Course Description
The electron microprobe provides a complete micrometer-scale quantitative chemical analysis of inorganic solids. The method is nondestructive and utilizes characteristic X-rays excited by an electron beam incident on a flat surface of the sample. This course provides an introduction to the theory of X-ray microanalysis …
The electron microprobe provides a complete micrometer-scale quantitative chemical analysis of inorganic solids. The method is nondestructive and utilizes characteristic X-rays excited by an electron beam incident on a flat surface of the sample. This course provides an introduction to the theory of X-ray microanalysis through wavelength and energy dispersive spectrometry (WDS and EDS), ZAF matrix correction procedures and scanning electron imaging with back-scattered electron (BSE), secondary electron (SE), X-ray using WDS or EDS (elemental mapping), and cathodoluminescence (CL). Lab sessions involve hands-on use of the JEOL JXA-8200 Superprobe.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets
![Photo of an electron microprobe.](/courses/12-141-electron-microprobe-analysis-january-iap-2012/ff49b987744ee11ed3fd6820d389796a_12-141iap12.jpg)
The Electron Microprobe at MIT. (Image by Dr. Nilanjan Chatterjee.)