12.110 | Fall 2004 | Undergraduate

Sedimentary Geology


The image galleries display dozens of photos of rock samples. As of the date of publication, only the first lab file was available.

lab # TOPICS photos of rock samples
1 Sediment Transport, Bedforms and Production of Stratification (PDF)  
2 Sediment Types, Mechanical and Chemical Weathering, Lithification Image Gallery
3 Siliciclastic Rocks Image Gallery
4 Trace Fossils, Sole Marks and Soft-Sediment Deformation  
5 Organic Deposits and Evaporites  
6 Invertebrate Fossils  
7 Microfossils and Paleoceanography  
8 Carbonate Rocks Image Gallery
9 Basin Stratigraphy  

All images in this gallery are courtesy of OCW.

All images in this gallery are courtesy of OCW.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2004
Learning Resource Types
Image Gallery
Lecture Notes
Activity Assignments with Examples