18.S997 | Fall 2012 | Graduate

The Polynomial Method



The Petersen graph, which is an example of a unit distance graph as discussed in Lecture 9. Each line segment in the graph has an equal (unit) length. Courtesy of David Benbennick. Used with permission.

Alt text:
A graph of a star inside of a pentagon composed entirely of lines of equal length.
The Petersen graph, which is an example of a unit distance graph as discussed in Lecture 9. Each line segment in the graph has an equal (unit) length. (Image is in the public domain courtesy of David Benbennick.)
Courtesy of David Benbennick. Used with permission.
A graph of a star inside of a pentagon composed entirely of lines of equal length.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2012
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Lecture Notes