Project process: 3 Ideas presentation
At this early stage in your team’s work you should continue to seriously consider several possible paths. These ideas will have been collected from the first few assignments you completed individually. Now is the time to shine a spotlight on some of the ideas that seemed most engaging and interesting.
Purpose of 3 Ideas Presentation
- To detail three ideas in your area of interest using 4 common criteria
- To gather feedback on the ideas from your instructors and classmates
- To gain some experience working as a team to define the ideas and to critically consider their strengths and weaknesses
- To gain some experience presenting your ideas to the class
Each presentation can be no more than 15 minutes!!!!! You will have ~5’ for questions and answers after that 15 minutes is up.
Each Project Idea Must Have
- A name
- A one sentence description of the problem or opportunity being addressed
For Each Project Idea, your Team Must Explicitly Describe
- Importance: how large a problem or opportunity are you focusing on?
- Impact: how big is the “delta” if your project is fully successful?
- Competition: what other technologies can be used/have been used to address this area?
- Knowns and unknowns: what can you say for sure now and what don’t you know/can’t you know?
The format for your 3 ideas presentation is for your team to decide. You can use ppt, large posters, Legos or interpretive dance. You can have one person speak or each person.
You will get questions and immediate feedback on your three ideas from your classmates during the “3 ideas presentation.” You will also get some more detailed comments from the instructors and your team’s mentor. This presentation is worth 15% of your final grade for the class and you will be assigned one score for your team.