12.000 | Fall 2009 | Undergraduate

Solving Complex Problems

Graph showing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the years of 1960-2010


In this offering of 12.000, students are asked to propose an integrated global solution to the rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 levels. (Image created by Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art. Used with permission.)

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Graph showing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the years of 1960-2010
Alt text:
Graph showing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the years of 1960-2010.
In this offering of 12.000, students are asked to propose an integrated global solution to the rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 levels. (Image created by Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art. Used with permission.)
Graph showing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the years of 1960-2010.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2009
Learning Resource Types
Projects with Examples
Written Assignments with Examples