1.060 | Spring 2006 | Undergraduate

Engineering Mechanics II


The calendar below provides information on the course’s lecture (L), recitation (R), and exam (E) sessions.

L1 Subject Outline, Fluid Concepts, The Continuum Hypothesis

R1 Review of Hydrostatics and Dimensional Analysis

L2 Description of Fluid Flow, Conservation Laws

L3 Hydrostatics, Forces on Plane and Curved Surfaces Homework 1 out
R2 Stability of Floating Bodies

L4 Manometry, Stability of Dams and Gates

L5 Mass and Volume Conservation

L6 Stream Function, Velocity Potential, Flownet Construction Homework 1 due

Homework 2 out

L7 The Bernoulli Equation for Ideal Fluids

R3 Flownet and Streamline Construction

L8 Application of Mass Conservation and Bernoulli

L9 Conservation Laws for Finite Control Volumes, Reynolds Transport Theorem Homework 2 due

Homework 3 out

L10 Conservation of Momentum for Finite Control Volumes

R4 Bernoulli Experiment

L11 Applications of Momentum

L12 The Bernoulli Equation from Energy Considerations Homework 3 due
L13 Special Forms and Interpretations of the Bernoulli Equation

E1 Hour Exam 1 (Covering Material through L11)

L14 Laminar Flow, Shear Stresses in Fluids Homework 4 out
L15 Velocity Distribution in Laminar Flows, Turbulence, The Reynolds Number

R5 Application of Conservation Principles for Finite Control

L16 Pipe Friction Losses, Moody Diagram, Minor Losses

L17 Pipe Flow Analysis Homework 4 due

Homework 5 out

L18 Pump Specification and Requirements

R6 Pipe Flow Demonstration and Analysis

L19 Turbines and Windmills

L20 Drag Forces on Immersed Bodies Homework 5 due

Homework 6 out

L21 Lift Forces on Immersed Bodies

R7 Dynamic Response of a Floating Body

L22 Fluid Mechanics of Pitching

L23 Uniform Open Channel Flow Homework 6 due
L24 Uniform Open Channel Flow Computations

E2 Hour Exam 2 (Covering Material through L23) Homework 7 out
R8 Open Channel Flow Computations

L25 Bernoulli Principle in Open Channel Flow, Specific Head-Depth Diagram

L26 Application of Specific Head in Open Channel Flow, Super- and Sub-critical Flows

L27 Momentum Principle in Open Channel Flow Homework 7 due

Homework 8 out

L28 Application of Momentum Principle in Open Channel Flow

R9 Application of Energy and Momentum Principles in Open Channel Flows

L29 Gradually Varied Open Channel Flow

L30 Gradually Varied Flow Profiles Homework 8 due

Homework 9 out

L31 Discharge From Lakes and Under Gates

R10 Determination of Gradually Varied Flow Profiles

L32 Further Examples of Gradually Varied Flow

L33 Unsteady Flow in Open Channels, Kinematic Waves Homework 9 due
L34 Flood Routing

E3 Hour Exam 3 (Covering Material through L34)

L35-L36 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow, Navier-Stokes Equations

E4 Final Exam (3 Hours)

Course Info

Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes