21G.S01 | Spring 2015 | Undergraduate

Modern Mexico: Representations of Mexico City's Urban Life


The assignments listed below are in addition to reading the assigned texts for each session. See the Readings section.

Primera Preguntas guía: Semana 1 (PDF)

Preguntas guía: Semana 2 (PDF)

Mira la colección del museo MOMA sobre José Gudalupe Posada y el video sobre su vida y obra para saber más sobre él.

Gobierno del Estado de Aguascalientes. “Video José Guadalupe Posada. Version Larga.” January 15, 2013. YouTube. Accessed on July 28, 2015. 


Preguntas guía: Semana 3 (PDF)

Investiga quiénes componen este grupo de pintores mexicanos y selecciona una o dos pinturas de alguno de ellos que te haya parecido interesantes. Imprime o trae la imagen a clase para compartirla con tus compañeros. Toma los datos de la pintura que vas a mostrar a la clase (autor, título, año).


Investiga quiénes componen este grupo de pintores mexicanos y selecciona una o dos pinturas de alguno de ellos que te haya parecido interesantes. Imprime o trae la imagen a clase para compartirla con tus compañeros. Toma los datos de la pintura que vas a mostrar a la clase (autor, título, año).

Ver la película los olvidados.


Ver el video de el grupo Café Tacuba “Las batallas.”

bbbarca. “Las Batallas Café Tabuca.” Marcy 29, 2010. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 


Ver la película Tlatelolco, verano del 68 (Tlatelolco, Summer of 68).

Jorge Castro. Tlatelolco Verano del 68. December 2, 2013. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015.

Séptima Instrucciones para el debate (PDF)
Octava Spring break recess.

Escuchar de José Trigo, “Mi ciudad” y de el grupo Café Tacuba, La chilanga banda.

Julien Mondragón. “Mi Ciudad - Guadalupe Trigo.” January 24, 2011. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 

WarnerMusicMexico. “Café Tacuba - Chilanga Banda (Video Oficial).” February 18, 2014. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 


Ver 3 videos cortos:

osobabas0804. “Tienda De Raya.” February 6, 2012. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 

Esquizofrenia TV. “Monsi en el Metro. PARTE 1 Así la Libro 2002.” June 29, 2010. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 

———. “Monsi en el Metro. PARTE 2 Así la Libro 2002.” June 29, 2010. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 


Ver los cortometrajes de Patricia Riggen “Lindo y Querido.” y de Rodrígo García “La 7th y Alvarado.”

Céline Virapin. “La 7th Street y Alvarado - Rodrigo Garcia.” January 2, 2014. YouTube. Accessed July 28, 2015. 

First Draft of Final Essay

You will present a draft of your final project, which should include, at least:

  1. The topic that you are planning to discuss on your final paper
  2. One or two paragraphs in which you will present your hypothesis or thesis
  3. An outline
  4. A bibliography

Final Draft

The paper should not be shorter than 7 pages. It should be original and well documented. Topics should be closely related to the class. The paper will be evaluated in terms of originality, the quality of the research, and clarity. The paper is due on the last day of class.

Oral Presentation of your Final Project

Each student will present the topic and discuss main aspects of his / her final essay work during the last day of class. Further information will be given.

There is no Final Exam.

Your presence and active participation are essential in each and every session. Participation means the following:

  1. Reading the assigned readings for the week; thinking about them prior to coming to class, and engaging in lively discussion during sections. Simply showing up will not be sufficient!
  2. Serving as discussion leader at least once during a session over the course of the semester. This includes two components: First, you will be asked to write a critical “response essay” of the text(s) for the week in question. The response essay should be no more than 1 single-spaced page in length and should not recapitulate the content of the readings; rather you should briefly summarize the main arguments or issues raised in the texts and then raise questions for further discussion in session. Second, you will be in charge of leading part of the discussion session of the day. You will call on your peers; pose questions to them, and the like.

Through the semester you will complete 3 short response essays about the assigned readings. In one double-spaced page you will:

  1. Write one or two paragraphs in which you will present your hypothesis or thesis about an aspect of the assigned readings.
  2. Write the body of the response essay; here you will present the arguments that support the point ‘a’ based on a textual criticism or a theoretical argument.

Each short response essay should be handed in at the beginning of the class discussion in which the assigned readings will be discussed.