Part 2
Labs 7-14 are devoted to the final project, in which students design and build an ROV outfitted with the necessary instrumentation to map and investigate a simulated hydrothermal vent field in a pool. This project will give students a chance to collect data about the field from the sensors they build themselves. After the pool trials, students will venture to WHOI to “field test” our ROV.
Description of Final Project (PDF)
Final Project Test, near Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Video of Final Project Test (MOV - 34.4MB)
David Wyatt and Elizabeth Palmer prepare the SuperSeaPerch ROV (remotely operated vehicle) to dive.
Katrine Sivertsen and Edward Huo survey the launch.
Julie Arsenault happily checks the depthfinder instrumentation.
Elizabeth Palmer, Julie Arsenault and David Wyatt prepare the dock for data collection.
Edward Huo and Morgan Laidlaw prepare to launch the vehicle.
Edward Huo and Morgan Laidlaw prepare to launch the vehicle.
Tadd Truscott and David Wyatts hair blend into one as they configure the SuperSeaPerch brain.
The SuperSeaPerch descends.
Trying to get a good look below the surface: from upper left, Anthony Teixaira, Julie Arsenault, Katrine Sivertsen, Tadd and Gustav Truscott, Edward Huo.
The SuperSeaPerch proceeds on its mission.
Edward Huo patches the very small leak.
The SuperSeaPerch returns to the sea.
The SuperSeaPerch in action.
Elizabeth Palmer and Julie Arsenault look on as David Wyatt and Zoë Truscott move the robot underwater.
Elizabeth Palmer takes a rest in the spring sun.
David Wyatt explains to Katrine Sivertsen (left) and Kate Thompson how the motors work together to move the robot downward or how lobsters catch their prey.
Davids punchline is lost in translation.
Tadd Truscott stretches to see how many wire ties it will take to connect the CPU to the frame, as Morgan Laidlaw reattaches some wiring.
Julie Arsenault, Zoë Truscott, and Ashley Cantieny look for starfish while they wait.
Gustav Truscott was a special guest at the event.
A delicious lunch break near the dockhouse.
A crab was caught in the SuperSeaPerch mesh floor as she skimmed the bottom looking for booty.
David Wyatt, Tadd Truscott, and Zoë Truscott watch as Katrine Sivertsen manipulates the ROV (remotely operated vehicle) underwater.
As the ROV arrives on the bottom, a starfish and crab are spotted and the chase is on. Upper row, from left -- Katrine Sivertsen, Anthony Teixaira, David Wyatt, Gustav Truscott; bottom row from left -- Morgan Laidlaw, Zoë Truscott, Tadd Truscott, Edward Huo.
Elizabeth Palmer (top) and Julie Arsenault bask in their success.
Professor Alexandra Techet examines the data and takes the SuperSeaPerch for a ride. Thanks to her fora fantastic course this spring, and a sweet field trip!
Course 2.011 Spring 2006. From left, back row: Anthony Teixaira, Ashley Cantieny, Katrine Sivertsen, Edward Huo, David Wyatt; front row: Julie Arsenault, Elizabeth Palmer, Professor Alexandra Techet, Morgan Laidlaw with Zoë and Gustav Truscott, Kate Thompson, Tadd and Tadd Truscott.