11.304J | Spring 2009 | Graduate

Site and Infrastructure Systems Planning


There will be several assignments throughout the semester leading up to a final project that reports the work you have done throughout the semester.

Assignments are due during the weeks indicated in the table below.

2 Future scenarios assignment Future scenarios (PDF)

Landscape units and site physiography mapping and transects assignment due

Alternatives and new approaches to site and infrastructure technologies assignment

Inventory (PDF)

Site and infrastructure technologies I (PDF)

Site and infrastructure technologies II (PDF)

5 Technology-driven schematic site plan investigation assignment due Site plan (PDF)
7 Sekisui presentations Each team will give a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the goals of their project and findings so far.
8-10 Preparation of final project Final project tasks (PDF)
12 Final site plans and typologies  

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2009
Learning Resource Types
Projects with Examples
Written Assignments