1 00:00:10,020 --> 00:00:11,290 MORGAN BINGGELI: Hi, everyone. 2 00:00:11,290 --> 00:00:13,000 My name is Morgan Binggeli. 3 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:17,040 I'm a first year masters student at EPFL in material science 4 00:00:17,040 --> 00:00:20,200 and engineering, and I'm going to present 5 00:00:20,200 --> 00:00:24,450 to you this video about heat transfer in a material. 6 00:00:24,450 --> 00:00:27,640 This video start with a little introduction 7 00:00:27,640 --> 00:00:30,480 where I will give you some definitions which 8 00:00:30,480 --> 00:00:32,670 will be useful for heat transfer, 9 00:00:32,670 --> 00:00:36,630 and where I will talk a bit about heat equations. 10 00:00:36,630 --> 00:00:39,810 Then I'm going to present to you some concrete examples that you 11 00:00:39,810 --> 00:00:42,740 can meet in your everyday life. 12 00:00:42,740 --> 00:00:47,220 In order to be able to see the next example in a proper way, 13 00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:49,790 we need to give some definitions. 14 00:00:49,790 --> 00:00:54,590 In this video we're going to say that heat is a form of energy. 15 00:00:54,590 --> 00:00:57,440 The temperature is a measurable manifestation 16 00:00:57,440 --> 00:01:01,860 of the stored heat Instabilities in which different temperatures 17 00:01:01,860 --> 00:01:02,950 are in contact-- 18 00:01:02,950 --> 00:01:05,500 a heat transfer occurs, transferring the heat 19 00:01:05,500 --> 00:01:08,400 from the warmer to the colder body. 20 00:01:08,400 --> 00:01:11,390 Several heat transfer modes exists. 21 00:01:11,390 --> 00:01:13,270 Through heat conduction, which corresponds 22 00:01:13,270 --> 00:01:16,000 to the heat exchanged between two points of a motionless 23 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:19,120 and opaque solid, liquid, or gas. 24 00:01:19,120 --> 00:01:22,270 Through convention, which corresponds to a heat exchange 25 00:01:22,270 --> 00:01:24,880 between the wall and a fluid, with a heat transfer 26 00:01:24,880 --> 00:01:27,240 done by the moving fluid. 27 00:01:27,240 --> 00:01:29,290 Finally, the radiation corresponds 28 00:01:29,290 --> 00:01:32,350 to a heat exchange between two walls, separated 29 00:01:32,350 --> 00:01:35,100 by a transparent environment. 30 00:01:35,100 --> 00:01:38,200 As we're going to talk about heat transfer in this video, 31 00:01:38,200 --> 00:01:41,100 it's important to understand our heat equations 32 00:01:41,100 --> 00:01:43,600 in this kind of phenomena. 33 00:01:43,600 --> 00:01:45,760 First, the heat conduction law, which 34 00:01:45,760 --> 00:01:48,580 defines the diffusive thermal flux and function 35 00:01:48,580 --> 00:01:50,980 of the temperature gradient. 36 00:01:50,980 --> 00:01:54,280 And this relation is linearly governed 37 00:01:54,280 --> 00:01:59,000 by the thermal conduction coefficient created here. 38 00:01:59,000 --> 00:02:03,510 Then, the heat equation, which has a time-dependent term, 39 00:02:03,510 --> 00:02:05,570 a speed-dependent term-- 40 00:02:05,570 --> 00:02:09,520 which correspond to the advection phenomena. 41 00:02:09,520 --> 00:02:14,670 A divergence term, here, of the diffusive thermal flux. 42 00:02:14,670 --> 00:02:18,450 And finally, a heat system which corresponds often 43 00:02:18,450 --> 00:02:25,620 to chemical reactions which are either esoteric or endothermic. 44 00:02:25,620 --> 00:02:28,920 Combining both equations, we get this final relation, 45 00:02:28,920 --> 00:02:33,750 which defines heat transfer and heat phenomena. 46 00:02:33,750 --> 00:02:35,910 We're now going to apply these relations 47 00:02:35,910 --> 00:02:38,800 to some concrete examples. 48 00:02:38,800 --> 00:02:43,060 As a first example, a simple wall of a house with thickness, 49 00:02:43,060 --> 00:02:45,730 e, is chosen. 50 00:02:45,730 --> 00:02:50,820 Its thermal state is stable, and there is no [INAUDIBLE].. 51 00:02:50,820 --> 00:02:54,280 A thin wall is considered, with an unidirectional heat 52 00:02:54,280 --> 00:02:56,790 flux along x-axis. 53 00:02:56,790 --> 00:03:00,890 The temperatures on both sides of the wall are different. 