1 00:00:16,030 --> 00:00:18,700 STUDENT: Rainbows-- while we may not notice them, 2 00:00:18,700 --> 00:00:22,135 there are rainbows all around us as we go about our daily lives. 3 00:00:22,135 --> 00:00:23,560 They are hidden in the reflection 4 00:00:23,560 --> 00:00:25,630 of soap bubbles, the shine on a CD, 5 00:00:25,630 --> 00:00:28,360 and even in oily puddles on the street. 6 00:00:28,360 --> 00:00:31,180 In this video, we'll explore the phenomenon of light wave 7 00:00:31,180 --> 00:00:33,190 interference and how it creates the colors 8 00:00:33,190 --> 00:00:35,980 we see on the surfaces of thin films. 9 00:00:35,980 --> 00:00:38,170 Since soap and oil are usually colorless, 10 00:00:38,170 --> 00:00:40,210 why do they have iridescence? 11 00:00:40,210 --> 00:00:42,220 Let's start with the laws of light reflection 12 00:00:42,220 --> 00:00:45,130 and refraction, then peruse through some visual simulations 13 00:00:45,130 --> 00:00:47,010 of these fundamental principles. 14 00:00:50,770 --> 00:00:52,480 When waves travel through space and hit 15 00:00:52,480 --> 00:00:55,050 an interface or a surface, some of the wave 16 00:00:55,050 --> 00:00:57,790 reflects off the surface and the rest refracts, 17 00:00:57,790 --> 00:01:01,000 continuing through the new medium at a different angle. 18 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:03,550 When the refracted wave hits another surface, part of it 19 00:01:03,550 --> 00:01:06,010 reflects back out of the medium and combines 20 00:01:06,010 --> 00:01:10,280 with the first wave or interferes with the first wave. 21 00:01:10,280 --> 00:01:11,800 Since the first and second reflected 22 00:01:11,800 --> 00:01:16,870 waves travel different paths, the second wave 23 00:01:16,870 --> 00:01:20,740 acquires a phase shift in comparison to the first wave. 24 00:01:20,740 --> 00:01:23,650 When it adds to the first wave, this phase shift 25 00:01:23,650 --> 00:01:25,240 may cause the two waves to completely 26 00:01:25,240 --> 00:01:30,820 cancel each other out, resulting in destructive interference. 27 00:01:30,820 --> 00:01:34,720 Or if the phases are perfectly aligned, 28 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:38,020 the resultant wave has twice the amplitude, resulting 29 00:01:38,020 --> 00:01:41,350 in constructive interference. 30 00:01:41,350 --> 00:01:44,260 Notice that the resultant wave has destructive interference 31 00:01:44,260 --> 00:01:48,860 when the phase shift is about 180 degrees or pi radians. 32 00:01:48,860 --> 00:01:50,800 And it reaches the maximum amplitude, 33 00:01:50,800 --> 00:01:52,690 having constructive interference, 34 00:01:52,690 --> 00:01:55,495 when the phase shift is a multiple of 2 pi radians. 35 00:02:01,320 --> 00:02:03,960 For light traveling from one medium or material 36 00:02:03,960 --> 00:02:07,140 to another medium, for example, from air to water, 37 00:02:07,140 --> 00:02:10,919 Snell's law of refraction, given by this equation here, 38 00:02:10,919 --> 00:02:14,040 states that the angle at which light travels through the two 39 00:02:14,040 --> 00:02:16,350 different mediums is proportional to the velocities 40 00:02:16,350 --> 00:02:20,100 of light through the two mediums, V1 and V2, which 41 00:02:20,100 --> 00:02:26,430 is inversely proportional to the refractive indices, N2 and N1. 42 00:02:26,430 --> 00:02:32,550 This equation can be simplified to N1 sine theta 1 43 00:02:32,550 --> 00:02:36,070 equals N2 sine theta 2. 44 00:02:36,070 --> 00:02:39,030 Snell's law can be rearranged to represent 45 00:02:39,030 --> 00:02:42,600 N1, the refractive index of the first medium, 46 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:46,830 in terms of the incident light angles of the two materials 47 00:02:46,830 --> 00:02:50,040 and the refractive index of the thin film. 48 00:02:50,040 --> 00:02:52,860 This trick will be useful in some of our later calculations. 