
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 1 session / week, 1 hour / session

Course Structure

This course builds on the work done concurrently in 15.280 Communication for Managers and 15.311 Organizational Processes in the first semester of the MBA program. 15.280 is offered for 6 units and 15.277 provides an additional 3 units for a total of 9 units in Managerial Communication. 15.277 acts as a lab component to 15.280 and provides students additional opportunities to hone their communication skills through a variety of in-class exercises. Emphasis is on both individual and team communication.


Students receive the same grade for their accomplishments in 15.280 and 15.277.


1 Setting goals for individuals and the team itself for the semester. Relates Warren Center pre-term orientation team building exercise (“What individual strengths do you bring to the team”) to individual and team strengths, needs, objectives and processes.
2 Giving and receiving feedback: a primer on “how to”.
3 Structuring an impromptu: provides a slow-motion practice on structure and development of an impromptu, including how to answer a question.
4 Storytelling about leadership: tell a story about an intense experience of leadership—either your own or someone else’s leadership.
5 Culture and leadership exercise: identify leadership characteristics you most admire associated with your culture.
6 Conflict resolution: the basis for managing conflict.
7 Team feedback: feedback for each individual member on their strengths and weaknesses in contributing to the team.
8 Informational interviewing. Responding to interviewing questions and practicing active listening.
9 Communicating your vision of leadership. Delivering a “vision” to your organization.
10 Organizational Processes (OP) team project presentation rehearsal
11-12 Team review of project presentation videotape. Review goals and objectives. Feedback on team presentation.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2008
Learning Resource Types
Activity Assignments