21G.052 | Spring 2015 | Undergraduate

French Film Classics

Les enfants du paradis


One of the greatest French films of all time, Les enfants du paradis was filmed during the Nazi occupation of Paris. Director Marcel Carné and screenwriter Jacques Prévet created an homage to French theatrical tradition, commenting on the nature of love, relationships, freedom and responsibility, with interwoven symbolic narratives of occupation and resistance. Screen shot courtesy of Francois R. Caron on Flickr. License: CC BY-NC.

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Les enfants du paradis
Alt text:
Film still: Onstage in a theater, a live tableau including a mime, a harlequin playing guitar, and Aphrodite in a public garden.
One of the greatest French films of all time, Les enfants du paradis was filmed during the Nazi occupation of Paris. Director Marcel Carné and screenwriter Jacques Prévert created an homage to French theatrical tradition, commenting on the nature of love, relationships, freedom and responsibility, with interwoven symbolic narratives of occupation and resistance. (Screen shot courtesy of Francois R. Caron on Flickr. License: CC BY-NC.)
Screen shot courtesy of Francois R. Caron on Flickr. License: CC BY-NC.
Film still: Onstage in a theater, a live tableau including a mime, a harlequin playing guitar, and Aphrodite in a public garden.

Course Info

As Taught In
Spring 2015
Learning Resource Types
Written Assignments
Presentation Assignments