49 00:02:57,410 --> 00:03:00,460 Remember how waves with shifted phases interfere? 50 00:03:00,460 --> 00:03:03,850 In this case, the phase shift is a difference in path length 51 00:03:03,850 --> 00:03:07,410 that the first reflected wave and the second travel. 52 00:03:07,410 --> 00:03:09,040 Geometrically, the path difference 53 00:03:09,040 --> 00:03:12,130 between the wave reflected off the top surface and the wave 54 00:03:12,130 --> 00:03:14,770 reflected off the bottom surface of a thin film 55 00:03:14,770 --> 00:03:16,750 is given by this equation here, where 56 00:03:16,750 --> 00:03:22,300 AB, BC, and AD refer to the line segments in this diagram. 57 00:03:22,300 --> 00:03:24,550 Using some trigonometry, the line segment lengths 58 00:03:24,550 --> 00:03:27,264 can be calculated in terms of the refractive indices 59 00:03:27,264 --> 00:03:28,555 and the refracted light angles. 60 00:03:31,950 --> 00:03:34,842 Now, using Snell floor to substitute for N1, 61 00:03:34,842 --> 00:03:36,300 the path difference between the two 62 00:03:36,300 --> 00:03:39,150 reflected waves can be expressed in terms of the thin film 63 00:03:39,150 --> 00:03:43,627 medium only, only depending on N2 and theta 2. 64 00:03:43,627 --> 00:03:45,960 That means for constructive interference between the two 65 00:03:45,960 --> 00:03:48,186 waves, the phase shifts has to be 0 66 00:03:48,186 --> 00:03:49,560 and the path difference has to be 67 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:51,730 an integer multiple of the incident lights 68 00:03:51,730 --> 00:03:54,250 wavelength, lambda. 69 00:03:54,250 --> 00:03:57,420 When the medium a wave is traveling into 70 00:03:57,420 --> 00:03:59,490 has a refractive index that is greater 71 00:03:59,490 --> 00:04:02,160 than the index for the medium that the wave is coming 72 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:05,850 from, that is, N2 is greater than N1, 73 00:04:05,850 --> 00:04:08,220 there is one extra caveat. 74 00:04:08,220 --> 00:04:11,880 The reflected wave has a 180-degree phase shift. 75 00:04:11,880 --> 00:04:14,700 In that case, the condition for constructive interference 76 00:04:14,700 --> 00:04:17,100 is that the path difference must be a half integer 77 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:21,149 multiple of the incident light's wavelength. 78 00:04:21,149 --> 00:04:23,940 For a typical thin film, which has a higher refractive 79 00:04:23,940 --> 00:04:26,970 index than its surroundings, which is usually air, 80 00:04:26,970 --> 00:04:29,190 this is a condition for constructive interference 81 00:04:29,190 --> 00:04:32,040 between waves reflected off the top and bottom surfaces 82 00:04:32,040 --> 00:04:32,630 of the film. 83 00:04:36,580 --> 00:04:39,060 This simulation shows a wave traveling through air, 84 00:04:39,060 --> 00:04:42,550 then reflecting off the top and bottom surfaces of a thin film. 85 00:04:42,550 --> 00:04:44,690 The bold reflected waves represents 86 00:04:44,690 --> 00:04:46,510 the summation of the waves reflected off 87 00:04:46,510 --> 00:04:48,280 the top and the bottom on the film, 88 00:04:48,280 --> 00:04:49,340 and should grow largest when there 89 00:04:49,340 --> 00:04:51,839 is constructive interference and the two waves' phases align 90 00:04:51,839 --> 00:04:52,850 line. 91 00:04:52,850 --> 00:04:56,770 I can change four different parameters in this situation-- 92 00:04:56,770 --> 00:05:01,330 the thickness of the film, D, the refractive index 93 00:05:01,330 --> 00:05:06,760 of the film, the angle of the incident light 94 00:05:06,760 --> 00:05:13,020 hitting the surface of a film, and finally, 95 00:05:13,020 --> 00:05:15,000 the wavelength of the light hitting the film. 96 00:05:19,890 --> 00:05:23,430 Changing all of these parameters changes the resultant wave that 97 00:05:23,430 --> 00:05:26,087 reflects back out of the film. 98 00:05:26,087 --> 00:05:28,170 You might be wondering why changing the wavelength 99 00:05:28,170 --> 00:05:29,520 makes the wave different colors. 