15.872 | Fall 2013 | Graduate

System Dynamics II



The story of the Vasa is an example of a large-scale project gone bad. In 1628 the Swedish warship sank in the harbor approximately twenty minutes into her maiden voyage. A late request for additional gunpower, what is known now as a late customer specification change, and pressure to launch quickly contributed to the failure. Image of the Vasa ship at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm courtesy of Neil Howard https://www.flickr.com/photos/neilsingapore/7154059144 on Flickr. License: CC-BY-NC.

Alt text:
Photo of starboard side of the Swedish warship Vasa with carved statue detail.
The story of the Swedish warship, the Vasa, is an example of a project gone bad. Shortly after launch on her maiden voyage in 1628, the Vasa sank in the harbor. A late request for additional guns, known today as a late customer specification change, and pressure to launch quickly contributed to the failure. (Image of the Vasa ship at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm courtesy of Neil Howard on Flickr. License: CC-BY-NC.)
Image of the Vasa ship at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm courtesy of Neil Howard on Flickr. License: CC-BY-NC.
Photo of starboard side of the Swedish warship Vasa with carved statue detail.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013