2.161 | Fall 2008 | Graduate

Signal Processing: Continuous and Discrete

A blurry image of stars and its non-blurry counterpart, along with a block diagram of the system


Data from instruments can be analyzed using filters to enhance different features; here, a deconvolution filter extracts a more detailed image from a blurry photo taken by the Hubble telescope. (Image by Prof. Derek Rowell.)

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A blurry image of stars and its non-blurry counterpart, along with a block diagram of the system
Alt text:
A blurry image of stars and its non-blurry counterpart, along with a block diagram of the system.
Data from instruments can be analyzed using filters to enhance different features; here, a deconvolution filter extracts a more detailed image from a blurry photo taken by the Hubble telescope. (Image by Prof. Derek Rowell.)
A blurry image of stars and its non-blurry counterpart, along with a block diagram of the system.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2008
Learning Resource Types
Problem Sets
Exams with Solutions
Lecture Notes
Programming Assignments