54 00:03:00,890 --> 00:03:05,430 T1, here, is lower than T2, here. 55 00:03:05,430 --> 00:03:08,850 The temperature profile in the wall is researched. 56 00:03:08,850 --> 00:03:11,535 To solve this problem, it is adept to use 57 00:03:11,535 --> 00:03:13,530 the Cartesian system. 58 00:03:13,530 --> 00:03:16,770 The temperature only changes along x-axis, 59 00:03:16,770 --> 00:03:19,260 and the nonhomogenous distribution of the temperature 60 00:03:19,260 --> 00:03:22,290 is weighted in the other directions. 61 00:03:22,290 --> 00:03:24,250 The conditions of this problem allow 62 00:03:24,250 --> 00:03:27,580 to simplify the heat equations presented before, 63 00:03:27,580 --> 00:03:30,790 which becomes such an equation. 64 00:03:30,790 --> 00:03:34,150 As boundary conditions, we define the temperature 65 00:03:34,150 --> 00:03:37,120 in x equals 0 to T1, here. 66 00:03:37,120 --> 00:03:41,270 And in x equal e to T2, here. 67 00:03:41,270 --> 00:03:46,190 We then defined the system and try to solve it. 68 00:03:46,190 --> 00:03:48,620 You can see here that the solution is 69 00:03:48,620 --> 00:03:51,590 dependent on e, the thickness. 70 00:03:51,590 --> 00:03:54,470 To be able to have a general solution, nondependent 71 00:03:54,470 --> 00:03:57,530 of this thickness, a variable change is done. 72 00:03:57,530 --> 00:04:00,740 The temperature is not in function of x, anymore-- 73 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:02,090 as it is here-- 74 00:04:02,090 --> 00:04:05,810 but in function of the ratio x over e, 75 00:04:05,810 --> 00:04:08,620 which varies between 0 and 1. 76 00:04:08,620 --> 00:04:11,410 The differential system of equations and the solution 77 00:04:11,410 --> 00:04:12,996 are as follows. 78 00:04:12,996 --> 00:04:14,120 Here, we define the system. 79 00:04:17,300 --> 00:04:18,980 And here, we try to solve it. 80 00:04:22,460 --> 00:04:25,950 The solutions look like this. 81 00:04:25,950 --> 00:04:28,400 Changing the disposition of the equation, 82 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:30,680 it's possible to get this kind of solution. 83 00:04:33,390 --> 00:04:36,280 It's then possible to generalize this equation to every case, 84 00:04:36,280 --> 00:04:39,950 doing the following transformation, here. 85 00:04:39,950 --> 00:04:42,770 So we can now see that our solution 86 00:04:42,770 --> 00:04:46,240 is only dependent on an extra e variable. 87 00:04:46,240 --> 00:04:48,500 Thus, it's possible to plot the temperature 88 00:04:48,500 --> 00:04:51,020 profile for this case. 89 00:04:51,020 --> 00:04:52,890 It looks like this. 90 00:04:52,890 --> 00:04:58,010 So we have a linear behavior between T1, here, 91 00:04:58,010 --> 00:05:01,820 and T2, here, along the x-axis. 92 00:05:01,820 --> 00:05:05,630 It may be easier to see the temperature distribution 93 00:05:05,630 --> 00:05:06,530 in the wall. 94 00:05:06,530 --> 00:05:09,380 Here we can clearly see that, if it's our wall, 95 00:05:09,380 --> 00:05:12,440 we have a linear gradient of the temperature, 96 00:05:12,440 --> 00:05:19,820 with the minimum at T1, and, here, our maximum at T2. 97 00:05:19,820 --> 00:05:22,610 That's all for this first example. 98 00:05:22,610 --> 00:05:26,480 As a second example, a concrete wall with a thickness, e, 99 00:05:26,480 --> 00:05:27,980 is chosen. 100 00:05:27,980 --> 00:05:31,370 This concrete wall is hardening due to an exothermic chemical 101 00:05:31,370 --> 00:05:35,440 reaction, like a direction, for the concrete. 102 00:05:35,440 --> 00:05:38,770 The temperature is the same at both sides of the wall, 103 00:05:38,770 --> 00:05:39,650 and is equal to Tw. 104 00:05:42,610 --> 00:05:47,060 This case is shown as a stable and motionless case. 105 00:05:47,060 --> 00:05:49,490 To solve this problem, it is adept to use 106 00:05:49,490 --> 00:05:51,230 the Cartesian system. 107 00:05:51,230 --> 00:05:54,610 The temperature only changes along the x-axis, 108 00:05:54,610 --> 00:05:57,320 and an homogeneous distribution of the temperature 109 00:05:57,320 --> 00:06:00,490 is weighted in the other directions. 