17.588 | Spring 2024 | Graduate

Field Seminar in Comparative Politics


Week 1: Introduction

“Governments differ in kind, as will be evident to anyone who considers the matter according to the method that has guided us so far. As in other departments of science, so in politics, the compound should always be disaggregated into the simplest elements, or essential parts, of the whole. We must therefore look at the elements of which the state is composed, in order to see how the different kinds of rule differ from one another and whether any scientific result can be attained about each one of them.” 

-- Aristotle, The Politics, Book 1, Chapter 1

In class:

  • Introductions
  • Scheduling changes (if necessary)
  • Review of syllabus
  • Nominations for alternative weeks and vote on which week to cut out of the last three
  • Questions for class discussion
  • Preview of readings for next week

Week 2: The State  

Week 3: Social Structure, Classes, and Political Regimes 

Week 4: The Role of Culture (in Democracy, Corruption, Growth, etc.) 

Week 5: Leadership

Week 6: Constitutional Choices and Governmental Performance

“So great is the force of laws, and of particular forms of government, and so little dependence have they on the humors and tempers of men, that consequences almost as general and certain may sometimes be deduced from them as any which mathematical sciences afford us."

-- David Hume, “That Politics May Be Reduced to a Science,” Essay III in Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary

Week 7: Parties, Party Systems, and Electoral Behavior

Week 8: Clientelism and Patronage Politics 

Week 9: Modernization and Development 

Week 10: Nationalism and National Identity

Week 11: Colonial Legacies

Week 12: Street-Level Bureaucracy

Week 13: Political Institutions and Economic Growth

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2024
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments