
All readings from this class can be found in the following book:

Vale, Lawrence, and Sam Bass Warner, eds. Imaging the City: Continuing Struggles and New Directions. New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, 2001. ISBN: 0882851691.

Other readings by session are listed below:

Week #3

Buy at MIT Press Lynch, Kevin. “Celebrating Time,” and “The Direct Display of Change.” In What Time Is This Place? Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1976, pp. 83-89, 180-184. ISBN: 0262620324.

MacCannell, Dean. “Staged Authenticity: Arrangements of Social Space in Tourist Settings.” American Journal of Sociology 79, no. 3 (1973): 589-603.

Bonnemaison, Sarah. “City Policies and Cyclical Events.” Design Quarterly 147 (1990): 24-32.

Week #4

Holcomb, Briavel. “City Make-overs: Marketing the Post-Industrial City.” Edited by John Robert Gold and Stephen Ward. In Place Promotion: The Use of Publicity and Marketing to Sell Towns and Cities. New York, NY: Wiley, 1994. ISBN: 0471948349.

Hall, Tim. “Transforming the Image of the City.” In _Urban Geography. _ New York, NY: Routledge, 1998, pp. 110-132. ISBN: 0415140854.

Week #6

Lowenthal, David. “The Purpose of Heritage,” and “The Practice of Heritage.” In The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History. New York, NY: Free Press, 1998, pp. 127-172. ISBN: 0521635624.

Week #8

Ford, Larry. “A Model of Indonesian City Structure.” Geographical Review 83, no. 4 (1993): 374-396.

Landis, John D., and David Sawicki. “A Planner’s Guide to the Places Rated Almanac.” Journal of the American Planning Association 54, no. 3 (1988): 336-346.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 1998