2.016 | Fall 2005 | Undergraduate

Hydrodynamics (13.012)

Study Materials

This page presents formula sheets and example derivations, plus exams and solutions from previous years’ classes.

Formula Sheets

Potential Flow (PDF)

Added Mass Forces (PDF)

Complex Numbers (PDF)


Added Mass for a Sphere/Cylinder (PDF)

Unsteady Bernoulli’s Equation (PDF)

Previous Exams

The scanned files in the following table are the best image quality available.

Exam 1 - 2004 (PDF) (PDF)
Exam 1 - 2003 (PDF) (PDF)
Exam 2 - 2004 (PDF) (PDF)
Exam 2 - 2003 (PDF) (PDF)
Final Exam - 2004 (PDF) (PDF)

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2005
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets with Solutions