JP students Mark Behn and Mike Braun describe the parabola of seismic activity that rings the Snake River Plain - Yellowstone volcanic province with the Tetons in the background.
Participants discuss geodetic constraints on recent uplift of the Yellowstone Plateau.
JP student Rosemarie Came describes geothermal activity in Yellowstone Geyser basin with help from field trip leader Greg Hirth.
JP student Brian deMartin describes extent of the Yellowstone Calderas, visible on the horizon, while Greg Hirth holds the map and fields questions from the crowd.
Field trip participants check out geothermal features of the West Thumb Geyser Basin with Yellowstone Lake in the background.
Checking out spherulites and other textures of the Lava Creek Tuff.
On the caldera rim of the North Menan Butte, a basaltic tuff cone formed by a Pleistocene phreatomagmatic eruption in SE Idaho.
Scarp of the Madison Slide, formed as a result of the M7.5 Hebgen Lake earthquake in 1959 in southern Montana.
Columnar joints north of the Gardner River at Sheepeater Cliffs picnic area.
Students describing microbial ecology of the Yellowstone Hot Springs.
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