Course Description
Intensive coverage of precision engineering theory, heuristics, and applications pertaining to the design of systems ranging from consumer products to machine tools. Topics covered include: economics, project management, and design philosophy; principles of accuracy, repeatability, and resolution; error budgeting; …
Intensive coverage of precision engineering theory, heuristics, and applications pertaining to the design of systems ranging from consumer products to machine tools. Topics covered include: economics, project management, and design philosophy; principles of accuracy, repeatability, and resolution; error budgeting; sensors; sensor mounting; systems design; bearings; actuators and transmissions; system integration driven by functional requirements, and operating physics. Emphasis on developing creative designs, which are optimized by analytical techniques applied via spreadsheets. This is a projects course with lectures consisting of design teams presenting their work and the class helping to develop solutions; thereby everyone learning from everyone’s projects.
Course Info
Learning Resource Types
Lecture Notes
Design Assignments
Presentation Assignments
![An illustration of a interlocking pipe sections.](/courses/2-75-precision-machine-design-fall-2001/df5466251bdcc08ee9205f3ee42fbd5e_2-75f01.jpg)
An example of exact constraint using kinematic design, from the 2.75 lecture notes. (Image by Prof. Martin Culpepper.)