Lecture 1: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics: Chaos (PDF)
Lectures 2–3: Flows and Bifurcations in One Dimension (PDF)
Lectures 4–5: Pendulum and Stability in Two Dimensional Systems (PDF)
Lectures 6–7: Dissipation and Contraction of Volumes in Phase Space (PDF)
Lectures 8–9: Forced Oscillators and Limit Cycles (PDF)
Lectures 10–11: Bifurcations in Two Dimensions (PDF)
Lectures 12–14: Spectral Analysis for Dynamical Systems (PDF)
Lectures 15–16: Poincaré Sections (PDF)
Lectures 17–18: Fluid Dynamics and Rayleigh-Benard Convection (PDF)
Lecture 19: Introduction to Strange Attractors (PDF)
Lectures 20–21: Lorenz Equations (PDF)
Lecture 22: Hénon Attractor (PDF)
Lecture 23: Fractal Dimension (PDF)
Lecture 24: Lyapunov Exponents (PDF)