Course Description
Explores the role of government in the economy, applying tools of basic microeconomics to answer important policy questions such as government response to global warming, school choice by K-12 students, Social Security versus private retirement savings accounts, government versus private health insurance, setting …
Explores the role of government in the economy, applying tools of basic microeconomics to answer important policy questions such as government response to global warming, school choice by K-12 students, Social Security versus private retirement savings accounts, government versus private health insurance, setting income tax rates for individuals and corporations.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Exams with Solutions
Problem Sets with Solutions
![A sepia toned photograph of United States currency.](/courses/14-41-public-finance-and-public-policy-fall-2010/ec3e361c89db93331a37956c22aaa7dd_14-41f10.jpg)
Photograph of U.S. currency. (Image courtesy of Daniel Bersak.)