Course Description
This class covers the analysis and modeling of stochastic processes. Topics include measure theoretic probability, martingales, filtration, and stopping theorems, elements of large deviations theory, Brownian motion and reflected Brownian motion, stochastic integration and Ito calculus and functional limit theorems. In …
This class covers the analysis and modeling of stochastic processes. Topics include measure theoretic probability, martingales, filtration, and stopping theorems, elements of large deviations theory, Brownian motion and reflected Brownian motion, stochastic integration and Ito calculus and functional limit theorems. In addition, the class will go over some applications to finance theory, insurance, queueing and inventory models.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Instructor Insights

Hitting and stopping times of three samples of Brownian motion. (Image courtesy of Thomas Steiner on Wikimedia Commons. License: CC-BY-SA.)