16.72 | Fall 2006 | Graduate

Air Traffic Control


1 Introduction John Hansman
2 Communication, Navigation and Surveillance 1 John Hansman
3 Communication, Navigation and Surveillance 2 John Hansman
4 System Structure, Basic Procedures, Operational Rules John Hansman
5 Overview of Modernization Plans (OIP, NGATS, CESAR) John Hansman
6 Airport Operations Philippe Bonnefoy
7 Air Traffic Control (ATC) Human Factors Jonathan Histon
8 Terminal Operations Leo Prusak, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) LaGuardia Airport and New York Hub Chief
9 Enroute Ops and Traffic Flow Management Dan Smiley, FAA Mgr, Traffic Management Procedures and Intl
10 FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO) - Reinventing Air Traffic Control Russ Chew, FAA ATO Chief Operating Officer
11 Oceanic and International Operations John Hansman
12 Boeing Perspective on the Future of Air Traffic Management (ATM) Chip Meserole, Boeing. Director Advanced ATM Engineering
13 Automation and Decision Aids John Hansman
14 En-Route and Traffic Flow Management (TFM) Automation Craig Wanke, MITRE
15 Mid Term Briefing

16 Impact of Weather on ATC Jim Evans, Lincoln Lab
17 Environmental Considerations Ian Waitz
18 Certification and Software Issues Roland Weibel
19 Modeling and Evaluation of ATC Systems Sherry Borner, Joint Planning and Development Office Evaluation and Analysis
20 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Applications and Louisville Experiments Bob Hilb, UPS
21 Controller Training and Labor Issues John Hansman
22 System Transition Issues Alex Mozdzanowska
23 Political Considerations Jane Garvey, former FAA Administrator
24 Cost and Financing John Hansman
25 Cost and Financing (cont.) John Hansman
26 Final Presentations

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2006