1. CVS Resources
Where to get CVS
The latest version of CVS can be obtained by anonymous ftp:
CVS references on the Web
2. Introduction
CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a version control system which allows multiple software developers to work on a project concurrently. It maintains a single master copy of the source-code, which is called the source repository. Individual developers may obtain a working copy by checking out a snapshot of the source repository. This working copy can be edited without affecting other developers, and once the changes are complete, CVS assists in merging the changes into the source repository. CVS supports parallel development efforts through branches, and it provides mechanisms for merging these branches back together when desired. It also provides the facility to tag the state of the directory tree at any given point so that that state can be recreated at a later time.
CVS runs under both Unix® and Windows® 95/NT environments, and it can be run as a client-server application with the source repository residing on a central Unix® server and the clients running on either Unix® or Windows® machines. The source repository may be accessed using a command line interface or through a web interface. Security provisions include simple password protection as well as Kerberos encryption.
CVS is really a front end to the slightly more primitive RCS revision control system.
3. Environment Variable
The CVSROOT environment variable needs to be set up to point to the source repository e.g.
setenv CVSROOT /mit/1.124/mysrc
For a CVS password server running on a remote machine with the source repository located in /mysrc, the environment variable is set as follows:
setenv CVSROOT :pserver:USER@HOSTNAME:/mysrc
in which case, the user must log in using
cvs login
For a Kerberos-authenticated server, we would need to use kserver instead of pserver.
4. Setting Up a New Repository
Once the CVSROOT environment has been set to point to the desired location, we can create a new repository using
cvs init
This operation only needs to be done once.
5. Importing a Project Into CVS
A project which was previously not under CVS control can be imported into the CVS repository using the cvs import command. Be sure to change directory to the top level project directory first.
cd ~/MyProject
cvs import -m"Importing project into CVS." Projects/MyProject vendortag releasetag
will create the directory $CVSROOT/Projects/MyProject in the CVS repository, and import the local project files into this directory. vendortag could be your name, and releasetag could be the string “start”.
This operation only needs to be done once.
6. Routine CVS Operations on Source Files
Checking out the Project
cvs co Projects/MyProject
will make a local working copy of the repository files, with the same directory structure. There are several variants on this command. For example, instead of checking out a directory, one can check out a CVS module, which defines a collection of files and directories. CVS modules are defined in the $CVSROOT/modules file.
One can also check out a specific revision or tag using the -r option e.g.
cvs co -r1.3 Project/MyProject/myfile.C
cvs co -rMyTag Project/MyProject
It is also possible to check out the project as of a particular date and time:
cvs co -D"11/23/97 16:00:00 EST" Project/MyProject
This command does not affect the source repository.
Updating a File
Before a set of changes can be committed to the source respository, all files must be brought up to date. Files can become out of date if someone else commited changes after the working copy was checked out. To update all files in the project, type
cd Project/MyProject
cvs up
Individual files may also be updated e.g.
cvs up myfile.C
The update command will not throw away any local changes that have been made. Instead it will attempt to merge them with the changes that were retrieved from the repository. In some cases, thr merge will fail and CVS will report a conflict. If this happens, the conflicts will have to be resolved by editing the portions of the source file that are in conflict. Conflicts can be detected by searching for the <<< sequence.
The -r option can also be used with the update command.
cvs up -r1.3 myfile.C
Note that the -r option to cvs co or cvs up will cause a sticky tag to be set (you can check using cvs stat.) To remove the sticky tag, and update to the latest revision, use
cvs up -A myfile.C
This command does not affect the source repository.
Looking at Differences
You can examine the local changes you are about to commit using the cvs diff command. e.g.
cvs diff myfile.C
This command does not affect the source repository.
Committing Changes to the Source Repository
Once you are sure that your changes are ready to be committed, use the cvs commit command. e.g.
cvs commit -m"This is my log message." myfile.C
This command affects the source repository!
Examining the Version History of a File
Use cvs log to examine the log entries for a particular file. e.g.
cvs log myfile.C
This command does not affect the source repository.
Examining the Status of a File
The current status of a file can be examined using the cvs stat command. This is useful for checking whether or not the file is up to date.
cvs stat myfile.C
This command does not affect the source repository.
Adding a New File
A new file can be added to the project using the cvs add command. Unlike cvs import, the cvs add command should be used when the project is already under CVS control, and has already been checked out. e.g.
cd Project/MyProject
cvs add newfile.C
cvs commit -m"Added a new file." newfile.C
This command affects the source repository!
Removing an Unwanted File
If a file is no longer necessary, it can be removed from the project using the cvs rm command. e.g.
cd Project/MyProject
cvs rm oldfile.C
cvs commit -m"Removed an unwanted file." oldfile.C
This causes the file to be retired. It will still be kept in the source repository in a subdirectory called Attic, in case it ever needs to be resurrected.
This command affects the source repository!
7. Tagging, Branching and Merging
Once the source tree has reached a stable state, it is a good idea to tag the tree, so that the stable state can be recreated. e.g.
cd Project/MyProject
cvs tag Release_1_0
The tree can then continue to be modified, but the stable state can always be recovered using
cvs co -rRelease_1_0 Project/MyProject
A parallel branch can be created by using the cvs tag command with the -b option. e.g.
cd Project/MyProject
cvs tag BigExperiment_BASE
cvs tag -b BigExperiment_BRANCH
Developers who wish to work on the branch will then check out the branch:
cvs co -rBigExperiment_BRANCH Project/MyProject
All changes will then be committed to the branch. In the meantime, development can also proceed on the trunk by doing a normal check out without the -r option.
The changes on the branch can be merged back with the trunk as follows:
cvs co Project/MyProject
cvs tag BeforeBigMerge
cvs up -jBigExperiment_BRANCH
<Resolve any conflicts here.>
cvs commit -m"Merged in the big experiment."
The merging process should be handled with care, since it is easy to make mistakes. It is possible to do more complicated merges, such as merging just a portion of the branch with the trunk. For more details, visit one of the CVS resources listed above.