11:00,890 --> 01:11:03,170 but things get more subtle. 1389 01:11:03,170 --> 01:11:05,990 In transition metal oxides, the transition metal 1390 01:11:05,990 --> 01:11:08,120 has local d states. 1391 01:11:08,120 --> 01:11:11,480 And I showed you before they often have significant spin 1392 01:11:11,480 --> 01:11:13,640 polarization, so the first thing you need to do 1393 01:11:13,640 --> 01:11:16,430 is turn spin polarization on, or you really 1394 01:11:16,430 --> 01:11:18,020 get the wrong answer. 1395 01:11:18,020 --> 01:11:19,980 But it often gets worse. 1396 01:11:19,980 --> 01:11:24,090 Remember that your spin is a scalar, so it's up or down. 1397 01:11:24,090 --> 01:11:26,780 So now you have a spatial degree of freedom 1398 01:11:26,780 --> 01:11:29,510 of how to organize that spin on the ions. 1399 01:11:29,510 --> 01:11:31,520 If you have a bunch of ions, you could put them 1400 01:11:31,520 --> 01:11:32,720 all with the same direction. 1401 01:11:32,720 --> 01:11:36,343 That's a ferromagnet, or you could put them 1402 01:11:36,343 --> 01:11:37,760 with sort of alternating direction 1403 01:11:37,760 --> 01:11:39,980 as a kind of a anti-ferromagnet. 1404 01:11:39,980 --> 01:11:43,280 And then there's many ways to make them anti-ferromagnetic. 1405 01:11:43,280 --> 01:11:45,200 And unfortunately, in transition metal oxide, 1406 01:11:45,200 --> 01:11:47,900 it often matters because there's not only 1407 01:11:47,900 --> 01:11:51,590 a strong spin polarization effect on the energy, 1408 01:11:51,590 --> 01:11:53,040 but there's a fairly strong effect 1409 01:11:53,040 --> 01:11:58,940 of the interaction between spins on different ions. 1410 01:11:58,940 --> 01:12:01,260 And I'm showing you a result here. 1411 01:12:01,260 --> 01:12:02,720 This is a simple crystal structure. 1412 01:12:02,720 --> 01:12:04,610 It's a structure of lithium manganese oxide. 1413 01:12:04,610 --> 01:12:08,450 It's an ordered rock salt. These are still very simple. 1414 01:12:08,450 --> 01:12:11,030 But the correct answer-- 1415 01:12:11,030 --> 01:12:14,283 I'm showing the comparison here between two structures 1416 01:12:14,283 --> 01:12:16,200 only labeled by their symmetry, unfortunately. 1417 01:12:16,200 --> 01:12:19,730 One is C2/m, and one is pmmn. 1418 01:12:19,730 --> 01:12:23,060 There are similar structures, but one is orthorhombic, 1419 01:12:23,060 --> 01:12:24,800 and one is monoclinic. 1420 01:12:24,800 --> 01:12:26,900 The correct answer is pmmn-- 1421 01:12:26,900 --> 01:12:28,610 is the real crystal structure. 1422 01:12:28,610 --> 01:12:31,620 If you do a non-spin polarized calculation-- 1423 01:12:31,620 --> 01:12:34,700 so that's not even allowing spin on the ions-- 1424 01:12:34,700 --> 01:12:35,960 you get a whopping error. 1425 01:12:35,960 --> 01:12:41,720 I mean, C2/m is lower in energy by 250 mill-electron volt 1426 01:12:41,720 --> 01:12:43,280 per formal unit. 1427 01:12:43,280 --> 01:12:44,240 That's very large. 1428 01:12:44,240 --> 01:12:49,020 In kilojoules, that'd be 25 kilojoules per mole. 1429 01:12:49,020 --> 01:12:50,420 It's a very large error. 1430 01:12:50,420 --> 01:12:51,890 If you turn on spin polarization, 1431 01:12:51,890 --> 01:12:53,098 will make them ferromagnetic. 1432 01:12:53,098 --> 01:12:53,930 They're degenerate. 1433 01:12:53,930 --> 01:12:56,060 And if you make them anti-ferromagnetic, 1434 01:12:56,060 --> 01:12:59,030 this one is the lowest in energy. 1435 01:12:59,030 --> 01:13:04,100 Now here's a very common mistake that people make. 1436 01:13:04,100 --> 01:13:06,350 If you take this material at room temperature, 1437 01:13:06,350 --> 01:13:08,700 it's paramagnetic. 