110 00:06:00,490 --> 00:06:02,390 The conditions of this problem allow 111 00:06:02,390 --> 00:06:05,620 to simplify the heat equation presented before, which 112 00:06:05,620 --> 00:06:08,950 becomes this kind of equation. 113 00:06:08,950 --> 00:06:11,110 At the boundary conditions, we have the temperature 114 00:06:11,110 --> 00:06:17,020 defined in x equals 0 and x equal Te, as Tw. 115 00:06:17,020 --> 00:06:20,260 Again, we define the differential equation system 116 00:06:20,260 --> 00:06:28,120 and it's boundary conditions, and try to solve it. 117 00:06:28,120 --> 00:06:30,100 To get the general solution, usable 118 00:06:30,100 --> 00:06:32,170 for a large amount of cases, it's 119 00:06:32,170 --> 00:06:35,620 much likely to be easier to [INAUDIBLE] results. 120 00:06:35,620 --> 00:06:37,810 Thus, a variable change is done. 121 00:06:37,810 --> 00:06:40,030 The temperature is not in function of x anymore, 122 00:06:40,030 --> 00:06:43,820 as before, but in function of the ratio x over e-- 123 00:06:43,820 --> 00:06:47,560 which varies between 0 and 1, as it was explained before. 124 00:06:47,560 --> 00:06:50,590 The differential system of equations and the solution 125 00:06:50,590 --> 00:06:52,320 are as following. 126 00:06:52,320 --> 00:06:57,490 So the differential system of equations is this one, 127 00:06:57,490 --> 00:07:01,390 and its solution looks like this. 128 00:07:01,390 --> 00:07:04,726 Furthermore, all temps that are independent of x over e 129 00:07:04,726 --> 00:07:08,720 are placed to the left side of the equals sign. 130 00:07:08,720 --> 00:07:11,590 Thus, the temperature profile looks like this. 131 00:07:11,590 --> 00:07:15,240 We can clearly see a symmetrical behavior in this solution, 132 00:07:15,240 --> 00:07:18,630 with a maximum in the center of the piece, where 133 00:07:18,630 --> 00:07:23,000 the temperature is higher due to the exothermic phenomena. 134 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:25,560 The minimum are at the faces, where 135 00:07:25,560 --> 00:07:29,030 the temperature is equal to Tw. 136 00:07:29,030 --> 00:07:31,250 We can also see the temperature distribution 137 00:07:31,250 --> 00:07:33,640 in the wall as following. 138 00:07:33,640 --> 00:07:37,380 We can clearly see this maximum in the center of the piece, 139 00:07:37,380 --> 00:07:42,230 and the minima at the side of the wall. 140 00:07:42,230 --> 00:07:45,170 As a last example, a thin steel bar 141 00:07:45,170 --> 00:07:47,960 is considered during a continuous thermal treatment 142 00:07:47,960 --> 00:07:49,250 process. 143 00:07:49,250 --> 00:07:51,130 The bar is extracted from an oven, 144 00:07:51,130 --> 00:07:55,420 heated at a temperature of T0, and then quenched 145 00:07:55,420 --> 00:07:59,740 after L, distance, in a water bath, which 146 00:07:59,740 --> 00:08:03,300 is at a TL temperature. 147 00:08:03,300 --> 00:08:05,160 The temperature profile of the bar, 148 00:08:05,160 --> 00:08:08,670 between the exit of the oven and the entrance of the water bath 149 00:08:08,670 --> 00:08:13,720 is researched when a steady state is established. 150 00:08:13,720 --> 00:08:16,030 To solve this problem, it is adept to use 151 00:08:16,030 --> 00:08:17,990 the Cartesian system. 152 00:08:17,990 --> 00:08:20,690 As the bar is still, a uniform temperature 153 00:08:20,690 --> 00:08:23,230 is assumed in its translucent section. 154 00:08:23,230 --> 00:08:25,520 Which means, the temperature will only 155 00:08:25,520 --> 00:08:27,070 depend on the exposition. 156 00:08:29,810 --> 00:08:31,670 The conditions of this problem allow 157 00:08:31,670 --> 00:08:34,549 to simplify the heat equation presented before, 158 00:08:34,549 --> 00:08:36,600 which becomes this equation. 159 00:08:36,600 --> 00:08:39,890 As boundary conditions, we have that the temperature in x 160 00:08:39,890 --> 00:08:42,799 equals 0, here, is equal to T0. 161 00:08:42,799 --> 00:08:48,810 And the temperature in x equal L is equal to TL. 162 00:08:48,810 --> 00:08:53,560 The differential equation system is the following, 163 00:08:53,560 --> 00:08:57,810 and its solution is as follows. 