Week 13: Energy Ethnographies | Technology “Users” and Holistic Design

Guest speaker: Dr. Nathan Melenbrink, Designer and Lead Instructor of NEET’s Climate and Sustainability Systems Thread


Hale, Tamara. “People Are Not Users.” Journal of Business Anthropology 7(3) (2018).

Grotzer, Tina, and Lydia Cao. EarthXDesign for a Sustainable World: Moving from Human-Centered to Earth-Centered Design. Next Level Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2023.

Amirebrahimi, Shaheen. “The Rise of the User and the Fall of People: Ethnographic Cooptation and a New Language of Globalization.” EPIC: Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (2016) 1:71–103. (optional)


Due: Energy Ethnography Presentation and Essay

Course Info

As Taught In
Fall 2023
Learning Resource Types
Design Assignments
Activity Assignments
Presentation Assignments