1 00:00:04,930 --> 00:00:06,610 STUDENT: Hello, everyone. 2 00:00:06,610 --> 00:00:10,120 Today, I'm going to talk about a very important model, 3 00:00:10,120 --> 00:00:14,310 analyze the energy band of a crystal, that 4 00:00:14,310 --> 00:00:15,780 is the tight binding model. 5 00:00:19,120 --> 00:00:21,900 Before I talk about tight binding model, 6 00:00:21,900 --> 00:00:25,560 let's now take a look at free electron model. 7 00:00:25,560 --> 00:00:27,480 The potential energy of free electron 8 00:00:27,480 --> 00:00:30,420 can be considered as zero, so the Hamiltonian 9 00:00:30,420 --> 00:00:35,790 of the free electron system is without the potential term. 10 00:00:35,790 --> 00:00:41,010 And the waveform function can be simply written as a plane wave. 11 00:00:41,010 --> 00:00:42,840 By substituting the wave function 12 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:45,220 into Schrodinger equation, we can 13 00:00:45,220 --> 00:00:47,400 gather energy dispersion relation, 14 00:00:47,400 --> 00:00:49,860 which is a parabola in one dimension case. 15 00:00:53,370 --> 00:00:59,370 And we usually form the parabola into the first Brillouin zone. 16 00:00:59,370 --> 00:01:04,200 And this is the reduced Brillouin zone. 17 00:01:04,200 --> 00:01:07,920 And in this figure, we can see that the first band is 18 00:01:07,920 --> 00:01:11,280 at the bottom of the parabola. 19 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:17,780 And the second band and third band, fourth, and so on. 20 00:01:17,780 --> 00:01:22,850 Similar to one dimension case, the energy of three dimension 21 00:01:22,850 --> 00:01:27,710 case is proportional to kx squared plus ky squared 22 00:01:27,710 --> 00:01:29,310 plus kz squared. 23 00:01:29,310 --> 00:01:31,760 For a given energy, the equal energy 24 00:01:31,760 --> 00:01:34,940 surface forms of a sphere. 25 00:01:34,940 --> 00:01:40,300 And if the energy is equal to the Fermi energy, 26 00:01:40,300 --> 00:01:48,050 the states inside the sphere will be occupied by electrons. 27 00:01:48,050 --> 00:01:51,800 Now let's look at the two hydrogen atom system. 28 00:01:51,800 --> 00:01:54,800 When the two atoms are very far from each other, 29 00:01:54,800 --> 00:01:57,530 the wave functions don't overlap. 30 00:01:57,530 --> 00:02:00,780 As the two atoms going towards each other, 31 00:02:00,780 --> 00:02:05,720 the electron of atom a starts to build existence of atom b 32 00:02:05,720 --> 00:02:09,050 and the wave functions start to overlap. 33 00:02:09,050 --> 00:02:12,290 We can see that when the two atoms are close, 34 00:02:12,290 --> 00:02:14,720 two new orbital are created. 35 00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:17,390 One is the bonding orbital and the other one 36 00:02:17,390 --> 00:02:20,510 is the antibonding orbital. 37 00:02:20,510 --> 00:02:24,140 For the bonding orbital, we can see the probability 38 00:02:24,140 --> 00:02:28,020 to find the electron between the two atoms 39 00:02:28,020 --> 00:02:30,570 is larger than before. 40 00:02:30,570 --> 00:02:34,250 And in the antibonding orbital, we 41 00:02:34,250 --> 00:02:37,470 can see that in the middle of the two atoms, 42 00:02:37,470 --> 00:02:40,210 the probability to find the electron is zero. 43 00:02:43,370 --> 00:02:49,160 The overlap of the wave function in bonding orbital, 44 00:02:49,160 --> 00:02:52,940 leading to a higher banding energy, which 45 00:02:52,940 --> 00:02:54,990 leading to a more stable state. 46 00:02:54,990 --> 00:02:59,400 So the bonding orbital is the ground state of the system. 47 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:04,600 And antibonding orbital is excited state of the system. 48 00:03:04,600 --> 00:03:07,820 Let us now talk about the tight binding model. 