18.03 | Spring 2010 | Undergraduate

Differential Equations


18.03 Notes and Exercises

These notes and exercises were written by Prof. Arthur Mattuck and are designed to supplement the textbook.

D Definite integral solutions (PDF)
G Graphical and numerical methods (PDF)
C Complex numbers (PDF)
IR Input-response models (PDF)
O Linear differential operators (PDF)
S Stability (PDF)
I Impulse response and convolution (PDF)
LT Laplace transform (PDF)
LS Linear systems of ODE’s - LS1 of 6 (PDF), LS2 of 6 (PDF), LS3 of 6 (PDF), LS4 of 6 (PDF), LS5 of 6 (PDF), LS6 of 6 (PDF)
GS Graphing systems (PDF)
LC Limit cycles (PDF)
1 First-order ODE’s (PDF)
2 Higher-order ODE’s (PDF)
3 Laplace transform (PDF)
4 Linear systems (PDF)
5 Graphing systems (PDF)
6 Power series (PDF)
7 Fourier series (PDF)
Solutions to exercises
1 First-order ODE’s (PDF)
2 Higher-order ODE’s (PDF)
3 Laplace transform (PDF)
4 Linear systems (PDF)
5 Graphing systems (PDF)
6 Power series (PDF)
7 Fourier series (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2010
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Videos
Lecture Notes
Problem Sets with Solutions