1438 01:13:08,700 --> 01:13:11,160 Some people say, well, it's paramagnetic, 1439 01:13:11,160 --> 01:13:13,020 so I shouldn't have any spin polarization-- 1440 01:13:13,020 --> 01:13:14,160 there's no net moment. 1441 01:13:14,160 --> 01:13:17,910 That is so wrong, because a paramagnet still 1442 01:13:17,910 --> 01:13:19,200 has a local moment. 1443 01:13:19,200 --> 01:13:21,390 The ions still have a moment on them, 1444 01:13:21,390 --> 01:13:24,120 it's just randomly oriented. 1445 01:13:24,120 --> 01:13:27,710 So you still need to represent that moment. 1446 01:13:27,710 --> 01:13:30,210 Because it turns out that's the biggest effect on the energy 1447 01:13:30,210 --> 01:13:32,460 is the fact that you have that local moment. 1448 01:13:32,460 --> 01:13:34,560 It's not necessarily how they're arranged. 1449 01:13:34,560 --> 01:13:35,970 You can actually see that here. 1450 01:13:35,970 --> 01:13:39,630 How they're arranged makes you go from this difference 1451 01:13:39,630 --> 01:13:41,100 to this difference. 1452 01:13:41,100 --> 01:13:42,810 But turning on the local moment makes 1453 01:13:42,810 --> 01:13:46,750 you go from this difference to that difference. 1454 01:13:46,750 --> 01:13:48,310 So never fall in that trap. 1455 01:13:48,310 --> 01:13:52,090 It's really only non-magnetic materials or diamagnetic 1456 01:13:52,090 --> 01:13:57,770 materials for which you don't really need spin polarization. 1457 01:13:57,770 --> 01:14:01,740 Now why is this effect so important? 1458 01:14:01,740 --> 01:14:06,560 It's really because if you spin polarize an ion, 1459 01:14:06,560 --> 01:14:08,920 you fill different orbitals. 1460 01:14:08,920 --> 01:14:12,470 I mean, I've shown that here with a bunch of d orbitals. 1461 01:14:12,470 --> 01:14:14,840 And this is typically how they split in most oxides. 1462 01:14:14,840 --> 01:14:16,850 Every time an ion is octahedral-- 1463 01:14:16,850 --> 01:14:21,140 five d orbitals tend to split in pairs of 3, 2-- 1464 01:14:21,140 --> 01:14:22,100 3 down, 2 up. 1465 01:14:22,100 --> 01:14:25,520 In some cases, 2 down, 3 up. 1466 01:14:25,520 --> 01:14:27,020 But let's say you have to put four-- 1467 01:14:27,020 --> 01:14:28,490 five electrons in there. 1468 01:14:28,490 --> 01:14:30,830 How many do I have? 1469 01:14:30,830 --> 01:14:33,290 I'm missing-- no, four electrons. 1470 01:14:33,290 --> 01:14:34,280 If you put them-- 1471 01:14:34,280 --> 01:14:35,390 that's called high spin. 1472 01:14:35,390 --> 01:14:38,120 So all parallel spin, you put them like this. 1473 01:14:38,120 --> 01:14:40,980 If you put them low spin, you put them like this. 1474 01:14:40,980 --> 01:14:42,630 So here we have no moment. 1475 01:14:42,630 --> 01:14:47,370 So these two ions have different chemical properties, 1476 01:14:47,370 --> 01:14:50,580 because the electrons occupy different orbitals. 1477 01:14:50,580 --> 01:14:57,120 These are different d orbitals, and so this orbital points 1478 01:14:57,120 --> 01:15:01,540 in a different direction, for example, than this one. 1479 01:15:01,540 --> 01:15:04,720 So by spin polarizing, you create 1480 01:15:04,720 --> 01:15:05,980 essentially a different ion. 1481 01:15:05,980 --> 01:15:08,920 It's not really an issue of magnetism, 1482 01:15:08,920 --> 01:15:11,470 because magnetic effects tend to be small in materials. 1483 01:15:11,470 --> 01:15:14,230 But it's the fact that you create chemically 1484 01:15:14,230 --> 01:15:18,870 a different ion because you fill different levels. 1485 01:15:18,870 --> 01:15:21,680 That's really why these energy differences are so big. 1486 01:15:26,533 --> 01:15:28,700 I sort of want to end with showing you some reaction 1487 01:15:28,700 --> 01:15:30,620 energies very quickly. 