49 00:03:07,820 --> 00:03:11,380 Assuming the potential of a single atom is ur, 50 00:03:11,380 --> 00:03:14,930 then the Schrodinger equation can be written like this. 51 00:03:14,930 --> 00:03:17,990 We now consider the effect of other atoms 52 00:03:17,990 --> 00:03:22,850 as perturbation, as we have seen in the last slide. 53 00:03:22,850 --> 00:03:27,030 Each energy level of each atom split into two 54 00:03:27,030 --> 00:03:31,580 in a two hydrogen atom system, the degeneracy 55 00:03:31,580 --> 00:03:35,050 of each energy level is two. 56 00:03:35,050 --> 00:03:40,030 For a system of n atoms, the degeneracy of each energy level 57 00:03:40,030 --> 00:03:41,950 is n. 58 00:03:41,950 --> 00:03:45,340 From the perturbation theory, the wave function 59 00:03:45,340 --> 00:03:49,090 for degenerative system can be written as a linear combination 60 00:03:49,090 --> 00:03:51,760 of degenerate states. 61 00:03:51,760 --> 00:03:56,980 And if aj in the expression is equal to the expression 62 00:03:56,980 --> 00:04:02,170 on the right, the function satisfies the block theorem. 63 00:04:02,170 --> 00:04:04,900 We can also write the first order correction 64 00:04:04,900 --> 00:04:11,140 of the energy, which is the diagonal interest 65 00:04:11,140 --> 00:04:13,720 of the Hamiltonian matrix. 66 00:04:13,720 --> 00:04:18,029 Now we only consider the integration of the atom itself 67 00:04:18,029 --> 00:04:20,070 and its nearest neighbors. 68 00:04:20,070 --> 00:04:23,490 So we can further simplify the expression 69 00:04:23,490 --> 00:04:30,660 and the ways we set j 0 as the integration of the atom itself. 70 00:04:30,660 --> 00:04:37,030 And j as the integration of its nearest neighbors. 71 00:04:37,030 --> 00:04:41,950 Note that the integration is determined by the overlap 72 00:04:41,950 --> 00:04:44,650 of the two wave functions. 73 00:04:44,650 --> 00:04:47,920 The more they overlap, the wider the energy band is. 74 00:04:47,920 --> 00:04:52,390 And finally, we get our final dispersion relation 75 00:04:52,390 --> 00:04:53,880 of tight binding model. 76 00:04:58,020 --> 00:05:01,670 Now let's see what has happened after applying 77 00:05:01,670 --> 00:05:05,510 the tight binding model to a one dimensional system, 78 00:05:05,510 --> 00:05:09,270 assuming that the distance between atoms is a, 79 00:05:09,270 --> 00:05:11,810 each has only in a one dimensional atom chain 80 00:05:11,810 --> 00:05:14,300 has two nearest neighbors. 81 00:05:14,300 --> 00:05:18,320 So the sum of the expression has two components, 82 00:05:18,320 --> 00:05:22,040 where rho n equals to a and the minus a. 83 00:05:22,040 --> 00:05:27,320 By using the Euler's formula, the dispersion relation 84 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:31,700 can be written as a trigonometric form. 85 00:05:31,700 --> 00:05:35,900 The figures show the first two bands of a one dimension system 86 00:05:35,900 --> 00:05:39,950 for free electron model and tight binding model. 87 00:05:39,950 --> 00:05:44,210 We can say that because of the inference of nearest neighbors, 88 00:05:44,210 --> 00:05:48,150 distortions appear at the boundaries of the Brillouin 89 00:05:48,150 --> 00:05:52,580 zone, and leading to the opening of a bandgap, which 90 00:05:52,580 --> 00:05:55,640 is quite different from the free electron model. 91 00:05:59,860 --> 00:06:03,990 In three dimension cases, the dispersion relations 92 00:06:03,990 --> 00:06:06,410 are more complicated. 93 00:06:06,410 --> 00:06:10,620 Let's now take a look at the dispersion relations 94 00:06:10,620 --> 00:06:14,660 of these three kinds of 3D lattices. 95 00:06:14,660 --> 00:06:16,830 For a simple cubic lattice, there 96 00:06:16,830 --> 00:06:20,820 are six nearest neighbors of one atom. 97 00:06:20,820 --> 00:06:23,790 So the sum has six components. 98 00:06:23,790 --> 00:06:27,510 And we can get the dispersion relation like this 99 00:06:27,510 --> 00:06:29,650 after simplifying. 