
All students will write a draft and, later, a final version of a research proposal, whether first-year paper or other. These papers, up to 10 double-spaced pages each, are due respectively in weeks 8 and 11. Students will also be required to review the drafts submitted by other students, and submit their comments in week 9.

Prior to that, students will write two short papers (up to five double-spaced pages each) of a “diary” or “journal” type, with the purpose of reflecting on the readings and class discussions as related to various interesting research questions. These papers are due in weeks 2B and 7.  Class participation is also a critical part of the class: detailed instructions for class participation for three sessions are presented to help students prepare.

Class Participation Instruction 1 (PDF)

Class Participation Instruction 2 (PDF)

Class Participation Instruction 3 (PDF)

Short Paper Assignments (PDF)

Paper Review Assignment (PDF)

Final Paper Assignment (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2005