100 00:05:32,880 --> 00:05:34,680 That's because the visible light spectrum 101 00:05:34,680 --> 00:05:37,440 can be represented by waves of different wavelengths ranging 102 00:05:37,440 --> 00:05:40,560 from three 80 nanometers to 750 nanometers. 103 00:05:40,560 --> 00:05:42,450 The human eye has light receptors, 104 00:05:42,450 --> 00:05:44,760 or cones, that actually only perceive 105 00:05:44,760 --> 00:05:47,410 three colors from the visible spectrum-- red, 106 00:05:47,410 --> 00:05:48,960 green, and blue. 107 00:05:48,960 --> 00:05:50,430 The entire visible spectrum people 108 00:05:50,430 --> 00:05:53,160 see is really a superposition of the waves of these three 109 00:05:53,160 --> 00:05:54,930 colors, which mix in different ratios 110 00:05:54,930 --> 00:05:58,170 to provide all the other colors of the rainbow. 111 00:05:58,170 --> 00:06:00,690 The light that humans see making rainbow swirly patterns 112 00:06:00,690 --> 00:06:03,600 on the surface of soap bubbles or in the oil sheen on water 113 00:06:03,600 --> 00:06:05,850 has a minimum wavelength of 380 nanometers 114 00:06:05,850 --> 00:06:08,670 and a maximum wavelength of 750. 115 00:06:08,670 --> 00:06:14,400 Red has a wavelength of about 700 nanometers, green 546, 116 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:19,340 and blue 436. 117 00:06:19,340 --> 00:06:21,140 The strength of each of these colors, 118 00:06:21,140 --> 00:06:23,030 or the intensity, that people perceive 119 00:06:23,030 --> 00:06:25,970 is proportional to the square of the wave's amplitude. 120 00:06:25,970 --> 00:06:29,750 Since the amplitude represents the energy, E, of a wave, 121 00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:31,430 intensity is also a representation 122 00:06:31,430 --> 00:06:33,350 of the wave's energy density. 123 00:06:33,350 --> 00:06:35,450 The more intense a wave, the larger amplitude 124 00:06:35,450 --> 00:06:38,285 it has, and the more its color dominates our perception. 125 00:06:40,960 --> 00:06:42,790 The total color that we see reflected off 126 00:06:42,790 --> 00:06:44,776 a point on the film surface is a combination 127 00:06:44,776 --> 00:06:46,150 of these three waves proportional 128 00:06:46,150 --> 00:06:49,360 to their intensities. 129 00:06:49,360 --> 00:06:51,070 For example, for a film thickness 130 00:06:51,070 --> 00:06:53,740 of 200 nanometers with refractive index 1.5 131 00:06:53,740 --> 00:06:56,230 and incident angle 45, we can see 132 00:06:56,230 --> 00:07:00,880 that there is more blue in this color than green or red. 133 00:07:00,880 --> 00:07:02,680 If we try changing the film thickness to, 134 00:07:02,680 --> 00:07:11,140 let's say, 400 nanometers, the refractive index to 2, 135 00:07:11,140 --> 00:07:13,070 and keep the incident light angle at 45, 136 00:07:13,070 --> 00:07:15,320 we can see that green would be the dominating color. 137 00:07:20,420 --> 00:07:22,730 For thin films which have a greater refractive 138 00:07:22,730 --> 00:07:25,460 index than the air, we can show the color reflected off 139 00:07:25,460 --> 00:07:28,670 a thin film as a function of the film's thickness. 140 00:07:28,670 --> 00:07:31,670 Likewise, we can see how the reflective wavelength colors 141 00:07:31,670 --> 00:07:34,430 vary with the incident light wave angle. 142 00:07:34,430 --> 00:07:35,870 Here are two plots Mathematica has 143 00:07:35,870 --> 00:07:39,290 generated for a thin film with refractive index 1.5, 144 00:07:39,290 --> 00:07:43,490 first with a constant incident angle of 45 degrees 145 00:07:43,490 --> 00:07:47,000 and second with a constant thickness of 200 nanometers. 146 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:48,830 Notice that with varying thicknesses, 147 00:07:48,830 --> 00:07:51,050 the color shifts alternate between 148 00:07:51,050 --> 00:07:53,060 reddish, greenish, and bluish colors, 149 00:07:53,060 --> 00:07:54,650 while for varying angle, the spectrum 150 00:07:54,650 --> 00:07:56,450 is a more gradual gradient. 