
Part 1. The Mediated City

Process and Form, Work and Place - Richard Sennett, University Professor of the Humanities, NYU and Centennial Professor of Sociology, LSE

Image Construction in Pre-Modern Cities - Julian Beinart, Professor of Architecture, MIT

2 Tales of Manhattan: Mapping the Urban Imagination Through Hollywood Film - Henry Jenkins, Professor of Literature, MIT, Director, Master’s Program in Comparative Media Studies
3 The City in Cyberspace: Representation of Community and Place - Tom Campanella, Anne Beamish, Doctoral Candidates, DUSP, MIT
4 Ephemera, Temporary Urbanism, and Imaging - J. Mark Schuster, Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT
5 Place-Marketing: Using Media to Promote Cities - Briavel Holcomb, Professor of Urban Studies and Community Health, Rutgers University
Part 2. Imaging Cities: Opportunities for Urban Designers
6 Negotiating Conflicting Images - Eugenie Birch, Professor of City Planning, University of Pennsylvania

Fabricating Heritage Narratives: Locale, Region, Nation - David Lowenthal, Professor Emeritus of Geography, University College, London

Designing Local and Regional Heritage Narratives - Dennis Frenchman, Professor of the Practice of Urban Design, MIT

8 Re-imaging the Rust Belt: The New Cleveland Campaign - Edward Hill, Cleveland State University, Patricia Burgess, Cleveland State University, Ruth Durack, Kent State University
9 Architectural Mega-Projects in Asia: New City Images and New City Form - Larry Ford, Professor of Geography, San Diego State University
10 Rating Place-Ratings - John de Monchaux, Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning, MIT
11 Inner Cities and Outer Cities - Dolores Hayden, Professor of Architecture and American Studies, Yale University, Alex MacLean, architect/aerial photographer, Cambridge, MA
12 The Images of Commonplace Living in Modern City Regions - Judith Martin, Professor of Geography, University of Minnesota, Sam Bass Warner, Jr., Visiting Professor, MIT
Part 3. Conclusions: New Directions for Designing the Mediated City
13 City-Imaging after Lynch - Sam Bass Warner, Jr. and Lawrence Vale

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 1998