1488 01:15:30,620 --> 01:15:33,200 And I'm going to sort make it systematically harder. 1489 01:15:33,200 --> 01:15:34,580 So here's a simple one. 1490 01:15:34,580 --> 01:15:37,460 A metal, lithium, BCC, with another metal, 1491 01:15:37,460 --> 01:15:40,640 aluminum forming a lithium-aluminum compound. 1492 01:15:40,640 --> 01:15:44,480 Here's the experimental reaction energy, here's the LDA one. 1493 01:15:44,480 --> 01:15:46,880 10% off. 1494 01:15:46,880 --> 01:15:48,020 That's classic. 1495 01:15:48,020 --> 01:15:50,840 Metallic reaction energies, you're somewhere 1496 01:15:50,840 --> 01:15:54,020 in the range 5% to 15%. 1497 01:15:54,020 --> 01:15:55,640 The one I show here, copper-gold, 1498 01:15:55,640 --> 01:15:58,740 is a notable exception where you're over 50% off. 1499 01:15:58,740 --> 01:16:02,030 But most of them, it's much simpler. 1500 01:16:06,360 --> 01:16:11,150 So in metals, you tend to get very good reaction energies. 1501 01:16:11,150 --> 01:16:15,770 I want to show you the case where things go wrong. 1502 01:16:15,770 --> 01:16:20,330 Where your errors become bigger is in redox reactions. 1503 01:16:20,330 --> 01:16:22,670 And I've shown sort of here three different ones. 1504 01:16:22,670 --> 01:16:23,630 They're all related. 1505 01:16:23,630 --> 01:16:25,670 They're essentially a reaction between an oxide, 1506 01:16:25,670 --> 01:16:29,180 or in this case, a phosphate with a metal 1507 01:16:29,180 --> 01:16:31,110 to react the two together. 1508 01:16:31,110 --> 01:16:33,530 And if you look at the reaction energies, 1509 01:16:33,530 --> 01:16:34,950 you're not considerably off. 1510 01:16:34,950 --> 01:16:37,760 GGA gives you 2.8 electronvolts for this reaction. 1511 01:16:37,760 --> 01:16:40,320 Experiment is 3.5. 1512 01:16:40,320 --> 01:16:44,150 This one, which is very similar, the error is 30%. 1513 01:16:44,150 --> 01:16:46,190 You get 3.3 electronvolts. 1514 01:16:46,190 --> 01:16:48,260 Experiment is 4.6. 1515 01:16:48,260 --> 01:16:49,880 Why is that? 1516 01:16:49,880 --> 01:16:52,820 Well, it has to do with the lack of error cancellation. 1517 01:16:52,820 --> 01:16:54,380 If you look in detail what happens 1518 01:16:54,380 --> 01:16:56,450 to the electronic structure in these materials, 1519 01:16:56,450 --> 01:16:58,710 these are redox reactions. 1520 01:16:58,710 --> 01:17:02,240 So if you do the math on the valences-- and believe me, 1521 01:17:02,240 --> 01:17:06,220 this ion here is 3 plus. 1522 01:17:06,220 --> 01:17:07,780 Phosphorus, 5 plus. 1523 01:17:07,780 --> 01:17:09,760 Oxygen is 2 minus, so you can do the math. 1524 01:17:09,760 --> 01:17:14,200 Iron here is 2 plus, and lithium is 1 plus. 1525 01:17:14,200 --> 01:17:16,408 So what has happened in this reaction? 1526 01:17:16,408 --> 01:17:18,700 Well, you've taken essentially an electron from lithium 1527 01:17:18,700 --> 01:17:24,910 in it's metallic state, and put it on the iron 3 plus 1528 01:17:24,910 --> 01:17:27,190 to make iron 2 plus. 1529 01:17:27,190 --> 01:17:29,980 So essentially, you've transferred an electron 1530 01:17:29,980 --> 01:17:35,240 from metallic lithium and ionized lithium to the iron 1531 01:17:35,240 --> 01:17:37,940 to reduce it from 3 plus to 2 plus. 1532 01:17:37,940 --> 01:17:39,800 But think about what's that doing? 1533 01:17:39,800 --> 01:17:42,003 That electron in lithium-- 1534 01:17:42,003 --> 01:17:43,670 lithium is there in the alkaline metals. 1535 01:17:43,670 --> 01:17:45,210 That's an s electron. 