151 00:08:01,590 --> 00:08:05,010 Let's envision a flat thin film of oil floating on a perfectly 152 00:08:05,010 --> 00:08:06,750 flat surface of water. 153 00:08:06,750 --> 00:08:09,450 The refractive indices of oil, water, and air 154 00:08:09,450 --> 00:08:14,040 are respectively about 1.5, 1.33, and 1. 155 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:16,080 As light reflects off the top of the oil, 156 00:08:16,080 --> 00:08:18,120 there is a 180-degree phase shift 157 00:08:18,120 --> 00:08:19,860 since the refractive index of oil 158 00:08:19,860 --> 00:08:22,140 is greater than the refractive index of air. 159 00:08:22,140 --> 00:08:24,630 But there isn't a phase shift when the wave reflects off 160 00:08:24,630 --> 00:08:28,280 the bottom interface between the oil and the water 161 00:08:28,280 --> 00:08:31,590 because water's refractive index is less than oil's. 162 00:08:31,590 --> 00:08:33,960 This interactive graphic shows how 163 00:08:33,960 --> 00:08:35,610 an oil firm with varying thicknesses 164 00:08:35,610 --> 00:08:37,950 reflects light of a point source at varying heights 165 00:08:37,950 --> 00:08:40,799 above the oil's surface. 166 00:08:40,799 --> 00:08:46,450 We can increase the height of the light 167 00:08:46,450 --> 00:08:49,570 to get this iridescence pattern. 168 00:08:49,570 --> 00:08:53,182 Or we can increase the film's thickness. 169 00:08:56,420 --> 00:08:58,520 We can see that with increasing the light height, 170 00:08:58,520 --> 00:09:02,014 there is a wider range of incident light angles, 171 00:09:02,014 --> 00:09:03,680 whereas when we move the film thickness, 172 00:09:03,680 --> 00:09:05,480 there is a wider range of colors that are produced 173 00:09:05,480 --> 00:09:06,604 on the surface of the film. 174 00:09:11,430 --> 00:09:13,200 In reality, the surface of a puddle 175 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:15,960 really isn't completely flat. 176 00:09:15,960 --> 00:09:19,140 This interactive graphic shows thin film interference of oil 177 00:09:19,140 --> 00:09:21,070 on rippling water. 178 00:09:21,070 --> 00:09:25,450 Again, if we increase the thickness of the oil film, 179 00:09:25,450 --> 00:09:27,840 there is a wider range of colors. 180 00:09:27,840 --> 00:09:31,842 We can also change the x, y, and z positions of the light 181 00:09:31,842 --> 00:09:33,675 and see how the iridescence pattern changes. 182 00:09:45,780 --> 00:09:48,570 For a spherical soap bubble, the refractive index of so 183 00:09:48,570 --> 00:09:50,250 varies with the recipe, but it's always 184 00:09:50,250 --> 00:09:52,530 greater than the refractive index of air. 185 00:09:52,530 --> 00:09:55,120 That means that there is also a phase shift of 180 degrees 186 00:09:55,120 --> 00:09:57,240 when light hits the outer surface of the bubble, 187 00:09:57,240 --> 00:10:00,330 but not when it reflects off the inner surface. 188 00:10:00,330 --> 00:10:03,330 This simulation shows the effect of multiple point source lights 189 00:10:03,330 --> 00:10:04,890 on a soap bubble. 190 00:10:04,890 --> 00:10:07,620 Note that in real life, light sources around a syllable 191 00:10:07,620 --> 00:10:09,570 usually aren't just point sources 192 00:10:09,570 --> 00:10:12,000 and the bubble isn't an even thickness throughout, 193 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:15,480 as is assumed in this simulation. 194 00:10:15,480 --> 00:10:17,130 Hence, the color patterns that we 195 00:10:17,130 --> 00:10:19,410 see on surfaces of soap bundles are usually 196 00:10:19,410 --> 00:10:21,660 far more complex than what we see in the simulation. 197 00:10:38,620 --> 00:10:41,710 Special thanks to the 3016 staff for their help and guidance 198 00:10:41,710 --> 00:10:45,000 on this project and thanks for watching my video.