164 00:08:57,810 --> 00:09:00,540 This looks quite complicated, but we 165 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:04,415 can simplify a bit knowing the factor rho times Cp 166 00:09:04,415 --> 00:09:07,330 over K, is one of alpha-- 167 00:09:07,330 --> 00:09:09,990 where alpha is the thermal diffusivity coefficient 168 00:09:09,990 --> 00:09:10,720 of the material. 169 00:09:14,370 --> 00:09:17,160 We still have this solution. 170 00:09:17,160 --> 00:09:19,990 This solution also looks complicated. 171 00:09:19,990 --> 00:09:21,890 However, it appears simpler rewriting it 172 00:09:21,890 --> 00:09:25,130 in the following way. 173 00:09:25,130 --> 00:09:28,580 As for the previous example, a general solution is researched. 174 00:09:28,580 --> 00:09:30,940 In this case, this solution looks like this. 175 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:35,680 We can only add that. 176 00:09:40,540 --> 00:09:42,700 We still have this solution, here. 177 00:09:42,700 --> 00:09:46,300 And knowing the ratio vL over alpha corresponds 178 00:09:46,300 --> 00:09:48,910 to the adimensional Péclet number-- 179 00:09:48,910 --> 00:09:52,170 which defines the ratio between advection and diffusion 180 00:09:52,170 --> 00:09:54,340 phenomena for our process-- 181 00:09:54,340 --> 00:09:56,390 it's possible to simplify a bit. 182 00:09:56,390 --> 00:10:02,080 Here, the Péclet number is put at the denometer, and here, 183 00:10:02,080 --> 00:10:03,070 at the numerator. 184 00:10:07,370 --> 00:10:09,920 Finally, in the same way as the previous cases, 185 00:10:09,920 --> 00:10:12,920 a variable change is done from replacing x over L 186 00:10:12,920 --> 00:10:20,430 with the variable x to L. 187 00:10:20,430 --> 00:10:22,820 It's possible to try to understand how the Péclet 188 00:10:22,820 --> 00:10:25,830 number works, varying the temperature profile in function 189 00:10:25,830 --> 00:10:26,790 of it. 190 00:10:26,790 --> 00:10:29,910 Here, we have the temperature profile with a low Péclet 191 00:10:29,910 --> 00:10:31,230 number. 192 00:10:31,230 --> 00:10:34,320 We see that it has a mostly linear behavior as we 193 00:10:34,320 --> 00:10:36,450 have for the first example. 194 00:10:36,450 --> 00:10:40,600 However, when we increase the Péclet number, 195 00:10:40,600 --> 00:10:43,560 we see that it has increased the curvature of our curve. 196 00:10:46,970 --> 00:10:51,760 And when we arrive at a big Péclet number, 197 00:10:51,760 --> 00:10:55,270 we almost have a vertical line-- here. 198 00:10:55,270 --> 00:10:57,820 That's due to the speed of the bar. 199 00:10:57,820 --> 00:11:00,990 It's possible to show this result with the graphical 200 00:11:00,990 --> 00:11:04,330 solution of the temperature profile for a different Péclet 201 00:11:04,330 --> 00:11:05,290 number. 202 00:11:05,290 --> 00:11:09,790 We define a list of Péclet numbers, 203 00:11:09,790 --> 00:11:13,435 apply the solution on it. 204 00:11:13,435 --> 00:11:16,620 The graphical solution looks like this. 205 00:11:16,620 --> 00:11:20,450 We can see that the solution for the low Péclet numbers are 206 00:11:20,450 --> 00:11:24,350 quite linear, and that it has a bigger more and more curve 207 00:11:24,350 --> 00:11:27,080 as the Péclet number increases-- 208 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:31,190 the number you end with, here. 209 00:11:31,190 --> 00:11:34,280 Finally, it's also possible to present a solution in a wall 210 00:11:34,280 --> 00:11:35,860 allowing a variable Péclet number. 211 00:11:38,870 --> 00:11:43,370 Here, we can clearly see that the gradient is linear when 212 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:46,080 the Péclet number is low. 213 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:50,200 But if we increase it, we see that the differential 214 00:11:50,200 --> 00:11:56,070 of the temperature is almost on the side of the bar. 215 00:11:56,070 --> 00:11:58,620 So that's all for this video about heat transfer 216 00:11:58,620 --> 00:11:59,970 in the material. 217 00:11:59,970 --> 00:12:02,650 Here are my references. 218 00:12:02,650 --> 00:12:04,580 Thank you for watching.