1536 01:17:45,210 --> 01:17:47,840 So that's a wide delocalized orbital, 1537 01:17:47,840 --> 01:17:49,250 and I think it's metallic-- 1538 01:17:49,250 --> 01:17:54,440 and you're transferring it to a localized d state on the iron. 1539 01:17:54,440 --> 01:17:56,900 So that electron is essentially being transferred 1540 01:17:56,900 --> 01:17:59,750 between extremely different states, 1541 01:17:59,750 --> 01:18:02,750 and this is what's killing you. 1542 01:18:02,750 --> 01:18:05,780 Because you transfer between such different states, 1543 01:18:05,780 --> 01:18:08,900 you start losing a lot of the sort of cancellation of errors 1544 01:18:08,900 --> 01:18:09,920 that you need. 1545 01:18:09,920 --> 01:18:12,650 That's the functional theory. 1546 01:18:12,650 --> 01:18:15,980 And in particular, the error here 1547 01:18:15,980 --> 01:18:17,960 comes from something quite particular. 1548 01:18:23,190 --> 01:18:28,030 It comes from what we call the self-interaction error. 1549 01:18:28,030 --> 01:18:29,880 So I'm trying to sort make you understand 1550 01:18:29,880 --> 01:18:31,590 where these errors come from so that when 1551 01:18:31,590 --> 01:18:35,400 you work on your application, you get a bit of a feeling for. 1552 01:18:35,400 --> 01:18:39,090 If you remember how we solve all these quantum 1553 01:18:39,090 --> 01:18:41,040 mechanical equations, we reduce them 1554 01:18:41,040 --> 01:18:43,575 to one electronic equations, where 1555 01:18:43,575 --> 01:18:45,700 you have the kinetic energy, the nuclear potential. 1556 01:18:45,700 --> 01:18:48,025 And then this effective potential 1557 01:18:48,025 --> 01:18:49,650 which, remember what all goes in there. 1558 01:18:49,650 --> 01:18:51,150 The effective the potential-- that's 1559 01:18:51,150 --> 01:18:53,400 the one that has the exchange correlation in it, 1560 01:18:53,400 --> 01:18:58,350 but it also has the Hartree field, so the coulombic field 1561 01:18:58,350 --> 01:18:59,790 from all the electrons. 1562 01:18:59,790 --> 01:19:04,500 Well, that field includes the electron itself. 1563 01:19:04,500 --> 01:19:06,330 That's the sort of oddity in essence. 1564 01:19:06,330 --> 01:19:08,250 When you calculate the charge density, 1565 01:19:08,250 --> 01:19:10,440 that's the charge density of all the electrons. 1566 01:19:10,440 --> 01:19:12,390 We then calculate the potential coming 1567 01:19:12,390 --> 01:19:16,020 from the charge density, that's the potential coming from all 1568 01:19:16,020 --> 01:19:17,280 the electrons. 1569 01:19:17,280 --> 01:19:20,350 But you operate that now on a single electron. 1570 01:19:20,350 --> 01:19:24,140 So the electron is feeling its own potential. 1571 01:19:24,140 --> 01:19:27,410 Part of the exchange correlation term 1572 01:19:27,410 --> 01:19:31,057 corrects for that, but not all of it. 1573 01:19:31,057 --> 01:19:32,640 And the problem is that the correction 1574 01:19:32,640 --> 01:19:35,670 doesn't operate as well on different forms of the charge 1575 01:19:35,670 --> 01:19:36,520 density. 1576 01:19:36,520 --> 01:19:41,350 In a metal, you have a small self-interaction error. 1577 01:19:41,350 --> 01:19:44,430 And the reason is if you look at a state in a metal, 1578 01:19:44,430 --> 01:19:45,840 sort of very delocalized. 1579 01:19:45,840 --> 01:19:48,220 So very spread out charge density. 1580 01:19:48,220 --> 01:19:51,360 So if you want to think of it, the part of the electron 1581 01:19:51,360 --> 01:19:54,630 here doesn't feel much of the charge density coming-- 1582 01:19:54,630 --> 01:19:56,850 of the potential coming from that piece of the charge 1583 01:19:56,850 --> 01:20:00,820 density, because they're very far away. 1584 01:20:00,820 --> 01:20:05,080 Whereas if you do a very localized state, in some sense, 1585 01:20:05,080 --> 01:20:08,230 then the potential from the electron 1586 01:20:08,230 --> 01:20:11,320 is very high where the electron itself is sitting, 1587 01:20:11,320 --> 01:20:13,090 because it's all very close. 