18.727 | Spring 2008 | Graduate

Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Algebraic Surfaces

Cubic surface with rational double points


An example of a cubic surface with singularities. Eight lines on the cubic surface are shown. On a nonsingular cubic surface, there are always 27 lines. (Image courtesy of Dr. Oliver Labs and Prof. Duco van Straten, Cubics.AlgebraicSurface.net)

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Cubic surface with rational double points
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cubic surface with rational double points
An example of a cubic surface with singularities. Eight lines on the cubic surface are shown. On a nonsingular cubic surface, there are always 27 lines. (Image courtesy of Dr. Oliver Labs and Prof. Duco van Straten.)
cubic surface with rational double points

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2008
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes