Homework Assignments
Over the course of the semester, you will write three short (several pages) papers that will allow you to engage more deeply with the class readings, and to apply them to current events or historical examples. The first assignment will be distributed during Part I of the class and is due two weeks later, and the second and third assignments will be distributed during Part II, each with at least a week and a half to work on them.
Each paper will be worth 15% of the class grade.
For more information, click on the links below.
Final Presentation
Near the end of the semester, you will do independent research on a criminal justice change proposal currently being considered somewhere in the United States. You will then give a presentation to the class describing the details of the proposal and the various actors involved in putting it forward, the goals of the proposal, and your assessment of whether the proposal is likely to achieve its goals (using the theories and empirical findings we have read in class, as well as independent research as needed).
The presentation will be worth 25% of the class grade.
For more information, click on the link below.