1588 01:20:13,090 --> 01:20:16,840 If you put an electron in a delta function if you-- 1589 01:20:16,840 --> 01:20:19,202 if you didn't have an uncertainty principle, 1590 01:20:19,202 --> 01:20:21,160 and you calculate its potential, it's basically 1591 01:20:21,160 --> 01:20:22,810 sitting on top of itself then. 1592 01:20:22,810 --> 01:20:26,620 You'd have an infinite self-interaction. 1593 01:20:26,620 --> 01:20:30,190 So the more local the state is, the more self-interaction 1594 01:20:30,190 --> 01:20:31,180 you have. 1595 01:20:31,180 --> 01:20:32,980 And the exchange correlation functional 1596 01:20:32,980 --> 01:20:37,000 can't quite correct these two in the same way. 1597 01:20:37,000 --> 01:20:39,760 And remember that the exchange correlation correction comes 1598 01:20:39,760 --> 01:20:43,420 from homogeneous charge densities, 1599 01:20:43,420 --> 01:20:46,540 so it tends to correct the metallic state better 1600 01:20:46,540 --> 01:20:48,400 than the localized state. 1601 01:20:48,400 --> 01:20:52,960 And so this is why that redox reaction I showed you had a big 1602 01:20:52,960 --> 01:20:56,980 error, because we were transferring from a state that 1603 01:20:56,980 --> 01:21:00,040 was metallic-- the electron went from the lithium state-- 1604 01:21:00,040 --> 01:21:02,590 to the transition metal state. 1605 01:21:02,590 --> 01:21:04,510 And somehow, the self-interaction error 1606 01:21:04,510 --> 01:21:07,270 doesn't cancel. 1607 01:21:07,270 --> 01:21:10,030 And you will see things like that 1608 01:21:10,030 --> 01:21:13,460 whenever you transfer electrons between quite different states, 1609 01:21:13,460 --> 01:21:17,056 so that's something to keep in mind. 1610 01:21:17,056 --> 01:21:19,720 I think I'm running out of time here, so yeah, let me 1611 01:21:19,720 --> 01:21:20,230 stop here. 1612 01:21:23,060 --> 01:21:24,830 So I'm summarizing here because this is 1613 01:21:24,830 --> 01:21:26,900 the stuff I went over before. 1614 01:21:26,900 --> 01:21:29,750 In general, you do pretty well. 1615 01:21:29,750 --> 01:21:33,960 I think if I'd given this summary 10 years ago, 1616 01:21:33,960 --> 01:21:37,100 I would have been even more optimistic, because most people 1617 01:21:37,100 --> 01:21:40,460 worked on metals and semiconductors which 1618 01:21:40,460 --> 01:21:42,640 tend to be fairly delocalized state, 1619 01:21:42,640 --> 01:21:45,140 so LDA and GGA do quite well. 1620 01:21:45,140 --> 01:21:49,310 I think as we dig into more complicated materials, 1621 01:21:49,310 --> 01:21:54,140 we have learned more about the errors of LDA and GGA. 1622 01:21:54,140 --> 01:21:55,580 But on sort of classic metals, you 1623 01:21:55,580 --> 01:21:58,130 do pretty well with lattice constants, reaction energies, 1624 01:21:58,130 --> 01:22:00,860 and cohesive energies. 1625 01:22:00,860 --> 01:22:03,500 But now there is a series of methods under development-- 1626 01:22:03,500 --> 01:22:06,230 and if we have some time, we might sort of just broach 1627 01:22:06,230 --> 01:22:07,040 them-- 1628 01:22:07,040 --> 01:22:09,200 to deal better with the correlation energy, 1629 01:22:09,200 --> 01:22:12,020 with the self-interaction energy to solve 1630 01:22:12,020 --> 01:22:13,760 these problems of both energetics 1631 01:22:13,760 --> 01:22:17,090 and also electronic structure-- things such as the band gap. 1632 01:22:17,090 --> 01:22:18,050 So I'll end here. 1633 01:22:18,050 --> 01:22:20,450 And remember, on Tuesday, we have lab. 1634 01:22:20,450 --> 01:22:24,970 So you meet in the lab, and then Thursday, we'll be back here.