2.A35 | Fall 2013 | Undergraduate

Biomimetic Principles and Design

Biomimetic Principles

“When you follow two separate chains of thought, Watson, you will find some point of intersection which should approximate the truth”, Sherlock Holmes in The Disappearance of Lady Francis Carfax by Arthur Conan Doyle

“To find gold, you must dig and search through tons of dirt.”

Let us begin by assuming that one must design a system to perform a complex function, for example a robot to be able to run in very rough terrain. Wheels are ideal for motion on smooth surfaces, but very poor candidates for a terrain full of large stones. There are animals capable of running very fast in rough terrain, so it is natural to turn attention to some of these animals.

Biomimesis is a scientific endeavor, because it strives to identify physical laws, but also an art close to sleuthing. The basic process is to identify the principal features, form, functions and processes of animals through study of the literature or through experimentation with animals, so as to achieve similar performance with man-made structures.

One must have a lot of patience in obtaining the necessary information and classifying it accordingly. It is the most laborious and frustrating part, and the least amenable to teaching. Fortunately, we can often rely on a wealth of data obtained by patient and thorough researchers in the animal and plant world.

Once the material is available, one must start by classifying and sorting the information and trying to extract patterns and obvious first conclusions. Hypotheses will spring from such information handling, so the next step is to test the hypotheses against existing data or by collecting new data from animals. For example, one realizes that all running animals (including humans) have long tendons in the legs, which act like springs. Why do all animals have spring-like tendons in the legs? To answer this question one must have the necessary understanding of muscle function, i.e. the literature survey must be on a deep and comprehensive level.

In the case of fast swimming fish one finds that:

  • The dolphin, which is a mammal with bones;
  • The shark that has no bones—it has cartilage; and
  • The salmon and the tuna, regular bony fishes,

Swim in similar ways, through flexing of their body, despite their different origins. They flex their bodies, not only their tails, creating a traveling wave along their body.

For example, the dolphin has still legs that have atrophied and are useless (the “hands” are activating its pectoral fins): it could have been swimming through kicking, like terrestrial animals do. Likewise, there is a fish, called the trigger fish, that swims in the same way birds fly, by flapping its wings only—not its body. Yet, all large fast animals choose to swim underwater in the same way, which by the way requires an elaborate muscular structure and nervous system. This is called convergence, the process of developing the same function of operation despite original differences, and is an unmistakable sign of being close to the optimal solution.

Here are some necessary steps in biomimesis:

  1. Identifying the Specific Function to be Developed (choose what is “gold” for you). In every mechanical system we develop, there are some particular processes that must be studied in particular, in contrast to other processes that are well understood. Identifying these will lead us in the second step, in selecting the types of animals and organisms that we must study.
  2. Gathering the Material (digging through a lot of “dirt”). This requires perseverance, patience, and good sources. One must develop the necessary knowledge to understand the biological processes at work in sufficient depth.

Remember that when you read material you must have specific questions in mind, so you select what you need from tons of unnecessary information.

  1. Classifying the Material. Animals perform many functions. Their behavior is partially influenced by processes unrelated to the function under study. For example, fish must feed and their mouth is developed to obtaining food. If we attempt to understand streamlining, we must also discard the shape of the head as being influenced by unrelated functions. It is particularly important in this classification of the information to find independent species that have developed similar traits—or the opposite, i.e. different species that have developed dissimilar functions with equal success.
  2. Imitating Nature. Remember that imitation of nature is Not the goal; the goal is to imitate its performance. But, often the first step in understanding is imitating. We will often try and construct a system that imitates the form and function of the animal world. This will hopefully make us understand the necessary from the unnecessary parts, and hence understand the basic principles hidden within complex behaviors.
  3. Technology Assessment. When we imitate nature we may find that technology is lacking when trying to replicate live animals. For example, we do not have good muscle-like actuators yet. This leads us to either abandon imitation where technology is not available, or develop novel technology if feasible.
  4. Final Design. The final step is to decide whether new principles have been learned, and if so whether the technology is available to implement them. Implementation does not mean imitation because once principles are mastered there may be totally different ways of applying them.

The Ultimate Success of Biotechnology is not in Replicating Animals, but in Replicating their Performance When it is Outstanding.

A Simple Example

Assume that we know little about fluid mechanics and we intend to construct a fin to be used for controlling the motion of a fast submarine. Shape is the first important consideration, both in outline and in cross-section. Should the fin be paper-thin? Or should it be very thick?

Somehow intuitively we feel that it should be “streamlined’’, i.e. thin in the transverse direction so it does not create large drag, but how thin? Looking at a variety of fins from whales to smaller fish we find that indeed all of them are streamlined (thin), but with a remarkable property: Almost all of them have a cross section in the direction of the flow which has the shape of a NACA profile. The precursor to today’s NASA (National Atmospheric and Space Administration), called NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), developed a number of “optimal” wing shapes after considerable work. One of the most often used shapes is the NACA-0012, which is shown in the attached figure.

As Theodore von Karman, one of the leading scientists in mechanics and fluid mechanics in the first half of this century, noted in his book “Aerodynamics’’ (1963), the profile of another NACA profile, NACA63A016 is almost identical to the profile Sir George Cayley had found for a trout in the year 1810, about a hundred years earlier than NACA.

Another interesting point: Birds have also wings that conform to the NACA shape. World War I (bi) planes, however, had paper-thin wings. It took several years to discover that a thicker wing, as used in all aircraft today, is far preferable to a thin wing, how about the rest of the wing shape, the outline? Here there is a great variety of shapes depending on the function and a great classification must be studied depending on the desired qualities.

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2013