10.37 | Spring 2007 | Undergraduate

Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering



In a real mixed tank, there is not perfect mixing due to dead volumes, bypasses, and recirculation. In a real plug flow reactor or packed bed reactor, there is back-mixing, axial dispersion, and channeling. See Lec #10 for how to model these behaviors. (Figure by MIT OCW.)

Alt text:
A real mixed tank can have bypasses, dead volumes, and recirculation.
In a real mixed tank, there is not perfect mixing due to dead volumes, bypasses, and recirculation. In a real plug flow reactor or packed bed reactor, there is back-mixing, axial dispersion, and channeling. See Lec #10 for how to model these behaviors. (Figure by MIT OCW.)
A real mixed tank can have bypasses, dead volumes, and recirculation.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2007
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments with Examples