100 00:06:29,650 --> 00:06:32,460 While for body-centered cubic, there 101 00:06:32,460 --> 00:06:35,720 are eight nearest neighbors, which leads 102 00:06:35,720 --> 00:06:39,210 to an expression like this. 103 00:06:39,210 --> 00:06:43,980 For face-centered cubic, they are 12 nearest neighbors. 104 00:06:43,980 --> 00:06:48,210 And we get a dispersion relation like this. 105 00:06:48,210 --> 00:06:51,240 So what do the relations on the last slide 106 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:54,630 look like in the first Brillouin zone? 107 00:06:54,630 --> 00:06:59,460 In 3D crystals, we can calculate the reciprocal primitive 108 00:06:59,460 --> 00:07:03,300 vectors by using the formula below. 109 00:07:03,300 --> 00:07:08,040 The reciprocal lattice of simple cubic is also a simple cubic. 110 00:07:08,040 --> 00:07:11,550 And the reciprocal lattice of a body-centered cubic 111 00:07:11,550 --> 00:07:15,460 is face-centered cubic, while the reciprocal lattice 112 00:07:15,460 --> 00:07:19,800 of a face-centered cubic is body-centered cubic. 113 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:25,110 The first Brillouin zone is defined 114 00:07:25,110 --> 00:07:28,170 as the region inside the perpendicular 115 00:07:28,170 --> 00:07:32,740 bisectors of the segments linking a point to its nearest 116 00:07:32,740 --> 00:07:34,810 neighbors. 117 00:07:34,810 --> 00:07:37,300 As we know, the reciprocal primitive 118 00:07:37,300 --> 00:07:40,530 vectors we can plug the first two Brillouin 119 00:07:40,530 --> 00:07:43,510 zones of this lattices. 120 00:07:43,510 --> 00:07:48,370 This graphs show the Bravais lattice in real space 121 00:07:48,370 --> 00:07:53,570 and its energy dispersion in the reciprocal space. 122 00:07:53,570 --> 00:07:57,610 For a simple cubic, the first Brillouin zone is a cube. 123 00:08:01,530 --> 00:08:06,600 And when the energy is small, the equal energy surface 124 00:08:06,600 --> 00:08:10,275 looks like a sphere, like a free electron case. 125 00:08:13,860 --> 00:08:17,760 As we can see, when the energy goes up, 126 00:08:17,760 --> 00:08:20,010 distortion begins to appear. 127 00:08:22,770 --> 00:08:27,900 And when the energy reaches the boundary of the first Brillouin 128 00:08:27,900 --> 00:08:32,220 zone, openings of holes appear at this boundaries. 129 00:08:34,860 --> 00:08:37,929 In this figures, we can see that in the first Brillouin 130 00:08:37,929 --> 00:08:44,520 zone of BCC lattice, similar to a single cubic lattice. 131 00:08:44,520 --> 00:08:50,840 Distortion gradually appear as the energy goes up. 132 00:08:50,840 --> 00:08:55,910 And the surface is no longer close to surface 133 00:08:55,910 --> 00:09:01,150 at the boundaries as the energy goes higher and higher. 134 00:09:03,850 --> 00:09:08,800 And sodium is a BCC crystal, because there 135 00:09:08,800 --> 00:09:13,300 is only one valence electron per sodium atom. 136 00:09:13,300 --> 00:09:18,340 So the Fermi surface is pretty far away from the boundaries 137 00:09:18,340 --> 00:09:22,857 and the shape of it is nearly a sphere, which is like this. 138 00:09:27,330 --> 00:09:32,140 In FCC crystals, such as copper and gold, 139 00:09:32,140 --> 00:09:35,750 their Fermi surface can be well-described by tight bonding 140 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:37,650 model. 141 00:09:37,650 --> 00:09:40,250 At the hexagon faces, holes appear. 142 00:09:44,720 --> 00:09:50,030 Well because the distance is further between the Fermi 143 00:09:50,030 --> 00:09:53,300 surface and the square faces. 144 00:09:53,300 --> 00:10:01,670 So this areas of the surface won't extend and contact 145 00:10:01,670 --> 00:10:04,910 with the squares. 146 00:10:04,910 --> 00:10:07,550 Well, I hope that through in this shot video 147 00:10:07,550 --> 00:10:10,280 you can understand what tight bonding model is 148 00:10:10,280 --> 00:10:13,890 and how do we use it as a tool to explain the phenomena 149 00:10:13,890 --> 00:10:16,080 in a real material. 150 00:10:16,080 --> 00:10:18,400 Thank you for your watching.